Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9.7K 247 802

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th๐™ด ๐š๐‘ข๐‘กแดœแ–‡๐™š โ’นoอกอœeอกอœsฬ†ฬˆnฬ†ฬˆ'ฬ†ฬˆtฬ‘ฬˆ ๐Ÿ„ด๐Ÿ†‡๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ‡ธโ€Š๐“ฝ
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.


371 9 17
By mrtobiaz_

Tom had nearly given up on himself. That is, until Tord came along.

Then he fully gave up on himself.

"Okay, so you'll be staying in here."

Tom looked inside the room Tord dubbed as Tom's. The inside shocked Tom.


Tord shook his head. "Wha- no?! This wasn't here this morning! What the fuck?! On the plane?!"

In the middle of the plane cabin, hanging on the ceiling fan, hung some poor soldier. There was a chair that had been knocked over near his feet.

Tom clutched his chest. He felt heavy. empty. I gotta get out of here. Tom thought. Is this what Tord's soldiers do because of his leading?! Will this be me?!

Tom backed away from it all. Tord. The poor soldier. He wanted to just get out of there.

Then he let it all out.

He wasn't well. He knew that. And Tord was the only person who somewhat cared. Even if he was faking it.

Tom could feel the tears well up in his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

He needed help. He needed to actually feel loved.

Though, he wasn't sure if Tord was that person, the one who actually liked him. He probably wasn't.

Tom's breathing became heavier, and he could feel himself become lightheaded.


Tord looked to where he heard heavy breathing from behind him. Tom.

Tord could tell that Tom wasn't well. He was pale and was bracing himself with the suit cases.

"Tom, are you-...are you okay?" Tord asked softly.

"Is there..." Tom swallowed. "Can I stay somewhere else...?"

Tord nodded. "Yes, you can stay with me. You and Marie."

One specific soldier looked at Tom and Tord. She cleared her throat. Tord looked towards her. She gestured to Tom, as if to say, "dude! Look at him! Give. Him. A. Hug!!!" Tord sighed and brought Tom into a tight embrace. He had Marie in his arms, so the soldier came and gently took her.

"Thank you, Ginny." Tord said softly.

Tom seemed surprised by the sudden embrace, but gladly hugged Tord back. He could feel his tears welling up his eyes.

So he let them go.

Tord held Tom as he cried and pleaded into his chest.

"I'm so s-sorry Tord...! I'm just so stupid, Edd's right! They're all right! Starving myself isn't enough! I should just leave!"

Tord couldn't believe what Tom was saying. He heard what Edd had said to him, those horrible things. He could feel a deep and vile hatred well up inside of him. Edd's such a little bitch. I swear the next time I see him I'll- no. Edd caused the problem, but Tom is taking what he said seriously. He needs to be loved. Not the cause of others sufferings.

Tom shivered against Tord's chest. Tord's heart ached seeing Tom like this. But...why? He'd need to ask his parents later.

Tord gently picked Tom up bridle-style. He wanted to make sure he wouldn't hurt him.

Tom seemed surprised at Tord. "Wha-? Why are you..?"

Tord looked at Tom and smiled. These past hours have made Tord feel amazing. If only Tom knew what he was doing to Tord. He might've felt better about himself.

Tord placed a gentle kiss on Tom's forehead. Tom sighed deeply and rested his head on Tord's chest.

Tord smiled and walked into his cabin. He sat down on his couch. He ran his fingers through Tom's hair. Tom sighed and fell asleep. Tord hugged Tom closer to his chest, so Tom's head was rested on Tord's shoulder.

"I'll put this little one down to bed." Ginny said softly.

Tord nodded his head at Ginny, and he looked back down towards Tom.

Tord felt the rumble of the plane about to take off. He held Tom closer to his chest to insure that he wouldn't wake up. He sighed as they lifted off into the sky. Crisis averted! He thought, looking down at Tom, a wide smile spread across his face. God Thomas...Tord loved how Tom made him feel. Tom made his feel so warm and loved, but if only he knew why. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through his photos. He was near the end when he saw a video that he didn't take. So obviously, he played it.

