By pryce2006

16.8K 408 76

You know those cliche teenromance books where jock boy falls in love with the nerdy girl and they live happil... More

1 - Introductions
2 - The QB
3 - Alexander Garner
4 - My Bully
5 - Groupies
6 - Me and Haiely Lena!?
7 - Due Date
8 - Nurse Daisy
9 - Well you did run into me...
10 - Dinner at the Lena Mansion
11 - The Inheritance
12 - London
13 - Outburst
14 - Emotions
15 - Aplology
16 - A New Friend
17 - We did it
18 - Its Complicated
19 - Knock, Don't knock?
20 - Second Chance
21 - New found Discovery
22 - Movie Night
23 - The Game
25 - Shyness, Lies, Anger and Jealousy
26 - Happy Birthday Bud
27 - Fashion Nova Haul
28 - Sexy Nerd
29 - Game Room
30 - Room B14
31 - Im tired Hails
32 - The Offer
33 - Cheap Date
34 - A Second Skin
35 - Take care of my baby
36 - Closeted
37 - Criminal
38 - I did what I had to do
39 - Spacing out
40 - Horrible pick up lines
41 - Hey Alexander
42 - Family Reunion
43 - Epilogue

24 - Injuries

401 6 0
By pryce2006

(Alexander's POV)




That thing is so annoying I'm just trying to sleep...


My eyes flutter open, slowly adjusting to the light, it wasn't bright, as a matter of fact it was dimly lit, but for some reason it was affecting me a lot more than it actually should.

Looking around the room I realize that I'm in a hospital? How the hell did I get here, why am I even here?? Freaking out I tear the covers off me and quickly sit up.


Suddenly the room door opens and Hailey immediately runs to my side.

"oh my god Alex lay down what the hell are you doing!" she lightly grasp my shoulders and help me lay down.

"Hails what the hell is going on?" I ask, genuinely confused.

She didn't get a chance to answer as the room door opened and a tall man walked in.

"Hello Alexander, I'm Dr Griffin glad to see you're finally awake" the man greets me with a huge smile.

"hello" my voice comes out soft

"Doc whats the severity of his condition?" Hailey speaks up from beside me, cutting to the chase

"ah yes....he received a blow to the head and was bleeding quite a bit he had to get stitches, because of the hit he has a grade 1 concussion right now which explains why the lights in this room are so dim, it affects his concussion which means no phones no computer basically no screen time until the first phase of the concussion has passed."

I have a concussion? When did this even

"I see you look confused Mr Garner, side effects of concussions sometime is memory loss" Dr Griffin states

"what!" I panic, memory loss????

"There there no need to worry its only temporary your memories will come back"

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Also, you sprained your right ankle and a few of your ribs are bruised" Its then that I notice a band wrapped around my abdomen and a similar one around my ankle.

"luckily none is fractured but you're going to have to lay off any physical activates and take the painkillers we'll give you so you'll recover quickly"

"And about the ankle?" Hailey paces short strides back and forth as she questions Dr Griffin.


"he'll need to lay off his feet so it doesn't swell and prolong the healing process, good ole ice pack will fix it up within days. As for the bruises on his face I'll prescribe an ointment. " he finishes then lightly nods toward us and leave the room.






Hailey Jesus Christ!! Stop pacing god dammit you're gonna give me a headache!. I whisper yell over at her.

"oh yeah sorry, just get dressed and we'll leave... can you manage by yourself? I can help if you want"

"What? no I'm fine I can do it" she lingers a little longer then leaves the room. Finally I can get out of this dress they put me in. Ugh I hate hospitals


"just...a bit furtherr"

"Hails we can go a little faster you know" I chuckle, she's been all careful and has been treating me like a baby ever since we left the hospital. Even at the pharmacy she wouldn't let me leave the car!! Something about there too many stairs....Then we went to McDonald's and she fed me like a pig!






A shiver runs through my body just thinking about it.

"Hehe Yeah, right sorry, you sure you got everything?"

"yesss, I'm fine here now go!" I lightly nudge her with my shoulder, urging her to go

"fineee" she drawls "see ya Alex"

I watch as her car disappear into the distance and grasping the bag of medications firmly in my hand I lean on my crutches and make my way through the front door, closing it behind me.

"where have you been kid!" a low growl comes from the heep on the sofa.

