The Death Of Me

By wildnmore

60.4K 1.2K 3.4K

//Kepa Arrizabalaga Fan fiction// Valerie Mirvette, A British medical student doing her M. S. in Obstetrics... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 14

1.9K 41 135
By wildnmore

It was 10:25 pm when we were done with Bridgerton. "Wow, this never gets old!" I said as I looked down at the last slice of pizza. What is that doing here? I thought we finished it.

"It was good yeah," Kepa replied as he looked down at me and then at the pizza slice I was eye-fucking. Before I could take it, Kepa took that slice and got up. "No no, I want it! It's mine!" I said as I got up as well.

He laughed as he ran towards the kitchen and I ran behind him. "Come and get it then," he teased as he shook the pizza a little. "No don't shake it! The cheese and toppings will fall!" I yelled as I looked at the pizza.

Never in my life ever did I want a slice of pizza this much.

"Yeah you are right, maybe I should just eat it," he said as he slowly opened his mouth to eat it. "No! No! Ah! Give it to me!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He was now behind the kitchen counter and I was on the other side.

"This is fun," Kepa chuckled as he looked at me and shook it again.
"Kepa Arrizabalaga, give me that slice right now or else," I warned as I glared at him.

"Or else what, Wall-e?" he teased as he shook the slice again giving me anxiety. I climbed on top of the counter taking him by surprise. He held the pizza high above his head far out of my reach as he looked down at me.

I stood upon the kitchen counter so I was way taller now and could reach the pizza easily. He immediately put the slice behind him so now it was again out of my reach.

"You are so dead," I said as was about to jump but twisted my ankle making me fall face down. I didn't feel the ground hit me for a long time so I opened my eyes to see Kepa looking at me.

He was holding me bridal style and had a concerned look. He looked all over my face, his eyes covered all parts of it. He took in my features and then looked into my eyes.

"Where is the pizza?" I asked. Both his arms were around me so that means he threw the pizza somewhere. "Seriously? That's your main concern right now?" he asked as he looked down at me.

I was still in his arms when I saw the pizza slice on the kitchen floor. I wiggled out of his hold and crawled towards it and took a bite. "Hah! I win!" I said with the pizza in my mouth.

Kepa chuckled as he looked at me shaking his head. "You are something, Valerie," he whispered to himself but I heard him. I giggled with him as he got up. I got up as well but fell back down due to the pain in my ankle.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as I looked at my right ankle. Kepa was beside me within seconds and took my right foot in his hand. "Ouch, it hurts!" I said as he kept my foot on his knees examining it.

"You got to be careful Valerie," Kepa said in a stern voice now.
"What? You were the one running with the pizza!" I said as I giggled. He looked up and gave me a stern look before smiling a little.

"Come on," he said as he picked me up bridal style again. He did it easily like I was a doll. I felt tingles around my waist where his arm was. I leaned my head on his chest for a fraction of a second until he placed me on the kitchen counter.

"This might hurt a little okay?" he said as he placed his hand on my ankle. I nodded as I looked at him and then back at the ankle. He pressed my ankle and turned it a little making me yelp in pain was gone.

"That's it?" I asked as I rotated my ankle and it didn't even ache!
"Wow! That was quick," I said as I turned on the counter so now I was facing him with my legs dangling down the counter.

He looked down at me as I looked up into his eyes. I felt a shiver run down my spine when I noticed the space between us. He smiled at me which slowly turned into a grin. "What?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

With the smile still on his face, he said, "Nothing. I got to go now, it's late," I frowned at that because I wanted to spend some more time with him. It looked like he too didn't want to go because of the frown on his face.

I sighed and said, "Text me when you reach home okay?"
"You don't have to worry about me, darling," he said with a wink making me smile.

Should I ask him to stay? But that'll be too much right? And I'm not even that confident to ask him. God! I need to stop.

He walked towards the door and I followed him. "Sleep well alright?" he said as he turned around and I replied using his line on him, "You don't have to worry about me, darling,"

He chuckled and said, "Yeah I know but I end up worrying about you so I don't think I can help it," I shook my head with a smile on my face. He walked towards the lift and said, "Goodbye! See you tomorrow,"

I smiled and closed the door and leaned on it. I looked at my apartment and sighed missing him already. God, I really need to stop!

I was about to walk towards my room when I thought otherwise. I headed towards the balcony and looked down at the street. I could see his car but he wasn't there yet. The door opened and he walked out and towards his car.

Just the way he walks is so hot! I have lost my mind, bollocks! Maybe I should book an appointment with the counsellor Levi was talking about. I didn't realise I was staring at him when Kepa looked up at me.

I jumped and ran inside the house. I smacked my forehead when I realised what I did. Of course, he saw me! I'm so dumb. I got a text from him right away- 'your balcony looks dull without you in it,'

I blushed red at that and walked out to see him leaning on his car with a smile. I giggled and replied- 'go home Kepler,' he looked at the text and waved at me whilst sitting inside the car.

