Give Me Courage (BWWM)

By KassandraVivu

366K 18.4K 2K

Give Me Courage is about a young African-American Woman finding out she has cancer? the shock almost leads h... More

Give Me Courage Intro
Chapter 1 The Nightmare
Chapter 2 Why Me?
Chapter 3 (Hitter POV)
Chapter 4 Open your eyes
Chapter 5 The third day
Chapter 6 You must fight
Chapter 7 Maybe
Chapter 8 My world
Chapter 9 Let Me In
Chapter 10 I'll Understand
Chapter 11 She needs Me
Chapter 13 understanding myself
Chapter 14 he wants in
Chapter 15 I want her
Chapter 16 I'll be here
Chapter 17 Can I do this?
Chapter 18 She's Strong
Chapter 19 I can do it
Chapter 20 Can't stand this
Chapter 21 Please LEAVE!!!
Chapter 22 I want in
Chapter 23 He's perfect
Chapter 24 I'm keeping you
Chapter 25 It's Time
Hello, Read Me
Chapter 26 our past
Chapter 27 I hope so
Chapter 28 For better or for Worse
Ch. 30 My story to you
Ch. 31 This gets interesting
CH. 32 All Of Me
CH. 33 You're all Mine
CH.34 You and I
Ch. 35 Just Us
SO here's the STITCH
Ch. 36 It Doesn't Matter
CH. 37 This Case
Ch.38 How did she survive
CH.39 Reasons why I love her
Ch. 40 There's nothing you can't tell me
The next chapter is private
Ch. 41 Wanting you more
Ch. 42 You're my one and only
Ch. 43 She's my heart
CH. 44 I trust him
CH.45 She's got this
CH. 46 This is Right
CH.47 Forever Baby
CH. 48 It's still up
CH. 49 Mama's Called
CH. 50 What was said
CH. 51 Time to start
CH. 52 The memories are here
CH. 53 Can I get closure?
CH.54 No, you're going to listen
CH. 55 Be Strong my Queen
CH. 56 Disgusted
CH. 57 Is she going to be alright?
CH. 58 No, he said tried.
CH. 59 What is she thinking
CH. 60 Thanks for being here for me
CH. 61 What is right?
Watty Award
CH. 62 Determination
CH. 63 We are going
CH. 64 Face to face with her
CH. 65 All for what?
CH. 66 I love you both
CH. 67 He is scary mad
CH. 68 Mercy & Nightmares
CH. 69 We'll go on
CH. 70 Closure & Hope
CH. 71 Pathetic Patient
CH. 72 Hurtful Words
CH. 73 Does she need to know?
CH. 74 I'm What?
CH. 75 We are Parents
CH. 76 Of course
CH. 77 All for you
CH. 78 "I can't believe it"
CH. 79 I love you forever

Chapter 12 For Better or worse

7.6K 361 36
By KassandraVivu

Chapter 12 for better or worse

Olivia POV

It didn't take a physic to feel that all my sisters were standing right behind me when I entered my place, from just saying goodbye to Jake.

So, I knew I would see the smirk look on their faces when I turned around to see them.

"What?" I asked them, pretending I had no clue why the looks on their faces were there.

My sister Tara started laughing at me.

"Girl, you got it bad. I would too if he was over my place looking sexy like that," Tara said, shrugging her shoulders, causing me to look at her with a shocked expression.

"Girls, he's just a friend," I said, making my way to the kitchen.

"Friend? Sister's sister's, sister's. Olivia called him just a friend. It starts like that, but then, it changes. They somehow make their way out of that friend zone, girl." Tara said, with a smirk on her face.

"Uh, not only that but throughout the entire time she was in the hospital that man, did not leave her side. She's talking about he's just a friend. Girl, what's wrong with you." Grace said, sending me glares. I rolled my eyes at her glares and munched on a cookie.

I knew what she was saying, Jake did do that, and he was sweet for doing that, especially when he didn't have to.

