• Blue In Your Eyes • || JIKO...

By MinMin_Beauty

946 76 13

!! ON HOLD !! Jimin feels so lonely in the small mansion. Even though his best friend Hoesok visits him every... More



80 7 3
By MinMin_Beauty

What's her name?

Jimin POV

It's so quiet in here. Exactly the opposite of how I imagined it would be. I thought it would be lively and messy with kids running around and things thrown here and there, but no. Not a single scream or cry, ever since we set foot in this orphanage right up to going into the office which we're sitting in right now. Well, maybe the fact that we came here during lunch time.

"So, have you decided gender or age? Status and background?" The director asked quite strictly, in my opinion. I got a bit taken aback by that question. These are baby humans, not something to put on sale. I felt the frown creep onto my face.

Still, I didn't get the 'bad guy' vibes from him, thanks to the caring smile he showed. He must've done this thousand of times before. He looks so professional even tho he's quite old. He kinda gives me successful but kind grandpa vibes. Just like my grandfather that's sitting on my left.

I heard my grandpa chuckle. "Oh come on Lee, stop with that bullshit of yours. Are you putting animals on sale or something?"

"Sorry. It's been awhile you've been here. I still remember little Min crying in his mom's embrace....." been a while? Why would I be here with mom and grandpare-


"Ah, ye I'm sorry, please continue" I looked up from my lap to Mr. Lee. He held a smile on his face.

"I was wondering if you've decided on gender or age?" I looked at my right and left where my grandparents were sitting.

"I'm not so sure, I'd feel bad if I would be the one to choose a kid as if I'm shopping in a mall" he let out a loud laugh as my grandpa joined. Was I saying something funny? I didn't get the meaning of the outburst but I kept it in nonetheless.

"Trust me Jimin we don't do that. We love all the children here and try to find them a place they can call home." I smiled at his response.

"Well then, how about we go meet the children, you can see for yourself and if you're still unsure you can always come back tomorrow or any other day we're open."

"Gladly" I said as we all exited the office, going towards the playground where all the beautiful angels were playing after having lunch.

One hour later

"And lastly" Mr. Lee says before opening a door "this is the room for the toddlers" my eyes went wide as I smiled in excitement. I've always loved kids but I love babies even more.

We went in to see baby cribs lined out beside each other. Some babies were sleeping, some playing and laughing with the caregivers. I looked around and started walking between the cribs while reading some names for my self. They were all so cute I felt like having a kindergarten at my house. After some time we went out the room to not disturb the little sleeping creatures. We were standing in the hallway, my grandparents talking with Mr. Lee when my eyes roamed around and landed on a white door. It was the last door in the long hallway, I felt so drawn to it that I couldn't resist the urge to ask Mr. Lee.

"Excuse me for interrupting but I wonder why we haven't been in the room at the end of the hallway?" Mr. Lee looked at me with an amused face as if he just remembered something.

"Oh my! I forgot that we had another child, I'm so forgetful nowadays" he ended his sentence with a chuckle as he started heading to the door, with us following him. I wonder why he'd forget a child? And why would he or she have room to themselves? To all the rooms we've been at there are three to four children sharing a bedroom.

We arrived and I could feel something bubbling inside of me. Why am I so excited too see this child? As he opened the door my eyes roamed around the colourful wall with grass, trees and butterflies. The roof was painted in light blue with white and peachy pink clouds on. There was a little bookshelf on the side with books in all colours, a little plastic yellow table and chair. On the table there was white paper sheets with crayons in all colours. At the corner of the room there was a mat with a white box full of toys. The room looked so cute yet so dead. Maybe the fact that there was no kids playing around here, or that everything seemed untouched, like the room only was there for you to look at.

I don't know, but in some strange way I failed to notice the pink baby crib in the middle of the room. I approached the crib carefully to not disturb the child. I assumed it was sleeping since there was not a sound in the room. But as I looked down I was met with two beautiful brown eyes staring back at me, with no emotion. I could hear my heart breaking. Of all the kids I've seen today, this one in front of me looked the most peaceful yet the most sad. From the looks of its tiny body I guessed that the baby must be five to six months.

I looked back at Mr. Lee, he gave me a sad smile. "She came in a week ago, she's not let out a sound ever since."

"What's her name?" I asked, his smile faltered.

"She doesn't have one"

My heart ached. I looked back at the little baby. She stared back at me with her big doe eyes, as if it's her first time seeing someone. Her thin lips in a straight line. I came closer and smiled down at her. I reached my hand out and stroked her not so chubby chin with my index finger. She raised her tiny hand and held my finger oh so tightly. To look so tiny she was quite strong. I felt my heart swell up as she reached her other hand out and tugged on my sleeve. I carefully freed my hands from her hold and placed them right under her armpits, once she was on my chest I had one arm under her butt and the other on her back to hold her from falling. I was so scared to hold her too tightly in case I broke her small bones. She just looked so fragile.

I could sense the smell of oranges coming from her, so sweet. She buried her face in my neck and started sniffing. I was dying of cuteness, giggles escaped my mouth at the ticklish sensation. All of a sudden I felt something cold yet warm against my skin, it was dry yet leaving wet traces. Soon I realised that the small angel in my arms was giving me kitten licks. I widened my eyes in shock and slowly pulled back to get a clear view of her tiny face. She gave me the most innocent look ever, I could feel my heart melting under her gaze.

So precious and rare, intelligent and strong. "Park Hyejin" I heard my own voice whisper.

"Park Hyejin is gonna be your name." I heard my grandma squeal in excitement as a warm smile appeared on my face.

"It's settled then" I heard Mr. Lee's faint voice and my grandparents talking, but I didn't care of any of that. The important thing is that I have my daughter in my arms, and I promise to make her the happiest daughter ever.

Mr. Park's POV

As we exited the room, I couldn't help but notice something. Jimin's once flowery scent was now replaced with an orange scent. Huh, strange.


Helluu!! Sorry for not updating last week 😔 I was very busy. Instead I'll try publishing another chapter soon or tomorrow. Btw I chose to remove the describing of the character personalities, hope it's ok.

I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading 😁

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