Fight for your life

By ilovegreysanatomy129

22.7K 775 454

Just when Meredith's life is at its peak, something tragic happens. Can she get past it? Set around early sea... More



2.1K 63 28
By ilovegreysanatomy129

Derek sat vigil all night, waiting for a sign of life from his wife aside from the ventilator pushing every breath through her body and the steady beep of the heart monitor.

It was probably about 2 in the morning. 3 hours since Meredith had been out of surgery. Since she suffered a TBI, she had a 72 hour window to wake up. If not, they would check her brain activity and declare her in a coma or brain dead.

And those 72 hours would be hell for Derek Shepherd.

The kids were fast asleep at Callie and Arizona's place. While Derek was waiting in Merediths room, all of their friends made a rotation plan for the kids while Derek was busy.

Merediths injuries were extensive. She took the hardest hit. Derek made it out lucky, with a broke. Arm and concussion. Meredith was lucky to not have died.

While Derek was in her room, Amelia took her job as Derek and Merediths sister and decided to call Carolyn, her mother, something she was nervous to do.

"Hi mom." Amelia said as her mother answered the phone. "Amelia, dear, why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?" Carolyn asked in a groggy voice.

"It's Derek." Amelia said. Carolyn immediately sat up in her empty bed and became concerned. "What happened?" Carolyn asked.

"He and Meredith were in a car accident. They were hit at an intersection." She replied. "Are they okay?" Carolyn asked in fear.

"Dereks fine, he's just a little banged up. But Mer...she got the worst of it. She's barely hanging on, mom, and I'm afraid dereks going to lose it." Amelia said.

"Oh my." Carolyn gasped. "I think he needs you. And...Meredith is more of a sister to me than anyone else. I need you too." Amelia admitted, her voice breaking.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there this afternoon." Carolyn said soothingly. "She might not survive." Amelia said. "Domt have that Attitude. I'm going to pack a bag now, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay mom. Thank you." Amelia replied. "I love you, amy." Carolyn said. "I love you too."


Derek had been in ICU with patients. Hell, he had even been in the ICU as a patient. But never with a loved one.

Derek grabbed her hand and looked at her face. "Please wake up, Mer. I need you." He whispered.

Derek was never a religious man. As a kid, he grew up in a church. His mother and father were both very religious.

But when he went to college, he rarely went to church, other than easter and Christmas.

Derek prayed. Prayed that his wife would wake up soon and have an easy recovery. He hadn't done that in years, but he hoped God would listen.

Derek let himself close his eyes, knowing he wouldn't be of any help if he was sleep deprived and exhausted.


Carolyn Shepherd packed her bag quickly and hurried to the airport. She couldn't imagine the pain her son was going through.

When michael died all those years ago, he had died on scene. But they still had to bring him back to the hospital to call time of death. Carolyn had to go down to the morgue and identify.

As she was on the plane, she sent Amelia a quick text saying she was on the way.

It may have been 4 in the morning, but when 2 of her kids were hurting and needed her, she was always right there for them.


Derek woke up around 7 with a painful crick in his neck after sleeping with his head on Merediths bed.

"Welcome back to the land of living, Shepherd." Cristina snickered. "How is she?" Derek asked, ignoring her snide comment.

Nelson, who was doing a neurological check, turned to him. "Her pupils are equal and reactive. I don't see any neurological reason why she shouldn't wake up." Nelson said.

"Her body has been through a lot. She needs time to recover before she can wake up." Baileys voice rang out from the doorway.

"And it's only been 5 hours since she's been out of surgery. Out of that 72 hour window, she's doing well." Richard added as they came in for morning rounds.

"Who-who has my kids?" Derek asked. "Callie and Arizona should be bringing them to daycare any minute." Cristina replied. "I'm taking them tonight with Alex." She said.

"Domt worry about them, Derek. We have a rotation already." Bailey said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks." He replied.

Richard and bailey both did their exams, and shortly after Callie arrived and did her exam. Everything seemed just fine, and Meredith simply needed time.

"Shepherd, go take a shower, get something to eat, and see your kids. We'll keep an eye on Meredith." Bailey ordered. "Bailey-"

"Go." She said sternly. Derek sighed and kissed Merediths bandaged forehead before dragging his body out of her room.

Everyone filed out of the room, leaving just bailey. "Grey, get your ass up soon. Your husband is worrying himself sick. And so am I. If you see that white, bright shiny light, do not go to it. We'll take care of you, Grey." Bailey said before leaving herself.


Carolyn got off of the plane and grabbed her luggage before calling a cab to come pick her Up and bring her to Grey Sloan.

She arrived and quickly walked into the hospital. "Amelia." She said as she approached her daughter. "Mom." Amelia breathed as she threw her arms around her.

"Thank you for coming." Amelia said. "Anything for my babies." Carolyn smiled. "Derek should be here soon. The daycare is right there." She said.

"Mom?" Derek asked as he walked over, freshly shaved and showered. "Hi dear." Carolyn said, hugging her son. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Amelia called me. I heard what happened. Are you okay, Derek?" Carolyn asked. "I'm fine. Mer...not so much." Derek replied.

"I'm sure she'll wake up soon, dear. How about you go visit those kids of yours? It may make you feel better." Carolyn suggested.

Derek opened his mouth to speak when his pager went off. He grabbed it off his hip and his lips turned up into a smile.

"Mer's awake." He announced with a grin.

Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to drop them. Thanks for reading!!

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