Reckless steps

By courtneycg_2005

716 35 0

Camila is a smart, pretty, and wealthy girl and people either adore her, hate her, or envy her. Her father... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three


20 1 0
By courtneycg_2005

After we finished eating I tried to pay for the bill but Tristan grabbed it before I could and I just scoffed. "Well kids lunch is about over so I have to head backs since I'm a good kid. I'll be waking you up by 6 so get a goodnight sleep!" I laughed as she walked out of the diner and drove away. "I think that you should let me drive home." He stopped in his tracks and I laughed.

"You think that I'm going to let you drive me anywhere again?!" I laughed and walked to the car and got in. "Well you should of check the age." He rolled his eyes as we started to get home. "So tomorrow you know that you have to be up early right?" I looked over at him and he nodded his head.

"Alright we have to go home because I am tired, so hurry up I want to sleep." He laughed at me as we started driving home so I just put my head on the window. It didn't take us long for us to get home. "Hey sleeping beauty wake up we're here." I groaned and got out of the car and unlocked the door.

We walked in and saw Kinsley smirking at us "you know that I thought that you were going back to school." I looked at Tristan and laughed "well I'm sorry but you'll have to fuck her later because I don't want to hear that." I looked at Tristan and I looked away embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed now at least you didn't get a condom thrown at you." Kinsley looked at him and started laughing and asked who threw a condom at him and I told him that Caroline threw it at him the first time she met him.

"When did all of this happen?!" Kinsley said while laughing while Tristan just rolled his eyes and I told her that it happened the first time that he came over. "Well since you guys are finally here I want what are we going to do now?" I sighed and told her to watch tv while I take a nap but I guess she didn't like that answer because she groaned. "Well what do you want to do then?"

"We should invite your brother here!" I looked over at Tristan "you can see him tomorrow because the minute you two see each other then there will be a mess and I'm not cleaning that up!" I laughed and sat down on the couch and told her to do whatever she wants. "You tired sleeping beauty?" I looked up to see Tristan coming to sit on the couch.

I nodded my head and lifted up so that he could sit down so my head was on his lap as he was playing with my hair. "What time are you going home to get ready for tomorrow morning?" He grabbed his phone to check the time. "Well I think that I'll leave in about 2 hours so I can get everything and make sure that my brother is ready to go." I nodded my head and closed my eyes.

All of a sudden I felt something hit me I just smacked the person who hit me but they just smacked me back so I opened my eyes to see Kinlsey looking at me so I sat up and looked around "where's Tristan at?" I stood up from the couch and looked at the time "you know that you've been asleep for 4 hours. He made me trade places so my leg is asleep so be grateful that I love you."

I gave her a tired smile then yawned and all of a sudden Caroline walked out of the office. "Why are you always popping out of places it's creepy." She just laughed and walked up to Kinsley "well I had to replace all of the weed that you guys used before your dad found out that his stash was missing."

Kinsley hugged Caroline and I laughed while pulling  her upstairs in my room and once we got there she looked in the corner and saw my suitcase. "You do know that we are leaving in less than 24 hours right?" I nodded my head and turned on the tv and then turned back to her "are you staying the night?"

"Yeah I can so I can help you get packed and wake you up when we are supposed to get up and also I can glare at Stephanie or what your grandpa says Tiffany." We both started laughing and I looked at my phone to see the time and Tristan texted me so when I was going to text back but Kinsley jumped on top of me.

"Damn stop jumping on me that shit hurts!" She rolled her eyes and took my phone and looked at the text message he sent me and I tried to grab my phone back but she started texting him back so I stood up and jumped on her back and she fell so I took that chance to take my phone and while she was getting up I started laughing.

I texted him back the time that he should wake up and laughed at Kinsley. "You know I've never heard this house to be so quiet." I was about to say something but then we heard the door open and my dad yelling that he was home and I looked at her and she groaned. "I've got to stop doing that!" I sighed and we walked out of the room and walked downstairs to see everyone.

"Hey Camila and kinsley are you staying the night or are you staying with her?" I told my dad that she was staying the night and when I looked up I saw that Stephanie was glaring at her and when I turned back to Kinsley and she just rolled her eyes.

"Do you feel better?" I shook my head yes and my dad looked back at me "so since everyone is leaving tomorrow how about we all go out to eat and Kinsley you are welcome to join if you want." I turned toward her and she sighed and nodded her head and we all headed outside.

