The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty...

By kenishaamy

183K 7.3K 1.1K

Leonard Comârdo is a Alpha King billionaire. He has to run a pack, a company and raise 5 kids at the same tim... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (It's Time)
Chapter 31 (An Ass Whooping)
Chapter 32 (What Ever Major Loser)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Final Chapter Part1 (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 22

3.5K 206 18
By kenishaamy

Talent Show

"And our last performance will be from a unique Duo. Please welcome the Combárdo's." the principal shouted excitedly

From behind the curtain Dwacia and I could clearly hear the boys, Justin, Justice, Joceline, Shane and Tory cheering loudly. I don't understand why Dwacia wanted to call us the Combárdo's though.
There were so many other names she could of come up with, but she chose the Combárdo's.

Well, it's too late, we can't change it now. Shouldn't have let her pick out name.

We got into our positions as the curtain rose. We then began performing our dance routine with me playing the role of the man and Dwacia obviously the role of the woman.

OK I know this isn't my video or this isn't us but, I want you all to just imagine Carlton (I don't remember his real name) as a woman, me and Whitney as a young teenage girl, Dwacia.

We danced our hearts out the entire performance giving it our all and when we were finished everyone was on their feet clapping. Except Lady Marrenette, her friends (some fellow parents) and Lady Marrenette's daughter and her friends and a couple other people.

We did our bows, listened to the judges comments (which was mostly praise ) and walked off stage.Then, we got changed and met up with the boys and their friends.

"Mom! Let's eat out tonight to celebrate on that awesome performance you guys just gave." suggested Damarian

"Yeah, let's eat out tonight. I want burgers." shouted Deshawn with glee while running around us making aeroplane noises with his mouth.

To me, it sounded like a great idea so I agreed "sure, why not? We deserve it, right Dwacia?"
"Plus, we haven't eaten out in a while and I've been dieing to taste the food served at that fancy Italian restaurant in that small town in the woods you guys toke me to last time."

"Can we come?" asked asked Justin referring to himself along with Justice, Joceline, Shane and Tory

"Of course. As long as its OK with your parents." "yeah, we're sure it's OK, they won't mind."

"Yeahh. Why don't you call them and ask them first before jumping to conclusions." I told them

"No, we're su-"
"Call Them. Look, I'm just being sure your parents know where we're going and who your with. I'm black and there are 10 little white it's here . That doesn't look good.
You guys might not think that's a big deal and trust me I wish it wasn't, but because of the society we live in, it is."

"So, get in the car." I said and they all piled into the car including Damon's friends after they called their parents and we head off to the small town in the woods.

As we made it into the woods and started heading up the path to the town. I so happen to glance out the drivers side window and saw a bunch of glowing yellow eyes staring at the car as it passes by. Feeling uneasy but not wanting to startle the kids, I turned the music up a little to distract them and maybe keep them from looking out any of the windows.

After about 2 minutes of seeing glowing eyes, they stopped and I thought to myself "I hope that wasn't what I think it is, I have little energy left in me, but not enough to deal with that." All my energy was used up in the performance and the before practice.

As we're getting closer to the town "according to Desmon" something hit the car from behind. I looked through the side mirrors to try and see who or what hit us, and I saw nothing. But as I was focusing back on the road ahead, something slammed into my side of the car.

Steading the car, I looked over and through my side of the window I saw a bunch of big ass wolves running along side the car. Looking through the passenger window and through the rearview mirror, I saw the same thing.
So, the entire car is surrounded by wolves running along side us. Stepping on the gas we zoomed forward but when I looked out the windows again, the wolves were still there, in fact they seem to be having no problem keeping up with the car. The kids began screaming (except Damon, Desmon, Shane and Troy) as the wolves began slamming their bodies against the car. But more specifically, they are slamming again my side of the car and really aggressively.
I know if we continue like this, we weren't gonna make it to the town. So I started shouting orders.

"Damon get up front. Desmon sit at the door on one side of the car, while Shane sits at the door on the other side of the car. Tory I want you to sit in the passenger seat once Damon takes my place after I jump out. OK?"

"What! Mom that's madness. Those wolves are gonna kill you. I know you see them targeting your side more mom, they want you!" shouts Damon

Exactly, they want me, so I need to get away from you guys so you won't get hurt. That's why I'm gonna slow the car down a little and jump out.
You guys need to get to the town for safety, that's why when I jump out, don't look back and don't slow down or try and come back for me, just drive. I can only hope that once your in that town your safe.

"Mom please don't do this, there has to be another way." Damon says with tears rolling down his now puffy red cheeks (haha, sorry for the hollywood line guys. I couldn't help putting it in there).

"I love you guys ok, lik-"
"MOM! Would you stop that, your not going out there, you won't survive a second. You can't fight those wolves and if you think you can your insane."

"......I can handle them."
"No you ca-"
"I. Can. Handle. Them. You don't know everything about me boy. I can do things that would surprise, take the wheel as soon as I jump out and stop arguing with me. Now on 3, 1....2...."
"Wait! Mom I just want you to know that we love you too. Your the closes thing we ever had to a mother and we don't want to loose you but, we understand that your making a sacrifice to save us and we're greatful." says Dwacia crying her eyes out. Now that I'm looking around, everyone was crying. It could be for other reasons than me possibly dieing, but they were all crying.

