Only time will tell

By BeBe1918

50.7K 1.5K 173

"If you do that again, I'll throw you off this bloody tower you - what on earth are you doing?" "Checking how... More

Tell Me About Tomorrow
Playlist/ Aesthetics
Chapter one - How to run from the mess you made
Chapter two - I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
Chapter three - The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface & Go Fuck Yourself
Chapter four - Laughter in the tombs
Chapter Five - Our Old Friend Death
Chapter seven - Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly wrong)
Chapter eight - Words To Live By
Chapter nine - 100 Times a Therapist was Needed
Chapter Ten - 50 shades of your blood
Chapter eleven - Today on Dr Phill - A Traitor
Chapter Twelve - Possession or Obsession ?
Chapter thirteen - The Good, The Bad and The Okay I Guess
Chapter Fourteen - The Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie

Chapter six - Emotions are for children

2.7K 89 3
By BeBe1918

"Excuse me," I questioned Regulus. The Dark Lord he couldn't surely mean Voldemort. What did I think of him. Well, if I was honest the thought that came to my head was what a monster. How could someone be so horrendous. But when I thought of it. When I looked at the cracks in the image that this Dark Lord presented I saw something. He seemed sad. Miserable.

"I'm - I'm not sure if I'm honest," I replied. I wasn't going to lie but I also was not going to just completely display the idea in my head of the fact that I pitied the man. Something about him felt fake. Felt almost made up.

"Why are you asking," I bewildered.

"Oh umm it's nothing. I was just wondering. Wait - um that's not exactly true. You see I've been thinking about this for a while. I had been reading the paper and it had mentioned his rising to power. It made me wonder. That ,I don't know, you might have an opinion, you always have the right thing to say. You see, I'm scared. I'm scared that we will be dragged into this. I don't want to be apart of something like this. It's wrong. I don't agree."

"Oh Reggy don't worry. Not now. Concentrate on school. Voldemort will not reach here. Hogwarts is the safest place. I will always be there for you. I promise."

---------------- Time Skip -----------------------

"I am so with you on this -"

"No you're not."

"I just said 'I'm with you on this."

"You and me are on TOTALLY different pages."

"That doesn't matter as long as we're together."

"Yeah but you are not with me. Big differences."

"I don't get you."


Violet and Elijah had been arguing for the last 2 hours. Earlier today ,according to Sev, the others had been hanging out in the common room when the two had stormed in screaming at each other. No one knew why expect that they had mentioned something about Queen vs ABBA and not loving chess. It was best not to get involved and just ignore them. Never take sides. Never. Ever.

"You know we should just head back to the dungeons. We've got quidditch try-outs in half an hour and I want to get there early. Since I'm running them, I want to go over who's going for which position and why. It made sound stupid but Steve always told me that you should know someone's motive before trusting them in your inner circle. Dad told him to shut up and go back to slow dancing and running circles but I understand."

"Right okay then. We've got serious Florence on. Let's get going then."

----------------------- Time Skip ------------------------------

It was during practise when I had been watching the chasers race each other down the pitch, when Lucius and Narcissa walked came over. I hastily ran into there arms, my face beaming with a smile. I had met Narcissa and Lucius two years after a particularly harmful prank from the marauders. There had both come to my defensive without even a doubt in there mind. They didn't know me. Had never talked to me. Complete strangers. Yet they defended me in the time of need. I will forever be thankful. 

"Lucius and Narcissa, I've missed you so much. How was Paris?," I inquired.

"We're well little one. Paris was wonderful we saw the Eiffel tower and the Louvre. I brought you this charm to go on your bracelet. What do you think?" Narcissa asked.

"Oh Merlin, thank you so much. However, before we carry on this conversation you two better going just because were friends it doesn't mean that I will just easily let you off."

"Oh come on Florence not even for your favourite Slytherins."

"No exceptions."

They both started laughing at me. 

"It's not funny. Get to work. Otherwise you will get push ups."

Then they both scrammed.

