-Blessed by Divinity: Eternit...

By arjun_snm

2.4K 52 36

The sequel to 'Blessed by Divinity'. All hopes of an early retirement are lost for Aaron as he is called on... More

Prologue- A New Age
Returning Home
A New Threat
A Tight Situation
The Mainland
Nightmare World
A New Face
Shaking the Rust
The Mining City
Protecting What We Can't
A Phantom Performance
A New Goal
Battle at the Ruins
A Touching Reunion
Unleashed Potential
Taking a Detour
Snowpoint Temple
Battle at the Depths
Undying Flame
A Pokemon's Dream
The City on the Coast
The Silent Trainer
Nightmare World II
Desperate Measures
New Competition
The Fox's True Power
Unexpected Help
A Psychic's Prediction
Wishing on a Star
Emerging from the Shadows
The Wish Pokemon
The City of the Setting Sun
The Sunyshore Brothers
A Devil's Return
Vista Lighthouse Showdown
Nightmare World III
Flying Solo
Parting Ways
Passion Reignited
A Titanic Clash
Trouble in Paradise
The Tallest Mountain
The Puppet Master
World's Most Wanted
Endless Sea
Nightmare World IV
Clash at the Summit
Primal Instincts
Truth and Ideals
Battle at the End of the Void
Divinity Reborn
Letting Loose
Celestial Power
No Control
Faded Mirror
Patience and Pent Up Power
Battle at the Fallen King's Throne
Draconic Power
Divinity Awakened
Epilogue - Almighty Sinnoh


20 1 0
By arjun_snm

"You know that you're not enough to stop me."

I spoke with confidence, Empoleon mirroring my determination. Red and Aaron would be just fine at the summit so it was up to me to clear the way for the others who would follow us.

The three Galactic commanders stood opposite me, each of their facial responses very different. Jupiter was still pissed I made her look like a child back at the Flower Paradise and I could see that she was itching for revenge. The red head to her left just seemed smitten with the wine haired boy who ran past but I could see the determination in her eyes to stop me. Saturn kept his composure, not revealing anything with his eyes but I knew all three of them were dying to avenge their defeats at my hand years ago.

"Whatever, Dawn, it's three to one. Even you couldn't run through all of our pokemon." Jupiter made her move, calling out her Skuntank.

The other two followed her, Mars calling out Purugly and Saturn calling on Toxicroak. All three pokemon had their yes fixed on Empoleon, their rage seething from where they stood. Each of them had spent years craving the moment they would get their revenge on Empoleon.

Unfortunately for them, they had much longer to wait. I didn't hesitate to take the initiative, "Empoleon use surf!"

The water type let out a piercing shriek, summoning a tidal wave over the mountainside. The wave washed over the snowy floor, splashing over the cliffside. All three opponents leapt into the air, avoiding the sweeping water attack but now they were right where we wanted them.

"Now use ice beam!"

"Skuntank, counter with flamethrower!"

Without hesitating, both pokemon let their attacks loose. The freezing bolt of ice was met with a blast of fire, the two attacks repelling each other. Empoleon's strength prevailed, cutting through the fire attack even with the disadvantage.

"Toxicroak, brick break!"

Just before the ice attack connected, the toxic pokemon shifted in the air. Using his glowing white fist, Toxicroak cut through Empoleon's attack, all three opponents landing mostly unscathed. I wasn't fazed by this, after all it wouldn't be any fun if the battle was over in three moves.

"Now Purugly, use shadow claw!"

"Follow with night slash!"

"Toxicroak, use x scissor!"

All three opponents surged forward, their attacks readied. Empoleon waited for the call and the moment it came, the water type created a water type counter shield. Using his surf attack in a defensive manner, he repelled the three attackers, each of them stunned by the sudden counter.

"Alright now use steel beam!"

There was no hesitation from Empoleon as he launched a metallic steel beam at our opponents. All three of them poured their all into countering the long ranged attack, able to hold off Empoleon's onslaught for a few seconds.

But it was to no avail, the steel type attack too overwhelming for our opponents. A huge cloud of dust was kicked up as the move connected, chunks of snow falling over the cliff edge as the three opponents fell to the floor.

Slowly, each of them returned to their feet, determined not to lose. Empoleon turned to me and a nod was all he needed to know to end the battle here.

