Graffiti Night

By SurfBum5941

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Amber, a lost 17 year old, her brother, Ryan, and her dad, Colin, live in a run down house. Colin is an alcoh... More

What happens in school...
What happens at home...
An Idea...
I hate boys...
I Can't Bare It!
"You Start Tonight..."
First meeting him...
No-name Boy...
The Timing Was Absolutely Perfect...
Falling Apart...
I Can't Do This Anymore...
This Can't Be Real...
It Hurts...
Just Let Him Go...
On My Own...
That One Memory...
He Will Come To Find Me...
I Think I'm Falling, I'm Falling For You...
It Must Be Mine...
What You Need.
Breathe Me...
Still Right Beside Me... (Epilogue)


63 5 8
By SurfBum5941

We stand up tall, even in the dark. Never forget we are a light house burning (oh)
They can't hold us back. Never forget we are a light house burning (oh)
We will shine on. To bring us back home- Lighthouse, The Word Alive
(I could only find a live cover for the video, but still so good 👌👌👌)

And the picture is Alexander Ludwig who play Dylan :)
When I opened the window to Mac's room, he immediately turned on the lights and pulled me onto the bed.
"Are you hurt? What did he do? Did he hurt you? Did he piss you off? Do you want me to call the police? Is he trustworthy?"
"Mac, Mac," I laugh, cutting him off before he can ask anymore questions, "I'm fine. And so is he. He is so trustworthy and really nice." He looks at me, silence floating in the air.
"Good." He finally says with a nod. "Good."
"Mac." I frown. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he shrugs, "if, uh, you're happy, then, um, I'm happy." He smiles. But it's not a real smile. I pretend that I acknowledge it as a real smile and hug him tightly and kiss his cheek.
"Can we get some sleep?" I ask. He nods and turns off the light. I take off my shoes and skinny jeans, slipping on my pyjama shorts and then get under the covers next to him. I close my eyes and fall asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, I wake up to Mac jumping up and down on the bed. I punch his leg really hard and then laugh as he falls onto the bed clutching his leg.
"You are so mean!" He exclaims. I laugh evilly and pull the covers over my head, signalling that I want to go back to sleep. But Mac doesn't take the hint, instead he rips the covers off me and drags me onto the floor. I land on the floor with a thud and glare up at him. He chuckles and chucks me my school uniform.
"I'm not going to fucking school!" I state.
"Yeah you are." Mac sings. I go to punch him again, but he jumps back.
"Fuck off." I groan, pushing my face into my pillow that fell down with me.
"No. Get your lazy arse off the floor before I do it for you. And I don't think you'll enjoy my way very much."
"Mac, I'm tired!"
"Does it look like I care?" I look up at him. He is staring down at me with the most uninterested glare on his face. I decide to piss him off more.
"Yes. Yes it does."
"Get off the fucking floor! And into your school uniform before I call... That guy!"
"That guy?" I raise an eyebrow at him inquisitively.
"The one from the place, and the artwork..." He says, clearly not able to get the words out.
"You mean, No-"
"The guy from the warehouse! No-name boy!" He exclaims, cutting me off. I laugh.
"How'd you get his number?" I ask.
"None of your business." He smirks. I roll my eyes and get back under the covers, taking my pillow with me. Mac jumps up onto the bed and starts jumping up and down.
"Rack. Off." I snap. He stops jumping and runs into his en-suite, closing the door behind him. I close my eyes and relax in the silence that I have for now. Mac emerges a few minutes later and I don't bother to open my eyes. I feel him climb onto the bed, probably standing up, but I still don't bother to open my eyes. But my eyes do snap open the moment I feel a drop of freezing cold water. There he stands above me, a small bucket of water in his hands. He flashes me a devilish grin, and before I can react, tips the bucket of water on my face. I sit up, gasping and sputtering. Now I know how Dylan felt when I did the exact thing to him.
"You mother trucker!" I yell, staggering to my feet, sleepy. He chuckles and runs out of the room.
"Now you have to get changed and it seems that the only thing you have is your school uniform." He calls.
"I am going to murder you!" I shout.
"I know!" He replies. I look around for my suitcase. It's not in the room. I pull Mac's draws open, looking for clothes. They're empty except for a few... magazines.
"You forgot your magazines!" I call. Then a plan forms. "Does your mum know you have these magazines?" There is silence before I hear him bounding up the stairs and zooming into the room.
"Don't freaking touch them." He warns. I pull them out of the draw. There's a girl on the cover in a skimpy bathing suit. I almost throw up in my mouth.
"Or?" I smirk, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Or I'll... tell No-name boy that he can't see you anymore and if he does, I'll beat him up." My eyes widen. He has a good come back. Shit! I hesitate, before putting it back into the draw.
"Fuck you." I murmur under my breath as I close his draw and grab my school uniform.
"Oh, you forgot your underwear and bra." He says, throwing them at me. I snatch them off the floor and glare at him as I go into his bathroom and start getting changed. I come back out 5 minutes later with makeup done and uniform on. He smiles and hands me my school bag, complete with a lunch and my school books.
"I actually hate you." I spit, emphasising the 'hate'.
"I know." He grins.
"I'm going to kill you." I snarl.
"I also know."
"Shut up."
"Yes ma'am." And with that we walk out of his house and start our journey to school.

