Ghosts Of The Past [BoyxBoy] ✓

By Pinkrainbowcorn

628K 21.8K 11.2K

"Don't do that." I mumble. "Why not?" His husky voice cracks as he speaks softly into my ear. Blood rushes... More

1. My Girlfriend's Brother
2. Who Is This Guy?
3. Fuckboy
4. Princess
5. Drama
6. Cigarette-Tongue
7. Panic.
8. Trigger
9. Olive
10. Butterflies
11. Dad
12. Golden
13. Cry
14. Vividly Colored Memories
15. House On The Hill
16. Dear Sister
17. Love
18. The Kiss
19. Couple
20. The Carwash
21. Hot
22. Rain
23. Into The Night
24. This Town
25. Smile
26. Plead
27. Fire
28. Sun
29. Exhausted
30. Heartless
31. Guilt
32. Moon
33. Spill
34. Mind
35. Brave
36. Friends
37. Ice
38. Warrior
39. Sex.
40. Baby
41. Let Go
42. My Heart
43. Angel // Gray Sky
44. Light
45. Rose
46. Body
47. Fight
48. Between Us
49. Chase
50. Tension
51. Damn.
52. Anger
54. Boys Night (Pt. Two)
55. Te Quiero
56. The Halloween Party
57. Surprise
58. Together

53. Boys Night

6.5K 243 134
By Pinkrainbowcorn

Today it's time for our annual Boys Night. It's a sleepover party hosted by Shawn. All the football guys and everyone from our group will be there. It's usually a night filled with fun. Even though I don't really like parties, I've always enjoyed Boys Night. Maybe because it's much more laid back than normal parties.

It's almost time to go. Aron's sitting by the window, tapping his foot anxiously. He hasn't been doing too well since he quit smoking, which is why he doesn't wanna go to the party. 

I sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go? Maybe it'll distract you." I try.

He sighs. "I don't feel like it, okay? I'm just not in the mood."

I stroke his hair. He leans in and groans into my chest. 

"It'll get better." I encourage. 

He groans again. 

It's kind of funny seeing Aron so whiny. He's usually so calm and controlled. I wonder if that was just the nicotine or if that was all him. 

I grab his face and kiss him gently. 

He pulls away. "Don't kiss me, you'll only make me more frustrated." He complains. 

"You're so dramatic."

"That's your fault." 

He sighs.

"Now go, before I lose control." 

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a quick kiss. 

"I'm proud of you." I whisper in his ear and I get up and walk out of Aron's apartment. 

When I reach Shawn's house there are already a bunch of cars there. I pull up and park next to Shawn's car. 

The front door's open so I walk right inside. 

"Yo, Sky!" 

All the guys greet me as I walk in. I say hi to everyone and sit down on the large couch. Shawn gives me a quick hug and then he gets up to speak to everyone. 

"Alright. It's time. Is everyone ready for BOYS NIGHT?!" 

The guys all start hollering and cheering. 

The night starts off with the basics, telling stories about sex, telling stories about ghosts, drinking and joking around. 

Two hours later and Shawn pulls out the infamous hat. 

"Ooh.." The guys all go. 

Every year, halfway through the night, Shawn pulls out a hat filled with pieces of colored paper. There are two of the same colored pieces to each room. You have to grab a random one and whoever awaits you in that room is the person you have to spend the night with. It was originally meant to be some sort of team building exercise but a lot of guys usually end up experimenting with each other. It's pretty common, though no one's allowed to talk about it. 

The first group of guys have already left to the rooms. 

Now it's time for the second group to pick the papers out of the hat. 

Mine's blue. 

We all say goodbye to each other for the night and head to the rooms.

I reach the room with a big blue swatch on the door and walk in. When I open the door I almost burst out laughing. The person I am to spend the night with is none other than Jimmy the Gay-hater. He's sitting on the bed with a can of beer in his hand.

"Hi." I say casually, though you can hear the amusement in my voice.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." 

Shawn sticks his head in the room. 

"Good night." He closes the door and locks it.

"Shawn! Open the fucking door! I'm not spending the night with a fucking—"

"You know the rules, Jimmy. You're just gonna have to suck it up." Shawn laughs evilly. 

