Gate: thus the lizards come t...

By Plister29

5.2K 48 35

In a time of peace and tranquility. in 1300 AD, the lizardmen are experiencing, as it was a normal day for t... More

Chapter 1: Where it all comes
Chapter 2: the siege of Quetzla
Chapter 3: Escape to the great temple city
Chapter 5: The treetop attack
Chapter 6: The library
Chapter 7: Attack on Zitlapec
Chapter 8: The main camp
Chapter 9: consequences
Chapter 10: Counterattacking
Chapter 11: a goodwill

Chapter 4: The council cuatl

274 4 6
By Plister29

Itza, Vierentria

The great temple

1000 hours

The great temple and the capital building of all lizardmen were. this is the same place where the council of cuatl resides are, and their chamber was known. this temple was build in the early days of the lizardmen, as it marks their civilization's birth. with Pepe guidances of the lizardmen, to build an enormous temple, that takes many and many years to accomplish the construction of it, due to primitive tools and methods.

Many gators work on constructing this huge structure, as they are the one who transports materials for construction, with their own heavy lifting strength. as the skink and chameleon do help them, as some also do oversee the construction as order. yet to make things quicker the saurians have to involve in the job to construct this big structure, as it was going to be the main government building and also a temple.

This temple is one piece of wonders on Vierentria. that foreigners have a rare chance to visit such building. this temple is also a symbol to Pepe, as outside of their temple entrances, there is plenty of frog totem or statue that are lying, and a huge fountain with a shape of frog spitting water from its mouth making it a sort of water fountain. this place is decorated with jungle plants, that have been planted on the pots along with the atheistic too. just like many other temples of Pepe across Vierentria, are mostly decorated, along with frog statue which is different and foreign design, then others have made its presence across Vierentria just for the lizardmen reminded them of their only god who founded their civilization.

Lord Kraqakot and what's left of his survivor decided to enter the temple, as they are about to meet the council of cuatl in their chamber. it is yet a day he will have to report his finding to the council and warn them what is going on, as this strange anomaly had come and wrecked his city, as Kraqakot have to convince the council as best as he could with a witness. but since the witness who knows more is Ekzorirz, he told the rest to stay outside or could stay in the resting area, as there is a huge place for them there to rest, till the testimony has been done.

The council of cuatl is headed with the wisest, with leadership experiences and oldest cuatl lord and ladies, and it is the main body of government of the lizardmen of them all, located on the great capital temple city named Itza. they were known to be the cuatl who has the most powerful magic and they are not easy to be killed then a regular cuatl.

Ekzorirz and Kraqakot both walk toward the temple. with other lizardmen on their way looking at them. along with it, the temple is guarded with many saurian temple guards. along with rancordon, with its skink handlers, that act as a sort of guard dog on the temple entrances, this place is sure to be heavily guarded.

This testimony session has about to begin. as they begin to approach the council of cuatl. all of the cuatl on the council is on their floating chair. with 5 of them that are appeared. along with it, there is many saurian that are guarding them, most of them are temple guards and also gators on their side. below here are their names.

Lord Xaxdimoati

Lord Kazqazothuic

Lord Naxmomuatui

Lady Karmaruathua

Lady Zlaimi

They are all at their table and await their new guest testimony and report that person is about to talk of. as guards got a report that there is a cuatl from the city of Quetzla comes to the city of Itza, in order to talk with the council of cuatl, of urgent news. but the council needs to take a rest first since this is just way too early for the meeting to start since Kraqakot and his army arrived at 8:00 AM, which is way early for the council to be active.

So they have to wait around 2 hours, just to wait for the preparation. so to take the time, they have to take some breakfast, and then talk in the restaurant for around 1 hour, or more, before Kraqakot and his army have to pay for the food that they have ordered there. as the cuatl council is going to be available at 10:00 AM after their daily routine has been done first since Lord Kraqakot and his army come way earlier than expected.

(This is what Lord Kazqazothuic looks like.)

Lord Kazqazothuic sits in the middle of the councils. On his left, there is Lord Naxmomuatui and Lady Karmaruathua. while on his right side, Lady Zlaimi and Lord Xaxdimoati. there is all of the council of cuatl members are in their floating chair still, with the guards are on their back, they are here awaits for Lord Kraqakot report in their chamber.

These council members are the one who governs the entire lizardmen race as a whole. all lizardmen around Vierentria are abode by their decree. as the council itself is the main governing body of the lizardmen races. the council members are Pepe's chosen, who is worthy to rule the lizardmen.

