Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

By pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... More



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By pohpih

"Mmmnn... OUCH! Hey- that stings- ah- hey!"

While Jungkook struggled to keep his cool under Baal's hands, the older wasn't having it. Let's just say that going into someone's mind wasn't as easy as lighting a candle.

"You know... i tought Taehyung was complicated to figure out but you... you had a lot hidden in here and wow... did Lee really catch you making out with Taehyung that many times-"

Jungkook groaned, slapping Baal's hand.

"Hey! Stop going through my memories that far in- it happened a day ago idiot."

Baal smirked, finding it amusing.

"Fine fine- i was just curious. So let me just... oh! Here... so you... met him at the castle? And hey- why didn't you tell me about it? He seems clearly suspicious... and man is his face creepy."

Jungkook shrugged.

"I could handle it- and besides, Aimi was pregnant no need to stress you out too."

Baal shrugged. He had a point.

"Well... if i can concantrate on his face i'm sure i'll be able to locate him. So create a booster spell for me."

Jungkook swallowed as he stood up and then exhaled a deep breath.

"You seem... awfully new to this."

Jungkook frowned.

"That's because i am! How many spells do you think i create every day?"

Baal crossed his arms.

"Are you sure you would've been able to help Aimi then-"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Ofcourse! That's easy. But... these are areas which i haven't been to so... keep quiet now, i need to concantrate."

Baal hummed, later watching as Jungkook placed his hand on the road and then chanted some really unfamiliar words. It was definetly a brand new spell. How fascinating.

Slowly, a golden rope appeared under his hand, getting suddenly stretched out.

So Jungkook grabbed it with his might and then pulled on it to activate the spell.

"Well well... it worked. What do you know..."

Baal clapped his hands, impressed.

"What do you think of when you create spells?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"Depends on what kind of a spell i will do. I mean... if it was a creation spell then i would've tought of rebirth. But in this case i just tought of a rope. It just comes to me naturally i think."

Baal rubbed Jungkook's shoulder, praising him.

"I'm glad the council didn't take you. But let's go now, we don't have any more time to waste."

With that, they both started following the golden rope as they went deeper into the forest.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung sneezed as he took a walk near the forest. He felt a bit chilly, but it was probably not the weather. Maybe just his saddened heart bringing back old memories. His father just had to bring it all up...

He understood him... but from the other way around it was... a bit awkward. He just didn't know how to react. That's all.

While trying to forget the situation that happened this morning, he didn't look at where he was going and ended up falling down by getting caught in some vines.


He rubbed on his knees to help ease the pain. But just then, he heard a crack.

Worried, he ran behind a tree and hid himself from sight, only to watch if someone would appear behind him.
His past paranoia from all those horrivle occurances had ended up getting the better of him after all,

Moments later, he saw a man in a long coat, walking down the green path while holding a woman in his arms.
Taehyung's gaze turned cold as he realized who that woman was.

How come she was with this... man? And why was she not saying a word? And what about the man, who was he? Did Jungkook and Baal knew about this?

As questions startled circling around his head, he ended up having to follow them.

Soon, they came to an open area, covered by trees. The sunlight wasn't soo bright, and the ground was still wet from the rain.

Quietly, watching as this man placed Aimi down on the leaves, he decided to come up with a plan to help her. This didn't seem good. And he had to do something about it.
But if he attacked too soon or uncarefully, it might backfire instead.

Taking his time to think, he stood, quiet in hiding. Only soon, to hear another noise in the distance. It seemed like footsteps. Were there more of him maybe? Did he have allies?

Well, he decided, he shouldn't wait to find out.

So, just then, he suddenly marched at the guy, and chanted his spell loudly, making his dark chains appear from the ground and drag her along with him.

As he did, the man in the robe took his hands out, about to cast a spell- but was kicked on the floor by someone else.

After bringing Aimi to a safe distance, Taehyung looked back to see Jungkook pinning the man down, while Baal catsted a spell to bind his arms and legs together.

"Okay- that's it- get off of him, now!"

Confused, Jungkook stood up and walked aside only to watch Baal kick Cho in the face and then grab him by the hair.

"You come and take my wife away-"

He then threw him back on the ground before kicking his stomach and making him cough.

"-and excpect there to be no concequences?? That's it-"

And just as he was about to make him burn in flames, Jungkook quickly stopped him.

"Oookay- that's enough. You don't need to kill him right away."

Baal frowned.

"Seriously? Then what do you want me to do, give him a free pass for kidnapping my wife?"

Jungkook sighed before turning his attention to Taehyung.

"Could you bring Aimi back to the castle? We'll be right after you."

Taehyung nodded before grabbing Aimi and then walking away. It sure was a long road ahead.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Okay, shit. Aimi was about to give birth and Taehyung did not know what to do. He was lost.

"Aaaaah! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Noone said it hurts that much! As if that guy kidnapping me wasn't enough!"

Taehyung didn't know what to do while Aimi gripped the bedsheet's in pain.

"U-uh... so you should... raise your legs i guess?"

Aimi frowned.

"And you get in between!? It's weird enough that you're the one who's seeing this!"

Taehyung blushed, turning his head away. Moments later, Jungkook and Baal rushed in, finding the scene rather shocking.

