adventures with the bad batch

By shlonglong9

26.4K 708 344

Ella is a mandalorian Jedi trying to find her way through this new galaxy after order 66 and she happens to b... More

information about Ella
part one (ep2)
part two (ep3)
part three (ep4)
part four, (ep 5)
part five (ep6)
part six (between ep6 and 7)
part seven (between ep6 and 7)
part eight (between ep6 and 7)
part nine (between ep6 and 7)
part ten (between ep6 and ep7)
Part eleven (flashback)
part twelve (between ep6 and 7)
Part thirteen (between ep 6 and 7)
Part fourteen(between ep6 and 7)
Part fifteen (ep7)
Part sixteen (ep8)
part seventeen (ep9)
part eighteen (between ep9 and ep10)
part nineteen (ep10)
Part twenty (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-one (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-two (between ep10 and 11)
part twenty-three (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-four (flashback)
Part twenty-five (ep11+extra)
part twenty-six (ep12)
part twenty-seven (between ep12 and 14)
Part twenty-eight (ep14)
Part twenty-nine (ep15)
part thirty (ep16)
part thirty-two
part thirty-three
Part thirty-four
Part thirty-five
part thirty-six
part thirty-seven
Part thirty-eight
part thirty-nine
Part forty
part forty one
part forty two
some one shots

part thirty-one (after s1)

438 12 12
By shlonglong9

(decided to do a funny chill sort of chapter, so have fun)

I removed the remainder of my belongings from my old bunk so crosshair could have it back although I haven't actually slept there in it in a while, even though crosshair said he didn't know if he would stay with us, I knew he would,

"here put your stuff with mine" hunter said

"okay" I nodded, I handed him my stuff and he put it in his storage compartment, "you need to clean your amour, its so dirty" I said wiping some mud off his chest plate

"okay" he laughed, I walked out into the main room, crosshair was sitting by himself facing away from everyone,

"crosshair, your bunk is empty if you want to go in there" I said, he briefly turned and nodded at me,

"tech is Gregor still with Sid?" echo asked

"no Rex retrieved him a few day ago" tech said

"oh alright"


"starting the landing cycle" tech said

"we won't be on ordmantle for much longer, we will do a few more jobs and then we leave" hunter said

"so you're mercenaries" crosshair said

"we didn't plan on it, it just happened" hunter replied, there was defiantly tension in the ship, it would take a while for all of them to rebuild their relationships with crosshair,

I walked out into ordmantel,

"ah finally solid ground" I said

"lets go to the parlour" hunter said

"yeah I need a drink" echo sighed

we all walked to the parlour and sat down at the bar

"I've got a job.... whose the newbie?" Sid asked looking at crosshair who was finally back in his bad batch armour,

"this is crosshair" hunter said

"mmm okay, anyways I got a job for you, it pays good but I different from what you normally do"

"what do you mean different?" hunter asked sceptically

"well you need to sneak into a gala and steal this information of this rich guy," she said

"a gala?!"

"yes, newbie, bandana and Ms Jedi will sneak in and he should be wearing it around his neck" she said

"no way I am doing that" crosshair said

"yes you are, you three are the only three that won't stick out" she said

"no tech can do it" he said

"nope he needs to monitor them from inside the ship, everyone got it, good" she said starting walking away

"no way" he hissed

"I have two suits and a dress, you will need to blend in" she said then leaving

"seriously I hate dresses" I groaned

"and I am not doing this" crosshair groaned

"if I am you are, plus there may be free drinks" hunter said following Sid to get the clothes

"there better be if I am wearing a dress" I mumbled

"a gala I want to go" omega said

"galas suck, they are full of stuck up rich people who just talk about themselves" I explained


"don't worry, I will make sure to bring some fancy back for you" I smiled

"really? thanks" she said, hunter walked out with Sid who was holding two suits and a dress

"oh hell no, I am not wearing that" I said eyeing the red strapless dress and heels

"I will wear the suit but I am not taking off my bandana" hunter said

"why do I have to do this?" crosshair moaned

"because you will blend in and this suit will fit you" Sid said throwing him the suit

"the boys have got it, I will just sit out on this one" I smiled backing away from Sid

"stop moaning and put this on" she said throwing me the dress and a long black piece of fabric

"seriously, and whats this?" I said holding up the black thing

"I don't know its a scarf but you don't wrap it around your neck, it goes around your back and rests on your lower arms" she explained "here's the rest of the details, now go" she said throwing hunter something, we started walking back to the ship,

"I was hoping for a break and now this" hunter said

"its an easy mission" tech said "and it pays good"

"speak for yourself I have to wear a dress and heels, I can't walk in heels" I moaned

"I can't believe I am doing this" crosshair moaned "I just got here and now I have to wear a suit"

"its impossible to talk Sid out of something" I said

"I can tell"

we all got back to the ship, we have about 40mins until we land but we have to wait until nightfall to go,