When we reach school, the grounds are empty.
"What period is it?" I ask. Mac shrugs. We walk into the main building and I part ways with Mac to go to my locker. While I'm at my locker, I hear the storage room door creak open and then bang closed. I stop grabbing my books and look around. There's no one around. Was it a ghost? I shake my head, shaking off the stupid question and grab my English books. I close my locker and lock it. As I'm walking down the hallway, I notice water creeping from under the storage room door. A shiver passes through me as I walk closer to the storage room door. I pull open the door and go to turn the light on. But before I can, somebody or something grabs my hand. I let out a scream as their hand covers my mouth and the storage room door closes. My books are ripped out of my hands and the light flickers on, taking a moe,nt to warm up properly. I struggle and try to turn around to face whoever it is. I manage to get out of their grip and whip around to them. I let out a gasp as I see his face.
"Hey babe," he smirks.
"What do you want?" I ask. He hands me my books.
"Oh, you know, just needed to say hi, because I can't do that anymore without someone threatening to beat me up."
"So you're scared now?"
"I wouldn't say scared," he takes a step closer, his arm snaking around my waist and pulling me closer, "I'd say it's made me hungrier." I push on his chest, trying to get away, but he doesn't let me go.
"Dylan," I warn, "don't make me call Oli."
"Oh, is that his name? Oli? Wow, what a name for someone so... bold." He smirks. I am tempted to punch him again, but I hold back, seeing as his nose is already purplish-blue from my other punch.
"What happened to your nose?" I ask, chewing the inside of my lip. He laughs coldly.
"Don't play stupid games with me, Amber." He says, shoving me up against the wall. I scowl at him and give him a hard shove, making him release his grip on me. I push past him, bumping my shoulder against his arm as I walk out of the storage room and back into the school corridor. I go to my class and enter. My English teacher, Mr. Johnson, is up the front of the class lecturing everyone, again, on how to write a proper essay. It seemed as though that was his favourite task to do. Give lectures about how to write essays. He finds it so fascinating. And every time he does it, he manages to chuck a new word in there, making it sound even more sophisticated then it was the day before.
I walk forward, making sure the door slams behind me. Mr. Johnson looks at me.
"Is there a problem, Miss. Brooks?" He asks, watching me carefully. I look out a sea of eyes. Some look as though there is a lullaby playing and they are soon going to fall asleep. Others have perked up on my arrival, waiting to see what ridiculous stunt I'm going to try pull off this time. I look back at Mr. Johnson.
"Mr. Johnson," I begin with a smile, "do you see that boy over there?" I point to the shaggy brown haired guy with bright blue eyes, known as Mitchell, who looks as though he is about to start snoring. Mr. Johnson follows my finger to Mitchell.
"Yes, I do see him." Mr. Johnson says, looking at me to continue.
"What does he look like he's doing?" He hesitates before answering.
"Yes, and do you know why that is?"
"No, actually I don't. I make the lessons perfectly fun."
"Do you, Mr. Johnson? Do you really?" And with that, I walk down the isle to my single desk and take a seat, leaving Mr. Johnson speechless and extremely awkward. He blinks a few more times before taking a deep breath and continuing his lecture.
The bell rings soon enough and I race out of the classroom before Mr. Johnson can stop me. I find Mac waiting by my locker already. Then I see he's talking to Georgia Cooney. A minion of Mandy Fuju. I slowly approach, and when I'm about 5 metres away, he leans forward and kisses her cheek. I'm in shock. So much shock that I walk to my locker and bump roughly into Mac. I send him to the ground. He stands up and clears his throat. I stifle a laugh and open my locker. He runs a hand through his hair and waves goodbye to Georgia. When she's gone, he turns to me.
