Moonlight #Wattys2015

By AnIndianWriter

116K 4.3K 627

[COMPLETED] This story needs editing. Once the chapters are edited, You'd be able to see *EDITED* mentioned i... More

Chapter 1 - The Married Friends
Chapter 2 - Weekend Mornings Are Beautiful
Chapter 3 - The Complete Couple
Chapter 4 - Tales of Sand And Devouring A Sandwich Platter
Chapter 5 - The Holy Vibes and The Sand Diaries
Chapter 6 - Of Confessions and Pillow Fights
Chapter 7 - A Naughty Kid And A Surprise
Chapter 8 - Delightful Dinner and Daisies
Chapter 9 - Just Let The Love Love Love Begin
Chapter 10 - Shopping Haul and Sneak Peak (Very Important A/N)
Chapter 11 - The Party Bells And Reminscing Maternal Love
Author's Note
Chapter 12 - Meet & Greet
Chapter 13 - Jittery Interviews
Chapter 14 - An Unfortunate Day
Chapter 15 - The Almost-Confession
Chapter 16.1 - The Blackmailing Mishap
Chapter 16.2 - The Blackmailing Mishap
Chapter 17 - Of Emotions And Facades
Chapter 19 - Of Trust And Togetherness
Chapter 20 - Of Traits And Traps
Chapter 21 - Of Straights And Crooks
Chapter 22 - Make It Happen
Chapter 23 - Of Good Times And Companionship
Chapter 24 - Reminiscing Old Days And Planning The Future Ones
Chapter 25 - Pregnancy Romance Diaries
Chapter 26 - Job Opportunities Knocking At The Doorstep
Chapter 27 - Much Awaited Victory
Chapter 28 - Sadistic Revelations
Chapter 29 - Ecstatic Intimacy
Chapter 30 - THE END
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2 (Last)

Chapter 18 - Rainbow Rises After It Rains

2.8K 127 18
By AnIndianWriter

Hey there, this is the second update for the day. I hope you're liking this story. Please comment your views and suggestions.
I haven't proofread this chapter, so ignore and rectify the mistakes, please! :)
Happy Reading, lovelies! :)
The drive towards home was surrounded by awkward silence between them.
Sanyukta was busy intersecting the mail-enclosed-picture, while Randhir was trying to figure out Sanyukta's sudden change of emotions.
The car halted, bringing both of them back to earth, as Randhir led out the way towards the entrance of their home, along with Sanyukta, as he gently held her hand all the while.
He made her lie on the bed, as he went towards the kitchen. He took a few pealed and neatly cut apples along with a glass of water, as he climbed the stairs towards their room.
He saw sanyukta arranging their clothes in the wardrobe, as he entered the room. Sanyukta was oblivious of his presence in the room, as she continued keeping things at their right places.
He cleared his throat, with the intention of attracting her attention.
"Sanyu, tum thhoda khaa kar, so jao, you need rest now baby," said Randhir as he placed the tray of fruits and a glass of water on the bedside table.
"Randhir, we need to talk, now,"
"Uhhh... Yes, tell me,"
"I received an email with a picture of you lying naked on your chair, along with a girl sitting upon you."
"Sanyukta, that's not what you think it is. Let me explain, that picture was...." He halted on his tracks after hearing Sanyukta's next set of words.
"Yes Randhir, I know that the picture has been edited and it is not a real picture." said she, as she felt her eyes brimming with tears.
"S..Sanyu, you trust me this much even after seeing a picture of me in such way?"
"Randhir, I trust you. And I know that it isn't you in this picture. Also, being a Mass Media student, I know what a photoshopped picture looks like!" Exclaimed Sanyukta, to lighten up their mood and surroundings.
"Sanyukta, you just scared me beyond wits. I mean I thought I'd lose you anytime now, and you wouldn't believe me. I thought you'd file for a divorce and would never come back to me... You are my life sanyu, and I can't imagine living without you in it.... You are.." He was cut off guard suddenly as he felt her lips on his, and he couldn't contain the resentment in his heart.
After a while, they parted from each other, as they gasped for intake of breath. They sat on the bed, facing each other, their legs wounded in Indian style.
"Randhir, who do you think might have done this? And why? And who is the girl in the picture?"
"Sanyu, it is a very long story. Let me tell you from the beginning. There was this girl, Ishika, during my college days. We used to be in the same class. She was cute and very pretty, but I being a soft-hearted guy, didn't see the evil side of her hidden behind the facade of her made-up beauty. I was madly infatuated with her, I just couldn't control my emotions and mistook it all as love. It was too late, when I realized this, when I saw her making out with someone else behind the doors of an empty class. When I broke up with her, she realized the empty gap and apologized for the sake of my money. But then I never accepted her, rather I lost trust for any relationship. Then I was asked to marry you. Since I didn't know you, I thought we'd better be friends so I could explore you and know more about you. Your kindness and every single movement made me fall for you, when I soon realised what true love is. Later now, when Ishika came to know about us, she doesn't want us to be together."
"Randhir, don't worry. I am glad you shared everything with me. Lef us see what more she does, to separate us." said she, as she kissed his left hand, promising to be with him forever.
"Also, who is the girl in the picture? Ishika?" asked she as she wondered about the girl in the picture.
"No, that's not Ishika. That's Kaustuki. Kaustuki was my junior in college, and ishika's friend as well. But she too was late when she realised ishika's true intentions, so she left her company. And maybe that's why Ishika used her for the picture," said Randhir, as he felt disgusted at his own choice. He just couldn't believe that he once was infatuated with Ishika.
How disgusting can a person be? How low can someone stoop, to steal someone else's happiness?
So here I end this chapter. I have been writing continuously since 10 now. No more twists now! This twist will die a peaceful death in the next chapter, most probably.
Thanks. If you're voting, comment please! :*
Signing off for today,
Karishma. <3

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