Philinda One Shots

By PhilinaLove

8.3K 223 553

Some of these one shots might be sad, boring, or happy! You'll never know until you read! More

The two twins, Death and Grief
A Prank By A Ghost?
The Party of a Lifetime
The Scars On A Fallen Angel
A Gun Trail Never To Be Followed
Unexpected Parent Meeting
Truth Or Dare
Our Nastolgic Love.
Jelousy Jelousy.
One Second Changes Everything
Two Combined Universes Pt:1
Good Dreams
Memes Pt 1
I'm gonna fucking kill Netflix
Spars Love
Womens Rights?

Sicky Sicky.

524 15 14
By PhilinaLove

Three Times Melinda May has taken care of The Bus Kids while they were sick.

Not a Philinda Fanfic.

Just a Mama May Fanfic.

One scene in this one-shot is inspired by the picture above.


Number Uno

Skye walked through the base. Her head ached, her stomach turned with a sudden nausea. Her face was paler than normal, and she felt exhausted.

But she had to get up. She had already slept in late, and she was supposed to be up at 6:00 to meet May for training.

It was 7:30

Skye slumped down the hallway and walked into the training room.

She leaned against the doorway slightly as a wave of nausea came crashing down onto her. She gently caressed her stomach which laid under a white T-shirt and began taking deep breaths.

She knew she wouldn't be able to hold down her sickness for long, so she just hoped she could hold it in long enough to get this training session over with.

Skye looked back up to see May doing Tai-Chi, Her back was faced towards her. She was wearing her normal attire. A tank top and leggings, but her long wavy hair wasn't pulled up in a ponytail.

May gently rolled her arm to the side as she brought her leg up. She lifted up onto her toes and held the pose for a moment. After taking a deep breath in, she gently lowered herself down and raised her other leg into another pose.

"You're late.." She began.

Skye bit her tongue as she pushed herself away from the doorway.

"Sorry, I slept in." She mumbled as she trekked her way towards the older agent. May let out an exasperated sigh and planted both feet on the ground. She slowly began turning herself around to face Skye.

"Look. I'm different than Ward I'm not gonna..." She instantly trailed off after meeting Skye's gaze. Her lips pursed together as she barley furrowed her eyebrows. Skye cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" She questioned as she sniffled. May put her hands on her hips as she kept her gaze fixed on her trainee.

"You look awful." She pointed out. Skye just scoffed through her nose.

"Sugarcoat things much?" She deadpanned. May just rolled her eyes and motioned for her to come closer. Skye did as she was told and walked closer to her.

Once she was close enough May put one hand on Skye's shoulder as the other traveled up to her forehead. She used the back of her hand to feel her burning forehead.

May pulled her hand away after a moment and sighed.

"You're burning up." She muttered. Skye put her own hand up to her temple and winced as her head banged in on itself.

"I'm fine. I can still train." She protested.

"Skye, you'll probably knock yourself out." May retorted. Skye shrugged.

"Then I'll have a reason to leave, but right now I don't. So I can train. Just not as hard." Skye reasoned. May just grumbled as her eyes narrowed. She put her hands on her shoulder as she turned her around and lead her out of the training room.

"Okay, so I don't feel that great, but I can still train." Skye pouted. She really didn't want to let the older woman down.

"Go to your dorm, I'll meet you there. I'm gonna get you some Motrin, Tylenol and some water." She ordered, ignoring her recent comment.

Skye seemed surprised at May's words. Skye had assumed that May was just kicking her out of training, but no. She was actually going to help her.


But she didn't refuse, she just gave her a nod of her head and turned a different hallway than May. One hand gently caressed her abdomen as she slowly walked down the hallway. Everything ached, her head ached, her stomach ached, her muscles ached, her eyes sagged with exhaustion, and the temperature around her felt like seven below zero.

May slid into the doorway of the lab. Many scientists and doctors were all scurrying around, trying to complete labs and other tasks.

Jemma and Fitz were both showing new recruits around, Jemma was trying her best to be nice, but Fitz was just pissed off that he had to share the lab. He had gone up to complain to Coulson more than twice. Or at least tried to, but given his current state, he didn't get very far.

May slid passed the two scientists and made her way towards a wall covered in cabinets and a counter. She quickly hoisted herself up onto her toes as she leaned over the counter.

She opened one of the cabinet doors, half guessing on where they keep the medicine.

