Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanf...

By AdelinaPetal

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𝑨 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑻𝒂𝒎𝒍𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕'𝒔 𝒅... More

60~ Author's Note
61~ Author's Note 2


1.2K 33 9
By AdelinaPetal

>•Whilst Linetta is speaking to the Prince of Hybern•<

-'•Nyx's POV•'-

I awoke, dressing in the first clothes I could find. A plain blue t-shirt and jeans will have to do.

All I could think about, all that matters is where is she.

I pulled on black boots- not noticing I had mismatched my socks- and stormed out through the door.

How should I play this? I wondered. My parents lied to me- planted someone fake, I could've done anything- I shivered with disgust.

They didn't even care that it'd make me look like a fool- when I'm guessing everyone else knew where she is and if they had gone to all that way of faking her....she must be up to something I really really won't like.

I walked through the corridors- with moon and star decorations, the normal House of Wind decor.

The dining room's doors were shut, but I could hear the voices.

I opened out the doors- looking away from everyone's looks. Making my way to the other end of the table, away from my parents. Even if it is nearer Cailean- who I despise as much as them.

The fake Linetta was sat next to an empty chair that was meant for me- her face coloured with shock.

"Nyx, what are you doing?" Rhysand coughed- making a quick glance to Feyre. "You sit next to us."

I shrugged my shoulders as the House of Wind sparked up my food- I smiled slightly- at least the House of Wind is on my side.

Everyone else didn't speak- but looked awkwardly at their food- Cailean looked at me in quiet surprise. I can tell because I've know his face, his expressions, all my life.

"We're going back home today, Nyx." Feyre brought up, making conversation through the silence.

"Right." I snapped, sticking my spoon into my porridge. "Will Linetta be coming?"

"I'm afraid not- she'd prefer to stay here for the time being." Feyre explained- pretending to show sympathy.

"Of course." I scoffed, meeting my mothers eyes. So they weren't even going to use the fake Linetta for long. Typical. "You see, the Linetta I know would always come with me."

"What are you trying to say, Nyx?" My father queried- not looking at me.

"That she-" I said with as much venom as I could put into my voice. "Is not Linetta."

"What?" My mother asked dumbfounded, her voice soft.

My father actually looked paler- eyes wide.

"Don't pretend- your games over. I know she isn't." I stated- trying to keep my temper low. "You would know if it was mum or not, if this had happened to you!"

Cailean looked furious too, glancing down at my parents disgusted. Erebus didn't seem to care- his face was expressionless. Everyone else just looked upset or uncomfortable.

"That's different- we're mates, of course I would know."

I shook my head in disbelief, they still haven't worked it out yet. "It is the same, because me and Linetta are mates." I exploded.

Cailean looked at me with horror- everyone else just looked mega surprised, like the thought never even crossed their mind.

"I didn't-" Rhysand started, shaking his head looking horrified.

"Know?" I barked, pushing out of my seat. "Where is she?" I snarled.

"Sorry to interrupt." Came a nervous voice from behind me. "You have a letter, addressed to you both."

The messenger was looking at my parents, uncomfortably, holding a black envelope.

"Bring it here." Rhysand nodded, beckoning him over. He still looked unhappy, I just hope it makes his day a misery.

As he unfolded the letter- and pulled out a golden page, his face with every word he read- turned his face into pure terror.

I frowned walking around the table to see this letter. He tried to cover it, moving it away from me, but I snatched it out of his hand.

It read:

Dear Night Court,

I have some very good news to tell you. Linetta of the Spring Court will be competing in similar trials that your charming High Lady has competed in before.

I've heard of the dislike you have for this competitor, and decided to inform you. I wouldn't mind seeing your lovely faces again after my last visit, it did go exceptionally well.

You're invited to watch these trials for your own enjoyment, bring whoever you think may enjoy them too.

I hope to see you tonight,

Queen Blair of Hybern.


-'•Linetta's POV•'-

She shook her head in disbelief. "Your her brother?"

He nodded grimly. "Yes, of course if I could change this monstrosity, I would."

"Why are you here, in her cells?"

The only part of his appearance, that seemed looked after, was the hair on his head, which still looked shaggy- and the beard, which he's clearly shaved off not long ago- as he has stubble around parts of his jawline.

To my surprise, he didn't seem care what information he shared. "Me and my sister are twins, as you can tell, and we're born as two totally different personalities. My father preferred my sister's nasty, wicked demeanour- and my mother preferred my sweet, kind views. I've never really spoken to my father- only for 'royal' occasions and visits. My sister was brought up to be a Queen, and I- to be ready for when my sister tries to take the throne, to be a King-"

He shook his head, staring at the cold stone floor. "My mother did everything to keep me safe- but in the end it wasn't enough. I tried to repay her kindness, but once my father had died- Blair took it upon herself to execute her, she was too much of a threat...so here we are now. I was locked up as soon as Blair knew I wasn't going to support her. That's really it."

I stared at him for a few seconds- perplexed. He'd been through so much, even as Hybern's blood, just because he didn't fit Hybern's desires for leadership.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking at him sympathetically. "That you had to go through that."

He shrugged still looking down. "It is what it is."

We didn't speak for a moment- just stared into nothing.

"Maybe my life isn't as horrific as yours but- my father...he has been- not the best. Most of my scars and bruises are from him. " I shared sadly.

He nodded- looking at me sadly. "Thank you for sharing." He said appreciatively, not commenting further. "At least I have someone now, instead of just talking to a cold stone wall."

She was about to reply, but one of Blair's guards men banged on her cell.

"Linetta of the Spring Court, you must get ready for your first trial." He ordered, spear in hand.

I smiled at Sebastian before standing up, who looked distraught, peering through the bars.

I waved goodbye, walking out of my cell.


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