Fall Of Tokyo

By Takunda_C

182 49 5

Broken by the death of his father, Kitori Jones has to accept his fate as more challenges constantly keep com... More

Origin 1
Origin 3
Origin 4
Origin 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Origin 2

33 8 1
By Takunda_C

Damn I'm late for my afternoon lecture!
Oh hey,I'm sorry where are my manners?
My name is Kitori Jones. I'm a college sophomore aged 20 . I recently moved here from San Francisco and I live here all alone in an apartment at centre square,or at least that's where I used to stay before the incident....
You must be wondering what happened right?
Well it's a long shot so I'll just make this quick.
After I was admitted to Minisota Hospital the doctors really thought I wouldn't make it but in a matter of time my body started to adapt to the procedures I was being given and in no time I was better.What I don't really understand is how come all of a sudden my body has been behaving strangely. For example it started when I was taking a shower when the shower water suddenly stopped. I looked up and "woah" , I could see and touch the sparkling drops of water. I shut my eyes and opened them again and the warm shower water started splashing on my cold body again. Well maybe I should stop drinking a lot of coffee.

2 hours later ~~~~~~

Wow that was the most longest, boring and tiring lecture I have ever experienced. But I'm glad I got through it. Now I just have to rush of to work. See the thing is I need extra money for college expenses and right now I'm on the edge so I went to get a job at a cafe near campus. Its really nice, the people there treat me like their own and I'm given a good salary. My workmate Chanelle is something else. The way her skirt moves when she's moping the floor to her gentle touch when cleaning the wine glasses. Her soft pink lips in motion when she's explaining something. She's everything I want in a woman.
Anyways sorry for getting distracted, where were we?

Boss: (Door opens) Oh Jones you're here!
Jones: Nice to see you too boss

Meet my boss Luigi. He's my great boss who is always there to lend a helping hand. And one of the best chefs or to me he is, I guess. Guy literally owns like 13 other restaurants in Tokyo lol

Luigi: How are u my boy ? I heard all about the accident.

Jones: I'm ok. It was just a gas leak at my old apartment. But luckily I was rescued in time.

Luigi:You must have been through a lot.

Jones: Yeah but I'm back and ready to work.

Luigi: That's the spirit! Now go and arrange those delivery boxes and you're done for the night.

Jones: really that's all?

Luigi: Well I was thinking that since you've been through a lot I could give the rest of the day off but If u want......

Jones: No I'm very ok with. I'll get to it now.

Luigi: ( the poor kid, first he lost his parents next thing he was near death.. the least I can do is cut him some slack.

1 hour later~~~~

Wow I never thought Luigi boss could be this thoughtful. Well I guess there's more that meets the eye with that guy.

(While walking Jones bumps into someone)

"Maya is that you?" Jones shouts from a distance. "Hey Jones!" while she waves back at the approaching Jones. See the thing is me and Maya go to the same college and she helped me out with getting to know the college better. #she's super attractive but a year above me. What a bummer, but I still don't get where she's going this late at night in the city?

Maya: Hope you're not getting bored living by yourself.

Jones: You know I love having my own personal space.

Maya: Loner Jones.

Jones: What did u just say. At least I don't walk around campus looking for people to talk to.

Maya: So that means you have been stalking me.

Jones: Fine you win... By the way what are you doing out here late at night?

Maya: Umm nothing deep really, I was jus going to do a group assignment with some friends.

Jones: This late?

Maya: Yeah anyways I gotta rush see you later

Jones: Wait!... Honestly I don't get what's up with that girl, maybe she now has a boyfriend. Anyways I gotta get going .

Taking my first step to leave I heard a scream behind me with an addition of screeching tires. I looked behind and it felt like time had stopped again jus like that time in the shower. It was Maya screaming at the sight of a fast moving car acceleration towards her. The car was a few meters away from her and time suddenly stopped for me. I don't know why but a voice inside me was telling me to run.  Taking the first step, my legs felt electrified in less than a second I was already holding onto Maya and in front of me was the car starting to slowly start moving again. Taking another step in another second I had already zoomed out of the cars front range and onto the pathway on the side of the road. Time went back to normal and the car sped past us. The car didn't stop and that was evidence that whoever was driving that car was intentionally trying to run over Maya. I looked to check if Maya was okay but there she was unconscious on the ground.

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