Multiple plastic canisters were clustered together near the left side. While plastic bottles of water filled the right side. Her eyes settled on two of the bottles. One was clear and wrapped in orange wrapping. The other was pure white, and a picture of the pill sat near the label. May grinned at the sight of the pills and snatched them up. She tucked one of the medicine containers under her armpit as she hauled herself back up on her toes to grab a water bottle with her free hand.

She closed the cabinet carefully so it wouldn't make much sound and planted both feet on the ground. May quickly exited the lab with the items and made her way to Skye's bunk.

May walked up to the doorway with the items in hand. With a quick motion May gently opened the door wide enough for her to slide in. Her eyes examined Skye's room for a moment. Clothes were splayed across the floor and a couple cups decorated her nightstand and desk. May's eyes migrated over towards Skye's bed. Where she could easily see the young agent shaking under the bundle of sheets.

May walked farther into the room as she pushed the door closed from behind.

"Your room is a mess." She pointed out as she made her way towards the bed. Skye let out a weak chuckle as she curled into a tighter ball.

"You think?" She joked. May smirked as she sat the water bottle and Tylenol down on the nightstand. Both of her hands rested on the on the Motrin as she pressed down on the lid and twisted. She pulled up, removing the lid from the bottle.

"Have you eaten anything? Crackers? Soup?"May asked as she gently tipped the bottle to the side. Two orange pills automatically slid out from the bottle and settled themselves on May's palm.

"Yeah.. I ate a few crackers once I came in here. I figured the medicine wouldn't take well with an empty stomach." Skye brought one hand up to her stomach and gave May a tired smile. May just extended her hand out towards the young woman.

"Here, take this." She ordered. "It'll bring the fever down, and once the Motrin wears off wait about fifteen more minutes before you take some Tylenol." She explained. Skye rolled her eyes as she lazily took the pills from her hand. She popped them into her mouth and held them there for a moment as she reached for the water. She quickly unscrewed the lid and brought the plastic bottle up to her lips. 

Skye took two big gulps of the water before lowering the bottle back down. She carefully screwed the cap back on before placing it back on the coaster.

May lowered the Motrin onto the nightstand next to the water and Tylenol. She slowly raised herself up to see Skye settling back down in her bed. Her small form gently curled up into a small ball, as she slid her arms back under her blankets.

"Thank you." She mumbled. May's lips raised into a ghost of a grin as she turned to leave.

"Tell me if you need anything else." May called over her shoulder.

"Wait May?" Skye called after another moment. May paused just as she was about to reach for the door and turned to face Skye. Her head poked out of her sheets but just barley. Her eyebrows scrunched up into a more serious face.

"In the orphanage when someone was sick they would take care of you then stay with you and pray for you and sing you songs." Skye told her. May crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. She knew how sensitive Skye was about her orphanage days.

Skye's mouth barley parted as her eyebrows scrunched together slightly. It took her a moment, she was obviously scared, or uncomfortable.

"Could you stay with me..?" She asked after a moment. Skye was hesitant, but her tone was laced with hope. May froze after Skye's unexpected question. "Of course you don't have to. It just always helped when they did it." She added quickly. May closed her mouth and slowly nodded.

"Yeah. Sure." She murmured. Skye gave May a tired grin and scooted herself over to make room for the older agent. May stared at her trainee for a moment before walking over towards the bed.

She carefully raised the covers and slid in next to Skye. May pressed her back against the backboard and she was about to sink farther down into the bed, only to feel the sudden warmth of someone's body colliding with her own. May grunted slightly as her eyes widened and her arms instinctively raised up. She lowered her head down and stopped her arms about halfway up.

Skye had wrapped her arms around her waist. Her head rested on the side of her chest near her shoulder. She curled up against May's body as she adjusted her head.

"Thanks Mama May." Skye teased.

May fought a grin that had rose up to her lips as she slowly lowered her arms back down. She gently wrapped her arms around the younger agent into a warm hug.

She carefully rubbed patterns up and down her back to soothe the young agent as she fell asleep.

Number Dos

May sighed as she walked into the lounge. Everything was sore and she was exhausted.

She didn't know what time it was, all she knew was that it was late, but no sleep had come to her. So instead she had decided to get up and get some tea.

May made her way towards the kitchen. An island stood in the middle of the kitchen, and a counter rounded the walls. May made her way over to the brown wooden cabinets which rested above the counter.