My breath hitches in my throat and I take careful steps backwards not wanting to trip. With all the hustle and bustle I completely forgot about my father and his.......problems.

"I was a- at the hospital fa- father." I stutter out, I really cant manage any more hits right now.

That seemed to get his attention. He gets up from the couch and walks over until he was completely towering me and begins to laugh hysterically.

"Got beat up huh you little sissy" he snarls and shoves me into the wall.

I hiss as my body makes contact with the hard concrete, but try not to make any more sounds in case I piss dad off.

He stares me down for another minute then turns away from me, he grabs his jacket and leaves the house. I let out a shaky breath and veryyy slowly make my way upstairs.


"Alexander Garner if you don't get your ass out here right now!!!"

I slam the library book I borrowed shut, guess I can't ignore her forever. I wince a little as I get up from my cardboard and grab the crutches from where I had leant them up. Standing to my feet, or should I say foot ha ha see what I did there?

I'm such a dork.

It takes me about two minutes to get downstairs to open the door and when I do a very red face Hailey is standing on the other side of it.

" again? What a supriseee" I fake pretence, of course I knew it was her.

"oh boo hoo, I know you heard me knocking for the past 12 minutes Alex!" she let out a dramatic gasp "your avoiding me...I know it!"

"And yet you're still here" I state boredly.

"yes becauseee your having dinner with us" she cheers flinging her hands up in the air.

I lean against the door post and fold my arms "what if I don't wanna come" I question

"You don't have a choice, you're basically a cripple, if you don't choose to come willingly..." she steps closer to me, so close our noses where almost touching "I will drag you by your one good foot all the way to the car, injuries or not."

I gulp and shuffle back "i- I'll come"

A smile grazes her face at this

"but only because I want to, you don't scare me!" I say trying to convince myself too.

"sure sweetie, come on let's go" and she skips off towards her car.

"Uhhh Hailey?" I shout over to her still standing in the doorway. I mean like I could get to the car'd just take a little while....

She makes a U turn and walk back over to me. "yeah right sorry"


I feel the couch dip as Mr Lena takes a seat beside me. Hailey instructed me to sit and prop my foot up unto a stool. I wanted to decline but its her house there only so much I can do.

"so....Alex gonna tell me how you managed to do this to yourself?"

"That's the thing Mr Lena-"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to be so formal, you visit so often its like you live here. Just call me Jase." he demands. Its true, I come over so often were on first name basis now, I just forget sometimes.

"Right, Jase... I have no idea how I got these injuries, I can't remember a single thing. The Doctor said something about temporary amnesia so I guess if I'm triggered enough I'll remember eventually" I explain

"Wow...I don't even know what to say Alex... that must be hard for you, you know having all these..." he gestures to my bruises "and no memory of how you got them"

"Its fine, wouldn't want to relive those moments anyways... " I give him a tight lipped smile and make my foot more comfortable.

Just then Hailey descends from the stairs, I think she went to take a shower or something. Well duhhh that would explain why her hair is wet idiot.

I sneak a peek at her while she's talking to Mr. Lena.

No matter how often I see her without makeup and without all that designer stuff on I never can get over it. She looks so.....different. A good difference of course, I just wish everybody could see this side of Hailey Lena and not the facade she puts on at school.

Two hands waving in front of my eyes snap me out of my thoughts.

"huh?" I say still flustered

"Alex, we were just saying it's really late now and I'm sure you wouldn't want Hailey to drive home all the way by herself at this hour?"


"Of course not, it is pretty late..." actually I wouldn't mind at all, but I'm not trying to make my friend's father hate me!

"so its settled then, you'll stay over" I send a glare at Hailey but she just ignores it.

I take my foot off the stool and with Hailey's help I get up from the couch. We say goodnight to Jase and head upstairs to the room I'll be staying in, which coincidentally is just down the hall from Hailey's.

"Slowly..." Hailey hums in my ear as she bends down a bit so I could sit on the bed. I sigh in content as my butt sinks into the soft fluffy mattress. Its been years since I've sat on something this soft, man I wish I could get one of these.

"Try to take off your jeans I'll be right back" Hailey says as she leaves the room.

About Two minutes later she cones back with a brown paper bag, that looks really similar to the one I have.

"whats in the bag?" I voice my thoughts

"oh this? Its your medications and ointments, I got two of everything, you know just in case" she shrugs as if its not a big deal.