Lord Kraqakot steps in and begins to introduce himself to the council in their chamber. "Greetings fellow council member. I'm lord Kraqakot, the ruler of the city of Quetzla. I'm here to tell you something urgent. as my city has been conquered by a strange invader that comes from yet a mysterious white structure further from my city."

the cuatl council seems to not have taken lord Kraqakot seriously. as what his reason was. since he might be having an illusion of an unknown foreign invader. because there is no way that they would come in the middle of nowhere of Vierentira without passing the shores first. as there is no human or any foreign kingdom live on this land either, just lizardmen and a few other pure native Vierentria race.

"Have you tried to use your entire defense against them? how your forces are defeated if you come all over the way here. since I knew that this might be so urgent, that you come all the way to Quetzla to Itza, to meet with the council." Lord Kazqazothuic questioned as he scratched his head, on this news that the cuatl lord brings to him.

"I tried as best as I could. but there are just too many of them. the enemy drowned my army in their superior numbers and outmatched me with their superior skill. which in the end left me with 700 armies left on my side now. I'm afraid that they might come to a neighboring city, from what the last report I heard, those scouts them, manage to steal the map of Vierentria, which could cause trouble. I fight as hard as I could, and in the end, I unleash my magical power of banishment two times to distract them, before I made my escape from the city, due to how futile the battle is against them." Lord Kraqakot explains the situation and how he managed to escape from his city, and his failure to defend his city.

"Hmm, how could it happen?  I think this enemy is strange. because they cannot transport that amount of troops in your city that fast, without crossing the shores of Vierentria, and face another city that is in the shores of it." Lord Naxmomuatui asked, how did that huge number of foreign invaders ended up getting there.

"I think Ekzorirz knows the answer to that. as she is the witness who had seen it, and the survivor, who live to tell the tale." Kraqakot said as he summoned Ekzorirz to the council.

Then Ekzorirz steps in and then she begins to steps into the council chamber and presents herself to the cuatl council. then within it, she begins to introduce herself to the council. then she begin to explain what she had seen."I have seen it. the invaders come from a mysterious white structure, which could be a sort of gate. a portal that leads to another world. I have been there, and I have seen everything. they have a massive army of hundred thousand coming to invade this world, this is what I could speculate, they have done with Quetzla, and they might move on to the next neighboring city of it."

"How could that happen. I think I cannot believe there is a mysterious structure that suddenly appeared on Vierentria." Lady Karmaruathua said as she cannot believe a mysterious white portal that appeared on Vierentria.

"I think she should continue, I want to hear more on, how you manage to lose against this foreign invader then." Lord Xaxdimoati said as he is interested in how could such a thing has happened and how they lose.

"Well then member of the council, I will tell you how we from the city of Quetzla lose against these foreign invaders." Ekzorirz said as she takes a breath. "they outnumber us and outmatch us. their wyvern manage to outmatched our pteranodon. I saw many of them died, with their rider lances cut them out, and also their ferocious wyvern is hard to kill. as we manage to kill around 7 of them in total. they have hundreds of them from what I have seen flying in the skies, ready to kill their enemy from above."

"I do not believe if it truly happens? how could they suddenly just pop up in the middle of Vierentria and then hundreds upon thousand of army suddenly come out of now from a mysterious structure that has just pop up on Vierentria? I don't even know who had caused this stuff to happen at all, but it seems rather hard to believe." Lady Zlaimi said.

"I'm not making this up. this is real. we would not walk our way this far if it's not for this then. those things just come mysteriously. I think we need to study this structure more after we drove the invaders back to where they come from then.

"So who are the invaders, and what are their appearances then? I wanted to know more of them, before thinking of sending an army to fight them." Lord Kazqazothuic asked Ekzorirz to describe what the invaders looks like.

"The invaders that are coming from that gate, are a fraction of the human kingdom, with many other races that fight with them. the non-humans one from what I see looks like their auxiliaries because by the look of it, the humans there have uniforms in their army and many varieties of the army they have, it looks like the humans here are the main army of the nation that conquer Quetzla. second, they are always being put on the front line, to make way for the main army to get into the battlefield.

From what I find their other races army besides humans. there is plenty of others like an elf. what I used to say, I manage to dodge their arrow shots that they shoot from afar. then I find it quite strange that I also find a dark skin elf, which I found it to be disbelieved of it since I thought these types of elves look like they have such rare birth defect.

I saw they have beastmen in their ranks along with trolls and ogres. I cannot believe what I have seen. they have way many diverse races that are on their side. but they sure look different than the ones in our world. for the human, their uniform seems to be unrecognizable from any human nation the lizardmen ever known at all. their armor too, but their helmet is where I could see that this one seems to be a foreign human nation that invades us, that the lizardmen do not encounter or know at all. the same with which is the best I could describe them." Ekzorirz describes the foreign invaders as best as she could from her memories from what she saw on the siege of Quetzla and what she has found on her scouting mission.