"What the fuck was that for?" He hisses. "I looked like an idiot."
"You are an idiot. And you know our rules. We don't go near any of Mandy's bitches! You know that, Mac." I say, tuning and facing him. He leans up against the lockers.
"Yeah, I know. But she's not like them. She's dif-"
"Mac, I don't need to hear about how she's different. I don't care. She's part of that group! We don't go near that group unless we're humiliating them."
"Amber," he says. "Just give her a chance."
"No." I say, turning back and grabbing my lunch for my bag.
"She's coming over after school today." He says really quietly and quickly. I punch his arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" He whines.
"What?!" I exclaim. "Well, I'm not leaving your room."
"Amber! Don't be like that."
"Well, guess what? It's not you role to tell me how to be and, tonight, I'm gonna be third-wheeling it like crazy." I smile. I close my locker and walk away. Mac tags behind me. I sit down against the brick wall of the building and open up my lunch bag that Mac packed for me. Mac plops himself next to me and looks at me. I ignore him and reach into my bag. My fingers wrap around something rough cold and hard. A rock. I pull it out. On it is a piece of paper, folded in half. I pull it off and unfold it.
That'll teach you to get out of bed...
Lots of love, Mackie poo <3
I look at Mac. He is trying to contain his laughter. He gives in and bursts out into a fit of laughter. I punch his arm hard again.
"You asshole!" I yell. He pulls his phone out of his jacket pocket and holds it in my face.
"Smile, you're on camera." He laughs. I hit him and try to grab his phone, but he stands up and starts running. I jump to my feet, dropping the rock and paper, and chase after him. He doesn't stop laughing as we run around the school grounds. He finally stops behind the toilet block, where we usually hang out when we wag our classes. I leap onto his back and he spins around. He stops and puts me down. I rest my back against the cold brick wall and close my eyes. Mac sits next to me, taking my hand and interlocking our fingers.
"So, are you going to get out of bed for the rest of week to come to school?" He asks. I open my eyes and smile.
"Nope." I grin. He chuckles, shaking his head.
"I didn't think you were. But come on Amber. You've only got this week and then you've got two weeks of holidays." He points.
"Yeah. And after those holidays, we have our final exams!"
"Who cares?"
"Me. I have to take them. They already know that I'm going to fail."
"It doesn't matter, does it?"
"Well kinda. I want to do the best I can, but that's impossible."
"Well, which uni do you want to go to?"
"I don't know. One with art, I guess."
"Well, there are plenty of universities that don't require a high score or any score at all." I shrug. Mac pulls out his cigarettes and puts one between his teeth. He offers me one, but I shake my head.
"I'll just share with you." I smile. He nods and lights his cigarette, taking a long drag and blowing smoke rings into my face. I cough and take the cigarette from his fingers. I take a drag and let smoke fill my body. I cough it out and take another drag, before handing it back to Mac. He takes it with a grin.
"You're getting better." He says. I laugh and shake my head. We are silent for a while before I speak.
"So, I'm meeting up with Oli tonight." I say. Mac nods slowly.
"Cool. Make sure you're back by 2 am." He says.
"Since when have I had a curfew?" I ask.
"Since just then." He snaps. I stay silent. He hands me the cigarette without looking at me and I snatch from him, immediately bringing it to my mouth and taking a long deep drag of it. I cough a but but it doesn't feel as bad as it used to the first time I smoked. I stand up.
"Let's just get out of here." I say. Mac looks up at me and smiles.
"Sure." He says. I don't smile back. I'm annoyed that he's trying to control me. He stands up and goes to take my hand but I yank it away and glare at him.
We grab our bags and head back home.