He smiled at me through the windshield and drove off. I sighed and walked inside with a smile on my face. It's like I never stop smiling when he is around.

The next day came sooner than expected. I had texted Kepa to not pick me up today because I was going to drive myself. I sat in the car and it felt so weird. I haven't touched my car for so long!

I reached the hospital and started with my day. I didn't feel the usual energy at the start. Might be because of the coffee Kepa gets me or might be him itself. He's a part of my daily routine now.

The day went by super fast and I was already on my way to med school. As soon as I stopped at the signal, I got a call from Kepa making me smile. "Hey hey Keps, good evening!" I said. My phone was connected to the car through Bluetooth so I didn't have to hold it.

"Someone's in a good mood today," his voice came.
"Oh yes! Today went so fast and I already had a half day so that means double fast! The look on Kyle's face was worth it! All of them were jealous because I left so early!" I replied.

He chuckled and said, "You are so evil. So where are you off to now?"
"To my school, I got to arrange the seminar remember?" I said and he hummed in realisation.

"Yes, that! So will...Levi be there too?" he asked making me smile and lick my lips saying, "of course he will be there!"

"When will you be done with it then?" he asked. His voice took a different turn making me frown. "Uh, I don't really know when I'll be done honestly," I said. He hummed and said, "Call me when you are done, I'll pick you up,"

"Oh no I have my car I'll drive back on my own," I said as the signal turned green and I started driving. "But what if it gets late? See you are calling me when you are done no matter what okay?" he said sternly.

I giggled and replied, "God Kepa you worry too much! I'll call you alright? Anyways, I got to go, I'm driving," he chuckled and said, "I told you I can't help it. Drive safe sweetheart,"

We hung up and my song resumed soon after. I reached the school and was met with Levi and Mr Woods. Levi and I started with the arrangements and invitations.

"You didn't really have to but thank you so much, Levi," I said as I sent the last invite.
"Oh no, it's alright! The pleasure's mine baby girl," he replied.

"When will you stop calling me that huh?" I asked as I packed my things. Levi and I were rivals and he used to call me that just to piss me off. 
He looked up and said, "Um let me think...after we get married? Because then I'll call you wifey,"

I groaned and replied, "ha ha ha very funny. I'm going home now, when are you planning to leave?" he pulled out his hand in a stop sign and typed something in his laptop. He closed it and said, "Done, we can leave now!"

We were walking to the exit whilst I removed my phone to see it was 9:41 pm. "god it's late!" I said as we walked towards the parking lot.

"Hey want to get dinner together?" Levi asked as I was about to open the car door.
I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by him, "no we are getting dinner together. I'm not taking no for an answer. You never hang out with me anymore,"

I sighed and said, "Okay fi-" I was cut off yet again by a very familiar voice, "She's having dinner with me and we are getting late so excuse us?" I looked towards the familiar voice to see Kepa.

He was in his car which was behind us now. He got out of the driver's seat and walked towards us. "Uh, Kepa, this is Levi, and Levi, this is Kepa," I introduced them so that it doesn't get awkward. they didn't even shake hands or acknowledge each other!

I had a confused look on my face as I saw Kepa here. I didn't even call him, how did he know I was done? Kepa wrapped his arm around me lighting the tingles there.

Levi looked at Kepa's hand and said, "Oh okay, I'm sorry, Val didn't mention your dinner. You both have fun; we can catch up later okay?"

I gave him a smile which he returned. He got inside his car and drove off. I turned towards Kepa and asked, "What are you doing here? How did you know I was done?"

"I've been here since 9 pm because you got me worried sick," he replied with a concerned look on his face. "What? Why?" I asked.

"I tried calling you but it said out of network coverage. It was late so I drove here. The security won't let me enter the building but I saw your car so I knew you were here," he said running his hand through his hair.

"Kepa you should've gone home! You waited for 40 minutes! Why?" I said shaking my head. "I couldn't leave you like that, besides, it's late," he replied as he took my hand in his making me smile.

"You are crazy you know?" I said with narrowed eyes. "You're making me, it's your fault!" he said raising his hands up in surrender. I giggled and punched his stomach lightly. "ow!" he exclaimed dramatically.

"Come on drama queen we got to go!" I said teasing him. "Oh, drama queen huh?" he said as he started tickling me. I laughed loudly as I bent down a little. We heard a whistle and a voice, "go home kids, no dirty work here!" the security guard shouted.

Kepa stopped and looked down at me and we laughed once my eyes met him. "Come on," he said as he started pulling me towards his car. "Oh no, I have my car," I said making him stop.

"No you come with me right now, it's dark," he said.
"What about my car then? See it's okay, I can drive!" I replied.