The video showed Marie giggling as the person behind the screen tickled her. The person filming laughed along with her, when it hit Tord as to who took the video. Tom.

Tom showed Tord talking to Albert. He zoomed in a bit and sighed. Then he turned the video back to Marie. You look so much like your daddy, huh? You have his hair, Tom played with a strand of Marie's hair. You have the same silver eye. It's like stars. You wish he was here too, Hmm? Marie giggled again as Tom continued tickling her. Tom laughed again. It sent shivers down Tord's spine. He wished Tom would laugh more often. It suited him more then being gloomy all of the time. The video ended and Tord turned his phone off. He looked down at Tom again.

He gently lifted Tom's chin up. He leaned his face close towards Tom's, and gently pressed their lips together. His eyes fluttered shut with the wondrous feeling inside of him. Tord felt overjoyed! The single kiss was the most amazing feeling Tord had ever felt! He wished it would never end! He wished it would last forever. He was going to pull away when something or someone, wouldn't let him.


Tord felt Tom's arm drape loving across his shoulders, Tord wrapped his arm around Tom's waist and smiled into the kiss. He loved every moment of it. He wished it wouldn't end. He wished he could stay here, with Tom, forever.

Reluctantly, Tom pulled away. He stared at Tord with wide eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry...Tord I just-..." Tom stammered.

Tord chuckled and placed a gentle hand on Tom's cheek. "Tom, last I checked I kissed you first."

"Yeah, but I kissed back! We haven't seen each other for three years! What-...what does this make us?" Tom cried.

"Whatever you want it to be, though, I hope you're decision implies that we can still be together." Tord shrugged.

Tom thought for a moment, before quietly and slowly speaking. "Okay. But, on one condition."

"And that is?" Tord said slyly.

"We take it slow. And we can't tell anyone!" Tom said sternly.

"I do believe that is two conditions, Thomas." Tord smirked. "But alright."

Tom looked at Tord in disbelief. "Seriously?! Like, you want me? You're positive?"

Tord gently placed his lips on Tom's for another moment of bliss. Tom, excitedly, returned the gesture.Tord pulled away and rested his forehead against Tom's.

Tord smiled. "Does that answer your question?"

Tom smirked. "Hmm, not really. I'd prefer it in words."

"YES! Yes! I want you Tom! I'll say it to the world!" Tord cried gleefully.

Tom laid his head back down on Tord's shoulder.

Tord smiled. "Tired, Thomas?"

Tom nodded.

"Go back to sleep then, Tom. The Base is not too far away, but you should still sleep." Tord purred softly.

Tom nodded his head as he fell asleep.


Tord looked around in boredom. They were almost at the base, but having no one to talk too, Tord got bored real quick.

He pulled out his phone and checked the time, it was quarter-after- 9. He groaned. God when is this plane going to land?!

His phone buzzed and Tord picked up his phone. Nothing. Who's phone was it?

Tord slowly stuck his hand in Tom's pocket and pulled out his phone. He had a message that read,

Tord scoffed. Matt you idiot! Why would Tom want to talk to you?! It doesn't matter either way, he's with me now.

The captain announced that the plane was landing, so now came the hardest part.

Waking up Tom.

"Thomas, min kjære, wake up. The plane is landing." Tord said, smiling.

Tom groaned. "Really? Can't I sleep for a bit longer?"

Tord chuckled. "My parents are waiting for us, it'd be rude for them to have waited the whole time, just for you to be asleep."

Tom sat up. "Yeah, I guess."

Tord placed a loving kiss on Tom's forehead. "Let's go get Marie."

"Okay, okay. Let's go." Tom said as he sat up.