The moment I shut Mac's bedroom door closed, Mac let's out a frustrated groan and throws a punch into the empty air in front of him. I drop my bag and go to go into his bathroom but he blocks the doorway. I look up at him as he stares back down at me, anger swimming in his eyes.
"Is there a problem?" I ask.
"Yes. I don't want you to go tonight." He says.
"Well, I'm going regardless of what you do." I say.
"Amber, listen to me. I don't trust him."
"I don't care if you don't, I do. He told me his freaking life story and I told him mine. Mac he's trustworthy. And what happened to the "if he makes you happy, then I'm happy" shit?"
"I don't want to see you get hurt." He frowns.
"You know what? I'm sick of you! You couldn't even beat Dylan up for fucks sake! Oli could and he did! Dylan doesn't want to do anything to me anymore! You need to calm your tits and let me go! I want this!" I pause and add more quietly, "more then ever." Mac looks at me. Silence wraps us up like a blanket. He looks into my eyes and next thing I know, his lips are on mine. I stare at him, unable to indulge in his warm lips. His eyes are closed delicately and he pulls away gently, his lips hovering close to mine for a moment. He opens his eyes and steps back, removing his hand, that had crept up, from my hair. But one hand stays on my cheek. I look at him, unblinking, in shock.
"Does that change your mind?" He asks in a whisper, hope filling his eyes. I swallow and break our eye contact. I turn away and shake my head.
"No. I'm sorry. You have a girlfriend."
"I don't. I broke up with her." He says quietly. "Amber,"
"What?" I snap, turning to look at him. "What now?" He looks at me.
"Don't worry about it." I stay silent. But then speak.
"Look, Mac, I don't want to fight. I don't like it."
"Well either do I, but it's hard not to when we jump down each others throats at the tiniest things." I nod.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I'm sorry too. Let's just move on." His arms encircle me and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Isn't Georgia supposed to be coming over?" I ask., pulling away from our hug.
"Nah. I broke up with her remember."
"I didn't even know you were dating her." I lye down on his bed.
"Yeah. It wasn't anything big, we'd only just started. Now I'm on the black list for those bitches." He chuckles. I laugh and slowly drift off as Mac rubs my back.

