Don't Let Go

By korosenseisstan

24K 1K 312

When you love someone, you'll do things you would never do. You care like you never have. You want to protect... More

beach nights
where's be been
ochaco the hero
just stopping by
midnight stroll
i didn't mean it
saved by the saved
it's a thank you
strawberry what?
stranger danger
you're pretty
my head
wanna bet?
he did that ?
i miss him
hard to love
leave her alone
who is that?
kiss it better
they be zoomin'
wanna sleepover?
wanna sleepover pt2
pillow fight
night night
love or don't love
not what it looks like
you're smile
i love you

cookies and cream

594 27 8
By korosenseisstan

"Two cookies and cream please."

Uraraka and Bakugo sat across from each other looking absolutely glamorous in the retro ice-cream parlor.

"Coming right up...", the male said walking away in awe.

Guess it was rare to see such big upcoming heroes in beautiful clothes in a small ice-cream shop. Weird.

"Are you sure this is alright with you?", he asked. "When I said I'd take you here, I meant...not now. Like midday when it's not 25 friggen degrees."

"It's never to cold for milkshakes. Or ice-cream. That's a rule."

"I'll write that down.", he said shaking his head. "We are dating now. Guess I should take notes."

She giggled and shrunk a little.

"Yeah...yeah we are."

She was silent for a couple of moments, so Bakugo moved to the opposite side of the booth and held her hand. She blushed and looked away.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"Nothings' wrong!", she said with a small smile. "I'm very happy right now... it's just very new."

"That's a good thing though, right?"

"Yes! Of course. I-I just didn't would get this far."

Bakugo squinted his eyes clearly not getting at where she was getting at. She laughed and put her head on his shoulder.

"I just mean that, if I were to like someone, I didn't think I'd ever get to date them. I didn't have a problem with liking someone from afar, you are. Usually it pushes me away, but I don't feel like that now. I just never thought you'd like me back."

He kissed her forehead and rubbed her knuckles.

"How could I not?"

She looked down and smiled and gave a little hip dance.

"Were you jealous?", Bakugo snickered sipping on his milkshake.

"Me? About the girl?! Of course not! Why-why would I be.", she squirmed.

"If you insist. Though I didn't specify what I was referring to, but alright."

Uraraka turned a soft shade of pink and gave Bakugo two small fist punches.

"Can I ask when you started to liked me? I had no idea. Either I'm dense or you never wanted me to find out."

"I think it's a little of both.", he snorted.

"Heyy!", she murmured elbowing him. "Seriously?"

"If you want honesty. I liked you since our 3rd year."

"You're joking. You have to be."

"If only.", he said rolling his eyes.

"Well-oh, thank you!", she stammered to the waiter as the milkshakes arrived. "I swore you hated me. You never talked to me."

"I thought avoiding you would be best for me. I always did what I thought was best for me. Guess it just wasn't this time."

"Aw.", she chuckled. "That's kinda romantic in like a weird way."

"Do you even really like me?", he asked quietly. "I hope it's not out of pity."

"Oh, Bakugo. Of course not, are you kidding me? You really think I'd do that?"

"No, round face. I don't.", he smiled softly. "I just...never thought you'd like me back."

"Good to know we're already on the same page.", she laughed sipping her milkshake.

A couple seconds went by and they looked up. She blushed slightly and he couldn't help but smile.

"I-I guess. This is like...our first official date? I feel like I've been with you a couple of times now. Now I'm here as your....girlfriend?"

"Yeah...yeah you are. Well, on our first 'unofficial' date, I scared you off.", he blushed at the word.

"Oh, I didn't forget.", she snorted. "I can't believe this all started from that one night. Then I wanted you to feel better with food! Of all things. I thought it was going alright but then you said you didn't-


She aggressively began to drink her milkshake until she got a brain freeze.


"Calm down!", he laughed. "Why did you drink it so fast!"

"It's-it's just so good!"

They began to slowly drink their milkshake and take it the atmosphere in a comfortable silence.

"Look! I finished before you! We should go..heh."

"Alright, sheesh.", he said calmly.

He clearly saw what she was avoiding and glad she caught herself when she did. Not trying to expose him, already. He put the bill money and tip on the table with an exhale.