She came to a cabinet near the corner of the kitchen. With a swift movement she hauled herself up onto her toes. She slid the cabinet door open to reveal a tiny woven basket full of tea bags on the bottom shelf. On the other side, were some of May's personal mugs that only she could use.

She outstretched her arm a little more, making her sore biceps throb. Her fingers fumbled through the basket as she grasped one of the bags. She brought her other hand up and grabbed one of her favorite dark navy blue mugs. It had a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo printed proudly on the side.

She slowly lowered herself back down onto the cold flooring and sat the teabag and mug down on the counter below her.

May walked a few more steps away from her items and bent down next to another cabinet. She carefully opened it and her eyes immediately met with a black kettle. She gripped the handle and slid it out.

She sat it on the counter and went to turn on the stove, but the sudden cough stopped her. May whipped around in alert. Her eyes darted around the room.

Only to see a woman slowly walking towards the island. It was dark, so May couldn't exactly see her face.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you.." The Brit croaked. May relaxed slightly and sighed. It was just Jemma. Though she sounded a bit hoarse.

"You didn't scare me, I just wasn't expecting anyone to be awake at this time." May explained calmly. Jemma sniffled slightly as she walked into the light and leaned against the counter. May's eyes widened slightly when she realized Jemma's face was pale and she was shivering.

"You okay?" May asked urgently as she rounded the island. Jemma pressed her forearms on the counter and slowly nodded.

"Yeah.. it's just.." She held her breath for a moment as a wave of nausea hit her. May waited a couple moments for her to regain her breathing. "Whatever.. Skye has. I got from her.." She explained. May put her hand on Jemma's back as she looked down at her. It had only been a few days since Skye had gone down with some sort of stomach bug.

Jemma closed her eyes and swallowed down a little too much saliva. "Meaning... Whatever she has. Is contagious." She looked up at May with weak eyes as she shivered under her touch. "You've spent some time with Skye. Do you feel fine?" She questioned. May was quick to nod.

"Yeah I feel fine... But you're not." She pointed out. Jemma nodded slightly as she sighed.

"I couldn't sleep, it felt like it was five degrees under my covers." She explained. "I was coming here to get tea, but I'm afraid I might not be able to keep it down.." She told her. May nodded slightly.

"Maybe not. Here. Let me take you back to your room. Then I'll get you some sprite, and some crackers." She told her.

"Oh no. That's okay. I don't want to disturb you." Jemma croaked. May's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Jemma. You're not a disturbance. Your sick, and no one else is awake. So I can take care of you." She reasoned as she lead the younger woman out of the lounge. Jemma just looked at her hesitantly.

"Are you sure I'm not bothering you?" She questioned as she hugged herself.

"I'm positive." She reassured.

And with that, they both walked down the hallway towards the dorms.

It wasn't long until the two women had both made it to Simmons' dorm room. A metal number, 15, was plastered near the top of the door.

May gently turned the knob and pushed the door open. Revealing a rather tidy room. Everything was nice and neat. The dirty clothes were in a basket, papers were stacked neatly on top of one another on her desk. The only thing that was relatively messy was her bed. Which was ruffled slightly.

May and Jemma both walked into the room. They both made their way towards her bed.

"Alright. So Crackers and Sprite? Anything else you need? Did you take any medicine?" May questioned as she removed her hands away from Jemma so she could climb into her bed. Jemma swallowed hard and before curling up under her sheets.

"Uhm... No need for crackers.. I have some... and probably just.. Sprite.. I took some Motrin.." Jemma answered. May just nodded.

"Alright." She murmured. May turned to leave when Jemma called back out to her.

"Wait. May.." She practically whispered. May turned her head to look back down at the shivering woman.

"Could you.." Jemma paused and swallowed hard. "Could you ple.." Another pause. Jemma shuttered and swallowed again. May furrowed her eyebrows slightly and her eyes softened.

"Simmons?" She questioned cautiously. Jemma raised herself up slightly as she took a couple deep breaths.

"I think.." She paused. "I think I need to"- Jemma was automatically cut off with the sudden nausea rising in her throat. Jemma gagged as she delayed it from coming up. She quickly whipped the covers off of herself and practically jumped off the bed. May's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Jemma run as fast as she could towards a doorway on the opposite side of the room.


She burst through the room, and collapsed down onto the floor next to the toilet. She quickly leaned over it just in time for the hot vomit to spill out of her throat.

