The Hidden: Draco

By Anelda91

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the Draco was always just stories witch parents told their children to make them behave. a Cautionary tale of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eight

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By Anelda91

Zane's POV

I carried Emily up to the house. She did the spell perfectly. Better than I had ever given her credit for and now caring her small frail body up to the house I felt the guilt wash over me. I was so sure that she wouldn't be able to do it. That my mothers spell to protect and find her children where too hard for any witch.

When Max finally tracked down the Moon coven witches, the only coven to rival that of my mothers, ascendance, it was the first time in years that I felt that spark of joy again. Like there might be a small glimmer of hope that I could Maggi back. It was only to easily to lure her father in with a few vouchers for a few free games at one of our casinos and father that he tallied up a debt worthy to collect on.

The Maroy have always been after powerful witches, kidnapping them, draining their power and then killing them. My family was no different just because my mother married a Draco. They were stupid beings. Only seeing and wanting to feed of power. They didn't care who they got killed. After my father passed, I became the man of the house and had take his seat with my brothers' father, as the head of one of the five Draco families. It was one night that I had to go meet with Michael and Anna's father out of town that they attacked while I wasn't there. My mother got killed in the crossfire to get to my sister, but mother always had her plans.

My sister was magically transported to a face place where she would wait. Asleep. Be protected and never changing till a witch can set her free. She explained it all to me when Maggi was born. I was only 10 but I remember. She told me to find an Elemental witch and have her do the last spell in the book. And then what to do once I found her location. The protective charms she placed that only I could break in case someone else did get to her spell. But what mother didn't factor into her plans is that two years after she died, and Maggi was sent into her magic bubble there would be a mayor war between elemental witches and Maroy. A lot of them were slaughtered and the ones that lived or stayed out of the fight went into hiding making it damn near impossible to find.

I was only 19 when I lost my mother and sister and now 11 years later, I finally have found her. Now all that was left was to go fetch her. But first things first. I needed to get Emily to her room.

I placed her down onto her bed and going to cover her naked body with her blanket, I paused. I could not help it. Everything about this woman just drew me in like a moth to a flame. Only I was aware, unlike the moth, that once I reached that beautiful flame, she would burn me alive.

And so she did. That potion the Maroy spiked our drinks with was potent and I could feel it blurring my vision till I only saw her. The need to have her, to touch her and be inside her became unbearable. Like not being able to breath and she is the last ounce of air left in the world.

But my Draco body burred it off the potion a lot faster than it should of. I regained control over my body soon but the time I realized what I was actually doing I was buried deep inside of her.

I froze for an instant. Not really having any idea what do to. But upon looking down at her and seeing that she was panting and her muscles tightening around my shaft inside of her I just could not stop. I started fucking her even though I promised Michael I wouldn't. There just was no going back after that moment. I felt her first orgasm come but bit back my own so I could make this last longer. Stay inside her just a little bit longer but when she had her second and started raking her fingernails down my back and moaning in my ear I lost control and came hard. As hard as I ever had right inside her.

Something I never ever did but with her not only did I come inside her, but I tried pushing as deep as I could. Wanting to completely fill her. And that more than anything scared the shit out of me.

Now here she was. Laying naked in front of me and I had to use every once of willpower not to open her legs and eat my fill again. She tasted so good in the greenhouse I couldn't believe it.

Even if she hasn't cum and I had completely lost that bet, it would have been worth it to taste her. But once she did come and there was more of her to states it was the best moment of my life up until then.

I knew exactly what this heat inside me I felt for her was. My father said he felt this way the day he saw my mother. It is love.

I knew from the second she walked into her parents' kitchen that I was going to fall hard and fast for her, but love was something I could never afford. Another woman taking all my attention and putting Maggi on the back burner just wasn't an option for me. It never was. I kid myself into thinking I could push her away from me but every time I saw her, she just drew me in. I needed to be near her. To feel the heat from her little body pressed against my own.

But now we have found Maggi and she was going to leave. She was going to leave me, and I was not sure I could let her go. I know it is selfish of me, but I wanted her to be here. I wanted to keep her here, even if that meant that she felt she was a prisoner. Now all because of that fucking Maroy potion and by far the most mind exploding sex I had ever had, I had to let her go.

I covered her body with her blanket and walked downstairs. Everyone was sitting in the drawing room.

"Is she asleep?" Anna asked as I walked in.

"No I think she's unconscious. Not just merely asleep. That was a hard spell, and it took a lot out of her. I don't think anything I can make her will help at this point." I said to everyone in general. This needed actual magic and not just something I can whip up without it in the green house.

"What do you think we should do?"

I sighed knowing I was breaking my own heart by doing this.

