The King's Devotion

By ishtararahman

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Xason Anderson. My name was enough for everyone to get down on their knees and plead for their lives. Everyon... More

Chap 1 - Hatred
Chap 2 - Tried
Chap 3 - Smoke
Chap 4 - Piece
Chap 5 - Broken Glass
Chap 6 - Angry bird
Chap 7 - Control
Chap 8 - Queen
Chap 9 - Disappointed
Chap 10 - Jace Williams
Chap 11 - Queen (II)
Chap 12 - Choked
Chap 13 - Smack
Chap 14 - Demands
Chap 15 - Urgency
Chap 16 - Pain
Chap 17 - Stay
Chap 18 - Familiar
Chap 19 - Stitches
Chap 20 - Regret
Chap 21 - Blue eyes
Chap 22 - Trouble
Chap 23 - Blue Margarita
Chap 24 - Freedom
Chap 25 - War
Chap 26 - Date
Chap 27 - Gift
Chap 29 - Purpose

Chap 28 - Red Window

57 5 1
By ishtararahman

Entering the pack house, I straight up went to my room with the pouch in my hand. Keeping it safely in my closet drawer, I decided to go for a shower. Taking off the clothes, I stood under the water and cleaned myself. I shaved and make sure my skin was smooth without any bumps. As I said before, I got a King to impress. After I'm done, I dried myself and threw on a baggy t-shirt that was twice my size with some undergarments.

I exited the bathroom and dried my hair. Staring at myself in the mirror, I felt heavy. Why? I didn't know that but I surely did feel that way. Heaving a sigh, I decided to call Xason.

I jumped on the bed and sighed in relaxation. Taking my phone from the bed side table, I dialed his number and waited as it rang.

Yes, I do have his number. Now don't ask me how. He's my mate after all.

I smirked at my own thoughts. On the third ring, he picked up.

"Hello, Alpha Xason speaking." His deep voice managed to give me goosebumps and suddenly I felt cold.

"Hello, King." I smirked replying back. It was drop dead silent as I spoke. I checked my phone after a while to see if he cut the call or not. Surprisingly, he didn't but there was no sound coming from the other end.

"How may I help my queen today?" He spoke just when I was about to talk. I closed my mouth hearing his voice and did my stomach churn hearing him say my queen. I wanted to jump on him.

"What can you do?" I playfully asked to exgravate him.

"Anything for my queen." He kept his cool and answered back just as playfully.

"How about you come here at around 7 pm so that I can take you out on the date I promised to you?" I rolled so that my elbows were supporting me. The bedsheet feeling cold on my bare legs.

"Hmm, sounds like something I could do." He hummed pretending to think. My lips tilted upward hearing his answer.

"Great, I'll see you at 7 then."


"Xason?" I called out. I heard him suck in a breath. Again, it was silent and I checked to see he hadn't cut the call yet.

"Hello?" I called again hoping he would answer.

"Yes, I'm here." Finally, he did. I was beginning to think that he had fallen asleep.

"Thank you for the gift."

"My pleasure." He replied and I cut the call after saying bye.

Suddenly, I didn't feel so heavy. Suddenly, everything seemed a bit more easier to deal with. Most importantly, I felt light. Like a weight has been taken of my chest.

It's because of him.

What do you mean?

You talked with your mate. Raima stated and I knew what she meant.

No matter what he was my mate. He was meant to be mine. No matter how much I deny it, spending time with him did make me feel better especially when we weren't fighting. I rubbed my face and ignored my thoughts cause they would surely make me fall for him which I didn't want. I had to know his truth before taking any step.

With that, I stood up and decided to eat something considering it was almost 5 pm now. I strode towards the kitchen which was empty as lunch was done long before. Searching in the fridge, I found some Mac and cheese probably leftover from lunch and heated that in the microwave. After that, I sat on top of the counter and munched on the mac and cheese. I washed the bowl and placed it in its designated place before scurrying off to my room to get ready for the big date.

Opening the door, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Usually, all the girls of my age had their mothers or sisters or friends who helped them get ready for their dates but I had no one. Not that this was something special. Deciding not to drown in self misery, I splashed water on my face and used face wash to get rid of any dirt. I didn't bother to take a shower considering I took one a while ago. I dried my face using a towel and went to do my makeup.

