Playing With Fire (Sebastian...

By AlwaysSeb

78.6K 2.1K 418

The 2021 season ended with the tragic loss of one of Formula W's brightest stars. The racing world had been l... More

1. Flashback (1)
2. Flashback (2 )
3. Flashback (3)
4. Reunited
5. Conflicted
6. Flashback (4)
7. Getting the Team Back Together
Formula W Drivers
Formula 1 Drivers
F1 and FW Calendars
8. Always on His Mind
Australian Grand Prix
Bahrain Grand Prix
Emilia Romagna Grand Prix
9. The Pain in Spain
10. Guess Who's Back Bitches
Spanish Grand Prix
Monaco Grand Prix
11. Time to Let Go?
Azerbaijan Grand Prix
12. Face to Face
Canadian Grand Prix
13. An Unexpected Ally
14. Miami Heat
Miami Grand Prix
15. A Step Too Far
Austrian Grand Prix
16. Intervention
17. Cursed
British Grand Prix
Hungarian Grand Prix
18. Fall From Grace (1)
19. Fall From Grace (2)
20. Fall From Grace (3)
21. Everything She Needed
22. First Steps To Recovery
23. Summer's End
24. Back to It
25. Savage
26. Rashford's Return
Belgian Grand Prix
27. Collision Course
Netherlands Grand Prix
28. The Waiting Game
29. Recovery
Italian Grand Prix
30. Saturday
German Grand Prix
32. Together
33. Shaken
Singapore Grand Prix
Japanese Grand Prix
34. The Announcement
United States Grand Prix
35. The Argument
36. An Uneasy Truce
Mexican Grand Prix
37. Decision to Make
38. A Little Bit of TLC
Brazilian Grand Prix
39. Time To Think
40. A Decision Not Took Lightly
Malaysian Grand Prix
Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
41. What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
42. Bowing Out in Style
43. For Old Time's Sake
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
44. Presentation Night
To Be Continued...

31. Rumours

1K 30 1
By AlwaysSeb

Seb's bruises had almost gone by the time they arrived in Germany for the next race weekend. Well, the ones from the crash had. He was now sporting a small purple mark on his neck where Mollie had got a little bit carried away. He grinned as he linked his fingers with hers as they passed through the security gates.

"Morning Mobastian!" called Daniel Ricciardo, approaching them from behind.

"Do you have to use that silly name?" Mollie snapped. Seb hadn't let her get much sleep the previous night and she was grumpy.

"I think it's quite cute," Seb said, with a cheeky grin on his face. "Good week off Daniel?"

"Yeah, not bad thanks. Went jet skiing. And partying. Need I ask what you two have been up to?" he laughed, pointing at Seb's lovebite. Seb laughed.

"Well, we spent the week at Mollie's parents place.  Then we had a weekend away visiting her brother at Uni."

"Excellent, well gotta fly.  I've got a surprise to leave in Lando's room for him."

Seb shook his head.  Why did he get the feeling that Lando wasn't going to like his surprise?

He dropped a kiss on Mollie's head. "You ok baby?  You're quiet today."

"Yeah. I'm just tired Seb.  Someone kept me up all night."

"You weren't complaining when I had my head buried between your legs."

"Fuck off," she said, trying not to laugh. 


Mollie shot Luca an evil look.

"Mollie doesn't like that name," Seb explained. 

"Sorry, what other name can be used?  Smollie?  Sellie?"

"How about Seb and Mollie, or Mollie and Seb?"

"Oooh, someone got out the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Mollie raised her middle finger at the laughing Italian, making him laugh even more. 

"See you later guys."

Seb turned and pulled Mollie into his arms.  She raised her face for his kiss. 

"I will see you later baby.  We can have an early night. Dinner in our room and cuddle up in bed.  I'll let you sleep tonight."

"Sounds heavenly."

"Try not to rip any journos heads off."

"I can't promise."

"Love you baby," he murmured.  Then he turned and jogged off down the paddock towards the Aston Martin motorhome. 

