SOS: Ship of Secrets✔️

By kiramcneil

430 51 0

What happens when your past comes back to haunt you? A group of former friends are forced onto a cruise ship... More

1- Josie
3- Rocco
4- Neal
9- Lilly
11- Jesse
12- Lilly
13- Rocco
14- Jesse
15- Lilly & Josie
17- Lilly
18- Josie
19- Rocco & Joey
20- Nina & Jesse & Lilly & Joey
21- Lilly & Malcolm & Rocco & Jennifer
22- Neal & Rocco
23- Jesse & Rocco
24- Lilly
25- Josie
26- Rocco & Lilly
27- Lilly & Joey & Jesse
28- Lilly & Jennifer & Rocco & Josie
29- Neal

30-Josie (EPILOGUE)⚠️

10 1 0
By kiramcneil



I placed my hand on my large belly and turned to the side.

Damn, I look good.

"You're so beautiful.", I heard my fiancé say.

"I know.", I said cockily.

He kissed my cheeks before kissing my baby bump.

"Look, kid, whatever you do, don't come today or your Uncle Neal and Jesse will kill us for interrupting their wedding.", he spoke to my bump.

I smiled at him and stroked his hair back.


"You know we do have a little bit of time before I actually have to get ready...", I said before placing my hand on the drawstrings of my robe.

He met my eye before turning around to lock the door.

He hurriedly undressed before walking back over to me. His dick swinging as he walked.

"Take it off.", he said huskily.

I pulled the drawstring until it came apart and shrugged out of the robe.

He eyed my exposed body before pressing himself against me. He kissed me deeply before picking me up. He placed me on the nearby desk. He left a trail of kisses all the way down to my pussy. He got on his knees and hovered his mouth over me before licking a strip over my lips. He pushed my lips open with his tongue before assaulting my clit.

I threw my head back and let out a loud moan. It was starting to become a little much and my legs began shaking.

"Rocco, please.", I gasped.

"Please, what?", he said before dipping his tongue back on my clit.

I lifted my head up and made him look at me.

"Fuck me, Rocco."

He let out a soft moan before standing up and adjusting my legs. He slipped into me and tried to stifle his moan.

I clenched my pussy around him.

"I wanna hear you, baby.", I told him.

He gently placed his hand around my throat as he started slamming into me. He let every moan and groan escape his mouth. I felt myself coming apart around him.

"Rocco.", I moaned.

I could tell he was close when his thrusts became sloppier.

"Come for me, baby.", he whispered in my ear.

He gave one final thrust and I gave into my second orgasm.

"Fuck.", he groaned as he filled me up.


He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We rested there for a few minutes before deciding to take a quick shower together.

After our shower, we got dressed in our formal attire.

Rocco helped me downstairs and put my flats on for me.

We heard a honk outside. We grabbed our phones and my purse and headed out to Lilly's car.

John opened the front passenger for me and slid in the back with Rocco.

The car was filled with their mindless chatter before we even pulled off.

Rocco and John have become best friends within the last six months. They hate to admit it, but Lilly and I don't think they can go a day without speaking to each other.

"How's my munchkin?", Lilly asked me.

"Your munchkin has been kicking almost non-stop for the past week. She's due any second now."

Lilly smiled and I didn't miss the excited expression on her face.

The GPS spoke to let us know we were less than a mile away from our destination.

"Do you know if everyone else has gotten there yet?", Lilly asked.

"I texted Joey a while ago, he said he, Nina, and Jennifer were already there. Dad and Nick are on their way there."

Lilly turned into the driveway of the gorgeous house Neal and Jesse rented for their wedding.

They vacationed in it once and fell in love with the massive backyard and knew they had to get married there.

We got out the car and entered the house. The others were waiting in the beautiful foyer.

"Look at my beautiful girl.",Dad said as he hugged me. Nick hugged me after.

"Hi everyone.", I greeted everyone.

Joey hugged me next before rubbing my baby bump.

"How's our princess?", he asked.

"She's very active today."

"Is it time yet?", John asked.

"Yes, it's 3:00. Let's get to our seats."

The wedding was very small. There were only a few other guests other than all of us. Neal and Jesse couldn't decide who the best men were gonna be, so they decided not to have a wedding party. Their only request was for Jennifer to walk them down the aisle together. Jesse's parents were never involved in his life and Neal's parents were both deceased.