They walked to find Ginny. The plane wasn't too big, so finding her was fairly simple. She was looking through piles of fabric while Marie slept soundly in a bassinet. Tord gently picked Marie up and held her close to his chest. Tom looked at the suitcases he had left in the hallway.

"Should I get those?" Tom questioned.

Tord shook his head. "I can get someone else too, Tom. Don't worry about it."

Tom raised a brow at Tord. "You really shouldn't get all of your soldiers to do stuff for you, Tord."

"I don't! I just- I'm busy. I have work to do. I can't stay focused on the little things." Tord protested.

Tom rolled his eyes. "It's not like you have a "little thing" in your arms right now."

Ginny could notice the tension between Tom and Tord, so she and the other soldiers left the room to give them some space.

Tord closed the door behind the soldiers as they left.

"Care to explain what that was, Thomas?" Tord hissed angrily.

"Oh gee, I don't know," Tom spat. "Maybe it's that you're so lazy, that you can't even carry suitcases inside!"

"I never said I wasn't going to carry them! I don't want you too, because you said you were fucking starving yourself, and I want you to save your strength!" Tord shouted.

Tom was stunned. "Wha-? Who...? I...told you last night...didn't I?"

Tord nodded slowly. "You did, Tom."

Tom ran a hand through his spiked hair. "God, I'm sorry to put this on your shoulders. You, you shouldn't have to worry about my problems and shit."

"Tom. When we agreed to raise Marie together, we subconsciously made each other's problems our own. So if anyone causes any problems for you, I will deal with them. In ways that may or may not contain blood and gore." Tord said as he placed a gentle hand inside of Tom's.

Tom smirked. "May or may not?"

Tord nodded. "No guarantees."

Tom squeezed Tord's hand. "No guarantees."

Tord walked Tom out on a stage. From the height, Tom could see almost all of the Red Base. And it was not how Tom expected it would look. Soldiers walked up excitedly to Tom and Tord with what seemed to be questions about where they've been. The base itself had different stories, floors and hallways. From what Tom could see, there wasn't any stairs. How did they get to the higher floors than? Two specific soldiers spoke out above the crowd, and Tom sighed with joy when he realized who they were. Paul, and Patryck Lost. Tord's parents.

"Tom! Tord!" Paul and Patryck climbed onto the stage. They rushed to give Tom and Tord a welcome hug, which Tom gleefully reciprocated.

"God Tom! We missed you so much!" Patryck beamed.

Tom laughed and squeezed them both. Tord smiled at Tom. He really does look better when he's laughing.

Paul looked at Tord and smirked. "Oh come on! At least pretend to look happy to see us."

"Yeah, Tord." Tom snickered.

Tord rolled his eyes at Tom as he pressed something on his metal arm?! How did I miss that?! Suddenly, the stage began to lift into the sky. Tom jumped and subconsciously grabbed Tord's arm. Tord chuckled and wrapped his arm around Tom's waist.

"Are you okay, Thomas?" Tord whispered softly into Tom's ear.

"What the- how is this thing moving?!" Tom exclaimed softly.

Tord chuckled. "I figured that it is more accessible to use lifts, instead of stairs. You'll get used to them eventually." Tord affectionately gave Tom an unnoticeable kiss on the forehead, one that would've been overlooked if you weren't playing close attention.

Tom could feel a faint sense of blush rush to his cheeks. Tord smiled at the thought of Tom, the stone cold drunk he is, getting flustered over a small bit of affection.

Tord was about to say something to Tom again, when he noticed his parents staring at him and Tom out of the corner of his eye. They had large smiles on their faces and were visibly excited at Tom and Tord's newfound "friendship." Tord instinctively let Tom's hand fall down to his side.

Tom looked down at his empty hand. The warmth of Tord having gone away. But why? Then Tom realized.

Tord's parents.

Tom didn't want anyone to know.


The lift stopped at the "main floor", or at least, that's what the sign said. For real though, does Tord just have random signs on ever floor? They all stepped off of the lift and were led to a room labeled, "meetings". What is with these signs? Tom stepped inside and gasped.