Her throat burned and tears stung her eyes as the throw up poured from her mouth. She closed her eyes just so she wouldn't see it, but the feel of it in her mouth, made her want to vomit even more.

Jemma was so preoccupied on the throw up, that she barley noticed May sliding her hair out of her face and carefully holding it back in a ponytail.

There was a slight pause in her vomits, allowing her to gasp for much needed air before throwing up again. May just sat there on her knees as she put her free hand on her back. She carefully rubbed tiny circles down it, trying to soothe her.

Jemma allowed her tears to fall just as she felt her vomiting lower down. Her nose burned, and a sudden wash of thick emotion washed over the young Brit.

After another moment, the vomiting stopped. Tears were now flowing down Jemma's cheeks as she gasped for air. She sat there, hunched over the toilet as she spit out some remaining vomit still left in her mouth.

May had let go of Jemma's hair and had rushed over towards the sink. She was now wetting a black cloth with cold water. She wrung out the needless water, leaving just a damp cloth.

May lowered herself back down towards the sobbing Jemma.

"I'm sorry.." She managed to say between sobs. May just shook her head and quietly hushed her as if she was a baby as she brought the cloth up to her lips. She wiped off some of the vomit that had stuck to her face. Hoping the cool water would soothe her.

"It's okay Jemma. You'll be okay." She murmured, trying to calm her down.

After a moment May lowered the cloth away from Jemma and sighed. But Jemma couldn't take it anymore, she quickly wrapped her arms around May as she leaned against her chest. She really hated this.

May froze in place as she dropped the cloth on the floor. She stared down at the sobbing agent.

She seemed so fragile. May pressed her lips together before she slowly wrapped her arms around her back. She moved one hand over to rest on top of her head as she gently hushed her.

"I'm tired.. I just want to go to bed.." Jemma sobbed as she gripped May tighter.

"I know.. I know.." She told her. May sighed as she rested her head on top of Jemma's. "You're gonna be okay."

The two women sat there for a moment, just wrapped in eachother's embrace.

Number Tres

May sat  in her bed. She was exhausted. She had stayed up all night taking care of Jemma and Skye. They had been sick for about five days now, and still no change in their fevers. It was starting to get worrying.

May curled up under her covers as her eyes closed. She had had a very eventful day.

She got up thirty minutes later than usual, she did her Tai Chi, drank some tea, She almost fell asleep while eating lunch, helped Skye and Jemma, talked to Coulson, and now bed.

May enjoyed the silence around her, the peace of mind. Just her and her thoughts. May sighed as she began to relax in her bed.

Though she knew it wouldn't last for long.

And indeed. She was right.

After a moment of relaxing, a knock on her door filled the silence. May's eyes opened as she lifted herself up from her pillow.

"May..?" A weak groan called from outside the door. Skye's voice. May slid out from her bed and walked over to the door.

"Skye?" She questioned as she turned the knob. She gently pulled the door open. Revealing not just Skye, but Jemma too. And Fitz?

Fitz was wearing a Monkey T-Shirt and  banana shorts. While Skye just wore a long sleeved black shirt and leggings just like May wore.
Jemma was wearing a white T-shirt with the text 'Bio Saves Lives' and leggings.

They were all still pale, their hair was messy and May could easily see bags forming under their eyes.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the sight of the three kids.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" She mumbled. Jemma and Fitz shared a look and Skye kept her eyes fixed on her S.O.

"We can't sleep.." Skye told her after a moment. May's eyes met with Skye's and they shared a look.

"And Fitz here was having trouble sleeping too. And we hate to bother you so late, but me and Skye fell asleep easily with you, and we were wondering.... If we could stay over tonight..?" Jemma explained. May looked over towards Jemma, then made eye contact with Fitz.

"You're sick too?" She asked after a moment. Fitz turned his head away and let out a wet cough. Answering May's question immediately. May examined them for a moment, before sighing.

She opened her door wider so that they all could fit in.

"Sure." She told them as she made her way towards her bed again. The three kids followed behind her. Fitz was last, so he politely shut the door behind him. May climbed in her bed, quickly followed by Daisy.

Fitz and Jemma both rounded the bed to climb in from the opposite side. May watched as Daisy gently inched closer towards May and soon was wrapped around her left side. May supported her head with her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around the top of her back. May did the same thing to Jemma as she slowly wrapped herself around her right side. Fitz snuggled in on Jemma's shoulder and gradually wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you May.." Skye whispered.