I make my way to the table with a bunch of beer cans.

I pop one open and take a sip. 

"Oh, come on. It's not so bad." I tease. 

"Please." Jimmy rolls his eyes. "It's just fucking gross. Now that you're a cock-sucker it's just uncomfortable to be in the same room as you." He sounds like a whiny five year old. 

I sit down on the bed, across from him. 

"Why? You afraid I'm gonna make a move on you? You're not my type." 

"I'm a guy." He's almost defensive in the way he says this. 

"I'm not into ignorant pigs."

He gives me shove. "Very funny."

I laugh and take a sip. At this point I can feel myself getting a little tipsy. It's crazy, I haven't had a proper drink since Rose was born. This is really nice. Just a night with the guys. 

"Remember last year, when Ricky got so drunk he tried to jump in the pool from the window?" I laugh. 

Jimmy smirks. "Yeah, that was kind of amazing." He tries to suppress his laughter. 

"Or that time you got so plastered you started stripping." He brings up.

"Yeah, I kinda don't remember that.."

"Good, cause the second hand embarrassment was real." Now Jimmy laughs too. He takes a sip from his beer and we look at each other. 

It's strange how for a moment it feels like there isn't a wedge between us anymore. 

"I missed this." I say honestly. "Just hanging out with you."

"Yeah, well. It's not my fault. You just had to go all gay on us. Seriously, man. You had everything, you had the hottest girl in school and you just gave it up for a dude. Was it all a lie?" 

I have no idea why he's taking my sexuality so personally. But I answer anyway. 

"I do love Loren. But it's just not in a romantic way—" 

"You have a kid with her." 

"Yes. I had had sex with her. I could have sex with anyone, that doesn't mean I love them." 

Jimmy scoffs. "Well, I know I sure as hell wouldn't be able to get it up for a dude."

"Well that's fine by me. I don't care either way." I chug the rest of my beer and lay on my side. 

We stare at each other for a moment. Jimmy gets up to grab another can. He quickly chugs it down.

"I'm cool with you for the night, but that's only cause we're forced to be together. After that it's back to normal." He gives me a stern look before coming to the bed. 

"Oh, I am so thankful to have this night with you. Now I can finally turn you gay!" 

"Shut up!" Jimmy laughs as he pushes me again. 

He sits down across from me, eyes me and then looks away again.

"What you just said.. About me not being your type. Did you mean it?" He mumbles.

"What?" I cock my head.

"Do you think I'm attractive?" He asks dead serious.

"Are you sure you're straight?" I laugh.

Jimmy shoves my shoulder with his foot. "Answer."

"Sure." I shrug.

"But you think Aron's better looking."

I frown. "Why do you care?"

"Just wanna know why you're dating him. Wait, I think I know. I'm sure he's got a huge dick." He starts to laugh.

I chuckle. Then my smile fades as I think about the fact that I won't get to experience it again anytime soon.

I put my head in the pillow and groan. "Fuck!"

"What is it?" Jimmy chuckles.

I pull my head up. "We're on a sex ban. Until.. I don't even know until when."

"Gross. Okay, why?"

I shrug. "Because I'm scared I'm gonna hurt him again. I always do." My mind goes dark for a moment.

"Bullshit. Just go for it dude. Get that bussy going!" He laughs.

What the fuck is a bussy?

Before I know it he starts tickling me. It's now that I notice he's totally wasted. He's fun when he's drunk, though.

I'm laughing hysterically as Jimmy tickles me.

"Sto-op!" I scream. He doesn't. He just keeps going. We're both laughing like maniacs.

Now Jimmy's on top of me, pinning me to the bed.

"Answer this question or I'll tickle you till you die,"

"Fine." I laugh. "Anything."

"Top or bottom?"

I burst out laughing.

"Um.. I don't know. Both?"

"No, I mean.. With Aron."

I'm starting to get the feeling he likes Aron. Though I must be drunk for my mind to go there.

"Bottom." I answer. "Now get off me, you're crushing me!"

Jimmy gets off and lays down beside me. We're both panting.

After a long silence I start to get a little sleepy. My eyes get heavy and before I know it I've drifted off.

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