True Happiness is rare (The...

By 1nternetVamp

41.4K 626 18

True happiness is rare to cherry roads. But that criminal, he's a spark of joy in her life. watch as their pa... More

Brownie hound
Basket cases, criminals, you know, the usual.
Cherry Roads
boredom, cigarettes, and tattoos
His name is Brian, you dimwit.
Uncle Carl
little pig!
a fight with his invisable father
I wanna be an airborne ranger.
smoky kisses
win! win! WIN!
Real diamonds
A Real Bitch
Brian's Pressure
convenient definitions

consider me

1.8K 27 2
By 1nternetVamp

Bender is brushing his teeth with one of Claire's makeup brushes. While claire looks through benders wallet, I'm reading a book I got off of the shelves.

"Are all these your girlfriends?" Claire asks. This piques my interest. She's looking through a tiny photo book with pictures of girls in it.

"Some of them used to be," he says

"What about the others?" I ask.

"Well, some I considered my girlfriends and some...I just considered..."

"Considered what?" Claire asks

"Whether or not, I wanted to hang out with them."

"You don't believe in just one guy, one girl?" the princess speaks.

"I do now. Didn't use to, though,"

"Why now?" I ask him, still trying to read the book in my hands, but he takes it and throws it to the side.

"Because I found someone for me to keep," he said. I smile and kiss him softly. But when I pull away I take the photo book from claire, and a match, and light it, and the photos on fire. I stand and walk over to my bag and take out the school pictures that I had yet to throw out, and cut out one of the smaller pictures. When I walk back to bender, I pick up his wallet and slide the picture of myself into its place

-Time skip brought to you by Vernon's sweaty armpit-

We are all sitting on the floor in a circle.

"What would I do for a million bucks? Well, I guess I'd do as little as I had to," Andrew says.

"That's boring," I reply from my spot in-between Claire and John

" Well, how'm I s'posed to answer?"

" The idea is to like to search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, uh, would you drive to school naked?" I inquire. Andrew laughs.

"Um, uh...would I have to get out of the car?"

"Of course!" claire says.

" In the spring, or winter?"

" It doesn't matter. Spring. "

"In front of the school or back of the school?"

"Either one."


"I'd do that!" Allison speaks up. We all look at her. This should be good, she's a compulsive liar. It's what she does.

"I'll do anything sexual, I don't need a million dollars to do it either..."

"You're lying." claire states.

"I already have...I've done just about everything there is except a few illegal things...I'm a nymphomaniac!" Claire rolls her eyes.

"Lie..." Claire sighs. I giggle quietly.

"Are your parents aware of this?"

" The only person I told was my shrink...

"And what'd he do when you told him?"

"He nailed her," I say, going along with Allisons' lie.

"Very nice." claire scoffs in disgust.

"I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him."

"He's an adult!" Allison is relishing this attention.

"Yeah...he's married too!" Claire notes her disgust.

" Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?"

"Well, the first few times..." Allison trailed off

"First few times? You mean he did it more than once?"

" Sure." 

"Are you crazy?"

"She's crazy if she's screwing her shrink..." the brain says.

"Have you ever done it?" I ask claire.

"I don't even have a psychiatrist."

" Have you ever done it with a normal person?"

" Now, didn't we already cover this?" claire's getting nervous.

"You never answered the question." bender reminds her.

" Look, I'm not gonna discuss my private life with total strangers."

" It's kind of a double-edged sword, isn't it?" I ask.

" A what?"

"Well, if you say you haven''re a prude. If you say you're a slut! It's a trap. You want to but you can't but when you do you wish you didn't, right?" I tell her.

"Wrong," she says.

"Or, are you a tease?" Allison asks.

"She's a tease!" Andrew says

" Why don't you just forget it."

"You're a tease and you know it, girls are teases!"

"If you think that, your mind is hardwired like a rapist, sporto. Just because they're a girl doesn't automatically mean they're a tease," I grumble.

" I don't do anything!" claire shouts "lemme ask you a few questions." Allison is suddenly defensive.

"I've already told you everything!" she says.

"No! Doesn't it bother you to sleep around without being in love. I mean don't you want any respect?"

"I don't screw to get respect...That's the difference between you and me." Allison says.

"Not the only difference, I hope."

"Face it, you're a tease," Andrew says.

"I'm not a tease!"

" Sure you are! You said it yourself sex is a weapon, you use it to get respect!" bender speaks up/

"No, I never said that, she twisted my words around." claire is getting visibly upset.

"Oh, then what do you use it for?"

"I don't use it period!" she is on the verge of tears at this point.

"Oh, are you medically frigid or is it psychological?" Bender asks.

"I didn't mean it that way! You guys are putting words into my mouth!"

"Well if you'd just answer the question,"

"Why don't you just answer the question?" brian asks

"Be honest," Andrew continues,

"No big deal," I say

" Yeah, answer it!" brian spoke

"Answer the question, Claire!" Andrew yells

"Talk to us!" bender says.

" Come on, answer the question!" Andrew and brian say at the same time.

"It's easy, it's only one question!"

"No! I never did it!" claire screams, tears leaking down her face.

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