"I think we need to call her mother. "I said. and everyone nodded. I took out her phone that I took from her closet after she had found out that I had sent money to her family and called the contacts labeled 'mom' pressing call.

"Hallo baby. Are you okay?" her mom answered the call after a few rings.

"Good evening Mrs. Moon. It is Zane Dragomere. We met at your house a month ago."

"Yes, I remember, is Emily, okay? Where is she?"
"She is here but she did a locating spell for us, and she seems to be unconscious. We were hoping you could come and help us wake her."

"I am on my way. Send me your location. Do you have any wormwood and lily petal powder?" she asked.

"We do yes."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung up and sent her the location off Emily's phone.

It took her about four hours to get here in her beat-up little car but once she was, we took her to Emily's room. I had gotten her what she asked for and she made her spell then wet her hands in the potion she made and placed them on Emily's forehead and over her heart. Closing her eyes for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. Then opened them and sighed a sigh of relief.

"She will be just fine. She is just drained and will need a few days rest. I can make her a tonic to keep her hydrated while she sleeps if you can show me where I can find supplies. Maybe a witch's shop?"

"I will show you to the green house. What I don't have here you will be able to find at a shop not far from here. How long will she sleep for?" I asked.

"A few days maybe. She is a strong girl and should recover from this easily." I nodded knowing she is right.

We made our plans to go get Maggi and decided it would be best to wait till Emily was awake in case we needed help getting to her. Knowing my mother there would be more than a few surprises.

She was about due South of here. In a densely wooded area. Tents and sleeping bags would have to be packed as by the looks of the map it would be a few days hike and to her location. Changing and flying there would be out of the question as that area and surrounded areas where being monitored by the government for being a protected wildlife area. Which in simpler terms just means that some kind of Hidden calls it home and in order to keep people out and protect their home it was made a protected area.

That and I don't know how Emily would feel about riding on my back. The thought caused me to smile.

"I think just you and Em should go. If it is Maroy living in those woods better to stay unnoticed so Maggi can get out without any trouble." Michael said as we were once again having a group meeting. This time Emily's mom, Sophia was there as well being filled in. Initially we wanted her to take Emily's place, but she said no as she never had the amount of power as her mother had or was what Emily inherited. Her sister was not nearly as strong as Emily which is why she always pushed Em to practice and was so disappointed when she decided to go study instead of helping others like her mother did. But now knowing Emily was here helping to save my sister she felt relieved and proud. Saying Emily should be the one to see this trough.

"You will protect her right Zane darling?" Sophia looked at me with concern in her eyes. And everyone else looked at me like they were trying not to explode with laughter. Knowing full well that I was the only danger she had ever been in.

"Of course." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Then it is set. As soon as Em wakes up and is back to full strength you two will head off. I'm going into the shops tomorrow. Let me know if there is anything else you need for the trip." Michael added and so the plan was made. I would just leave one small bag for Em to pack what she needed from the green house.

It was day three of Emily being asleep and as usual we were having breakfast, Sophia telling us another story of Emily when she was young. It seems her sight caused them quite a bit of trouble as she would constantly be telling humans not to go bike riding because they will break a leg, or where to find their car keys and even once told a lady to go pack her nappy bag as her water was going to break that night.

We were just laughing at her latest story when we all heard a soft panicked voice say, "Mom?" We turned to see Emily at the door standing there in a light summers dress and never looking more beautiful. My heart leapt for joy at the sight of her awake and healthy.

Everyone was just as glad, standing up and welcoming her back. Anna made it to her before her mother could and grabbed her in a bear hug.

"We are so happy you are okay." She said. And then it was her mothers turn to hug her.

"How are you feeling baby?Lightheaded or blurred vision?"

"No Mom, what are you doing here?" she was still confused and clearly could not wait for answers.

"Well your friends were worried about you and called me to come lend a hand. Only like you to make friends with everyone you meet. They explained that they never bared you any ill will, but they needed to have a reason for you to do a spell. I told them they could have just asked, and you would have gladly done it anyway. But they really are such a nice group of people. Did you know they have a cinema up there?" she rolled her eyes at her mom and then looked over at me.

I gave her a nod and going back to my breakfast. I can't give away my feelings for her. Surely knowing the truth would send her running for the hills.

She sat down opposite me at the table and Anna dished her up some breakfast.

"What did I miss?" she asked, and the rest got to telling her about all the mundane things that bored even me.

"Oh and let's not forget about the spectacle we had here yesterday." Here we go!

"Ashley came over and Zane was not having it. She started screaming at him in font of everyone. It was better than our Groupie walk of shames, but I do fear that is the last we will see of her."

