The Bet | Jeon Wonwoo

By womwoo

266K 8.7K 5.4K

"Dare to bet? If you can get Saebyul, I will give you $5k." "Deal." When Jeon Wonwoo accepted a bet from his... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Last Chapter

Chapter 19

9.2K 336 145
By womwoo

"Hi Saebyul!" Saebyul frowned and turned around only to see Hansol smiling at her which made her wonder what is he up to.

"You're up to something, what is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, are you always this type of person who always jump onto conclusions just like that? Without even-"

"That's because you never greet me."

"Okay, sorry. I'm not trying to make you think that there's a reason behind this. I'm just greeting you since you are the friend of my friend, Jeon Wonwoo." He smiled innocently.

"Tomorrow is Saturday.. So maybe later after school we can hangout with Saebin?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, just don't bring him back home late." She was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm.

"You are coming too. Wonwoo would like it very much, please~" Hansol give her this pleading and puppy eyes.



"Come on Saebin, don't you wanna see hyung and his friends?" Saebyul raised an eyebrow making Saebin gasp loudly.

"I WANT TO SEE HYUNG!" He shouted and started to jump in excitement. Saebyul giggled seeing how happy Saebin is.

After the two dressed up, Saebyul locked the door and waited for the boys to come and pick them up. Her father isn't home as always.

Five minutes later the boys arrived with their own motorbikes.

"Okay Saebin, pick your favourite." Saebyul crossed both her arms.

"Me! Remember? I'm Seungcheol hyung the one who helped baked the cookies a lot!" Seungcheol exclaimed.

"Yah, it was my recipes anyways. Join Mingyu hyung, Saebin." Mingyu smiled and patted the space behind him.

"You guys are scaring him. Saebin, this hyung will show you the fun of riding motorbikes." Hansol smirked.

"You guys argue over him, I'll take Saebyul." Wonwoo then gave Saebyul a wink.

"I want to join Seungcheol hyung!" Saebin shouted in excitement. The two was defeated by Seungcheol and sighed in unison.

End up, Saebyul joined Wonwoo.

"You guys looks like this gangsters who always involve in an illegal motor race, you know?" Saebyul have to shout right behind Wonwoo's ear during the ride.

"That's because we really were an illegal motor racers before." Wonwoo chuckled.


Wonwoo laughed out loud and clutched his belly.

After arriving at the jungle gym, Saebyul opened her helmet and handed it to Wonwoo.

"You're lying? About being the illegal racers." Saebyul blinked her eyes.

"Guys, tell her."

"We were, not we are. But we stopped anyway since our parents found out about it. Our motorbikes got confiscated for three months do you believe that? Can you imagine not having your motorbike for three freaking months?" Seungcheol held his head with both his hands.


"That explains why Wonwoo is so obsessed with his motorbike. He always modified it, he've wasted lots of money. That's why he wanted to get this $5k-" Mingyu quickly covered Seungcheol's mouth as Hansol and Wonwoo got their eyes widened.

"$5k? From what?" Saebyul asked, not knowing and understanding everything.

"His dad is very strict you know? He should be accepted to Seoul University in order to get $5k from his dad. And he needs that $5k for his motorbike." Mingyu smiled sheepishly. Wonwoo sighed in relief soon after.

"Ohh.. You should be busy studying then instead of clinging onto me the whole time at school, even outside school." Saebyul shrugged before walking away.

"You are under my watch." Wonwoo eyed Seungcheol before joining Saebyul.

"Dude, you almost ruined everything. Take care of your mouth." Mingyu facepalmed.

"Sorry guys." He smiled innocently.


"This dude never play sports you know? Even if we said we'll treat him whatever he wants if he joins us play sports, he would rather refuse." Hansol patted Wonwoo's shoulder.

"Really? Wow.. As expected of Jeon Wonwoo.. Tsk, tsk, tsk." Saebyul shook her head as she looked at Wonwoo.

"Stop telling her my bad sides. Tell her my good sides." Wonwoo muttered.

"Seungcheol hyung, Wonwoo hyung, Hansol hyung! Join me and Mingyu hyung!" It was Saebin who shouted.

Saebyul sat down and watched the four boys playing in the jungle gym with Saebin. Little did she know, she was actually enjoying the moments. She is actually liking the fact that she are friends with the boys whom she never expected to ever talk to her.

Saebyul watched Wonwoo laughing, smiling and even teasing Saebin. A small smile appeared on her face.

'How could someone be so attractive?' She thought to herself while smiling alone like a lonely lunatic. After realizing that she was deeply captivated by Wonwoo, she snapped out of her thoughts.

"What the heck, Saebyul?" She slapped her forehead.

Wonwoo got bullied by them, they keep throwing the small balls to him.

"Yah, Saebin ah! I thought I am your favourite hyung! Why won't you help me?!" Wonwoo shouted in despair.

"My favourite hyung is now Seungcheol hyung~" And he hugged Seungcheol. Wonwoo stood there soullessly after Saebin rejected him, the rest laughed over him.

"Your sister rejected me and now you?" Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.



"Aren't you tired? Want some drinks? Like smoothie or bubble tea? Or water?" Saebyul asked Wonwoo who looks so exhausted.

"Yes please."

"Why do you only offer Wonwoo?"

"I'm offering him doesn't mean I'm paying for him. I'm just asking." Saebyul walked away and tried to hide her laugh.

"Woah~ Thanks Saebyul!"

Saebyul came with six bubble teas with her, giving each of them one bubble tea.

"Did you had a lof of fun today?" Seungcheol asked Saebin.

"Yup, yup! I had a lot of fun with all the hyung." He giggled.

"Don't you guys have your finals coming soon..?" Saebyul questioned.

"Yeah, in two more weeks."

"Why aren't you guys studying? Don't you guys wanna go to University?" Saebyul furrowed her eyebrows.

"We support last minute study." Hansol proudly informed making Saebyul to blink her eyes twice.

"Just kidding, we do study. Don't worry about us." Mingyu patted Saebyul's head and there Wonwoo fake his cough.

"Oops, sorry."

"Time to go home now. Saebin can't sleep late unlike us." Seungcheol stood up.

"Yeah, let's send them home." Wonwoo agreed.

After arriving at Saebyul's house, Saebin became very mad and don't want to actually let the boys go.

"Saebin.. You should go to sleep. We will have fun again like that okay?" The boys tried so hard to persuade Saebin.

"Thank you anyway.." Wonwoo scratched his head.

"For what?"

"For letting us hangout with you and Saebin. It was fun.. We laughed a lot. It's been a long time since we last had fun like that." Wonwoo smiled.

"Thank you too, for treating Saebin like your own brother. And thanks to your friends too. Saebin now have four brothers to play with, he must be very happy." Saebyul smiled warmly as she look at Saebin who was joking around with the other boys.

"Bye bye Saebin!"

"Bye bye hyung!"

"See you tomorrow, Saebyul." Wonwoo ruffled her hair.

'See you tomorrow..' Saebyul thought to herself and couldn't stop smiling.


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