Unexpected Changes. Arianaxgi...

By gxgwriter

3.3K 174 82

Hey, I'm Skyler I'm 23 years old I live in my apartment in New York. I have a pretty basic job whilst I atten... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18.

Chapter 1

567 12 1
By gxgwriter

*Skyler POV*         Saturday 3rd July

"Sky!! Get up!! You got work in two hours" Yelled out Megan from my kitchen.

I rolled onto my back sighing forcing my eyelids apart, it's nine in the morning fuck my life. My room was still dimmed from my curtains being closed with a little ray of sun peering in the corner.

"I smell bacon and coffee!!" I sniffed, yelling back to Megan.

"I can't have you going to work on an empty stomach, what would you actually do without me?" She appeared around the corner, leaning on the doorway arms crossed and smirking.

Megan had tanned skin with brunette hair tied up into a messy bun, she wore my shorts and baggy vest top revealing the side of her black bra. She made her way to my curtains ripped them apart revealing piercing lights from the sun.

"Oh my God, it burns" I gasped grabbing the pillow over my head.

"Oh, fucking hell Sky, it's just a bit of sun you aren't going to melt." She laughed leaving me alone in my room again.

I slowly removed the pillow from my face, my room was a little messy with Megans clothes from yesterday, my room had grey walls and a grey-black carpet. I had a dark oak wardrobe and nightstands on either side of the bed.

I sat on the edge of my bed rubbing my eyes as they were sore from lack of sleep, this happens every time me and Megan decide to have a girls night, which consists of a Netflix marathon and ice cream.

I got up making my way to my nightstand where I left my uniform neatly folded, ready for me in the morning. Pulled my clothes on, I wore a green tight Starbucks t-shirt and tight black skinny jeans, I brushed my long straight black hair with random strands of green in. I applied winged eyeliner with dark eye shadow. I had a black nose ring and a black side labret. My t-shirt fitted tightly around my arms, revealing my right sleeve tattoo which was a long forest tattoo, with a couple of robins.

"You look amazing, if I was gay I so would" Megan playfully winked at me standing in the doorway, looking me up and down.

"I mean we tried that, and never again!" I rolled my eyes laughing at Megan who stood nodding her head in agreement.

Me and Megan couple of years ago had slept together, it was more of a test to see if one Megan was bisexual, two if we felt anything for each other. Luckily it didn't make it awkward if anything, it made us a lot closer to one another.

I followed Megan into the kitchen. she kindly prepared me a bacon sandwich with a cup of coffee, every time she stayed at my house she always prepared dinners and lunch as she just loves cooking, she aspired to be a chef so cooking wasn't a chore for her.

I sat at the table taking a large bite out of my sandwich, which may I add was absolutely amazing.
"You never cease to amaze me with your cooking, you're like my personal chef" I winked.

"I charge twenty dollars for the sandwich alone" she leaned on the other side of the table holding her hand out.

I shook my head rolling my eyes. "In your dreams."

I finished up my sandwich taking sips of my coffee, Megan sat opposite me resting her head on her hands.

"Are you nervous about your first shift" Megan raised her eyebrow.

"Kinda? I only got the job because I have to rely on my dad to pay for everything. I feel like later down the line it'll be used against me, just like what he did to my mom" I shook my head.

"I never liked your dad, but your mum, total babe. I can't believe he has only just agreed to see you regularly like you're a fucking contract, hate him." Megan responded with a lot of anger and judgement in her tone.

"You know I'm doing this for my mom, she strongly believes a relationship with a father is important. Literally, when I'm there just me and him, I'm sat In his office bored shitless as he deals with his clients." Sipping my coffee, watching megans face just turn with more rage.

"I mean, you get to see so many celebrities. That's the only thing I'm jealous of" Megan spoke ending her anger towards my dad.

Megan and my dad never liked each other, a matter of fact he never liked Megan nor her family as they were looked at as poor, uncivilised people. My father is a millionaire working with celebrities in his large mansion with a wife that's hardly home, or using his money to go across the world whilst he stays home. When me and Megan were younger he would accuse her constantly of stealing in the house, when she never even left my room he was a prick.

It was now fifteen minutes past eleven, my shift starts at twelve. So I pulled my all black hi converse trainers on, quickly fluffing my hair and checking my makeup before I left the front door, grabbing my car keys.

"Goodluck! You're gonna smash it" Megan yelled out slumped over my couch.

"Don't forget to lock up when you leave" I responded whilst leaving the front door.

I paced quickly up to my car, unlocking it and throwing my body into the driver's seat. I drove an old classic muscle car, which was a gift from dad on my birthday. Ford Mustang, 1967 gt500. I was matte black with black sport alloys.

My steering wheel was black carbon fibre, I had a red and black dice gear knob. Dangling From my interior mirror a red monkey carrying a canister of nos, and red and black fluffy dice's.

I started my engine, pushing on the accelerator letting my engine roar to life. I released my brake pushing my car into gear, pulling out and joining the light traffic of cars.

I love my car me and Megan usually have late-night drives, or id take it to a drag strip and have fun with other people who love their cars. It's especially good when you meet a girl for the first time for a date, they fucking love it and so do I.

