The Memory of You and I (Heeh...

By AmethystAngel657

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An unexpected reunion had occrued in the land of Azrael, a land far from which you have heard of. Where a kin... More

Years Ago...
Once Upon a Time
The Parents
After the fight
The Life Change
The Life Change pt2
The Introduction to a New Life
The Tour
Some Sudden Occurrences
Night at the Palace
The First Official Day
The Prince from Sirius
The Golden Celebration
A Close Call
The Royal Ball
A Dance to Remember
They're back...
A Quick Edit😋
The Past
You're Not ill, You're Love Sick
My Name is Hoonie!!
The Real Truth
Connections of Memories
The Rescue
A Change of Pace
A New Leaf
A Future to Look Forward to
To Stay By Your Side

Sickness Symptoms

812 59 13
By AmethystAngel657

No One's POV

"Umm excuse me?" Jungwon asked

"Oh I guess you don't remember me...well in that case" he picked the leaves our of his black hat and put it over his head. "How about now?"

"I-It's you!?" Then out of the blue, Jungwon and Sunoo quickly scurried behind Heeseung's back for protection.

"What's the matter with you two?" He asked

"He's the one who kidnapped us" Sunoo blurted out

"Kidnapped? I wouldn't call it kidnapping" J-hope said "I would express it as...doing what I was told"

"Hobi, don't tell me you scared them. You know how much your other side frightens people" Jimin replied as he marched his way there.

"I know that very well little Jimin" he patted his head a few times making him pout.

"Still though, that's no excuse to show it"

"Yes I know" he leaned over Jimin's ear and whispered. "Now go and hold hands with your boyfriend"

Jimin's ears started to go red as his face started to heat up very quickly. "Shush not many people know that yet" he gazed up at Jungkook before looking back at the older.

"Oh Jimin, your so cute when I tease you"

"I don't want anyone else to know at least not now"

"Huh? Know about what-" Heeseung asked

"Nothing!" He blurted out. He quickly went back to his original place (which was next to Jungkook) as eyes were staring at him which made Hoseok chuckle a little and then decided to advert their attention to somewhere else.

Yes I'm a Jikook shipper if you don't like it then tough. There won't be as many scenes of them for I want to focus on the main ships.

"Anyways, it seems that we have stepped on the wrong foot. The names Jung Hoseok but people call me J-hope or Hobi these days. I'm a knight but I prefer to do my work solo and go on mission set by the King, well if I agree on them at least. I'm trained to sneak in the night and protect by day so I guess you could call me a ninja" Hoseok smiled. "Now before you have anymore questions, there's heavy rain coming any moment now so I'm here to bring you inside"

"Really, but it looks very sunny" Heeseung said looking up into the sky

"Wait a few more minutes and you'll see. Now let's head in shall we"

Eventually, they all soon agreed and made their way back inside. "Jake hyung, may I ask you something?" Sunoo asked

"Sure what is it?

"Is J-hope always like this? As in he looks so lively and bubbly but I swear I saw him very differently when we first met, it was like he was a completely different person. Right Wonie?" He nodded in agreement

"Oh I see" Jake began to snicker a bit. "What you saw then was Hobi's other side of him"

"What do you mean hyung?" Jungwon said

"Hoseok has many personalities but there's a few main ones that you should know. The 1st is his happy go lucky side which is the one that you'll see most, his mischievous side and his dangerous side. What you saw just now was his mischievous self at work" Jake answered "you never know which side of him will show up. But if you somehow anger him, you will regret it"

"So what will he do if he is on the dangerous side?" Said Sunoo

"Let's just say you don't want to know. Oh and also, let me give you guys a small tip. Never get on his bad side" Jake then walked off into the building while the 3 were slightly scared by just the thought of him getting angry and with that, they went inside.

Heeseung's POV

I fell onto my bed collecting the memories that he had made while in the garden. The smiles and laughter on people's faces just makes me happy. I closed my eyes for a few minutes as my mind drifted off to another place until...

*Tap tap*

Soon I hear a irritating tapping sound coming from afar

*Tap tap tap*

I reopened my eyes and slowly sat up on the bed  I turned to the window and made my way there. Little droplets of water started to fall on the window pane–it was raining.

I soon gazed outside as the poring rain hit every surface it could touch until I saw that same person from last night kneeled down at the fountain with his back face to me once more. His clothes were drenched form the rain and so was his dark black hair. It looks like he has been there for a while now, he wiped off the water from his face. He then got up on his own two feet and was about to turn around to walk away until his eyes gazed up to my window and met mine.