"I'm grateful for that, but he didn't have to," I said, earning a weird look from Anastasia, no doubt that she was going to council me about pushing away my feelings blah blah blah.

"How are you feeling? Be honest?" Kassie asks me, rubbing my back.

I didn't miss the concerned look on her face, the worried tone her voice held, or the way she was rubbing my back, the same way she used to do it each time I didn't feel well growing up.

At that moment, tears started coming from my eyes. I felt awful.

"Guys, I'm going to die," I said in a soft voice.

It didn't take long before all my sisters surrounded me.

"Stop saying that, baby girl," Esmeralda said, hugging me tightly. At the same time, Kassie's hand was still rubbing my back.

"You're not going to die, Olivia," Kirssie said with a voice that held so much emotion. I can tell she was on the verge of tears too.

"Exactly, girl, we're the Ohana sisters. You'll fight this and will fight it with you." India said, wiping tears from her eyes.

India was the one who rarely liked to show emotions out of all of us, but here she was, already letting tears fall.

That's when I decided to glance at each of my sisters and noticed that they had tears coming from their eyes.

"You're so strong, Liv, and you've always been. Remember, you would always say. Don't give power to the weakness inside you. If you do, it'll win. So, how about you don't do that right now." Bella said, smiling at me. The others agreed with her.

She was using my very own words against me, which I have praised to them many times whenever anything complicated had crossed any of our lives.

"You're right, Bella, alright, I can do this. I can fight against this." I said, letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

I've been through so much in my life. This was just something else I was going to have to go through.

Esmeralda, who was still hugging me, let me go and took a step back to smile at me.

"There's the strong Olivia." She said, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah," I said to her.

"Olivia, I know it'll be hard of you to want to talk about this, but I want to know if you're okay. Especially with the fact that the reason why you ended up back in that hospital was that you walked into oncoming traffic." Stella said in a soft voice, and the room fell silent.

I knew everyone wanted to ask, but of course, it would be my sister Stella who asked first. She was never the person to ignore the elephant in the room.

"I know you guys are all thinking about that. I honestly don't know what to say. It was stupid, and I was only thinking about giving up at that time." I said to them.

"I was thinking about myself; I wasn't thinking about the impact that it was going to have on all of you.

I wasn't thinking about fighting, I was thinking about ending it, and I'm glad it didn't happen because it's not what I wanted after all." I said in an honest voice.

Stella nodded her head with an understanding look on her face.

"Liv, we all love you, and we are all here for you no matter what. We'll drop anything for you, and we'll do that for anyone of us in the group. I know you felt weak and alone at that moment, but always remember, you're not alone. That there are people who care about you and will do anything for you, they'll even listen to you whenever you need them to. Okay?" Stella said to me.

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry." I said.

She pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly.

"You're not the only one who has felt this way, Olivia. You've been the one who helped pull us out of those thoughts, so let us do the same for you." Stella whispered in my ear.

"Okay?" She asked.

I nodded my head. "Okay," I said.

"Good." She said, pulling back from the hug and letting me go.

 "So... Who wants to watch Lifetime!!!!!!!!!????????" I said, filling my voice with excitement, trying to lighten up the mood.

Each of my sisters laughed at the mention of the lifetime channel and headed towards the living room, except for one of my sisters.

I turn around to face Anastasia.

"Yes, Ana?" I asked her, of course, there was something she wanted to say to me privately.

"You like this Jake guy, huh?" She said.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"No, not really," I said, shrugging my shoulders, but Ana didn't budge.

"You like him, but you don't want him in your life. Why is that?"  Leave it to Ana to be the one who reads me this way.

"Well, Ana, what if I don't win this battle? I refused to leave him like the movie 'A walk to remember. I can't make someone go through all of that. Not even for me." I said, glancing back into the living room, seeing that my sisters have found their position in my living room and watching a lifetime movie already without me.

"Well, I think you'll be able to win this battle, or my name isn't Anastasia Knight," She said, walking out of the kitchen.

