another love<3


4.5K 45 5

Arizona and Callie have been divorced for a year and a half now. Callie has decided to move on but Arizona ha... Еще

her touch
it's you.
in eachother's arms.
when worlds collide
the morning after
him or her?
loving you is easier
i just want you
i want to build a life with you
you & me
happy again
it's now, never or forever
alot about lesbians
i will never ever stop loving you
we should have thought this through
living life with my lesbian lover
positive or negative?
this is happening. for real.
too perfect...
almost there
another love<3

feelings and confusion

330 4 0

Amelia's pov ;

It was the next day. I woke up again, earlier than i did yesterday thankfully. Yesterday was actually pretty good. I got to talk to Arizona a bunch. Of course that was my favorite part of the day. I still don't know what this means. Or do i but i dont want to admit it. Anyway i arrived at work. I did rounds with the interns. "Hey Amelia!" Maggie walked up to me. "Hey! You seem a bit more perky and happy than you usually do?" I said. "Yep. The sex with Jackson is mindblowing." She said. "Damn, atleast somebody's getting railed." I said. "So.." She said. "So?? What?" I said. "You and anyone? Or anyone inparticular you eyeing?" She said. The only person i was eyeing was Arizona. But it was confusing and Maggie thinks im straight or whatever. "No. Why?" I said. "Just asking... ooo what about link?" She said. "Atticus Lincoln? No... he's like new. And his haircut is weird to me." I said. "Okayyy well-" Her pager went off. Thank god. "Crap im getting paged. THIS IS NOT OVER!!!" She yelled. "Yes it is." I mumbled. "Hey brunette!" Arizona walked up. My god that voice and smile of her's never get's old.
"Hey blondie!" I smiled. "Whatcha doing?" She asked. "Nothing just finishing rounds. Maggies already asking me about love intrests. Apparently the sex with Jackson is "mindblowing", I wish i was getting some." I said. I'm so stupid why would i say that? "Love intrests huh? Like who?" She asked. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. "Um it's no one. I- i mean i'd rather not." I said. "Okay, you seem a bit nervous." She smirked. Im literally dead at this point. She's just. God. I faked a page and told her i had to go.

Arizona's pov ;

Who could Amelia's love interest be? I mean obviously it's not me. I think. Or any girl. Is she even into girls? I haven't really done anything since Callie. But Amelia's different from everyone. She stands out. I think i love her. Wait no? I cant love her. It's- I- she's straight. I don't even have feelings. Right? I think. Yeah, no. Not Amelia she's just like a friend. A good friend. Nothing more. She never will be. I think. Yeah, okay.

in this chapter i tried to show arizona's weak spot that she has for amelia. let me know if you guys are liking this so far!! i'll post more tomorrow bye<3.

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