It was. She was a good lay and nice to take the mind off Maggi for a little while, but I had already decided to tell her to stop coming by for good, as she started trying to talk about 'us' more and more, then started rearranging my room, saying it suit her better that way. But the last straw came when I overheard Anna and Layla Talking about how Ashley called Emily a witch whore in the shops the other day and that blew my fuse.

"So, any new developments with getting Maggi?" she asked when everyone was done telling her boring day to day occurrences.

"Yes, we have found her exact location thanks to your spell. The problems are it is in a dense forested area we think might be inhabited by some kind of Hidden. It is protected lands so there is no way to fly there, hiking being the only choice. We are also pretty sure that Zane's mother may have put up other defenses. So, we were wondering if you would consider going with just in case some magic is needed. I know we agreed that you could go home after the last spell, but we were hoping now you know who it is for, you might be willing to help with this last bit." Michael left out the part of it being just her and myself going. It being a very clear ploy to get us alone in the hopes that something would bloom between us. But they were not seemingly aware of how scared this girl was of me. Orgasms aside. I still scared her. Why else would her heart nearly break my eardrums every time she saw me.

"I would be happy to. Of course, I'll go." She said. Wow that was easier than I thought. It took almost no convincing.

"Fantastic. You and Zane will leave as soon as you are able." He slides it in there. Sneaky devil. I looked at her and her eyes are the size of saucers.

"Zane and I, only? Is no one else coming?" she asked. Michael frowned at her in mock confusion.

"Yes, with it being a probable territory of some kind of Hidden we would prefer to go unnoticed and the less of us are there, the less chance to get spotted. You don't have a problem with that, do you Em? He did promise to be on his best behavior." He said daring her to reveal her reason for not wanting to be alone with me, but she swallowed hard and said, "No of course not."

Problem for her was I made no such promise. If she was leaving after we have Maggi, I was going to take every and any opportunity to get her out of my system before she left.

"Great, when do you think you will be fit enough to leave? Baring in mind it does contain a few days hike." Cole interjected.

"Uhm... maybe tomorrow."

"Brilliant. Zane will have everything ready so you guys can leave first thing in the morning. For today, just relax and spend some time with your mom." Michael said.

"Yes, but just write me a list of what you think you might need from the green house." I said. And she nodded and continued with her food.

Later that day I was in the greenhouse. She really did have a green thumb. Done of my plants had ever looked this good. Everything was rearranged and set differently but somehow it worked. Everything seemed to be growing better and even my newest sprouts were already in full bloom.

"I hope you don't mind?" I didn't hear her come in, too busy looking at all she had done and searching for the reason it was done and why it was working.

"No it looks great."

"You are very impressive for someone who has no witch magic. Not many people know if u plant thyme in dead man's soil it grows thicker and stronger. Better to use in spells than normal thyme. I'm guessing your mother taught you?"

"Yes, but mostly I just kept things going. She started most of these. This was her greenhouse. I only added to it a little." She looked around surprised.

"This was your mothers? So you have lived here a long time then?"

"Yes, I was born here. This is my home. The Dragomere home." She looked confused.

"You mean this house doesn't belong to you all?" I laughed.

"Oh hell no, we would kill each other. This is my house but we each have our own in different parts of the country. We stay together only when we are tenting to business or have something happening, like now, with you and then we do so in whomever house is closest. Mine just happened to be closest to your family farm."
"I see, so all of this, this house and the lands around it, is only yours?" looking strangely intimidating.

"Yes. It is mine. Well I inherited it. But the beach house and the city apartment are all mine."

"You have an apartment in the city to?"

"Yes, it is nothing much but if I need to go there for business it is too much of a drive to come all the way here."

"That must be very nice. I have a flat in the city as well but I'm only renting it and its really small. So I made you this. But I can help you pack it now if you want." She said handing me a folded-up piece of paper. I unfolded it and scanned the list. I looked fairy straight forward but having her close to me felt so good I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"I think it would be best, yes. We don't want me fucking up something that you might need. This is too important." I said, only half the truth but still.

She nodded and we started to pack all the items on her list one by one. Mostly it wasn't a lot but all the thing on her list called for more than one ingredient. Like rose petals, thyme and lavender in a bottle of pond water that contained dead fish.

We worked in silence, but I couldn't help myself around her. Every time her back would be turned I'd sneak up to her to smell her hair and every time, we had to move past one another I had to steal a touch. Nothing big or she would notice what I was doing. Just a graze here or a small touch to her lower back to faint getting past her.

I didn't understand why I want this woman so much. She is beautiful yes. Her bright green eyes made to stand out even more by her black hair. But I have known plenty of beautiful woman in my time. Why she was appealing to me so much? I just wanted her. All of her. In any way I could get her.