"seriously? That's so creepy Hailey why would you have a copy of my stuff, you know I'm starting to think you planed this whole thing out. "

"maybe I did, maybe I didn't, now lay down "

I scooch back a bit so I my head was now resting among the pillows and lay down. Hailey sits at the bottom of the bed and very carefully pulls my sprained foot unto her lap. When I realize what she's doing I speak up.

"I can do it myself you know, nothing's wrong with my hands" I huff

"Alex, would you just stop complaining for once and accept my help."

I keep quiet as I realize that i am being a bit ungrateful if I were at home I wouldn't have any form of help.

She takes my silence as permission, and starts to unravel the band around my ankle. When it was off, she very lightly begins to massage my ankle with the ointment.

Few moments later she moves to my ribs, those hurt a little bit more but whenever I was unable to silence my grunts, Hailey instantly removed her hands from that area. Who would've thought one of the schools biggest bully could be so gentle.

"All done" she announces as she packs all the stuff back up.

"Thanks" I mumble quietly as I was starting to feel drowsy.

"okay, now if you need anything do not..." she looks me directly in the eyes "hesitate to shout me."

I roll my eyes at her "okay mom"

"Alexander I'm serious, we can't afford you worsening your injuries." she says tiredly, rubbing her forehead.

"fine, I won't move a muscle"

She stares me down for a second then walks over to the door. "okay, goodnight Alex " she smiles at me and exits the room. She doesn't close the door though, I'm guessing just in case I need her she wants to get in here as quick as possible.

I scoff when I realize thats actually the reason why she left it open.

She's such a mom.


"Argghhh" I jump up in shock. Beads of sweat trickling down my face and my chest falling and rising uncontrollably. The sudden movements makes my ribs start to ache, and my head throb but I couldn't feel it. I was numb, I couldn't register anything except that.......

I remember

The kicks, the blood, Asher...... Everything.

"shit Alex what happened!" Hailey runs into the room on full alert. I stare blankly at her and I could only say

"I remember. "

Her eyes widen and she starts pacing around the room. "shit shit shit!!"

"uhh Hailey?"

She looks at me and starts walking over to where I am, but at the last second she steps back and starts pacing again. My breathing had slowed down but now hers was as fast and shallow as mine was.

In the spur of the moment my condition completely slipped my mind and I stood from the bed to try to comfort her, but instead ended up toppling to the floor. Pain shoots across my abdomen and i couldn't suppress a loud groan. It hurts so bad.

"I'm so sorry Alex..." Hailey was down unto the floor beside me in a second.

" I-i did t-this I'm so so-sorry" I feel something wet land on me and I look up to see Hailey with bloodshot eyes and tears streaming down her face.

"What do you mean?" I'm confused to say the least.

"What do you mean what do I mean Alex!" she screams "Its all my fucking fault, Somehow Asher found out that we were friends and if I hadn't forced you to come to that stupid game you'd be perfectly fine right now!!!" tears flow from her eyes in fountains she was hyperventilating so much she could barely breathe.

"uggghhhhh I'm so fucking stupid how the fuck could I let this happen!!!" she slaps her palm to her forehead with so much force it made even me wince.

"Trust me Alex as soon as I found out I looked everywhere for you, but when I did it was too late, he'd already did what he wanted to" she grabs my hands into her cold trembling ones.

" I-i didn't even find you, you know? I was so fucking worthless, Lila is the one who found you and as soon as she did she called me, I couldn't even come with you.... She's the one who had to take you to the hospital , I told her to go cause there was so much people it'd take me fucking forever to get to you!" She pauses for a second and takes a deep breath

"A-and when I finally reached, you looked so bad Alex and when you couldn't remember anything it just made me feel fucking worse! You were in pain because of me Alex, and I can't bare to see you in pain!" she pauses momentarily....."I like you Alex, i like you so damn much and when I see how much pain you're in it breaks my heart Alex. You have no fucking idea how bad I feel right now, I couldn't even protect you, but I just want you to know that I'd never ever! .....intentionally hurt you." She ends her rant and furiously wipes the tears from her eyes.

After a few very agonizingly silent seconds I speak up.

"could you help me up please?" I ask not meeting her gaze. I see her tense up for a second before she nods and helps me back unto the bed.

I cover myself with the blankets and turn away from her. I feel her stare at my back, but I don't turn around. Moments later I hear her

"I'm so sorry Alex " with that she left the room.

She closed the door this time.

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