" I'm not gonna die ok. I can handle them, trust me. Troy, look behind your seat for a duffle bag, hand it over to me when you do."
Troy reaches over the back seat into the trunk and pulls out my black duffle bag.
"Grab the wheel." I told Damon so I could take the things I'm gonna need out the bag, to get myself ready for the jump and what awaits me once I'm out the car.

I grabbed my gun from the glove compartment, another gun from the duffle bag, my miniature machete, wolf spray and a thing I bought online I've forgotten the name of, but it looks like a mini spear made out of metal."

Then I gave one last smile and said "3" and jumped out the now slow moving car landing on one of the wolves who hits another sending all 3 of us into the woods.

The wolves hit the ground first, then I landed ontop of them. Scrambling to my feet I took off running in the opposite direction of the town, hoping to lure them away from the kids.

It worked somewhat because when I glanced behind me 4 large wolves were chasing me. With the little energy I have left in me, I ran faster all the while mumbling prayers to god asking for the strength and speed I'm gonna need to get out of this. One of the wolves caught up with me and was now running along side me while trying to take a bite out of me. Cursing myself for dropping both guns, I pull away everytime he comes in for a bite.

Another wolf then jumps on a broken tree branch and jumps off that at me aiming for my head, right when the other wolf was coming in for another bite. I ducked out of the way but then tripped over a rock sending myself face first into the ground. I can hear the collision sound made when both wolves collided with each other, sending both if them to the ground.

I grabbed a broken piece of branch and scrambled to turn around just in time, for another wolf to attack me. The wolf bit into the branch and we both end up struggling trying to get the upper hand on the other.

Just as the other 3 wolves were about to attack me, 3 way bigger wolves charged out of the bushes and attacks the 3. The wolf that was on me decided I wasn't important anymore and stops attacking me to go help one of his friends by attacking one of the rescue wolves (the wolves that saved me by attacking the others are called rescue wolves. That's what I'm gonna call them since they don't have names).

Getting to my feet I decided to help the rescue wolf that was out numbered with two against one. Using the branch that was still in my hand, I knocked one of the wolves off of him.

The wolf got to its feet and charges at me. Using the branch I knock him over the head again, then used it to strangle him from behind putting all my weight and strength into my left leg that was kneeling in his back. The wolf was growling and shaking furiously trying to get me off him, but I reached for my mini machete that was lieing on the floor a few feet away and slipped off him.

The wolf immediately jumps at me and luckily I grabbed the mini machete in time to stab him in the head from underneath his head. The wolf whimpers but soon went still. Using alot of my strength, I push him off of me (which was not easy) and retrieved my machete from his head(which caused alot of blood to spray out on me).

Looking around I see one of the rescue wolves being pinned down by one of the other wolves. The wolf was biting into the rescue wolves neck and was shaking him. With blood running down my face from a head wound I didn't know I had, I carefully stumbled over to them. Using the machete, I stab the wolf in his side and when he fell over stabbed him in his throat. I kept putting pressure on the machete still lodged into the wolf's throat until he gave up fighting and accepted his fate.

By the time I was done, the other two wolves were already dead and the rescue wolves were staring at me with respect(I think), until they bowed like I was some sort of royalty or god. With heavy breathing and my vision being blured by my blood, I slowly sunk to my knees officially falling on my back when I couldn't keep myself up anymore. But before my eyes could close, I saw the rescue wolves standing over me licking at my face.

"Fuck, my head hurts!" and that's the last thing I said before going unconscious.

Waking up in a brightly lite room is not only painful to my eyes but to the pounding headache I was feeling right now.

"Shit your awake." says a familiar voice. Once the person came into my view I realized that it was Leonard. He's back.

"How are you feeling?" he asks but before I could answer pain shot up my body from someone jumping onto of me. Looking down I see all the kids along with Justin, Justice, Joceline, Shane and Tory all smiling up at me in what looks to be their school uniforms. "Mom. We missed you!" they all screamed except Damon's friends who instead screamed "Miss Thomason we missed you!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you missed her we all missed her, but you have to get off of her now." Leo says

"What happened? Why are you here? How did I get here? Where am I?" I asked Leonard

"Wow, wow,, Calm down. Let me answer all those questions one by one. Ok?"

"Your at an hospital. The people from the town in the woods brought you here. According to them wolves attached you and you fought your way against them until some other wolves came and helped you. I don't know don't ask me, it's what they said."

"Then they said the kids drove into town and asked for help, and that when the towns police officers went to look for you and found you unconscious surrounded by wolves, like they were protecting you. The hospital then called me filled me in on what happened and I flew out immediately leaving work early.

Groaning I lied back down and was unconscious again in no time, but before I was fully unconscious I heard Leonard whisper

" Your one bad ass Bitch aren't you? Fuck I'm so happy you came into my life."

Hey everyone one hope you like this chapter too and thank you guys so much for the support. Remember to vote and leave a comment.

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