"It's been fun you three but this is where the fight ends! Empoleon, use surf!"

The water type leapt into the air, calling on a huge tidal wave as it washed over the three opponents, each of them defenseless against the powerful water move. As the tide settled, all three opponents were knocked out on the snowy canvas, unable to continue the battle.

"You should know not to try me anymore. We're not in the same league." A smug grin made its way onto my face as I savoured my opponents' defeat for a final time. After this I was sure there would be no resurgence, Team Galactic died here.

"Heh, we just needed to buy time. We know we can't beat you, even a fool could see that." Saturn spoke up, a wide grin on his face, taking me by surprise.

"You won't be smiling when these two are through with you." Mars mirrored her ally's face, a tight smile on her lips.

"This is where you meet your end! Dialga! Palkia! The rulers of time and space, we summon you here!" Jupiter raised her arms to the sky as she spoke.

I looked closer, two glowing orbs rested in the palms of her hands. One was chiselled, the edges sharp but smooth, the orb glinting a faint blue in the sunlight. The other was completely spherical, smooth all over as it glowed a dim blue under the sun.

Two piercing roars echoed through the skies, shaking the mountain to its core. Empoleon provided his support, keeping me on my feet as the ground beneath us began to rumble intensely. The clouds overhead parted as two huge creatures descended from above.

Out of a rose pink coloured portal, the ruler of space descended, its eyes fixed on the spherical orb in Jupiter's palm. By its side, a cobalt blue portal opened, the ruler of time floating through, fixated on the glinting orb in Jupiter's other hand.

"Finally! You will die here Dawn! Even you are not match for these two legendary titans!" Mars screamed over the loud rumbling. The mountain wouldn't stop shaking, the appearance of the two dimensional rulers disrupting everything around it.

"You have no idea how long it took us to find these things! And now we'll use them to destroy you Dawn!" Saturn spoke up, shouting above the falling snow from the mountain's peak.

"Now, Dialga! Palkia! Return to your true forms and destroy this piece of shit!" Jupiter turned to the two titans, throwing both orbs into the sky. Before either orb connected with each pokemon, both floated just in front of the legends.

A blinding deep blue light engulfed both pokemon, forcing me to avert my eyes to avoid losing my sight permanently. There were two deafening roars as the light faded, both pokemon emerging in completely different forms.

Dialga's scales had darkened significantly, now a navy blue. The steel encrusted in its body glowed a faint orange as a thick red liquid coursed through its body. The diamond in its chest was now a deep cherry red, glowing vibrantly as the ruler of time let out another deafening roar.

To its side, Palkia's scales had become a shade of lavender, darker than the original salmon colour. A deep blue liquid ran through its body, glowing with each pulse as it a tide was flowing and ebbing. The pearls in its arms glowed a cobalt blue, the ruler of space letting out a screeching roar in response to its partner.

Both of their eyes were now fixed on Empoleon and I. I half hoped they recognised me from all those years ago and would put aside their newfound rage, but there was no hope. Their eyes were glowing red with anger, seething at the next opportunity to destroy me.

Against the rulers of time and space, my pokemon and I would be put to the test. One misstep and the entire mountain could crumble away as an afterthought to these legendary titans. Now in possession of their original, primal power, I was sure it would be even easier for them both to obliterate the ground we stood on without a second thought.

I turned to the three Galactic commanders who had been frozen to the spot at the sight of this awesome power. I felt anger running through my body, these three idiots not realising what they had unleashed onto this world, "Hey! You don't realise what you've done! There's gonna be no world to live in after these two are done!"

Neither of them responded, their eyes glued to the legendary pokemon, out of fear or awe I did not know. Nothing was going to get through to them so I wasn't surprised as they were swept away by an avalanche that started from the mountain's peak. The three commanders disappeared under a sheet of snow as it washed over the cliff edge, leaving only Empoleon and I on the mountain side.

"Whatever, this isn't anything I haven't done before. Mamoswine, we need your help!"

The ground type emerged from his pokeball, eyes fixed on the two titans who watched from the skies. Neither of them seemed intent on making the first move but their watchful eyes told me they were ready for anything.

This was a fight we couldn't afford to lose.

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