A Day at Ethan's House

By BottomBarrel

71 1 0

This is an old story I had made some time ago. I just had it around, and thought to share. P.S: Kirby's Air r... More

71 1 0
By BottomBarrel

    As Silver stood alone he started wonder what to next. Just then fate gave him a answer.  Ethan glopped the other 11 year old boy, and excitedly exclaimed, " Yay! It's my new friend!" Silver whipped his head around annoyed, replied, " Wha-? No! Leave! Get off of me!" Ethan giggle saying, " C'mon, Silver let's be friends!" Silver pouted as he retorted, " Never!" Ethan, still hugging him, yelled, " We can be best friends- isn't that right, Lyra?!" Silver, surprised, looked over his shoulder, just to be tackled by Lyra next. " Yay! New friend!" she exclaimed happily jumping up and down. Her marill cling to them, and Ethan's typhlosion looked on cheerfully. Silver said annoyed," Stop hugging me, you weirdo. And why do you not put away your ugly pokemon?" 

    Typlosion looked shocked, he stared sniffling, he brought his little paws up to his face, as a few tears started to sweal up. Lyra hug him telling him, " Your not ugly, I think you just as adorable as my pokemon. Right marill?" Marill jumped on top of Lyra's hat, smiling and giving a confirmative squeak. Typlosion stopped crying and smiled, as the three hugged. Ethan came over and happily hugged him too. Ethan turned to Silver, " He's sensitive, especially about his looks." he explained to the albarn. Silver looked surprised, " Pokemon have feelings?" he mumbled. Ethan tried once more, " C'mon we can play together- all three of us!" Silver made an face, thinking, " Wh...you still want me to come play?" he exclaimed confused. Lyra holding the end of Silver's hair, storked it lightly, happily said, " You hair is so pretty! - And longer than mine's too!" Ethan asked, " Wait, wasn't your dad a burnett? Did you get your hair from you mom?" Silver said, " Uh, well my mom actually was blond." he said quietly. Lyra said, " Wow! You're lucky, you have unique hair then, Silver!" Silver looked down, " Y-yeah. I guess."

    Ethan jumped up, " C'mon let's go play!" Ethan dragged Silver along. " Hey! -What?! Grr, Let- put me down." The group made it to Ethan's house.  Ethan perked up, " Silver, this is my house, and this is my mom..." " Oh, hello there." she said standing around smiling. " -And this is my gamecube!" Ethan said, holding up a classic purple cube. Silver stared off unsure. Ethan asked his mom, " -Mom, can Silver and Lyra stay and play?" His mom frowned at him, and said, " Oh. Sorry sweetie..." Etahn looked shocked, " What?!" Silver closed his eyes, " Not surprised..." Then his mom smiled and said, " Just kidding." she chuckled, Etahn laughed, " You got me mom!" Silver was confused. Ethan and lyra ran up stairs giggling, Silver walked after them. Ethan plopped down putting in his copy of Smash Bros. Melee. Lyra excited yelled, " This is gonna be so great!" Silver stared down at his controller. " Don't worry we'll put it on the tourtial." Silver looked up at Ethan and Lyra softly smiling at him. They finish booting it up, and then turn to the screen, all riled up.

    Ethan was fighting against a team of Lyra and Silver. Silver was actually engrossed into the game, sharp focus. Lyra glanced over at Ethan, " So. You made it to the Elite four, right?" Ethan, who was lying along the floor, looked up from the screen, " Yeah...but it's no joke....a lot of my Pokemon took a lot of damage getting through it all..." Silver quietly looked over at Ethan. " Not all Pokemon can be like my reliable starter." The room got quieter. Ethan perked up happily yelling, " Or, I just used my strong pseudo-legendary!" He said holding up Tyranitar's Pokeball. Lyra playfully shook her head. Silver relaxed, exhaling. Ethan sitting up asked them, " Some next, you guys want to play some Kirby air ride?" Silver looked unsure, " Naw, I really don't like racing games..." Ethan looked over to Silver, " I have Mario kart, you want to play that?" Silver jumped up, " Mario Kart? -Oh yeah!" Lyra glared over Silver, " But if you like Mario kart, you'll probably like Kirby air ride." Silver turned to Lyra, " Really?" he asked. She explained, " It's Licensed by the same company so it's in the same boat." Silver looked upset, and finally said, " Fine, I try it." Ethan smiled, " Ok, we'll play that next."