"This seems to be quite strange. an elves-spawn working with a human nation in huge numbers, not a small band of individuals? I find it quite unbelievable because they would see them as a lesser race in their eyes, like others that were not them, and also I don't even see dark skin elves even exist either.

oh and greenskins too? what is this I cannot believe it that both goblins and orcs would work with them, along with beastmen you say? you just make me laugh here. because beastmen hate the civilized race, all they want is to destroy all civilization.

while for the ogre and trolls, I think that one could truly make sense, that they work with the human if they truly give them enough food to get in their side or tame them in their good side." Lord Xaxdimoati said as he laughed hard as he could at the disbelief of what Ekzorirz said, that many diverse races do work with this foreign human empire.

The reaction from the council of cuatl, felt like this is a sort of made-up scene that Ekzorirz just say. due to them have many diverse races that work with them. as greenskins like orcs and goblins don't even consider working with humans, along with beastmen too would never consider working with civilized race, as they hate civilization as a whole. after all many people believe that this is all made up story by Ekzorirz.

"I think you should probe my mind if you want to see it as this could give you a clear image from what I have seen, in my own two eyes, if none of you believe what I have said the description of the foreign invaders then," Ekzorirz suggests the cuatl council to probe her mind.

"Well then, let I will probe your mind then," Kazqazothuic said, as he was about to begin to probe her mind. so he begin to step out from his floating chair, and forced himself to walk with his legs. as he begins to approach Ekzorirz and is ready to probe her mind and make it in a form of a cloud for everyone to see inside her memories to prove her claim and the invader's description is true.

Then Lord Kazqazothuic begins to probe her mind for evidence since the rest feels disbelieve. she allows him to search it. since she is the one that seen everything, and goes through the gate and makes it alive to tell the tales, which her knowledge and memories could be valuable knowledge for the lizardmen, to know who they are up to now.

Everyone on the council chamber begins, seeing Ekzorirz's point of view, in a form of a cloud that is above her head. as Lord Kazqazothuic taps into her head, as he is trying to find the evidence. then it begins with her memories which take time on her deployment where the gate has opened outside of the city of Quetzla.

Then they all see Ekzorirz being ordered to get inside the gate as her superior order. then what they see inside the gate, is a beautiful world, a new world, but there is a lot of army in a formation of humans, along with it in the front line of them all, is where an army of different races was, with many unique types, which most of them are all the same according to everyone have seen. an army of trolls, goblins, orcs,  and many more other races.

In the back of there is many armies of human legionaries, with spears and sword, along with their cavalry army. along with it, they have wyvern rider in large numbers. as they are all about to get ready to invade the new world beyond the gate. the next scene was shifted to Ekzorirz running from the gate, and warn the rest of her comrades to be prepared, and then her superior told her to warn Lord Kraqakot, while they will hold the enemy as long as they could since they have a low number compared to the invaders, they ended up getting squashed like a bug, despite they fought bravely with their courage and strength against their enemy.

The next scene shifted to the siege of Quetzla, after she managed to warn Lord Kraqakot about the upcoming invasion. then she was told to join her kin after she managed to report what she have just sawed at the gate. then this is where she begins to be deployed on the wall, with her comrade, as they are all ready to defend this city. despite this, she was given an extra order by Lord Kraqakot to get out earlier as there is a gallimimus reserve for her.

Then the moment has come. as they saw the unknown invaders begin to get in action. she begins firing her blowpipe with poison darts. as all chameleon uses poison darts as their ammunition for their blowpipe. she attacks several legionaries and then continues the fight, as she was forced to retreat from the wall, due to the wall being destroyed by an enemy trebuchet. which she switches to a melee weapon, which is the spikey club that she has.

The memories of the siege from Ekzorirz's point of view begin to be seen on the cloud. as the Saderan prepares their trebuchet to the siege, and battering rams. the siege is where things are getting uglier. as this is where the Saderan manages to breach the city wall and open the door gate with their battering ram.

She fights many more greenskin, like goblins and orcs, but the lizardmen in the chamber are confused about their strange shapes and appearances. as they do not look the same from their world. goblin only wearing a loincloth and no shield but crude weapons. while orcs seem to be dumber than what they saw in their world. along with many more from what she manages to fights. the longer the lizardmen holds the line the more the battlefield did not favor them, as they were outnumbered and outmatched by the foreign invaders.

The wyvern seems to be a force to be reckoned with when seeing it flying in hundreds. as they swoop from the skies and kill lizardmen and their dinosaur from the skies with their rider sharp lances. which there is a reason why they only killed only a few of them out of hundreds more. they managed to outmatch the pteranodon rider, as 50 of them all died. since the pteranodon is the lizardmen's best anti-air counter-attack.

