
By dontyoucallhimbby

3.2K 152 45

Following the POV of Louis (and Harry) a boy coming from a broken home, meets an upbeat, fun loving teen. Or... More

rainy days cause odd thoughts
best sex
weed and wine
dumb questions
an opening door
stupid nicknames
millions of pieces
freshly polished
tripping, and falling
his wet tounge
get over it
home away from home
horrendous mindset
adrenaline runs
hello there
the Moses
as you wish
alive and breathing
only for the brave
love louis
little black dress
mr fuck me harder
don't be a stranger
dispair is in my DNA
boys don't cry
happier than ever
no control
the eyes never lie
beer for breakfast
from the dining table
bloodshot eyes
smoke filled ride
bloody brilliant
stone cold ash
lost in lust
please help
so lost inside blue eyes
five foot ten
addicted, you could say
new beginning
my name

in deep shit

51 3 0
By dontyoucallhimbby

"Louis! you're 'ere! Mate I'm telling you- there's some people I'd like you too meet."

Zayn stands in the doorway of his house, the party behind him roars. More people arrive as he speaks too me.

"Styles' here too." I point behind me, at the pavement. He still tries to catch up.

"Why is he so far behind..?" Zayn has a corona in his hand, every two seconds swigging from it.

"We like to race... So, I always win," He runs up the drive, now joining us, "Here he is."

"Hey Zayn," He breathes heavily, catching his breath back.

"Fuck you're slow," I pat his back as he folds over.

"Fuck you're fast." He struggles.

"Well Styles if you don't mind I'm gonna steal Louis for a second-"

Zayn attaches himself to my wrist, pulling me into the house. The bruise remains from the other night, he touches it but doesn't notice.

I grab Harry's arm in responce, securing it tightly.

"Louis? Mate?" He stops turning around in reaction.

"Can Styles come too?" I tug on his blazer sleeve.

"Uhhh- sure. I thought you wanted a boyfriend though? There's some dudes I think you'll like here and you don't want him third wheeling-"

"Shush Zayn, don't shout yeah?" People walk past, into his house.

Last time I did anything this loud about my sexuality I got beaten up. Never again.

"Well how about Styles goes over to Niall, get a drink or two, if you don't hit it off with him then, you can go hang out with Styles and Niall for the rest off the night." He taps his foot impassionately.

"No Styles, no me."

"Okay okay sure, it's gonna be really awkward-"

"No Styles, no me, Zayn."

I keep hold of his arm, not looking back at him.

"Okay calm down, let's go get Louis a boyfriend."

Zayn wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his house.

I feel Harrys fingers tap mine. I look back at him, as he slips his hand into mine.

My first instinct is too pull away, but I let his grasp hold mine. My insides smile as it happens.

Zayn's house looks a lot different with more people in it, what once was an open space, white, clean room is now a crowded, messy people hooking up on the counter tops.

To be fair, it's a great house for a party.

"Okay here he is," Zayn points across the room, a boy stands facing away near the beer table.

"Go over to him at your own pace, my rooms off limits, so is Niall's," He leans in to me and Styles, "Only cause we're in mine. Niall wants to keep his clean. Join us if it doesn't work." He walks away, throwing his beer bottle on the floor as he leaves.

"Fuck no." I turn away from the boy.

Harry spins me back round.

"Just try too make some social interaction mate." He nudges me over too the boy, now only meters away.

"I hate you for this." People around us ignore us, acting as if non-existent. Just how I like it.

I walk over to the boy in the jersey, no number on the back.

I try to calm myself down and stop myself from pussying out.

"Hey, mate I'm Louis-"

I tap on his back, he's just taller than me but I feel his muscles through the jersey.

"Louis please-" He turns around.

He looks down at me with his deep brown eyes, that I've spent too many nights dreaming about.

Well more crying over than dreaming about.

Liam Payne stands in front of me, hands in pockets. Hood up.

"Fuck you, Liam Payne."

I try to run away but my legs don't let me. My Arm is in his hand, he pulls me towards him.

Faces inches apart.

I try too scream but my mouth feels glued shut.

"You need to get over it, it happened once and you act like it ruined your life-"

"Probably because it did dickhead. My mum hates me aswell as my sister. My dad left because you wanted to shove a dick in an ass." My tears run down my cheeks, I rub away my tears.

He tries to touch my face, but I pull away.

"Don't you fucking touch me," I struggle through tears, "I hate you for what you did. I'll never stop hating you."

He realises my arm, I regret wearing my tank top. I feel everything but bad ass.

"I'm sorry." I walk away, but as I do, looking back.

"Fuck you."

I walk away back in Harrys direction, my tears thicker than ever.

I see him laughing with a girl, she's petite.

"Styles-" I tap on his arm.

He turns around, immediately shoving me into his side. Hugging me from the side.

"The man of the hour! Louis!, This is little black dress." He points at the girl.

Her eyes green, hair dark, and lips red. Her black converse matches her black dress.

The girl laughs at his joke, "It's Anna- nice too meet you. Blazer has told me all about you!" Her accent shines through as she speaks, she's not from England.

"Blazer- that's me." He doesn't seem too look down at me the whole time this happens.

The lights blare, with the music in the background. I wimp as my eyes continue to pour.

I look up at him laughing, he swigs his beer and makes more jokes. His arm stays round me.

I cry into his arm until he taps my back, "Wait- Lou?" He looks at me for the first time.

"Louis what?-" He gazes into my eyes," You have my number, little black dress, text me sometime I gotta go-" He grabs my hand before puling me towards the stairs.

He runs up the stairs I follow behind him, people dance and laugh as we run past. I wish I could feel that way right now, but all I feel is empty.

We go past people that I've never seen before- peoples names I've never heard.

We reach Zayn's room, he knocks on the door.

"Please, it's Styles- Louis' in deep shit."

Zayn unlatches the door to his threshold, smoke erupts from his chamber.

"What's going on man?" The smell from the room is putrid, it fills my nostrils as I try to catch my breath. The tears continue to stream down my raw cheeks, I hold onto Harry for life.

"I don't even know mate, can we go into Niall's room? We'll only be a minute."

He hands Harry a key, shooting him a scary look, "Do not loose this key, Niall and my parents will kill you."

"Thanks mate, we'll see you later." He pulls me away as Zayn shuts the door.

He quickly unlocks Niall's room, and steps in, I trail behind him.

I sit on Niall's bed, Harry locks the door quickly.

He turns around, I sit on the bed. Head in my arms, the tears continue to fall, five minutes after I've seen him, it still stings like I've just seen him for the first time.

"Louis, what the fuck? What went that wrong-"

"It was Liam. Liam was my 'date'." I try to collect myself but it's hard. Really hard.

He rubs my leg, "Fuck Louis, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"You don't understand Harry, he put me in such a fucking place, I nearly died. he just acts like I'm going to forgive him like that? Look at me," I look down at myself, "This after seeing him once. How fucking pathetic."

"Louis, you are not going to call yourself pathetic. You hear me?"

"So what. It's the fucking truth."

I bury my head in my hands even further. He wrecked me so bad. He thinks I'm gonna let him fuck me again? To fuck I'm not.

"Calm down boo," He tries to rub my back, touching the bruises. It makes me wince out even more.

"Here," He fluffs out one of the pillows on his bed, "Lie on that. And tell me what happened. Everything."

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