I am awoken to the sound of my name being whispered. My eyes flutter open and I see Mac's eyes staring straight back at me. I let out a small yelp and place a hand over my fast beating heart.
"Jesus, Mac. You scared the shit out of me." I hiss. He chuckles and stands up.
"If you want as much time as you can get with Oli, you better leave now. My parents just fell asleep." He says. I nod and pull on my black skinny jeans and the black hoodie that's Mac's that I always use. I start climbing down the lattice and the moment my feet touch the ground, I break into a run. I turn back to the house and, running backwards, blow a kiss at Mac. He waves and blows one back. And then I full on sprint to the warehouse.
As I set foot on the premise of the warehouse, my phone vibrates. I pull it out and look at the screen. It's a text from Dylan.
Dylan: Babe, I love you. I need you. You are the other half of me. I'm so sorry. I want you so bad it kills me.
I text back immediately.
Me: Dylan, this can't go on. You hurt me and you're not going to be able to fix that.
My phone vibrates with another text from Dylan before I can even lock it.
Dylan: Please! It hurts so fucking much that I know I can't hold you in my arms ever again! Please, just come to my house and hear me out.
I hesitate. I know I shouldn't but what if he's changed. I think. It sure sounds it. It'll only take me half an hour. And it's only 10:30 pm now. But what about Oli! You like him. Yeah but I've been with Dylan since the start of high school. That almost 6 years! Fuck it. I'm going. I turn back around and start running.
I get to Dylan's soon enough and find him on the front steps of his porch with a bottle of vodka that's half empty in his right hand. He stands up as I approach and starts walking down the stairs. He trips on the last one and he falls to the ground, the bottle of vodka in his hand smashing on the ground. I let out a sigh as I hold my hand out for him to take. He takes it with a smirk.
"I knewyou'd come back tome." He slurs, taking my hand and helping himself up. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. He smells strongly of alcohol. I'm nervous as he takes my hand and leads me inside, but I don't try to stop him. Probably because most of me knows that Oli will rescue me if anything goes wrong. Dylan falls onto the couch of the living room and pulls me on top of him. I don't move off his lap. I don't feel nervous anymore. I feel kinda safe, here in his arms. His strong arms.
"I love you. So much, and I've never said it before with much meaning, but I'm serious. Dead serious. I've never called you it before, but you're beautiful. You're so fucking beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you in my arms right now. I love you so much, babe." He says, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. He doesn't slur a single one of his words. It comes out clean, like he's been practising or memorising it. I look at him and smile. His blonde hair is messy and his electric blue eyes look deep into mine. I have waited so long to hear him say I love you like that. It's been almost 6 years and he has never said that to me with that much meaning.
"I think I love you, too." I reply quietly, biting my bottom lip and smiling.
"Good." He whispers, chuckling. He brings my face to his and kisses me deeply. I can't get enough of it. I want the kiss to last forever. I don't care that his mouth tastes of alcohol and definitely don't care that my phone is ringing. Wait. My phone is ringing. I pull away and pull out my phone. The caller I.D says Oli. But I can't answer it. Instead I decline the call and put my lips back on Dylan's. Before I can properly kiss him, he pulls away.
"Who was that?" He asks.
"Uh, just Mac." I lie.
"Why did the caller I.D say Oli?" He asks. I swallow hard,
"You must have misread it." I say. Dylan looks at me cautiously and I try to kiss him but he leans back. So I kiss his neck instead. That tips him over the edge. He lifts my face up to his and kisses me. I kiss him back. We lie back on the couch, him over me, his lips not letting go of mine. My fingers lace through his hair as our kiss gets hotter. One of his hands is on the small of my back, pressing me against him, while his other hand rests on the side of my head, his fingers snaking into my hair. He pulls away from our kiss just enough to murmur, "I love you," before quickly connecting our lips again. He showers my neck with small kisses.
"I love you so fucking much." He whispers between kisses. "Don't ever leave me." He says, looking deep into my eyes. "Ever." So many butterflies are flying around in my stomach I feel like I'm going to start flying myself. I play with his hair and smile at him.
"I won't." I whisper.
"I love you. I'm gonna write it on the sky and shout it from the rooftops." He says. "I love you. I am in love with you. I'm not going to deny that any longer."
"I love you too, Dylan. So much. And I don't want anything to go wrong or change."
"I want to hold you in my arms forever. I want you to stay in my arms forever. I'm never going to let you go. I love you. I just don't know why I had to get drunk to realise it."
"Hey, at least you realised it." He's still drunk. He doesn't look like he's going to be able to stay awake much longer.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm so sorry. I was a complete prick. I can't believe myself. Please forgive me." He looks as though he's about to cry. I rest my hand on the side of his face, my thumb caressing his cheek.
"Of course I forgive you." I smile. Well that was easy, I think. I'm snapped from my thoughts as he starts unbuttoning my jeans. I put my hand on his and he looks up at me.
"Not tonight." I say. He hesitates. I know he really wants to. But he stops. I do my jeans back up and peck his lips. I try to sit up, but Dylan is still on top of me. He smirks and I immediately think I've just made the wrong decision. Until he kisses me. My eyes fall closed. I'm under the influence of his love drug. I'm addicted. I can't get enough of his lips. I hear my phone ring again and I pull away and scoot out from underneath him. I pull my phone out, making sure Dylan can't see the caller I.D. It's Oli again. I answer it.
"Hey." I say quietly. I hear Dylan snore. I knew he'd pass out.
"Hey, Cosy girl. We still on tonight?" Oli's voice says through the phone. I smile.
"Yeah." I pull the phone from my ear and look at the time. It's 11:31 pm. "Shit! Oli. I'm so freaking sorry. I'm coming right now."
"Alright, see you in a bit." I hang up, run to the kitchen and find a Panadol for the head ache Dylan's going to have in the morning. I fill up a glass with water, scribble a quick note to Dylan and leave it on the coffee table in front of Dylan with the tablet. Then I peck his lips and run out of the house.
I reach the warehouse in notice and there, resting against the wire fence with one foot up, is Oli. When he sees me running, he starts chuckling. I stop in front of him and ant my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Oli pushes himself off the fence and stands in front of me. He pulls his phone out and checks the time. I look up at him. He let's out a sigh and shakes his head, mocking disappointment, as he puts his phone back into his pocket.
"It's 11:36 pm." He says. "6 minutes late."
"I'm so sorry." I say, standing up properly, now that I have my breath back.
"Not good enough. But I forgive you. Which means you owe me." He smiles cheekily. I suppress a smile and chew the inside of my lip.
"And what do I owe you?" I ask.
"A date." I hesitate. Fuck. You just made up with Dylan. But you can't blow this gorgeous man off. Yeah, I can when I have Dylan, and he loves you. But this guy clearly likes you. Yeah, well... well... Oh fine! I guess one date couldn't hurt. I finally come to the conclusion and I nod.
"Sweet." Oli grins. I smile and take his hand.
"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask.
"I've just gotta keep you guessing." He smirks. I let out a small laugh and then he break into a sprit. I follow.