Then the last is where Ekzorirz and her comrade try to defend their master, as one of the skinks told them to protect their master, as the enemy is almost going to reach Lord Kraqakot. the scene shifted next to the retreat order of Lord Kraqakot were, the rest of the lizardmen begin to retreat, as the battle is futile, it's best to retreat to live to fight another day. thus the mind probe has ended, with all of the memories starting from going inside the gate and the siege of Quetzla, everyone on the council chamber has seen the real deal now.

Then the cuatl discuss upon themselves for the final decision of Lord Kraqakot news. to themselves, as the 5 of the council member is still thinking on the decision. now they have seen it, along with everyone on the cuatl council chamber. from temple guards and other lizardmen inside the chamber sees it with their own two eyes of Ekzorirz memories on the siege of Quetzla and this foreign invader, where the moment she gets into the gate, which is the most important memories of them all. after all, she is not making this up, this is a real thing that just happened, all thanks to Lord Kazqazothuic probing her mind and use his magic power to make a sort of cloud of memories for everyone to view it.

"I can't believe what I have seen through your mind. after all it was true... I also cannot believe it that they manage to conquer Quetzla in a matter of time." Lady Zlaimi said, as what she had seen is something that she could not be convinced if it's real either.

"Now I have seen it. for me, I find it strange that beastmen, orcs, goblins, and elves in huge numbers work with the humans. well then maybe we will need more study on them, from the look of it, these races do not look the same from what I have seen in our world or the information of them in the library. maybe later on we might need to study more about them after we drove them, so I suggest is to capture those non-human races that work with this human nation then, so we could question them and try to find out more about them." Lord Xaxdimoati said as he suggest capturing those other races that work with the Saderan alive, so the lizardmen could study more about them.

"Finally the decision is made. I think we should also send more troops to liberate your city and any neighboring city. also we would try to get the gunpowder weapons in action. since we don't have many of them, then anyone on Europa. seeing how the enemy is in big number, I think we should send a hundred of thousands of troops to repel these foreign invaders." Lord Naxmomuatui said as the gunpowder weapons are about to be deployed on the battlefield, but they are only small in numbers, as the lizardmen's access to that weapon is limited.

"And we would send in some of those dinosaurs to aid the troops. there will be and those scaly and spikey reptiles, who shot their spikes from their tail, called the Rancordon. there will be many of them we would send. the mighty tyrannosaurus would be. as some of our saurian generals will be riding this animal with them. there will be some feral ones that we will send in the army to fight off these invaders.

And also ankylosaurus is going to be equipped with a special device on them, called the sun engine, and the snake traps, along with some triceratops with a special device that is going to be equipped on them, which is rare to be used in warfare, which is called the engine of gods, there is only a few of triceratops going to be equipped with this device later on.  I think it's time to show them our true capabilities and make them think twice that we are not some kind of primitives that is an easy target." Lord Xaxdimoati said that there will be more beasts of burden going to be sent to the battlefield.

"But dealing with these flying wyverns is the thing that concerns since they seem to be skilled from what I had seen in your memory from the probe. so we will need more pteranodon with the rider to have better equipment and also their toughest variant.  but thinking again, there is no dragon in Vierentria, only dinosaurs, and many other strange creatures. event farm animals here are some varieties of small reptiles." Lady Karmaruathua humored, about Vierentria.

The idea of what units are about to be sent to both east and west road, along with liberating Quetzla, has been done and discussed. Lord Kazqazothuic now has to conclude the final decision, that the time for war has arrived, as the foreign invaders are about to be a threat to Vierentria as a whole if they do not stop them. so it is final that hundreds of troops going to be sent to fight against this foreign invader.

"Now its time for the lizardmen to fight off against these forces of foreign invaders, and drove them back to the gate that spawned them. by the look of Ekzorirz point of view when entering that gate. I think we could agree to send more different varieties and many more troops to repel this foreign invader, that does not come from our world." Lord Kazqazothuic announced the decision to everyone in the chamber.

Then many cheered with the cuatl council's decision of it. the time of war against the foreign invaders has come. Kraqakot smiled as this decision was made. finally, last, more troops and ferocious animals are about to be sent on the battlefield.

Finally, good news he had heard from the decision of the council. this time, they are about to send in a huge army to investigate further. as both will be in huge numbers, as they will split to the east and west roads, which would lead to Quetzla. the army that the council of cuatl decided to send is one with magics and terrifying beast, along with it some are equipped with a lizardmen artifacts, which one that shoots such terrifying beam but slow to charge. another one of their artifacts that is something they considered to use rarely. Finally, both Ekzorirz and Lord Kraqakot are dismissed from the council after this urgent news they delivered.

This will be such bad news for the invaders, as judgment is about to come for them. they only know the few capabilities of the lizardmen. soon reality will hit them hard as it could and will make them wake up from the reality they have made up for such a long time. as they are undefeatable. now they will later on, about to witness the true power of the lizardmen, along with their magic, that their master and skink mage are about to unleash.

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