Mollie headed for the support paddock.  She was nearly there when she heard someone calling her name.  She turned and saw Lily Pierce and Ana Campos heading over. 

"Hey Mollie, how are you?"

"Good thanks. You two?"

"Yeah good. Just wanted to ask if you've heard the rumours and if there's any truth in them?"

"Rumours? What rumours?" she asked, confused.

"You've not heard? Well there's a rumour going about that TBR are pulling out of Formula W at the end of the season and are heading to Formula E instead."

"I haven't heard a thing. Have you asked Sophia?"

"Yeah, she hasn't heard anything either."

"I'd take it with a pinch of salt. There are always rumours flying about."

Mollie thought no more of it until later that morning when she saw Matthew Thorne coming out of Tom Smollett's office. They both looked rather serious.  In fact, Tom looked pissed off. 

If the rumours were true, what would that mean for her and Sophia? A change of team? A return to Indy?
She hoped that they'd get some clarification soon.  They'd be pushed to find another team. It was nearly October already.

It was probably all just bullshit. Why would they want to pull out? They were leading both championships.

She and Sophia were up last in the press conference. They headed across, discussing the rumours.

"Be nice to know what's going on. I've had an offer from Moorfield. I wouldn't dream of it if TBR are still in but if they're not, it's something to consider," Sophia said.

They slid into their seats and put their mics on.

Everything was going smoothly until Daniel Hunter was called upon.

"Mollie, can you tell us anything about the rumours regarding you and a possible move to Formula E?"

"Excuse me?" she spluttered.  "Where did you hear that?  You've got to stop pulling these rumours out of your arse Hunter."

The room erupted into laughter. 

"Surely though you'll be limited for options if TBR do pull out of Formula W."

"Ah yes, that rumour.  Listen, you've been in this game a long time Hunter.  You should know the difference between a rumour and a fact.  Wait until it's a fact.  Then ask me these questions."

They moved on to the next question.  Mollie was pissed off.  TBR needed to be straight with her and Sophia. 

After the press conference they headed back to the motorhome. 

Matthew and Tom were waiting for them.  They were summoned to the office. 

"Ladies, I know you've heard the rumours concerning the team pulling out and heading to Formula E.  We don't know who started the rumours.  We didn't want to say anything until it was confirmed.  And this last week a decision was reached.  I'm very sorry.  It's true.  This will be TBR's last season in Formula W."

Mollie and Sophia looked at each other in shock. 

"It is also true that we are heading to Formula E.  I realise that you both will want to explore your options.  Indy W with Brooke remains an option for both of you.  I really am sorry," Matthew said.

They all got up to leave. 

"Mollie, can you wait a minute please?  I'd like a word," Matthew said.

Tom and Sophia exited.  Mollie sat back down. 

"Mollie, I'm impressed. I said to you before there was a possibility of another FP1 session.  How would you feel about driving in Austin?"


"I thought you might.  Look, I'm really sorry you had to hear about everything second hand.  I didn't want to say in front of Sophia but how would you feel about staying with the Thorne family?  There's a big opportunity rising and I think you could excel."

Matthew continued to explain things to Mollie.  She really didn't know what to feel about it.  It could complicate things for her and Seb but it would be a great step for her to take. 

She left, promising him she'd think about it. 

She arrived back to the motorhome where Ash was waiting.

"Ready for the track walk Mols?"

"Guess so, come on, let's get it out of the way."


"Seb, is it true that Mollie is heading to Formula E with TBR?"  Daniel Hunter asked.

"Why are you asking me?  You asked Mollie.  You got her answer. Why do you think I'd tell you any different?"

Seb pulled his mic off as the session ended with that ridiculous question.  He walked out, closely followed by Will, who'd been in there with him.

"Hunter is a twat," Will said.  "I'm sure he makes things up for attention."

"Probably," Seb sighed.  Inside though he was asking himself if it could be true. 

What if Mollie moved to Formula E?  What would that mean for their relationship?  They'd barely see each other.  Could their relationship survive?

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