I opted for a minimal look considering heavy makeup was not my thing. Just a swipe of eyeliner, mascara, foundation, blush and red lipstick. Soon enough, I was done and decided to put on the dress. It fit perfectly and the silk felt soft to touch. I looked at myself in the mirror and was completely satisfied with today's fit and look. The backless back showed off my tattooed back and the slit showed my right leg. I took out a pair of diamond earrings and two rings that went well with the attire. I mindlinked Eyana as I put on the earrings.

To my room.

On my way. She answered immediately and cut off the link.

A knock was heard after a while, I yelled a 'come in' and the door opened to reveal Eyana dressed in a pair of jeans and black shirt. Her eyes went wide seeing me. I raised my eyebrows questioningly seeing her expression.

"You look beautiful." She stated and I smiled at her.


"You are welcome. What would you call me for?" She questioned taking a few steps towards me.

I went to my closet to take out the pouch and handed it to her after coming out.

"What's this?" Confusedly, she eyed the pouch and opened it. She took out the small bottle and stared at me.

"It's the potion. We will be going to the new dining lounge. I have already booked a reservation for us at the top floor. I want you to mix this potion in Xason's order. A few drops shall do the work. Make sure to hide your scent. He shouldn't know that you are there." I explained and she nodded her head in understanding.

"Consider the work to be done."

"There's no place for mistakes. We only have a single chance at this." I warned her pointing a finger at the bottle.

"I won't let you down." She reassured me and I nodded my head. She bowed her head and left closing the door behind her.

I released a breath and went on to take out a pair of matching heels. As much as I hated it, I had to wear them. Somebody knocked on the door as I was putting on the heels and from the scent it seemed as if it was Hayden.

"Come in." I yelled finally finishing strapping the heels on. As expected, Hayden walked in and his mouth formed an 'o' as he saw me.

"What is it?" I enquired as I stood and reached for the clutch that I had taken out.

"Woman, ya looking fire." He exclaimed in a girly voice scrunching his eyebrows. I smiled seeing his childish acts.

"Thank you." I unplugged my phone from the charging cable and put in the clutch along with some cash and my credit card.

"He's here." He said and I sucked in a breath. My heart started racing upon hearing this. I turned around to face him with adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Hey, you'll be just fine." He came forward and rubbed my shoulders with his hands to ease me. I nodded my head and released a breath.

"Remember, don't lose your cool. He is your mate. Use that as an advantage. If you sense anything, I repeat anything at all. Straight away contact me. Okay?" He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Yeah, I will." I confessed and he smiled at me.

"Now, shall we?" He provided his upper arm for me to hold which I gladly took and walked down the stairs to the hall where the King seemed to be waiting.

Just as I reached the top of the stairs, I could smell the familiar scent of his. As always, it felt amazing to me. My heels clinked as I walked down the stairs. Soon enough, his figure graced my line of vision.

Dressed in a formal black suit, standing at the end of the stairs stood the mighty King alas my mate, Xason Anderson. His hair was slicked back with gel and glistened as light fell on it. His lip piercing was on and his sharp enough to cut diamond jaw was clean shaved. His right hand was inside his pocket. He looked handsome as always.

I reached the last stair with Hayden beside me. He bowed his head and immediately left giving us some privacy. The pack house seemed rather empty now.

"Pleasure to have you here, King." I extended my hand for him to shake as he eyed me up and down. I internally smirked noticing this.

"Pleasure to be here with you." He kissed the back of my hand and butterflies erupted in my stomach as sparks shot up my arm. I felt tingly all over.

"You look stunning." He complimented as his intense eyes stared at me like a prey.

"And you look as handsome as ever." I smirked taking a step forward and inching closer to him. He sucked in a breath and his eyes moved to my lips. The sexual tension was high as usual. I was thinking of ditching the date and letting him fuck my brains out. I bit my lip as I felt my core tingle at the thought of him throbbing inside of me as I rode him.

"Shall we?" I questioned him and he cleared his throat before nodding. He looked as equally aroused as me. He extended his hand and I placed mine in his warm, large hand that seemed to engulf mine. The tingles didn't seem to end.

We walked hand in hand out of the pack house to his black Mercedes. He opened the door for me and I thanked him before sliding in. He walked to the other side and took a seat in the driver's seat before closing the door. The car was filled with his scent. I so wanted to fuck him on that seat. The engine roared to life and I cleared my thoughts tearing my eyes away from him.

"Where to?"

"The Red Window."

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