"Sid gave us two pins and a necklace, as comms, put them on your suits and Ella you wear this" tech said "I will gain access to the cameras so we can keep an eye on you"


"sun is setting, go get changed now" tech said, I have been dreading this moment all evening

"still don't understand how we won't stick out, crosshair has a huge hole in his head and I have a massive tattoo" hunter said

"you will be fine" tech said

"says the person staying on the ship" I said crossing my arms and smirking

"go get changed"

"hunter you can go first" I smiled signalling to the bathroom,

"fine" he groaned grabbing the suit, he came out and wow that suit looked amazing on him, I was trying not to stare but wow, he walked up to me and grinned

"you've got a bit fo drool" he joked

"hey shut up" I said hitting his arm, "crosshair you're going next" I said


"you are next" I said firmly trying to delay getting into a dress for as long as possible "your tie is all wonky" I said standing in front of him and fixing his tie

"I wish I could come" omega said

"don't worry omega, it will be super boring anyways" I said reassuring, "there you go tie all fixed" I said


crosshair walked out with his suit on

"I hate this" he groaned

"Ella you are up" tech said handing me the dress

"great, just great" I moaned

I walked into the bathroom and slipped off my clothes sliding the dress on, it fit almost perfectly, and it did look great on me but I hate dresses, I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair, I took a few deep breaths before exiting to the main room, all eyes turned to me, they really weren't helping, Hunter looked at me in awe, mouth slightly opened, I walked up to him,

"you've got a bit of drool" I joked

"you look...." he trailed off "amazing"

"thanks" I smiled "omega want to help me walk in heels" I said sliding on the heels

"yep" she smiled


crosshair, hunter and I walked out of the ship and made our way to the gala,

"so you two huh" crosshair said breaking the bit of tension there was

"yeah" hunter said

"how long?"

"a couple of months"

"what, Echo owes me five credits" he said crossing his arm

"damn it, you remembered" echo said over the comms

"you better pay up" crosshair said

"yeah whatever" echo groaned

I actually got the hang of walking in heels, I mean I have great balance so it isn't too hard but still,

we entered the gala and there were people in fancy clothes walking around everywhere, a waiter with a tray of drinks walked past and crosshair and I grabbed one,

"seriously?" hunter said

"what, looks yum" I said taking a sip

"no I mean why didn't you grab me one" he laughed taking a sip of my drink

"tastes fancy" I said

"mmm yeah"

"the target is over there" crosshair said "and I see the information hanging off a necklace"

"okay lets go, oh and don't drink too much,"

"yeah okay" crosshair said downing another drink

"wait he looks like he is talking to someone, we should wait until he is alone" hunter said

"okay I will be at the bar" crosshair said

"come dance with me" I said pulling hunter to the dance floor

"no way I don't dance" he said

"DANCE WITH HER" omega yelled over comms

"yeah dance with me" I smiled

"fine" he groaned trying to hide his smiled

we got onto the dance floor and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist,

"see this isn't so bad" I smiled "also sorry if I step on your feet" he was still taller than me even with the heels on, he pulled me closer and I put my head on his shoulder

"keep a look out on the target" I said

"okay" he said "crosshair don't drink too much" he said over comms


after a few minutes I noticed the target was alone

"target is alone, lets go" I said separating from hunter

"okay, crosshair come on" hunter said, we walked over to the target,

"ahh hello" he greeted us

"are you-" I was about to say before he interrupted me

"yes I am, Stephan rush" he said

"oh my force, I have read so much about you" I said trying to make him feel good about himself so he would invite us down to sit,

"come sit, drink with me" he sit signalling us to sit down and then he clicked his fingers so a waiter brought over four drinks, "drink" he smiled

"ah no thank you" hunter said,

"well I don't want to be the only one drinking" he said

"drink with him, it will be easier to get the information off him if he is intoxicated" tech said over comms

"you know what we will actually" I said grabbing a drink and taking sip

"that's the way" he smiled taking a drink,

we talked, and he kept ordering us drinks I was starting to feel tipsy but I held it together, he was defiantly drunk, and he led us into a private room where he had guards waiting outside, Hunter wasn't drinking but crosshair and I were so he would eventually pass out and we could grab the info,

"you guys are sooooo fuuuuu" he said before he passed out

"I will grab the info" hunter said getting up and grabbing it

"ahah okay" I laughed, I was defiantly drunk now and there was no stopping it

"lets go" he said helping me up

"whatever you say sarge" crosshair half laughed, defiantly drunk too, he helped me up but I nearly fell over

"oh my force you guys are both drunk" he sighed

"yeah I can see that" I chucked, everything was moving around it was so cool, we exited the gala and started making our way back to the ship, hunter was holding my heels because I couldn't walk in them anymore,

"hey crosshair, remember when you had hair, did you dye it grey?" I laughed

"no, hey remember when we went on that mission with rex and Skywalker" he laughed