I raced down the road towards the city, towards Starbucks.


I pulled up into the Starbucks parking lot claiming a staff parking space. I pulled up my brake and turned off my ignition. I was 20 minutes early, so I began rolling a quick cigarette to calm my nerves, I always get nervous when starting a new job. I got out sitting on the hood of my car sparking up my cigarette taking a drag.

"Nice car! I'm guessing your new?" Women covered in tattoos and black hair yelled out walking up to me lighting her cigarette.

She wore a Starbucks uniform also. Her eyes were piercing blue and she wore quite darkish makeup and was a lot like me.

"Thanks. Yeah, she's a decent car." I smirked.

She leaned against the wall opposite me facing me, she tilted her head smirking.
"The owner isn't too bad either."

Well, that's one heck of an introduction, very forward. I'm not gonna lie she's not looking so bad either, totally my type but I want to keep it all professional.

"Sorry too forward?"

"A little but not complaining too much" I winked.

"You must be the new girl Patrick was talking about, the manager." She blushed.

"Yeah, I'm Skyler nice to meet you" I nodded.

"I'm Alex, you'll be working with me tonight. I'm the assistant manager" she shook my hand.

"So you are also technically my boss too" I added.

"Not really, well yes but not like that." She nervously laughed.

"It's okay, I'm playing not really a good introduction as im sat here smoking." I shook my head.

"So am I? You're fine. But I highly suggest you sanitise your hands and spray perfume, Patrick hates cigarette smoke" she smiled stubbing out her cigarette.

I threw my cigarette, following Alex through the back entrance. We both stood shoulder to shoulder over the tap washing our hands.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hello im Patrick, you must be Skyler?" Stood a tall guy with glasses and a massive smile across his face.

I turned around facing him attempting to be professional. "Uh yes, im Skyler nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Don't worry about formal introductions. We're a friendly business." He smiled.

"This is Alex, supervisor here. You'll be working with her tonight. It shouldn't be too busy for your first shift, the bigger Starbucks is up the road." He continued.

"Thank you! Me and Alex have already met just a moment ago, im looking forward to working." I spoke politely.

"Come" Patrick smiled walking towards the shop floor.

He showed me around the products and machinery, showing me how the tills work and what to do.

"So for your first shift ill have you on the tills for tonight, Alex will do the drinks. I'm going to clock out now but I hope you have a wonderful pleasant shift." She smiled leaving me and Alex alone behind the tills.

"That went well. He likes you." Alex beamed tapping my shoulder.

"Thank god, I was honestly so nervous! I'll try my best to pick up the steps as quickly as possible." I nodded.

"Sky don't worry we are honestly a really quiet coffee shop, I mean we have a rush here and there but overall so simple. I can't wait to get to know you" she winked turning her back to me and back to the machinery.

Eight long hours had passed, it's now super quiet and not busy. Me and Alex spent this time cleaning and mopping the store.

"You're definitely not just a pretty face, you smashed it tonight sky" Alex winked as she wiped down the surfaces.

"Thanks, it really isn't as bad as I thought and I've even made a few drinks today, I do pick up fast" I laughed.

"I've enjoyed working with you that much, I even put you on with me next week Friday" she giggled.

"I'll look forward to that then" I smirked.

"I'm gonna popped to the restroom, will you be okay on your own" Alex poked her head around the corner eyeing me.

"Of course." I nodded.

I made my way back to the tills, leaning on the counter resting my chin on my hands. The door opened to a tall guy in a shirt and trousers, poking his head around the shop.

"It's empty." She spoke into an earpiece.

A short woman with a hood over her head walked in, followed by another tall guy dressed in the same attire as the other guy. She was typing on her phone making her way slowly over to the tills.

"Hey, how can I help you?" I smiled getting ready to order on the tills.

"Soy caramel macchiato in a venti please." A sweet voice spoke out with her face still glued to her phone.

"No problem, I'm kinda new to this so bear with me" I added quickly darting my way to the machines.

I kept going back and forth to my notes and machines, making the drink quite slowly. I turned around to see Ariana grande underneath the hood leaning against the counter watching me, she was smiling sweetly.

"I'm sorry did you want soy? Just double checking" I smiled feeling suddenly nervous.

"Yes please." She nodded giggling.

I eventually got the drink together, walking over to the counter where she stood waiting for me.

"Sorry, it's my first day, still learning the ropes" I laughed.

"That's fine I bet it's going to be perfect" she shook her head smiling.

She wore her hair in a ponytail completely swept back from her face, she wore little to no makeup maybe a little of mascara. she wore an oversized jumper with thigh-high boots with a high heel. Over her jumper she wore another hoodie to wear the hood over her head, making it very difficult to identify her. Judging also by her posture she was just tired and exhausted with stress, possibly just work-related.

She handed the money over looking at me just smiling away, she was really kind. I thought she was honestly going to be stuck up and just sit on her phone being ignorant. She took a sip smiling at me, nodding with approval.

"I told you. Perfect." She laughed.

She walked off over to the table in the corner secluded away from the door and windows, her head was faced down drinking so she won't catch attention.