Is that! Sunghoon!? My eyes widened in surprise as my lips parted slightly due to shock. That's Sunghoon. What is he doing down there? He is going to catch a cold if he's going to stay out there for any longer.

We stare in each other eyes for a few minutes until Sunghoon started to stumble and hold his head and soon, he collapsed on the floor.

Without thinking, I rushed down as fast as I could to help him. As I got down, I quickly ran to him and got down to his level trying to wake him up. "Sunghoon! Sunghoon are you ok!?" I cried but I didn't receive any reply from the younger so I shook him once again. "Hey, Sunghoon can you hear me? Sunghoon!?" I checked his temperature by putting my hand to his forehead.

He's burning up! What do I do? I don't even know where his room is. I hit my cheeks a few times. No no stop panicking Heeseung!? Sunghoon needs you right now. I quickly calm myself down first and carefully thought on how to approach this.

Ok Heeseung, the first think to do is to get him out of the rain. And with that, I finally got him off the floor onto my back and ran as fast as I can to my bedroom.

I opened the door and layed him down on my bed. But at that same time, 2 males looked in due to the door which was wide open

"Heeseung what happened?" They rushed in 

"Jay hyung, I saw him out in the rain then he collapsed. I think he's sick"

Jay placed his hand on Sunghoon's forehead checking to see the temperature of the younger male. "Namjoon hyung, go get Sir Jin and ask him to bring his drink he's in the freezing state again"

"I'm on it"

"Heeseung go and grab a bowl with luke warm water in and a flannel (a small towel) to put on his head" I nodded in reply and went into the bathroom and came out with the items he asked for a few minutes later. By then, he was changed into dry clothes and tucked into my duvet "sorry, I'm using your clothes from your wardrobe is that ok with you?"

"Yeah of course" Jay nodded in reply and took the bowl from me. We both sat on either side of my bed and placed the wet flannel on his forehead making him wince from the cold touch and slowly but surely open his eyes.

"Heeseung...Jay hyung...where am I? What happened?" He asked in a loud whisper, loud enough so we could hear.

"Your in Heeseung's bedroom, you collapsed outside when it was raining. You were lucky Heeseung saw you otherwise, you will be out there in the rain all day"

"Really?" He tilted his head to look at me. "Thank you Heeseung and...sorry for being a pain"

"N-no it's ok really I love helping you I-I mean helping others, I love helping others I-I mean you included of course-"

"Prince Jay! I've brought Sir Jin" Namjoon said with Jin following from behind. I moved out of the way so Jin can take a closer look.

"Sunghoon how are you feeling?"

"..Cold" He was able to force out from his mouth before closing his heavy eyelids. Jin checked his pulse

"Do you mind standing back Jay?" He asked

"Of course"

After a few minutes waiting, Jin came up to us and explained the situation. "So far as I can see he is doing fine. I managed to bring it down to the usual but as you may know-"

"Any sort of change in the temperature will make him heat up or freeze, I know"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but what is happening to Sunghoon I thought it was just a fever" I asked

"Ah let me explain" Namjoon replied "people who are born with magic don't have normal symptoms. You see because magic is basically apart of us so when we get sick we can't control it as well. For example, Niki controls the wind so if he's sick he will be nauseous and dizzy and Jay, he will feel 4x  the amount of heat than usual the uses blue flame"

"So Jay has fire?" I looked at him receiving a nod and a smile from him. "Then what about Sunghoon?"

"Sunghoon, his body temperature will either be freezing cold or boiling hot but he will think it's the opposite"

"Umm what do you mean?"

"Well right now his body temperature is rising but Sunghoon would think it's freezing and vice versa"

"I see, so Jay, Sunghoon and Niki are born with power?"

"That's correct"

"Ok so now that's all over" Jay said "let's leave Sunghoon so he can rest" they all started to make their way to the door which made me panic.

"Wait hang on, we're just leaving him like this?" I said hoping they would change their mind and stay

"Well yeah. Sir Jin needs to create the medicine for Sunghoon because he used the last of it for someone else, Namjoon has to finish Taehyung's device with him and I need to have a very important confiscation with a specific individual"

"Then could I stay with him. I'll only be here for a while I promise" I can't just leave him like this, what if his sickness gets worse?

Jay suddenly smiled. "Alright you can stay. Just make sure you check his temperature now and again."

"Ok I will" and with that they left closing the door from behind leaving the 2 alone.

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