    The went back to playing Ethan won the round, with a big grin on his face. Lyra looked past the side of Silver over to him, saying, " Even with Silver you're still too good." Etahn shook his head, " What do you mean? You guys won two matches ago. They been playing when Suciune came. Ethan simply said, " Mom, stop letting everyone in my room!"  Silver and Lyra looked shocked. Suciune looked at the T.V [ You guys playing Smash Bros? Sweet!] and happily plopped down at the end. " Luckily there are four controllers." Ethan said, point to the consol's front panel. He plugged up the controller. Silver asked, " W- why is there a legendary Pokemon here?!" [ This Tiny human boy has to catch me!] Sucuine sparkled. Silver and Lyra looked at Suciune. Ethan yelled over, " Sucuine! You and Silver and Lyra can be on a team together!" Silver still unsure, asked, " So what's with this legendary  in you room?" Ethan just replied, " Oh, I just let them roam around, never bother catching them." Silver gave him a look, " Uh...sure."

    Their match was intense. Etahn yelled over to Suciune, " Sucuine! Stop spamming Pikachu's thunder!!" Suciune looked over to him, Ethan glared, " You a cheap player ya know?! [You wanna fight for real?]  " Typhlosion, get 'em!" Typhlosion, just hid behind him. Ethan looked down at Typhloshion. Lra asked, " Doesn't he have the type advantage?" Lyra said. Silver chimed in, " I get him to back off, I have my strong grass type!" He sent out his Magaen. Etahn and Lyra smirked, " You mean this thing?" Ethan said. Everyone, chuckled. Megaen coldly glared back. Silver wasn't fazed and simply ordered Megean to use scare it. And a batch of thorny vines came towering over Suicune. Suicune laid on the ground covering it's head. Ethan walked over to Meganium. " Wow! Thanks, Mega-gumi'em." Silver Meganium scowled and whipped him with his vines. Ethan screamed. Silver called out his Pokemon, " Wait! We're no longer fighting him any more! Megaium looked at Silver and stop.

    Suicune got up, and hopped on top of the T.V, posed and sparkled. The kids, simply signed. "I don't even know how a legendary is on my T.V. Ethan said. They decided to continue playing. Megaium went to the back of the room where the other Pokemon were. Meganuim looked up at Typloshion, Typhlosion let out a friendly growl, and Marill made a unearthly noises, surprising Megaium, " -What's wrong with him?" Typhlosion responded with, " Oh, he doesn't know what type he is supposed to be anymore. He claims he's now this thing called… 'a fairy type'." Megauim looked at them baffled.

      It got late, the kids played more games together. Their pokemon, all cozied up, watching. They laughed and talked. Talking about a few different things. Lyra and Silver stayed for dinner. After a while Suicune got up. He posed dramatically. [ Well, time for me to roam!] Suicine ran off majestically into the night. Etgan and Lyra smiled as they waved to Suicine. " Bye! And, be saaaafe!" Ethan yelled out. After a bit Lyra got up. " I better head home now, too." She said, " Oh. Ok." Ethan said. Lyra started walking out and excitedly said, " Thanks for having me! Can we play some tomorrow?" she asked. Ethan looked happy and replied, " Yeah, totally!" Lyra waved goodbye and left.

     Ethan turned to Silver. " Well. It's just you and me now. Or, are you going home too?" he asked. Silver looked down. " Home…. that's…." Ethan spoked up, " I know it's hard for you…." Silver's eyes widened, he looked up at Ethan. " And…. I know about you dad…." he said quietly. Silver's expression turned bitter. " You… you are so lucky to have someone as nice as your mom… And my dad?! He's just… gone. Leaving just me…" Silver was trembling, looking like he might cry. Ethan had a soft expression. He walked up to Silver and gave a warm hug. Silver's eyes widened. The hug caught him off guard. Silver hesitantly reciprocated the hug.

      They stayed like that for a moment. Ethan broked it up, and stepped back. " Silver. You can always come over here when you need to." Ethan told him. Silver bashfully looked away. " Th-thanks…" he muttered. Ethan smiled and nudged Silver's arm. " We'd love to have ya." Ethan said. " You… want me to walk you back to your place? I don't mind." He asked. Silver coldly looked off to the side. Ethan smiled and energetically said, " The more the merrier, they say!" Silver quietly nodded. The two boys walked off, and happily talked.

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