"Hope it wasn't too busy whilst I was gone" Alex touched my shoulder winking.

"Shit! No just one customer, you made me jump fuck..." I jumped out my skin from Alex's sudden appearance.

"If it makes you feel better you look cute scared" Alex winked flirtatiously.

I felt my cheeks burn at Alex's compliment. She's a really attractive girl, totally my type and completely confident, but I don't want to ruin work for myself if It gets awkward so I decided to shrug it off and bring my attention back to mopping the floors.

I started scrubbing the floor around the shop until I heard sobbing and a quiet phone conversation.

"I'm getting fed up of you messing with my feelings, I need you to pack up and leave my house..."

"I've already walked out of work because of this, I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses anymore"

I looked up to see Ariana angrily hang up her phone, and throw her face into her hands. I slowly made my way over to her, trying not to completely invade her personal space.

"Hey, is everything okay over here?" I spoke softly.

"Please take a step back, Ariana needs privacy" big security guard raised his hands.

"No no derrick it's fine, she's fine" a quiet voice called out from behind.

Security moved aside revealing Ariana glancing up at me, her eyes were like crystals from crying so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude, I just wanted to make sure you are alright" I calmly spoke.

"I know thank you honestly. I'll be fine" she nodded giving me a faint smile.

"Are you sure?" I smiled.

"Yeah, this may seem weird but want to join me?" She smiled wiping her cheeks.

I looked around seeing no customers and Alex was turning on machinery and writing temperature anyway.

"Sure I can't stay for long" I smiled taking a seat opposite her.

"You don't seem fazed at all about who I am, im used to everyone knowing who I am all the time. Not that it's a terrible thing, can be refreshing speaking to someone who just hasn't got a clue you know?" She drank her coffee.

"Doesn't really bother me. Not that I don't like who you are, you are beautiful and talented."

"Thank you. You're beautiful too" she cut me off giggling.

"So this is your first shift." She continued whilst fiddling with her hands.

"Yeah, just temporarily, you know whilst I do my online uni course." I nodded.

"What do you study" she rested her elbows on the table leaning forward, bringing her full attention to me.

"Music and music production. I playfully write music for fun, nothing too serious yet." I shook my head.

"That's interesting, id love to hear it" she smiled ear to ear.

"No, not very good. It's all at my apartment so I couldn't show you off the top of my head" I laughed.

"What's your name" she smiled giving me eye contact, really listening to everything I say.

"Skyler, I don't need to ask who you are" I laughed.

"I'm Ariana" she held her hand out playfully giggling to herself.

I shook my head laughing, who knew she was so down to earth and lovely. I shook her hand as we both just laughed.

"Nice to meet you I had no idea," I said pretending to act oblivious.

"Likewise! But in all seriousness, thank you." She smiled sweetly.

"For what? Your coffee, that's just my job." I laughed.

She leaned over nudging my shoulder.
"No! You've cheered me up and I genuinely needed it. I don't usually distract people from their work I promise."

"We were just so busy as well, cost the company so much money distracting me." I shook my head laughing to myself.

"Oh im ever so sorry, all those hundreds of customers just gone because of me" she laughed revealing her dimples.

"Hey, Sky- OH MY GOD! That's Ariana grande!!!" Alex squealed dropping her towel to the floor.

I turned my attention back to Ariana who was shocked by the scream, she glanced around making sure nobody outside heard. I mouthed 'im sorry' over to Ariana as I got up from my chair giving her space, she smiled shaking her head mouthing 'it's okay.

"Hey! Sorry I've been sat here 20 minutes after closing, I best go it's nice to meet you both!"

She said as she grabbed her things giving me a quick smile, as she walked out of the cafe followed by her bodyguards in a hurry.

Me and Alex locked up the shop, I made my way to the parking lot accompanied by Alex.

"Thanks for the shift! I don't suppose it'll be cheeky to ask for a ride home?" Alex smirked giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure get in" I rolled my eyes laughing.

We both hopped into our seats, I noticed Alex was looking around the car noticing my random decorations.

"Even the inside of your car is pretty cool"

"Thanks, considering I'm pretty much always in it may as well decorate" I smiled releasing my hand brake, putting my car into gear.

"I still can't believe we met Ariana Grande" Alex leaned on the door looking completely star struck.

"Yeah" I nodded.

I followed Alex's directions to her apartment, I pulled into the parking lot parking up bringing my attention to Alex smiling on the passenger's side.

"Thanks for taking me home, here's my phone number. You should definitely give me a call sometime, meet for some coffee or something." She winked handing me her phone number.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded placing the paper in my jeans.

Alex leaned over giving me a quick peck on the cheek, then quickly getting out of the car with a huge grin spread across her face.

I know she's flirting with me, but we've only just met. She's my type completely she's gorgeous and I think we would get on, maybe I'll give her a call sometime. Ah ill speak to Megan about it, she'll know what to do in this situation. I don't want to fuck everything up.

I pushed my car into gear driving myself home.

Hey, so I've decided to rewrite the story? I didn't like how it started last time. I want more people in the story.
I'll be updating future chapters very soon :)

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