I shook my head and followed her. "But your name is Anastasia Knight," I said to Ana.

"Exactly, now come on, girl 'Kept Woman' is playing. I am not missing this." She said, laughing as she rushed to the couch.

 A smile on my face as I entered the living room.

I stared at all my sisters. We've all gone through so much together and apart.

That's what makes us the Ohana family. Life is just a test that's full of a lot of challenges. There will be some that you feel like you can't face or go through. But you will, and you can't let it beat you.

Looking at my sisters and knowing every one of their stories and seeing that they got through it, I can get through this.

I can fight Cancer. I won't fight it alone; I have my sisters.

After all, Ohana means family. And family means that no one gets left behind or forgotten. Not only do I have my sisters, but I have Jake.

Jake POV

I was now in one of my buildings, the normal workplace building, that is.

The employees I had in the building greeted me, and I greeted them back politely.

Even when I left Olivia's place, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She filled my mind that she was still what I was thinking about even while taking the elevator ride to my floor.

The elevator dinged, letting me know I reached my floor, and as soon as I got out, my assistant was right there with the files for me. 

I headed towards the conference room and walked in with a polite smile on my face.

I shook hands with the two men in the meeting room, Mr. James and Mr. Vikash.

"Hello sir, I hope I'm not too late. Shall we get started?" I asked.

They both nodded, smiling at me. "It is alright, you're only two minutes late, and things happen. Please get started." Mr. Vikash said.

With that said, I started the meeting, and I discussed everything that needed to be addressed in the conference with them.

After everything was addressed, the meeting was coming to an end.

Mr. Vikash pulled me aside and spoke.

"I have a daughter, who I would love to see with a man like you. You don't happen to be seeing anyone, are you?" Mr. Vikash asked, smiling. This was something I was used to and familiar with. Older gentlemen I would meet or have conversations with would always try to pair me up with their daughters,

"Sorry, sir, I am already seeing someone," I said to him. The truth was, I wasn't seeing anyone, but I wanted to be, especially a certain someone that has been on my mind since the moment I left her place.

"Would have figured, well, at least I get to do business with you." He said as he stood up and shook my hand.

 I shook his hand and then shook Mr. James' hands.

Leading them out of the conference room, I bid them farewell and afterward headed to my office so I could be alone.

I walked into my office, throwing my suit jacket on the office couch.

I was taking my phone out to send Olivia a text.

I smiled at that.

I was able to get her number and meet her family all in one day.

There's nothing that can stop me now.

I texted Olivia, who didn't take too long to respond.

Me: (4:25 pm) Hey, Olivia, or should I say "Live" it's Jake. :) What are you doing?

Live (4:27 pm) Hey, Jake or should I say "Jayboo" (Literally made it up randomly, don't judge me.), and I am watching a Kept woman, which is another lifetime movie network movie with the girls. My sisters are all currently talking and yelling at the characters on the t.v right now.  How was your meeting? I take it that the meeting ended?

Me: (4:28 pm) Yes, it is, so what are you doing tonight if you don't mind me asking?

Live (4:30 PM): Oh, I have a date tonight.

She had a date? With who? Was she seeing anyone? Wait, no, she couldn't have been. If she was seeing someone, they would have been at the hospital with her these few days instead of me. Right? I mean, who would let the person they're dating be in the hospital in that state alone like that?

Another dinged came from my phone, and as soon as I read the text, I felt a sense of relief overflow my body.

Live (4:33 PM): With you. Be here by 8?

I smiled at her text message. Wow, that was a good one right there.

Me: (4:34 PM): Great, I'll be there. :')

I have a date tonight with Olivia. Okay, sounds good. What should we do, though? Should we go out to eat, should we go somewhere fun? Should we watch a movie?

I turned on my computer and started to look at things to do.

After all, I'm trying to impress Olivia, and considering that this is my first date with her, I have to wow her for sure.

*********Kassandra Vivu***********

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

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