Help Me!

By KNeill006

31.7K 441 28

Y/n Creed is a young girl who is trying to break out of trouble. When she has a run in with the Intelligence... More

I'm fine
Don't lie to me!
Who are you?
Singing Competition
Help Me
What Happened?
The Plan
The Deal

Hey Kid

4.4K 54 3
By KNeill006

*A few days later*

Hailey has been searching through the lists of names that are Y/n Creave but hasn't came across any until she by accidently put in Cree and a name flashed up. It said Y/n Creed.

"I found her." Announced Hailey.

"How?" Asked Jay.

"I put in two Es instead of the A and then realised my mistake but before I went back the name Y/n Creed flashed up. The picture matches." Explained Hailey.

"Thats good. So hopefully we can start to try and find her." Suggested Adam.

"Wait. Did you say Creed?" Asked Hank. He had a worried look on his face and was looking around the room impatiently.

"Yeah...why?" Asked Hailey confused.

"Creed is a Big Boss. He is wanted in 12 States and 5 countries. He is very dangerous. But I didn't know he had a daughter." Explained Hank.

"Are we going to try and find her or not?" Asked Adam.

"I don't know. I think if we can make friends with her then she can help us take him down unless she is actually really close with him and loves him. However, from the reaction she gave us yesterday she sounded like she didn't want anyone to know that she was arrested." Said Hank. He wanted to help her but he knew it could be risky.

"If she does need help, we should at least try and reach out." Said Jay.

"Fine. But we have to be careful." Explained Hank.

"Okay. So whats the plan?" Asked Kevin.

"We can't bring her in because that would draw attention. So the plan is to keep eyes on her today and then ambush her in a building or something. We can ask if she needs help and if yes then ask if she will help us. I just heard back from one of my CIs that she likes to hang around an abandoned building by 112th Street. She goes to Lincoln Park High School and then goes to the building after school. We will wait outside her school and Jay, Hailey, Kevin and Kim you need to stay by the abandoned building. Everyone understand." Explained Hank.

"Yeah." Said everyone.

Y/n had just walked into school and met up with her one and only friend Alli. Her real name was Allison but everyone called her Alli.

"Hey. How are you?" Asked Y/n.

"Yeah I'm great. How are you?" Responded Alli.

"Couldn't be better." Y/n said with a fake smile on her face.

She was worried incase the police came looking for her. She did need help but if her dad found out, she would be in massive trouble. It was just better if no one knew what was going on in her life instead of putting them in danger to save herself.

The day seemed to drag on but then the final bell rang. Y/n had said goodbye to Alli and then walked to her favourite building. It was an old library, it was easy to get into because no building plans had been made so no one protected it. She did the usual and sat down behind a bookcase with her headphones in. When her day is bad she normally turns her music up all the way to just relax but this time she kept it at a low volume incase anyone came in. It had been and hour and no one had came so she turned her music up fully and just relaxed. She tipped her head backwards and let out a few tears. She couldn't hear anything apart from her music.

"Hey sarge. She has been in the building for an hour." Said Jay.

"Okay. I want you four to enter the building. Me, Adam and Antonio have all the entrances covered." Said Hank.

The four of them entered from the front. It was silent at first until Jay heard small sniffles coming from behind a bookcase, he whispered to the others. "I got eyes on her."

Y/n was sat playing with the small bits of concrete on the floor when she threw it at the window through the bookcase and she heard it smash. She decided to throw another but this time it hit the wall. When she threw another one, it made no noise. She thought it was strange so she took off her headphones and walked slowly out from behind the bookcase. She saw Jay, Hailey, Kim and Kevin stood there. Hailey was holding her shin.

"Hey. We don't want to hurt you, we just want to talk." Said Jay calmly.

"Okay. You can bring your boss and the rest of the unit in here. I'm not going to run." Said Y/n taking a seat on the floor with her back leant on the bookcase.

Hank heard and called the others in, they entered from the main entrance.

"Hey kid. How you doing?" Asked Hank.

"I'm fine." Said Y/n looking down playing with more concrete.

"Really. Because I'm pretty sure you have been crying. Your eyes are red and puffy. So are you actually okay?" Asked Jay. He sat on the floor infront of her and lifted her chin so she was looking at him.

"No." Said Y/n. She let a few tears run down her face and Jay gave her a hug. She hasn't had a real hug in 2 years.

After Y/n had stopped crying she said she would talk with the unit. Jay helped her up off the floor and she sat down on an old chair.

"I'm sorry but we need to search you for any weapons." Said Hank.

"No need. I've been at school and I don't use weapons." Explained Y/n.

"You had a weapon the other day. I don't know how I didn't find it when I searched you but you clearly do use weapons." Said Hailey.

"It was hidden in my hair. And no, I don't use weapons. It had no bullets in it." Explained Y/n.

"That is so cool. You need to teach me that." Smiled Hailey.

After the small chat, Hank asked Y/n a couple of questions about her dad and she explained everything they needed.

"When you met me the other day, I was exchanging drugs for two girls who had been kidnapped. I didn't want to help out in the deal because I knew they were dangerous but I had to get these innocent girls back to their homes. My dad is doing some big drug deals soon but I don't know the details because I'm always at school. I can't fake sick because he knows I'm never sick. I have another plan but it could get me in some big trouble."

"Okay thank you. Can you go with your plan?" Asked Hank.

"Yeah I can. Just hang around my school tomorrow and I should be able to get you any details and you might be able to put him away for more things than drug charges." Explained Y/n, she knew she was going into dangerous waters but she had to do something about her dad.

"Okay. I will send Jay and Hailey to watch your school tomorrow. Any time?" Said Hank.

"I would suggest all day. Until my dad shows up but don't confront him." Explained Y/n.

"Okay see you then." Said Hailey.

Jay waved to Y/n, said goodbye and then left.

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