I follow him the whole way and we end up out the front of a small abandoned shop. I follow him around the back and we jump the fence. We get to the back door and I notice that the windows are covered up by wooden panels. Oli stands back and gestures to the door.
"Ladies first." He says.
"You want me to kick the door down?" I ask.
"Pretty much." He smiles. A hint of adrenaline flows through my body as I start kicking at the lock. Soon the door swings open and we enter. There's hardly any light so I pull out my phone and put the flashlight on. It lights up the whole room and I observe everything in it. A desk is in a corner of the room. Papers are scattered all over the floor and the desk. A broken chair sits lonely in another corner of the room. The wallpaper is so old fashion and is peeling off the wall. Oli drops his bag and opens it up. I look inside. Spray paint cans. A smile crosses my face and he grins back at me. I bend down and grab a red can. I give it a shake and begin on the furthest wall away from us.
As he starts as well, I kill my flashlight.
"Let's paint our best in the dark." I say into the darkness.
"Alright." He replies. After a few minutes of silence, where only the sound of our spray cans could be heard, he speaks.
"So why were you late?" He asks. I swallow. I can't tell him the truth otherwise our date would be off. But he deserves to know about me and Dylan. Next time. I swear and promise.
"Uh, I was sleeping and Mac had to wake me up. So he tipped water over my head to wake me up and it was 25 past 11 then and it takes me a little while to get ready. I'm sorry I was late." I lie. Crap. Now I feel like shit.
"Oh. Okay. Must've been a surprise when you woke up." I can hear the smile on his lips. "How long have you known Mac for?"
"Since I was little. He knows me inside and out." There's silence between us. "Woah. Okay. That came out weird. I didn't mean inside as in like... Oh my god, I always have to make things awkward." Oli laughs.
"It's fine. I know what you mean."
"He knows me better then myself, in other words."
"My turn to ask a question. When did you start painting?" I ask. He hesitates. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want." I add.
"No. It's fine. It, uh, all started 6 years ago. When I was 16. I wasn't doing that well in school and I had just lost both my parents." I can tell this is hard for him to say, so I just listen to him. "I was depressed and I was completely out of it. I turned to drugs and self-harm and smoking. And it just got out of control. I ended up dropping out of school and crashing at mates places on the couch. I ran away from my foster parents, taking half of their money and shit like that. I bought spray paint and vandalised my foster parents house. They were pissed but they didn't know it was me. All I had written was "get fucked" and "these guys will steal your money" in big bold capital letters. I had drawn the Nazi sign all over there house as well. I ended up staying in my mates recording studio for half a year. I went out at night and practised my drawings in paint on building walls and crap like that. It was a better outlet to my depression and eventually I became non-depressed and I got off my drugs and I stopped smoking till I was 19, then I started again. But I collected alley smashed pieces and I put them back together." He finishes. Silence envelopes us.
"Wow. And I thought I had a shit life." I finally manage to say. I hear him chuckle and the sound of his spray can stops. I keep going, but jump as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He brushes my hair away from my neck and starts kissing my neck. I'm lost in my feelings. It's nice, but I feel guilty. Guilty that haven't told Oli that me and Dylan are back together and guilty that I'm letting Oli do this. The niceness takes over me and I turn and face Oli. This is so wrong, but it feels so good, I think. I kiss Oli. He kisses me back and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him as he pushes me up against the wall. I'm pretty sure I've got red spray paint all over my black hoodie, but I couldn't care less. His tongue trace my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I grant. His tongue dances with mine as my fingers lace through his hair. He pulls off his top and yanks my hoodie and t-shirt off as well. We didn't even do this when I was Dylan's just before. Who cares? Enjoy it while you have it. But Dylan. He loves me and I love him. Do what you want but don't hurt this guy. I finish the fight in my head just as he starts unbuttoning my jeans. I want this but I'm going to end up hurting someone. And I don't want that. I pull away from our kiss, both of our breathing heavy. I rest my forehead on his as I try to calm my breathing.
"Is everything okay?" He asks. I look into his eyes and I know I have to tell him.
"No. I've fucked up." I say, tears pricking my eyes.
"Wha-what's wrongs? Have I done something?" I shake my head.
"No. I've done something. And we need to stop before I hurt someone." I whisper, a tear trailing down my cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb and puts me down. I pull up my jeans and do them up while he grabs his t-shirt and pulls it down over his head. He kisses me again and I pull away quickly. He clears his throat. I grab my shirt and hoodie off the ground and pull then over my head. I slide to the ground and blink my tears back. Oli sits next to me.
"Amber," he rests a hand on my knee, "what's wrong?"
"You're going to be so fucking angry with me. I knew I should've just told you the moment I saw you."
"I'm not going to be angry with you, okay? What do you want to tell me?"
"I'm back with Dylan." I say quietly. Shock registers on his face but he hides it well. The silence is deafening.
"Please say something." I say.
"I'm trying to think of what to say."
"He's changed. He said he loves me with 1000 times more meaning then he has ever said it to me in his life." Oli nods.
"Amber, this guy could really hurt me if he found out that we were freaking going at it just then."
"But he's not going to find out." I say quickly.
"But what if he does."
"But he won't! There aren't any witnesses in this room with us except for us." Oli stays silent.
"Amber, promise to never speak of this night ever again. Ever." He says, taking both my hands.
"I promise, Oli. I promise." I reply. He nods and grabs the red paint can off the ground. He chucks it in his bag along with the ones he was using and zips it up. He slings it over his shoulder and walks out the door. I follow him and we start towards my place.