After a moment May sighed as she rubbed tiny circles around the young women's arms. She wouldn't be getting much sleep in the position she was in, but she didn't mind. She probably wouldn't sleep much anyways.

"Goodnight." Skye mumbled through a yawn.

"Nighty night." Jemma replied, practically mimicking Skye's yawn. Fitz just grumbled in return. He was clearly already working on trying to sleep. So she let them. She let them adjust themselves, she let them snore, and she let them get close to her.

After a few hours, they were all sound asleep. May's head hung lower than usual as her eyes drifted drowsily. Sleep was begging her to allow it in and May wanted it to come, but it never did.

She wasn't in a good place to sleep, and with Daisy's snoring constantly turning on and off, even if she came close to falling asleep, Daisy's snores woke her back up.

She let out a tired sigh through her nose as she slowly moved her head to rest on the headboard. She hadn't had proper sleep in more than five days.

That's when she caught Fitz tossing and turning at the corner of her eye. May side-eyed him as he groaned tiredly.

"Fitz?" May mumbled after he tossed his head to the side. Revealing his restless face. Fitz looked up at her with a pitiful expression on his face.

"I can't sleep.." He whispered. May sighed as she looked away from Fitz and back up at the ceiling.

"You and me both.." She muttered back. "Anything you need? Or something that will help?" She asked sincerely. Fitz paused as he thought for a moment. Only to shake his head solemnly. May just nodded slightly as she turned away to stare at the wall ahead.
Fitz just snuggled closer to Jemma.

After about five minutes he began to toss and turn again. Fitz groaned softly as he turned his head to face the wall.

"Well... a- act- Uh... actua— okay.. ummmm... actu.. ually.. my... my.. uh... mum.. or Jemma.." Fitz grumbled in frustration at himself. He took a deep breath in and out before trying again. "Usually when I'm.. okay... uh... I'm... s... uh.. si- sick they both sung a lul- lullaby. Drove me right to sleep." The Scotsman explained. May turned her head to face Fitz again her lips pressed together slightly. "I try to imagine their voices, but it's not the same. All can hear is Daisy's snoring." He spat.

May was silent as she stared at the young agent. She knew what he was asking and she wasn't fond of the idea.

"Does it helps you..?" May asked. Fitz slowly nodded as he dug his head farther into the pillow.

"Yeah.." He voiced. May bit the inside her cheek as she turned away. She hadn't sang in years, and even then the last person she had sung with was Coulson.

But.. Maybe. Just maybe she could sing a little lullaby.

No wait. No. Bad idea.

But.. it would help.

After a moment of debating, May let out a breath of air through her nose.

She was gonna regret this..

She gently relaxed her lips as she forced a smooth toon out. The toon raised and lowered as it mimicked the rhythm and beat of the lullaby "Hush Little Baby.". May looked up at the ceiling as she continued the soothing lyrics.

"Hush little baby.. Hush little baby.."

Fitz was baffled at the older woman's voice, but he didn't complain. He just snuggled closer towards Jemma as she listened to the gentle humming.

"Hush little baby don't say a word.. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.." She hummed softly.

"And if that mocking bird don't sing.. Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.." Fitz relaxed as his eyes slowly closed. A small grin plastered on his face as he allowed her humming to lul him to sleep.

"And if that diamond ring is brass... Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.." May kept her eyes fixed on the ceiling above, as she relaxed. That's when May's lips slowly parted, and the humming became words.

"And if that looking glass gets broke.." She sang softly. "Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.."

Fitz inched a little closer as he allowed his breathing to slow.

"And if that billy goat don't pull... Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull." She closed her eyes and a small grin rose up near the corner of her lips. She remembered all those years back when May's father had sung her this song. "And if that cart and bull turn over.." May took a quiet breath before she continued. "Mama's gonna buy you a dog called Rover.."

"And if that dog called Rover don't bark... Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart.." May gently continued to rub circles around Jemma and Daisy's upper arm. "And if that horse and cart turn 'round.. You'll be the sweetest little baby in town.."

Just as she was about to continue, May noticed her door slowly creaking open.

"Hey.. May? If you're awake I really need to.." Coulson's voice trailed off when he noticed the three extra people in her bed. May's cheeks instantly reddened with embarrassment, as Coulson's eyes softened.

She never thought she would be caught in such a state.

A cold hand touched her forearm, causing her to whip her head down. Fitz slowly dragged his hand away from May's wrist.