"Oh- you guys are back. What happened to that council guy?"

Jungkook crossed his arms.

"Let's just say... we took care of him. But what about her? Is she about to give birth?"

Aimi tilted her head back, her voice getting louder... and angrier.

"No! I just love screaming and squirming!"

Jungkook hummed, taking a step back.

"Fuck! Why are there only guys in my life- i never tought of this!"

Baal swallowed, getting stressed as he grabbed Aimi's hand.

"S-sorry- i didn't either. Do you two know someone we could call?"

Jungkook squinted his eyes while Taehyung made an irked face. Well... there was only one girl they knew they could trust.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

"You have to be kidding me. This is the emergency? You two want me to deliver a baby!?"

Jungkook nodded while Taehyung looked away.

"It's... not as bad as it seems. I'm sure you can. Since... you're a woman?"

Hyejin sighed.

"You two are unbelievable. What gives you the idea i've experience in this? Because i'm a woman? You sexist little shits-"

Then suddenly Aimi scream, making Baal's finger almost crack.

"Ah! It's coming- i really can't take it! Please just-"

Hyejin sighed before smacking Jungkook's arm.

"Bring me a bowl of water then. And a towel. After that get the fuck out of the room. But the father can stay i guess..."

Both Jungkook and Taehyung did as they were told before getting thrown out of the room. And now, it was only the time to wait.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Sungho scratched his head as he slowly opened his eyes to look around the dark room. The chilly feeling he had left him slightly concerned until he looked under the sheets to find out he was naked. Relieved of the feeling, he turned around to see Lucifer putting on his pants by the bed.

"Are you leaving already?"

Lucifer didn't say anything before putting on his shirt. He then sat down beside him and looked inside his eyes.

"I'm not sure if we will be able to meet again."

Sungho's eyes widened as sat up and then looked down.

"You're... leaving? Why?"

Lucifer looked away.

"I have matters to attend to. It's just work. That's all."

Sungho bit inside his cheek, feeling a tightness in his chest. He just didn't know what it was.

"Work... i see. So you won't be back here again? Where will you go?"

Lucifer smiled.

"You sure get curious. But... well, i'll see to things as time goes by."

So that was a 90% no from the looks of it.
As Lucifer stood up, he tapped on Sungho's hand and smiled.

"Don't forget to turn the lights on later. The dark isn't good for your eyes."

As he said that he slowly left the room.
Bothered, Sungho stood up with anger and swung his hand, making the lights flicker open. Shocked, he looked at his hand and frowned.


As he said that, a small flame formed in his hand, making him gasp. His... powers were back. Quickly, he ran out to catch up to him but by the time he ran outside, he was already gone from sight.

"You... really are the devil."

Shit. He had sex with the devil. It was... too good at the end. Maybe even a small spark of emotions rose inside him. But he didn't want to say anything about that. After all, releationships came and went. Just like life.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

As the doors opened, Hyejin came out with bloody chlotes and a messy hair. Now, that was a sight they had never seen before. Rather odd.

"The baby is out- and so am i. I want ti shower."

Jungkook smiled in relief as he smacked Hyejin's back.

"You really are nice! I'm glad you came. Thanks Hyejin."

Hyejin sighed and then looked away, blushing.

"W-well... i suppose you two aren't soo bad either."

Taehyung smiled.

"Even though we are men?"

Hyejin now frowned before running out the castle.
Meanwhile Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other with smiled before walking in the room.

"Hey- Aimi?"

There was no sound as they saw Aimi laying on the bed. She had a smile on her face as well.

"Hmm... you seem relaxed."

Aimi giggled.

"I am- living the lifeee! It feels soo good to have no more pain. Like- my body is regenerated. Ah..."

Jungkook chuckled, later, his attention turning to Baal, who came out of the bathroom with a tiny baby wrapped in a soft blanket.

"You know... women really do the whole work. That was some scratching Aimi- my arm is still stiff."

Aimi scrunched her nose while Taehyung followed after Jungkook to Baal.

"Wow... can i hold it?"

Baal hummed, giving the baby into Taehyung's hands. Jungkook smiled at him.

"You seem awfully fascinated."

Taehyung swallowed as he pushed the baby's cheek with his pointed finger. He was soo soft.

"Well i've never seen a baby before. This is... pretty. Seeing a newborn life... it is indeed fascinating.

Jungkook then smirked as he came closer to his ear and whispered.

"You know... i can create a spell to get you pregnant if you're that astonished about it-"

Taehyung suddenly blushed.

"I-i can't even imagine! Don't say that.."

Jungkook kissed his cheek before grabbing the baby from his hands as well.

"Don't worry- and hey! So this is a boy?"

Baal crossed his arms.

"Second guess.~"

Aimi's eyes widened in sparkles as she suddenly sat up.

"Yes! It's a girl!"

Jungkook and Taehyung laughed while Baal hugged her tightly.

"Well... i kind of wanted a boy but... i guess this is fine too."

Aimi giggled in tears as her grip around Baal's neck tightened. She was happy. So were the rest. It was not every day you saw a baby come to life. And it sure was a fascinating thing to wittness.

To be continued...

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