The music began playing. We all watched as the doors opened and out walked Neal and Jesse in matching navy blue suits on either side of Jennifer.

They both smiled at each other before striding down the aisle. Jennifer stepped away and sat in one of the chairs.

The young pastor began speaking and soon it was time for the couple to exchange their vows.

"So, I kept trying to come up with the words to express how much you mean to me and I kept getting stuck. Jesse Benjamin Thomas, I have loved you with my entire being since the day we met. Back then, I was so afraid that I would never get the guts to tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and being loved by you. Now, I know how ridiculous that was. You're apart of me now and I'm apart of you. Forever.",he finished with a teary smile.

"Neal, we've been together for nine years and I have absolutely treasured every single second with you. You're my best friend, my guide, my partner. You have been the only constant in my life for so long and I've been so grateful to have you with me. We went from being childhood crushes to secret high school sweethearts and now we'll be taking on husband and husband. I just want you to know you'll always have me with you. Always."

I wiped the tears that managed to fall. I looked over at Rocco and saw that he was already looking at me.

I smiled and held his hand. I turned my attention back to the center as the pastor began speaking again.

"Do you, Jesse Thomas, take, Neal Harrison to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you, Neal Harrison, take, Jesse Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your groom."

Neal and Jesse wasted no time having their first kiss as husbands.

We all stood and clapped for them.

"We're married!", Neal shouted after he pulled away.

We laughed and walked over to the happy couple.

"Alright everyone, the receptions inside. Grab some food, dance if you want to, and everyone, but Josie, have a drink.", Jesse said before leading us inside.

He led us to an beautifully decorated ballroom. There was a buffet table with servers. A fully stocked bar. A single long dining table and a DJ booth.

"This is gorgeous.", Nina said.

"I don't know about you guys, but I am-", I was interrupted by the feeling of something rolling down my legs.

"Josie, what's wrong?",Dad asked.

"Oh my god.", Lilly said as she noticed the puddle that was forming beneath me.

"My water broke."

The two doctors took off their jackets. Neal ran out the room and came back with a backpack.

"We wanted to be prepared in case you went into labor. Let me check your vitals.", Neal said.

They made me sit down and both began checking me out. Rocco kneeled beside me and held my hand.

"Is she okay?", Nick asked.

"Yes, she's fine. She has a lot of time before she'll be ready to give birth."

"We should get you to the hospital.",Dad said.

"I'm sorry I ruined your wedding day guys."

"Ruin? Josie, you're giving us a niece. Consider it a wedding gift."

I smiled at them. Rocco helped me stand up and get back in the car.

Lilly began driving us to the hospital. I could tell she was trying not to panic.

"Shouldn't I be having contractions by now? Not that I'm complaining, but I was expecting them."

"It's different for every woman.", John said.

Almost 15 minutes later, we finally reached the hospital and I got checked in.

The doctor was between my legs, checking if I was even dilated.

"You came in very early, Ms. Parks. It's going to be a while. I'm going to come back and check you out in a little bit.", he said.

Lilly and Rocco were standing on both sides of me, holding my hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fi-."

A sudden, sharp pain ripped through my body and I squeezed both of their hands tightly. I let out a loud groaned and rode it out.

I saw Rocco check him watch.

"There's the first contraction."

13 hours later

I let out another scream as another contraction ripped through me. My dad stroked my hair.

"They're almost a minute apart. It won't be much longer, baby girl.", He told me.

"I feel like I should push. Should I push?", I asked the doctor as he walked in.

He looked under my sheet and nodded.

"It's time, Josie."

2 hours later

I took a second to catch my breath. I shook my head once more and looked at my frightened fiancé.

"I-I can't do this. I want to sleep."

"Baby, you can do this. You've come this far."

"Just one more big push, Josie."

I took a deep breath and let out one big push, using up all the strength I could conjure up."

I felt pressure between my legs and then it was gone.

"Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl.", a nurse said.

The doctors quickly checked her out before handing her to me.

My baby girl looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"You're perfect.", I heard Rocco say.

"God, look at those eyes. They look just like yours, Josie."dad said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Did you two ever decide on a name?"

Rocco and I looked at each other and nodded.

"Lauren. Lauren Danielle James. We wanted her to have a piece of mom.", I told him.

"Your mom would be so proud of you.", dad said.

I nodded before smiling at my baby girl.

"Welcome to the world, Lauren. You have a big family out there waiting to meet you. You're going to love them."

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