"Don't stop.. please.." Fitz asked, half asleep. May stared at him for a moment, before slowly raising her head to gaze at Coulson.

She bit her tongue for a moment, before gently opening her lips.

"Still be the sweetest little baby in town..." She sang softly. Coulson's eyes brightened at the sound of her voice and he made his way over to the group. "Hush little baby don't you cry..."

"Mama's gonna love you till the day I die..." She finished. May looked down at Fitz to see his face relaxed. His breathing was steady, and even a light snore came from his barley parted lips. May's lips curled into a soft grin as she turned away to look at Coulson.

"Looks like you got your hands full." Coulson pointed out as he sat near the foot of the bed. May nodded slightly as she looked down at the two women in her arms. "You need me to take them back to their own rooms?" He questioned.

May looked up at him for a moment, her eyes softened slightly as she shook her head.

"No. It's fine. They said they couldn't sleep so they came here." She explained. Coulson nodded slightly as he looked at the sleeping agents.

"Well in that case. Could I join you?" He asked. A hint of amusement laced his tone. May shrugged slightly.

"I don't see why not." She murmured. "Though I don't know where you'll be able to sleep." Coulson examined the bed for a moment, before smiling. His bright ocean eyes clashed with May's chocolate ones.

"You look exhausted." He pointed out. May scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." She retorted teasingly. Coulson slid out of the bed and walked farther up.

"Lay down." He urged. May looked at him as if he was stupid and stopped her hands from rubbing the girls arms.

"I sort of can't." She pointed out. Coulson smirked slightly.

"Then lean forward." May cocked an eyebrow as she kept her eyes fixed on his.


"Just.. do it." He urged. May stared at him for a moment, before she hesitantly began to adjust herself. May pushed herself forward a little. Making a big gap between her and the headboard. Skye's body curled slightly in response to the move, and Jemma just adjusted herself in May's arms.

That's when Coulson climbed onto the bed in the gap. May's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he carefully passed Skye's head. He was careful not to pull her hair.

May watched in confusion as he carefully shifted towards her.

"Phil.. what are you..?" Her words were caught in her throat whenever he slid his legs down into the sheets, trapping her between them.

"Lean back.." Coulson soothed. May turned her head so she couldn't look at him. Her eyes barley even widened as she stared at him. Coulson just gave her a reassuring smile in return. "Trust me.. lean back.." He repeated after another moment.

May stared at him for a few more seconds. She bit the inside of her cheek as she hesitantly leaned down onto his chest. Just as her back hit his warm body, his arms gently wrapped around her waist. May let out a shaky breath as she closed her eyes. Her body was still tense as she got used to his touch.

Coulson just hushed her as he gently leaned back onto the headboard, allowing May to lay down. Skye groaned as she leaned farther onto May's chest, while Jemma again, adjusted herself on her shoulder.

"Relax.. I can feel you tensing.. I'm not gonna hurt you..." Coulson soothed. May tensed even harder for a few of seconds. She wasn't exactly fond of a man behind her. But she knew she could trust Coulson.

So she slowly relaxed her body. "There you go..."

Soon she allowed herself to sink into his embrace.

May let out a sigh of relief as she got comfortable. Her eyes sagged with exhaustion as she tilted her head up to look at him.

"Thank you.." She mumbled gratefully. Coulson couldn't help but smile.

"Rest." He ordered gently.

She didn't have to be told twice. She lowered her head back down and allowed her eyes to close and her breathing to steady.

It wasn't long until she was asleep along with Skye, Jemma, Fitz and Coulson.

That whole night, May slept in Coulson's arms. She only awoke every once and a while when Jemma or Fitz and even Daisy were throwing up in her bathroom.

Coulson would even help around a little by grabbing Motrin, Tylenol, fetching water, grabbing more blankets.

Or if May didn't notice one of the younger kids had gotten up, Coulson would go and help them before tucking them back in bed and returning to his normal position with May in his arms.

I liked this one. I may have rushed but that's okay- just read slow on rushed parts then it's not rushed problem solved.😂

I was going to add a fourth time when The Bus kids took care of May, but I was too lazy. I might make another one shot about it- but eh...

Okay- I'm gonna go die in a hole now. Also-

Im literally obsessed with these pictures. Thank me later, I'm so making one-shots and using these pictures they're literally amazing. The artist did a fantastic job!

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