"There, I think that is it." She said packing the last item into the small bag I had given her.

"Before we go tomorrow, I think we need to have a serious conversation. One you might not like to have but we need to reach an understanding for both our comfort levels as well as to create and open line of combination. I cant have you scared and then running off where I cant protect you. And we cant have plans of our own. We need to follow just one, together. This is too important." I said. Knowing she was not going to enjoy this, and neither was I, but it had to be done for this trip to go smoothly and to bring Maggi home safely.

"Okay, as long as this is not another threat." I laughed. Of course she would think that.

"No, I know you are doing this as a favor to us and more to me than the others and you should know I am grateful to you. Especially since how I treated you since you got here. But you did do your part well and I will always be grateful to you for that. So no more threats of death."

She smiled her beautiful, heart stopping smile and nodded. Taking a seat on one of the tables and waiting for me to continue.

"Right, you should know Draco have fast metabolisms, so we burn things off fairly quickly. Meaning that I burned off that position the Maroy gave us a lot faster than you think." Her eyes grew to the size of saucers, and I could see the wheels of her mind turning.

"No I did not actually want to rape you. I came out of it when I was already inside of you."

She turned the cutest shade of pink from me mentioning being inside of her.

"But clearly had that option showed I am extremely attracted to you and once I knew what I was doing and had control again, I realized where I was and the position we were in and there really was no way I could stop so I apologize for that. I wanted to set the record straight with you. I know what sex with you was like as I was aware and present for most of it, and I also know that you stopped fighting around the same time I came to and from there we both truly enjoyed it. So we can either continue to let this be an elephant in the room or we can see it for what it was. It happened. Neither of us are proud of it but we can agree it was pleasurable and we move on from there. I will promise that it wont happen without your consent before hand again, but I can't promise that I wont try to convince you to give your consent." She raised her brows at me.

"So you are going to try get into my pants this whole trip?" she replied

"Damn straight I am but the worst you can do is say no." with that she laughed

"Fine then. I will continue to say no." she said jokingly. But she knows, as well as I do. With our chemistry and with us being alone in a tent for a few days it would only be a matter of time before she said yes. And I was going to do everything in my power to push her to that one little word.

"Great, now that that is our of the way. In everything other than sex, you have to do what I say. I can only protect you if I don't have to worry about you not following orders and getting in the way or running away. I need to know where to are at all times, if I don't have my actual eyes on you. If I tell you to run, you run and hide until I call out for you. If I tell you to stay put, you do not move. Do you agree to this?"

"I do. I understand." Was all she said.

"Fantastic. We have to travel light. So only pack one extra set of clothes and maybe a few extra pairs of socks. Anna and Layla went and got you some clothes and boots that are suited to the terrain of where we are going. It gets pretty hot there during the day but can also get pretty cold at night. I run a lot hotter than you so you should probably take some warm clothes to sleep in to. As fires are not a good idea to keep burning longer than it would be to cook something."

"Okay. Not a problem." She said.

"You should know, we think there is a possibility that it might be Maroy territory. Its just like my mother to hide Maggi right in front of them but we aren't sure. What we do know is that it is a none trading area, meaning there is no human contact once inside which can only mean that whatever does live there is dangerous, so we do need to be careful." She nodded her head again in agreement.

Later that night I went outside to find Michael and Max sitting outside on the now newly furnished patio.
"Hey." I said to announce my presents to them.

"Hey bro. You ready for your trip? All packed?" Max asked.

"Yea, all done." I said sitting down. It was nice having all the guys around, but I found myself looking forward to my empty house more and more every day.

"So is there anything we need to worry about with you and Em going up there alone?"

I looked Michael, starting to get irritated of these questions about Emily all the damn time.

"No Michael, ill behave myself, until she asks me not to." Michael rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm serious Zane. The girls have really fallen for her, they think she is one of them and not to mention that we have all have kind of gotten use to having her around. None of us want to see her leave and never come back." he said.

"Relax bro." said Max "Zane doesn't want to see her go either. The girls aren't the only ones who have fallen for her. Are they Zane?" normally id give Max a brutal beating for saying what he just had but there was no point. These boys and I grew up together, changed together, fought together and loved each other like brothers. If I had a simple crush, it would have been easy to say Max off but the fact that he saw right trough me  just made me want to scream. I knew he was right, he knew and so did everyone else, there was no point in denying it.

I just lowered my head a sighed.

"We know dude. Just cool it with her and shell come around. You're an intimidating guy, more than most of us and you two didn't have the best start. So just try be nice to her while you are away." Michael said patting me on the back.

This trip is either going to be the worst time of my life or the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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