"Alright you guys can follow us and drive in her car so if any time you guys want to go and get dessert" I told him okay and we got in the car and started following them. "I can't believe that we are going on a trip tomorrow!" I smiled and looked at her "I know after it took years of convincing we finally get to and we are going to two boys!"

We stopped at a stop light. "You're just excited because you want to get laid this weekend." She looked at the light then looked at me "well what about you? I know that you're excited to see Tristan how come that you two aren't dating yet?"

"I told him that he had to work for it and that he had to earn it if he wanted me." She started smirking and drove through the light and parked on the other side of the parking lot and I looked confused.

"Why are we parking so far away from them?" She got out of the car and looked at me. "So lady tremaine doesn't try and key my car." I laughed and got out as we met them at the front door "where's your car?"

She told him that almost all of the parking spots were full so she parked in the back. I looked around and saw my grandparents looking at me "have grandma and grandpa been here the whole time?" I asked while walking over to them and giving them a hug.

My dad nodded as we all headed in the building. Once we sat down and I sat down and I got a text message and when I was about to look at it my grandma started talking "Camila are you feeling better? Your dad told you weren't feeling good."

I shrugged and told her that I felt better and the waiter came up and we all ordered our food and it was just an awkward situation because my dad and Stephanie was talking to my dad and her kids and my grandparents were listening to their conversation and Kinsley and I were just messing with our drinks.

She went on her phone and started texting someone and she ended up texting me so I looked down at my phone and read "if I knew that we were going to be ignored the whole entire time I would of suggested that we ordered a pizza."

I quietly chuckled and began to type "well this is what you signed up for when you became my friend." I looked up and she just rolled her eyes "after we are finished up here do you want to get something for dessert?" I looked up because the waiter was bringing everyone's food then looked at her and told her yes.

We started digging into our food "are you girls ready for tomorrow?!" We looked up and nodded our heads yes. "Good! I know that you'll have fun. You both know the rules right?" I sighed while Kinsley quietly laughed "yes dad I know the rules." He smiled and begin to eat his food again.

"So how about this you girls go get something for dessert and then get some rest done you have to wake up early and their dad is going to pick up the kids and the adults are going to stay out a little bit later." We all nodded and headed out while my dad paid for everything. We got in the car but before we could Kinsley flipped off the kids and I just playfully rolled my eyes.

"Damn I feel bad for when you have holidays because that was boring as shit!" I yawned and shook my head and looked at my phone to see who texted me from a while back and it was Caroline "have fun on your trip and see you when come back!"

I texted her back and put my phone away and turned the music up and while I was at it I slapped Kinlsey on the arm and I started laughing while she looked confused "first of all you don't hit the person who is trying because you're going to get us killed and second of all what the hell was that for."

"It's for telling Tristan about my fake I.D. Now he won't let me drive again I just forgot to do it earlier because I was tired." She rolled her eyes as we got to this new ice cream shop. "I hope you know that I'm too lazy to go in so we are going through the drive thru." I told her that it didn't matter and that she knew my order anyway and I laid my head on the window.

"Wake up and stop falling asleep we're here." We got out the car and I asked her how is she going to get her car back to her house when her mom is taking us to the airport and she explains that we are going to her house and then her mom is taking us to the airport. We went inside and Kinsley ran upstairs to start taking a shower and I laughed.

While she was in the bathroom I looked at the picture and looked at the picture with my dad and moon with her eyes scratched out. "This doesn't make any sense." I mumbled quietly but I guess Kinlsey heard it and asked me what.

"You scared me! I just found a picture and I didn't remember taking it." I didn't want to lie to my best friend but I didn't want to get her involved in any of the but she seemed to believe it and she just nodded her head and turned on the tv.

"You better text lover boy since I can't text my date until I see him tomorrow." I laughed at her wining and she groaned and turned to watch was on the tv as I grabbed my phone to text him "the picture that we saw today is kinda freaking me out."

It didn't take him long to respond and said "don't worry about it just get a goodnights rest and just think of all the fun we'll all have together." I told him okay and goodnight and he told me the same. I put my phone on the charger and was talking to Kinsley but when she wasn't saying anything I looked to see that she fell asleep so being the good friend that I am I put a blanket over her so she doesn't freeze.

I took a quick shower and got in bed and looked up at my ceiling and my phone went off and it was from Tristan "stop stressing and go to bed." I quietly laughed and told him to make sure that our rooms were separated because I don't want to hear his brother's and Kinlsey's moans and he sent "don't worry it's already covered I don't want them to hear ours either." I laughed and told him to shut up and I put my phone down and smiled.

"Camila Elizabeth First what the hell did you get yourself into!"

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