"yeah hunter defiantly liked you" he laughed

"ahaha he has a crush on me" I chuckled and I heard him sigh

"too bad Hunter cause I have a boyfriend" I said

"really I wonder who that is" hunter said sarcastically

"hey crosshair remember when you were with the empire" I laughed

"yeah, I tried to kill you" he laughed

"not me cause I- I stayed hidden" I laughed

"is this your first time being drunk?" he asked

"no at my Jedi Padawan graduation party me and anakin got mega drunk" I laughed nearly falling on him

"sounds fun, hey remember when I was nearly incinerated" he laughed

"no, but remember when you tried to incinerate us" I laughed

"yeah, that was funny"

"it was but then you nearly died"

"yeah" he laughed

"roasted and toasted" I laughed and he burst out laughing

"what are you guys four" hunter said

"more like fourteen drinks" crosshair said

"light weight" I chuckled

"says you" he said and I stuck my tongue out at him before I nearly tripped over, hunter thankfully caught me again and picked me up bridal style,

"hey you have the same tattoo as my boyfriend" I said tracing his tattoo

"really?" he smiled sarcastically

"yeah because he is your boyfriend dumbass" crosshair said

"WAIT you are? oh my force you are" I smiled

"he- hey hunter remember that time at Cut and Suu's-" I said before he cut me off

"hey look we are nearly at the ship" he said

"wait we get to go to space" crosshair smiled

"YAY we get to go to space" I smiled, as hunter put me down, I started walking up the ramp before I nearly fell off

"oh my force" hunter said catching me, we walked onto the ship, omega was fast asleep in her room and tech and echo were looking at us weirdly

"what happened to not drinking that much" echo said crossing his arms

"crosshair did it" I said pointing at him and they both shook their heads

"lets get you to bed now" hunter said leading me to the bunk room, he grabbed my comfy clothes and handed them to me

"go get changed" he said

"what?" I asked

"go get changed"

"I don't know what that is" I said

"seriously" he said crossing his arms "come on" he sighed leading me into the bathroom, he turned me around and unzipped my dress and slid it down,

"thank god I hated that dress" I groaned "hey I like you hair" I smiled putting my hands in his hair, he slipped my shirt over my head and helped me put my hands through the arm holes, I put my pants on and then I looked up at him,

"bedtime" he said, I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him, before running over to the toilet and throwing up, he held my hair back and then picked me up when I finished throwing up and carried me back to his, I mean our bed, he briefly left and got changed before returning back and getting into the small bed,

"you look really good in a suit" I smiled

"go to sleep" he said rubbing circles on my back

"I love y...." I said before I passed out


I woke up and everything hurt, it was dark but it was still too bright, hunter was not in the bed, slowly moved and opened the door,

"ahh to loud" I said to my self sitting up, crosshair was sitting up on the side his bed with his head in hands

"urg good morning" I groaned

"why are you yelling" he groaned

"I didn't yell and why are you yelling" I groaned

"too bright too loud" he groaned

"I need liquids" I said getting up, I couldn't fully open my eyes and I had a burning head ache

"look who's awake" hunter said

"nope, nope, too loud, too bright, I feel like death" I said holding my head

"whats wrong with her?" omega asked

"I will explain later" hunter said coming over and handing me a pill and some water, I swallowed it and drank the water

"mmm thanks" I groaned putting my head on his shoulder

"do you even remember last night" he laughed

"parts of it sadly" I groaned "im sorry for being an idiot"

"yeah you were being a dumbass" he laughed


"you were laughing that I had a crush on you and then you said too bad because you have a boyfriend"

"did I really say that" I groaned

"yes and you were crosshair were laughing about the stupidest of things"

"yeah I remember that" I chuckled "wait why is my shirt on backwards"

"you forgot how to get changed, so I had to do it"

"oh," I said "thanks" I said kissing him lightly

"you passed out mid sentence last night" he chuckled

"what was I saying?"

"you said I love and the pasted out before you could say you"

"oh, well I love you" I smiled kissing his cheek

about 40mins later my hangover was mostly gone but I still had a headache

"so whats the info?" I asked tech

"just some bank accounts, he stole a bunch of money and this is the account details" tech explained


"you did good except for the part where you and crosshair got intoxicated"

"hey we were trying to keep our cover"

"I mean crosshair is more comfortable here now after your bonding session" echo laughed, it took me a second to remember

"oh yeah, well your welcome" I laughed "but I really hope I didn't set a bad example for omega"

"she was asleep before you even got drunk and she doesnt even know what happened" echo said "look she is playing with hunter, she has forgotten all about"

"thank the force" I smiled looking over at hunter and omega, I walked over to them

"omega I got you something from the gala" I smiled

"really what?" she smiled, I pulled out a necklace with a skull on it

"some lady just handed it to me it was weird" I said handing it to her

"oh my force, I love it, thank you Ella" she smiled hugging me

"no problem" I smiled before she sat infront of hunter who helped her put it on,


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