Life In Stark Tower (Includes...

By Zane_f0rd

2.4K 175 85

Just stuff that happened after Zane (Me) collapsed in front of the Stark Tower... All the Marvel characters a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author note
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Author note pt.2
Chapter Fourty-Two

Chapter Sixteen

30 3 0
By Zane_f0rd

Heyya! Sorry kinda late than usual. Enjoy! - Zane


~Nat pov~

We got into one of  Tony's car in the garage. Steve insisted to be the one driving, saying that I was too reckless for Zane. I don't know what he meant by that. I thought I drive slow enough.

Zane was looking outside the whole time. His eyes were glowing... Wait, glowing? I look back and his eyes are the same hint of green as before.

' Was it my imagination toying with me?'

We arrived after a few more minutes of Steve's lame driving.


' Zane, try this.' I said as I throw a black sweater with a cute husky to him. He tried it on and he looked kinda cute with his messy hair and his adorable smile.

' Do you like it?'

' Yeah!'

' Then go and give it to Steve.'

' Okay!'

I followed him and he hugged Steve's leg. He looks tiny compared to Steve, well, he is kinda smaller than his peers.

' Hey, Uncle Steve!'

' Hey, kiddo!' He ruffled his hair. ' Are we done here? We have books to buy too.' he asked me.

' Books? I like books!'

We just chuckled at his antics.

' Yeah, we got all we need here. Zane, take of that sweater and put it in the basket.'

' Okay.' He took it off and his clothes and hair was messy. I bend down and help him fix it. I tickled him a little as I tuck down his hoodie. He laughed a little.

' Thanks, Aunt Nat!' He hugged me.

' I swear if someone dare to hurt him, I'm going to make his life a living hell. How is he this adorable?'

' Anytime, kiddo. Now, let's leave Steve here and go search for books.'

' Books!'

' Hey, you're not leaving me here!'

' Why not? We need to save time anyway. Bye Steve. See you later.'

' Oh, come on! You just want to be alone with the kid!'

I picked Zane up and started to walk away from him. Zane look back and started waving at him.

' Bye, Uncle Steve! We love you!'

I just grinned at his statement.


' So, Zane. What kind of books do you like?' I asked him as we reach the bookstore.

' I like maths and storybooks! Mom always buy those for me. I like to draw too.'

' Okay. Let's find one that you'll like.'

We go to every section of books and got a few books. To my surprise, his mom gave him workbooks of those university level.

' I guess Tony wasn't lying about him being a genius.'

When we go to the sketchbook section, I feel as if someone was watching us from somewhere. Sure enough, I saw a lady that often seen near us. When we got the sketchbook, Zane suddenly whispered;

' Aunt Nat... That's the lady that attacked Grandpa Al... I hate her... Because of her, I can't see him at the cafe anymore...'

He slumped his head on my shoulder. I could feel his melancholic sigh on my neck.

' Since we already got everything you want, let's go and pay so we can go back.' I said as I stroke his back.

' Okay.' he hugged me tighter.

I pick up the basket and go to the counter and pay for the books. We got out of the bookstore and Steve was standing there, waiting for us. Steve take Zane from me and look quite perplexed when Zane just slumped his head on his shoulder. His expression says it all;

' Where has all the joy on his face go?'

' Somebody's tailing him. A woman. He said that she was the one who assaulted him at the cafe. He saw her and recalled the incident.' I explained.

He look at Zane with a worried expression. I discuss a plan to shake her off with Steve when Zane interrupted.

' Let's just go to one of the alleys. Phyl will take us to the roof.'

' Phyl? Who's Phyl?' Steve asked.

' My spirit friend, I'll tell you later. We should go, she's coming.'

' Okay, I trust you Zane.' I said. Steve nodded.

We walk faster along the crowds, making her further than us. We spot an empty alley and go there. Suddenly, the wind lift us until we reach the roof of one of the building.

I peek down and saw her looking stumped. I walk to the middle area and sit there. Steve put Zane down next to me and sit in front of us. Zane lay his head on my thigh. His face looked heartbroken.

' Care to enlighten us, Zane?' Steve prodded.

' I have spirit friends, they represent each elements of the earth. I can bend the elements with their help. Phyl is the Air spirit.'

He stopped for a while.

' After I was kicked out of the apartment, Grandpa Al took me in not long after. I helped him around the cafe and one day, that woman pull out her gun, trying to shoot him but I prevented it. I ran away, not wanting to put him in any danger anymore. I'm not scared of her, but I miss Grandpa Al... He was nice to me, he's the one who gave me the album so the pictures won't be damaged..'

He cried...

I pick him up and hug him, hoping it'll make him feel better. I could feel my shoulder getting wet. Steve reach out and stroke his back.

' Thanks for telling us, Zane.'

' I think the nasty woman is gone. Let's go.'

' Yeah, we have our last stop before we could go home.'

' We do?' I was shocked.

' It's a surprise Zane. And I purposefully didn't tell you because you would spoil it.'

' What?! I'm a spy! I keep secrets!'

' No one can change my mind.'

' Wha-! That's rude!'

We heard a small chuckle and we smiled, forgetting what we bickered about.

We head to the car and Zane sleep throughout the drive...

°~Thanks for reading~°

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