He sighed and said, "Fine but we are driving together,"

We were both in our respective cars and stopped at a signal. This street was empty and an idea popped into my head. Our windows were rolled down so I looked to my right and asked in an American accent, "Wanna race?"

My Honda civic was nothing in front of his range rover but this position gave me fast and furious vibes. He shook his head and said, "No not at all! I didn't want you to drive in the first place and you want to race?"

I smiled and said, "come on, I know you want to do it,"
"no I really don't," he said as he shook his head again.

I giggled and said, "Scared you'll lose?"
"Oh if only," he scoffed.

"Come on then! Don't be boring, let's do this!" I said as I sat upright.
"No, I don't want to risk anything Valerie," he said as he looked straight ahead.

Why am I friends with stubborn people?! "Kepa please," I said with my puppy eyes. He looked at me and sighed. He looked at the road and then back at me. "It's not fair! You can't make that face and make me do this!"

I clapped my hands and said, "Yes I can! Now, we don't have sexy ladies here so, the race starts when the signal turns green," I was so excited oh my god!

Even though I knew I was going to lose but this is going to be fun. I feel like Dominic Toretto right now. "The turn at the far end is the end line okay? Not more than that," Kepa said.

It was a long road with no turns in the middle except for the one in the end. That turn was about 200 meters away. This road is not used at all so this felt like a real race. "Okay done!"

I looked at the signal waiting for it to turn green. I looked at Kepa to see him looking at me making me smile, "eyes on the road mister," I said before winking.

He chuckled and shook his head saying, "My eyes are on the right road miss," I blushed a deep red and I was so glad that it was dark so he couldn't see it. The number on the signal was 10 now and the countdown started.


The race started. I don't know why I felt like laughing but I was. Kepa had more possession of the race making me increase my speed. I was now beside him and we were both driving together.

I was still laughing for no damn reason and I felt his intense gaze on me. He lost focus I guess because he slowed down a little. I took advantage and increased my speed a little more.

He was very close to me but I took the turn first. I stopped the car and parked it at the side and walked out. "Wahoo! I won! My Honda civic did it!" I jumped with my arms stretched outwards.

I ran towards the middle of the road and jumped again. He chuckled and got out. "I told you to keep your eyes on the road! You didn't listen to me, your loss!" I said as I danced a little.

God, I might be looking so funny dancing in the middle of the road. He laughed at me and shook his head. "Okay come over here now," he said.

"What? No! Let me celebrate! I won against the Chelsea goalkeeper! I won against a range rover! Wahoo! Dominic Toretto would be so proud of me!" I said loudly.
"Yes he is proud of you," Kepa replied laughing.

I laughed back as I stopped jumping and dancing. God this is so embarrassing, "I don't need to be drunk to embarrass myself," I said and he replied, "You sure don't,"

He was right in front of me the whole time while I laughed and danced. I shook my head at my silliness. Why did I have to embarrass myself in front of him!

I flinched when the cold water droplets hit me. Wow, it's raining! The London weather will never stop to amuse me...or sometimes piss me off too.

I looked up at the sky whilst the droplets hit my skin. "Come on, it's raining. You have the seminar tomorrow; you don't want to get sick!" Kepa said as he wrapped his right hand around my waist and kept the other over my head.

I sighed and pulled him in front of me and wrapped my hands around his neck. I felt tingles everywhere when I did that. I don't know from where I got this confidence but I love it.

"It's okay Kepler, dance with me come on," I said swaying a little.
"Why do you always make me dance in the rain sweetheart?" he asked as he wrapped both his arms around my waist making me shiver with electricity.

I smiled as I looked up into his eyes and replied, "Because I love dancing in the rain with you," I am so going to regret this confidence tomorrow.

Or I might not because this time, his cheeks turned red. "I love this too," he said as he looked at me. He is blushing! I giggled as I looked at him. "Is the Kepa Arrizabalaga blushing?" I teased him.

"Stop," he said with a grin on his face. I was about to say something when I was cut off by a loud horn going off right behind me. I jumped in his arms making him hug me tightly assuring that he was here. 

It's so hot when he's protective.

"Get a room you morons," the person shouted.
"Oh we will you asshole," Kepa shouted as the car drove by.

I giggled at that and pulled away from the hug saying, "We should probably go," he sighed and whispered, "That fucker killed the mood,"

I shook my head and giggled as we walked towards our cars.

word count: 3177
Oh my god, guys, I'm out of control! This is not how the chapter was supposed to end. I had to add a very important thing but I didn't even reach that part. I'm not even close!

Anyways, do tell me whether this chapter was worth it. I didn't even realise when it reached 3177 words. Are long chapters boring? Do you prefer short chapters?

The next chapter is going to be in Kepa's pov as requested by DeniseKayser


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