He stood up and held his hand out. She smiled and took it gently while he led her back to his car. They walked to the parking lot and she shivered a little. He noticed immediately and took his scarf off. It was the only thing he brought in his car since he thought he'd be indoors all night. It was a good call to bring it with him inside the diner. He wrapped it around her than jokingly threw the rest around her face.

"Hey!", she giggled. "It's colder out here than I expected."

"Why do you always end up misjudging the cold?", he snorted.

They made it to the car and he opened the door for her.

"Such a gentleman.", she scoffed jokingly.

"I do my best.", he said closing her door.

Once they were both in the car, he turned on the heater and she sighed in relief.

"Thank God, that feels so warm. I officially love your car."

"Because of the heater?", he laughed.

"It doesn't take much! A-anyway...Happy Valentines' Day. I don't think I said that."

"Happy Valentines' Day.", he chuckled. "Did you have a good day?"

"I did.", she giggled. "Thanks to you. I can't believe we ended up ditching the event. My feet are killing me, especially because of my messed up ankle. I'm glad my dress covers my heels.

"I can't believe you even bothered to do that. I know you must be in pain."

"I did it for you! Well-and me too. I can't wear a dress like this and my slippers!"

"Well.", he said putting his hand on her cheek. "If it's for me, I can't help but appreciate it, huh."

He turned to her slightly, so she did the same.

"Did you have fun with me today?", she asked shyly.

"You made my day. I got to tell you how much I like you. I get to take you out now. Wherever you want. I want to give you whatever you want."

"It can't just be you!", she blushed. "Me too-to just said. I like you, a lot. I'm gonna prove it too!"

"You'd better.", he murmured while putting his thumb on her chin.

"Or what?", she asked quietly.

Bakugo immediately kissed her passionately and she put her hand on his neck which caused his breath to hitch. He pulled her closer and she kissed back this time with more pressure. It seemed like all the tension was released into this kiss, and neither of them wanted to stop.

He moved down and began to kiss her cheek, her jawline, then her neck, which caused her to shiver. She put her hand on his chest and fluttered her eyes.


"Shh..", he said biting her lip and kissing her once more.

This time Uraraka wanted to surprise him.

She pushed her tongue in softly and leaned in more to him. He was greatly surprised and did the same.

A couple moments later, they pulled apart, breathing softly. She put her head on his chest, almost embarrassed she had made such a bold move. Bakugo kissed her forehead, pleasantly surprised that the girl took him off guard.

One day, I wanna tell you how much I love you, he thought.

"That's what.", he replied.

"Guess I'm in for it.", she giggled waving her face.

He held her hand and began to drive into the city. There was no one on the road and the streets lights glistened in the night:

"If you don't need to go home, we can drive around.", he mentioned.

"We can do that.", she said with a smile.

She looked around from the view of his car and relaxed in her seat. She smiled and it almost brought tears to her eyes.

I never thought I'd have this...this is everything I could've wanted. It's so simple, yet makes me so happy.

She looked over at Bakugo with a small smile. He looked back over at her and laughed slightly.

"What's the face for?"

"I'm not making a face!", she blushed. "This is my resting face."

"Oh, I wanna see your other faces.", he snickered as he hit the breaks causing her to yelp and then pushed the gas again.

"K-Katsuki! What the heck!", she squeaked. "You made me drop my bag!"

"You can get it up just fine, too.", he cackled.

"You suck.", she snorted, bending down to retrieve her bag.

She felt for her bag, but ended up picking up a small piece of paper.

"Darn it. I think some of my stuff fell out.", she mumbled.

She felt the floor once more, but felt nothing else, so she shrugged her shoulders and opened the piece of paper.

"Hey I think you left your receipt something on the....."

She looked at the paper and back at him with tinted pink cheeks and wide eyes.

He looked at her and glanced at the paper, and his eyes widened as well.

"Ah, crap."

The paper read-

February 13th


She kissed me

"You wrote this down?", she asked with a gleaming grin.

"I wanted to remember that. It's important to me."

He gave her a small kiss and shook his head.

He looped his hand through hers and brought her closer.

"I don't know what's gonna happen next.", he joked. "I just wanted to record the first step. Just know that I'm happy we're dating. Excited to spend more time with you Ochaco."

She nodded her head and smiled.

"Excited to see what the future holds, Katsuki."

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