We get to my street and just before we turn in, Oli stops walking. I stop as well.
"I'll keep in touch." He says quietly.
"I knew you'd be angry with me." I reply.
"You can't fucking blame me, Amber." He spits.
"I'm not going to have this conversation with you right now, right here." He hisses. "I'll see some other time. Oh, and say hi to Dylan for me." He turns and walks away, leaving me standing on the corner of the street.
"Oli." I plead. He doesn't look back whatsoever, he just keeps walking. I almost break down in tears there. I shove my hands in my hoodies pockets and start waking back to Mac's.
Once I'm through the window, Mac turns his light on immediately.
"You were supposed to be here 2 freaking hours ago." He says sternly. I don't look at him as tears trail down my cheeks. "What your excuse?" I finally look at him and his face turns from angry to serious to sympathetic. He holds out his arms and I fall into them, my head resting on his bare chest, and erupt into sobs that rack through my body.
"Amber, what's wrong?" He asks. I sob out the whole story. From start till finish. Every single detail included except for the reason Oli started painting. When I'm done. Mac just says, "Woah."
"And now I've stuffed up everything with Oli."
"I'm sure you can fix it. Just give him some time and space and then try talking to him." I nod and stand up. Mac's right. I get changed into my pyjamas and fall into bed next to Mac. I fall asleep immediately.

So! I finally updated!
Sorry it took so long! I had assignments and crap to hand in, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry if anyone thinks Dylan should still go die in a hole, because he's coming back strong.
• Does anyone think Amber needs to figure her feelings out?
Coz I think she does xD
Tell me what you thought of the chapter in the comments and please vote and share this story. :)
Peace out ✌️

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