--------------------- Time Skip --------------------

The bitterly cold water washed over my back. I traced the scars which led down my stomach and admired the tattoos on my body. I might hate those bastards but the art which covered my body was truly beautiful. 

I finished of washing my hair and body with my lavender shampoo and conditioner. The smell always remined me of Pepper. It was the fancy stuff she got from France. I had been stealing that stuff from the age of seven and hadn't stopped since.

 I wrapped my body up and then stepped out the stall. It was silent. I liked to shower once everyone was gone. I didn't like to show my scars. They were private. Personal. Carried damage and memories I wasn't ready to share. Not with anyone. 

However, in the tranquillity of the darkness I was greeted with an average sized book. It was plain and black yet extremely elegant and must of cost a lot. On the front read Tom Marvolo Riddle. Who on earth was that? I had never heard that name. What was something so graceful doing lying in water? Someone must have left it there. 

I picked it up and opened it. Blank. Completely black. I wasn't sure if I should leave it there or take it with me. There was a pull though. Something telling me to keep it with me. 

-------------------- Time Skip ----------------

Later that night, when everyone was asleep, I sat at my desk. Opening the book, which I could only guess was a dairy, I took the tip of my ink covered quill and starting writing.

However before I started writing there written in cursive letters was a greeting.

"Hello Florence Stark."

I was shocked and confused. How had this dairy written to me. It had to be enchanted or something. The urge to reply settled in my stomach. 

"Hello. Who is this?"

"My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. But you already knew this. You have something else you want ask me. Go ahead."

"Okay genius since you know so much here's my question. Who the hell is Tom Riddle and how are you writing to me?"

"Feisty. Now, now no need to get your knickers in a twist. I will answer your questions."

" Yes, yes. Enough of the omniety. Get on with it."

"Patience Miss Stark. That will be key in the next few months. Although I shall grant your wish."

And then it went dark.

1939 Hogwarts

They hallway bustled with people. A young girl pushed through the people, books overflowed her arms and snow white hair flowed behind her. 

It was then that she ran into a rock hard chest. She fell backwards, her books spilling everywhere. Her cheeks were bright red, as she started gathering her belongings of the floor she felt an arm grab her and pull her up. There she was greeted with the face almost always stone cold face of Tom Riddle.

 At first he looked fuming. Like he was about to spit on her parents grave. But then it changed. It morphed into to a look of shook and friendless. 

"I am so so sorry Tom. I wasn't looking where I was going. It was so busy the crowd. It didn't mean to harm you anyway. Please forgive me."

"Harm me. You have not harmed me ..." He waited for her name.

"Oh my name. It's Audrey. Audrey Craftwood."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. You have not harmed me my dear Audrey. It was my fault for not paying attention. Please let me apologise. Maybe you could join me at dinner tonight."

The girl blushed profusely at this.

"Well, um, I wouldn't want to impose."

"Impose certainly not. I must insist."

"Well okay then."

They both went to walk away bumping into each other again, trying to walk away.

"I will go-" she pointed to the right.

"Right, yes -" he pointed to the left.


It was then everything disappeared and my surroundings became familiar. 

"What just happened? How was any of that relevant?"

"The past will become vital in your time to come. Pay attention to it closely dear Florence." And with those final words, the conversation disappeared into thin air.

I was baffled. What the hell had just happened? 

The events of the past replayed in my head. None of it made sense. Why was Tom showing me a random clip from the past. How was that relevant to anything going on? I didn't understand. And as I laid in bed through the night, it kept repeating. It was almost like it was trying to show me something, but what. What was so important?

I needed comfort. Something familiar. That was why I went looking for my letters. The letters from the one I would always love. They were the reminder from the past that love was not always enough. That sometimes there were other forces against us. Forces that were to strong. As I searched through my wardrobe for my shoebox. Finding it wrapped in the sage green silk ribbon, I undid it. However, what was lying there was more than unexpected. Heartbreak and sorrow flooded throughout me. 

Because there lying in my shoebox was the ashes of the letter's from the boy I loved.


Thank you for reading. 

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