"Oh God! Are you alright?! What happened to you?!" Tom cried frantically at the sight of a soldier who was standing near the entrance. He had an ice pack over a bad burn on his forearm.

"I burnt it while making eggs this morning..." The soldier muttered awkwardly.

Tom sighed. "You can't put ice on a burn! That causes blisters! You need to keep it dry."

Tom took off Tord's hoodie, and his shirt along with it. He ripped the bottom of the shirt and carefully wrapped it around the soldiers arm, making a makeshift splint.

"There!" Tom said triumphantly. "You should go see the medic here, assuming there is one here..." Tom looked towards Tord. He seemed to be stuck in some sort of trance.

"Someone get the medic in here!" Tord shouted. "And...When did you learn so much about medicine?!"

Tom shrugged. "At the Rebellion, I unknowingly got myself the job as the nurse because I was the only medic, and the only one who care if anyone got hurt. So, yeah. I actually learnt most of it from Patryck! He taught me a lot as a kid..."

The soldier smiled. "Well then, Tom, I'm Axle!"

Tom smiled back. "Maybe get someone else to make eggs Axle."

Axle smiled.

Patryck gasped. "You listened to me?!"

Tom shrugged again. "I mean, I guess I picked up a few things..."

"Well, you clearly didn't learn everything." Paul remarked.

"I mean, yeah, I just said that." Tom spat.

Patryck sighed. "No, Tom, have you...have you seen yourself?

"Yes, I've seen myself. Why-? What are you talking about?" Tom asked concerningly.

"Well you clearly haven't Thomas!" Tord spat. "Look at you! I can see your ribs! You need to stop starving yourself!"

Tom was stunned. He could feel tears welling up again. God, please not here. Hold it, back. Not now. Not in front of Tord. Not in front of all of these soldiers.

"You know what Commie," Tom spat. "I did not agree to come here for you. I am here, for Marie. Our daughter. So at any given moment, I can take her and fuck off. I know you still hate me Tord! Don't go denying it! I want to be a part of her life Tord! She is the only thing I care about! Stop worrying about me!" Tom barely had any control of the words coming out of his mouth. He grabbed Marie from Tord and walked angrily out of the room. At least I didn't cry right?

Tord stood stunned. Paul placed his hand on Tord's shoulder.

"Tord..." Paul began. "What happened to Tom?"

"Edd and Matt, happened." Tord answered weakly.

Tom sighed.

It's a week since him and Tord's fight. He wished he could tell Tord he was sorry for blowing up like that, because truth be told, he was sorry. But, he just couldn't bring himself to apologize.

The past week had left Tom and Tord on shaky ground. They rarely spoke. Only when with Marie, or when they were discussing business, and Tom was learning how things worked at the Red Base. And when Tom was getting his uniform. He settled on a navy blue formal shirt, a dark gray vest, a black tie, with checkered shoes. Tom thought of the main clothes idea, with Tord adding the bit of the checkered shoes.

"For your love of ska music! And Susan!" He had said.

Which, honestly had surprised Tom that Tord even bothered to pay attention to the kind of music that Tom likes.

So Tom, being the smooth talking guy that he is, responded with: "Um...Y-yeah! noticed..?"

"I mean, of course I did. It's not bad music if I'm being honest." Tord replied very smoothly unlike whatever the fuck Tom just said.

So after from that, Tom thought that his awkwardness with Tord would be over.

Unfortunately it wasn't.

Tord wanted Tom to sleep in his room, so Tom gladly took the couch, but Tord said he should sleep in the bed, so they had a fight about that.

At this point, Tom was just tired of all the fighting.

Tom walked into the meeting room. He frowned at his phone. Tord noticed Tom's expression and stared at him curiously. "Who's this meeting with?" Tord questioned.

Tom sighed. "The Rebellion."

"Again?" Tord said annoyed.

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