You'll always be my first and...

By bruhh_writer

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What happen when Abhishek and Navya will be back together again will there love be same as before or everythi... More

Interoduction to cast
Story begains here
Not felling so good 😞
Do i still love her ?
Author note 😅
Hazel left us 🥺
Flashback part 1
Flashback 2
Prt 3
Never let you go
I hate him for everything
Miss those days
We met
Best day of my life ( flashback)
Best day of my life prt2
she still loves me ?
Wedding day
I will never accept you
Happy moments
New cast are here
Cute hubby things
Manjot's wedding
It just bro sis love
Flashback prt 1
Abhay and uncle's fight
He is getting married
Back to present
Wedding day
Outfitsssssss ❤️😂
5 years later
Fix everything
End of everthing
We are no more friends abhay
One is happy another one is sad
Baby is here
Worst day
Past present
Behind everything
Ig post

Flashback pt: 1

264 10 5
By bruhh_writer

Abhay's pov
Amaal went leaving me lost in my own world what he was about to say I can't understand he said she didn't cheated then why she left me what I saw that night what was that I went towards our room she was sitting quietly not saying a single word just crying do she really care about Mahir I don't know why but sometimes I behave really bad towards her but somewhere I still have soft place in my heart for her after all she was the one who taught me what love is but when ever in think about that night it makes my blood boil I saw them i want to know everything.
Abhay: " what happened that night before our break up"
Navya: " what... are you... serious.. Abhay here I'm worried about mahir and you are talking about that thing"
Abhay: " yes I want to know everything from your pov tell me Navya"
Navya: " and what if I don't.. why should I say all those things"
Abhay: " don't make me angry or else"
Navya: " or else what huh you will hit me like you always do come hit me"
Abhay: " for Mahir you have to please"
Navya: " promise me you will bring mahir back"
Abhay: " promise"
(Navya pov)
He asked me I don't know how should I say how he would react when he will come to know I took deep breath and started telling him.

( Before there break up)
Abhay: "navi are you sure you are fine if you want we can go to doctor"
Navi: " yes abhay I'm fine you go enjoy your party ok"
Abhay: " ok but call me if you want anything" * kissing her forehead*

( in party)
Sanjana: " hy Abhay where is navi"
Abhay: " she is not feeling well yarr"
Aaru: " why what you did" * winking*
Abhay: " haha aaru you are so funny joke of the year"
Aaru: " yeah I know I'm"
Abhay: " jaana yaar kaam kar aapna" ( go and do you work)
Hazel: " hi abhay how are you"
Abhay: " yeah good only did you know where Dev is?"
Hazel: " what do u mean by that I thought you know"
Abhay: " I know what"
Hazel: " that he went to your house to meet navi"
Abhay: " no I don't know"
Hazel: " what seriously didn't she told you that she was meeting him everyday"
Abhay: " they are best friends that's why"
Hazel: " then why he always meet her when you are not there Abhay I have told you many times she is not good enough for you she is like that she is just using you"
Abhay: " mind your own business hazel"
Hazel: " ok if you don't believe that why don't you go at our house and see what's happening there huh

(Navi pov)
I'm so nervous and excited about this how should I tell him what if he breaks with me what would I do no he won't he said he'll always there for me in everything situations I wipe my tears and started to do bit decorating for this surprise I can't wait to see his reaction on this I told Dev to bring him I was just waiting for them  ( after two hours)
* door bell ringing*
I went and open the door saw only Dev was there he came inside and started asking me
Dev: " wow what is all this things what is happening will you tell"
Navi: " where is abhay"
Dev: " you told me to bring this but not to show Abhay if I would bring this and him together he would probably ask me about this" * giving her box* btw atlest tell me"
Navi: " ok promise me you won't tell anyone"
Dev: " I won't now tell me"
Navi: " ok" * whispering something in his ear*
Dev: " what are you kidding right"
Navi: " no I'm not yarr"
Dev: " okk...omg... I can't believe this it is true" *hugging her*
( in party)
Aaru: " shubu idiot"
Shubman: " what.."
Aaru: " Abhay is drinking too much go stop him"
Shubman: " Aaru ohh Aaru we are punjabi ok"
Sanjana: " ohh punjabi  go and drop him home"
Kamzy: " bro idk what happened to abhay he is saying some random stuffs"
Shubman: " where he is"
Kamzy: " he went"
Aaru/Sanjana/ Shubman: " what.." * together*
Aaru: " how can u let him go he is drunk"
Kamzy: " I asked that should I drop him he said no"
Sanjana: " Kamzy yarr.. now what should we do"
Shubman: " navi will handle yarr"
(Abhay pov)
How.. how she could do this to do me I took shot after shots I don't care what others say hazel told me everything what navi is doing behind me I went back to to check whether what hazel said was right or not I had keys somehow I went open the door and what I saw is there was bit decorated and they both were hugging how Dev can do this to me
Abhay: " wow this is so amazing right"
Navi: " Abhay"
Abhay: " why you didn't expected me here huh ohh sorry did I just disturbed you guys in between your romance"
Navi: " what.. what are you saying Abhay"
Abhay: * coming towards her and holding her arms tightly* " how... could you do this to me Navya.. why did you cheat on me what I have done tell me... I SAID FOOKING TELL ME"
Navi: " Abhay leave me its hurting" * crying in pain*
Abhay: " you have hurt me"
Dev: " abhay it's not like what you think"
Abhay: " dare if u talk between us"
Dev: " and dare if u hurt her" *coming between them*
Abhay: " or else what huh"
Navi: " Dev, Abhay no plzz don't" * pushing them apart*
Abhay: " Navya get a side"
Navya: " plzz you two guys"
Abhay: * holding her arms and pushing her hardly* dare if you
Dev: " navi" * punching Abhay on his face* " navi are you ok.. how dare you to hurt her"
Navi: " Abhay listen there is nothing like that what are you thinking plzz listen to me"
Abhay: " ohh please stop your nonsense things you know what Navya Malik you just love to ruin everyone's life you ruined my life too I have loved a lot but now it's over I hate you and hope to never see your face again so please go away from her and I don't care if go anywhere I wish never to see you again"
Navi: " Abhay... abhay please listen there nothing like that u can't do this"
Dev: " navi come let's go"
Navi: " but Dev"
Dev: " we will talk about it tomorrow"

( navi pov)
I was crying I thought I would tell him but he ruined everything his words were roaming in mind I knocked at home
Armaan: " navi baby what happened"
Navi: " Armaan" * crying loud hugging him*
Amaal: " what happened is everything ok"
Navi: " Abhay....he... broke..."
Aunty: " what but why"
Navi *told them what ever happened there*
Uncle: " have water and tell us the actual reason what he took in misunderstanding"
I was sitting on bed all members were sitting with me and dad asked about the actual reason Idk how to tell them what if they shout at me what will happen
Aunty: " baby tell us we won't do anything"
Navi: " I...I......" * nervously trying to speak*
Amaal: " you what navi"

End of the chapter 😁😁 ok I'm very bad but you guys guess and tell me and after that I'll post next part cuz I have already wrote but post after you guys try to guess till then take care byyy

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