Darling (A Komoaka fanfic)

By justcallmedine

6.1K 180 68

This is my first time writing a fanfiction to tell me your thoughts and ideas on it! (Also this is a CEO au) More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Bonus Sakuatsu
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 8

255 6 3
By justcallmedine

The next morning

Akagi POV:
Since today was one of my rest days a.k.a no shift day, I could relax for a bit. But NO! I have to accompany that jerk to see his parents and pretend to be his boyfriend. How spectacular. He  even told my best friend that I was his boyfriend. Now I have to pretend on both sides. How awesome, how great right? Well, I guess there's no point in arguing since I already said I would help him.

I woke up at 9 in the morning to find Komori missing. 'Oh well guess he still have work to do.' I thought to myself. I quickly fished out my phone and decided to chat in the group that Oikawa created. I also didn't know why they added me in there. But is been a long time since I chatted in there because I got fed up of the chaoticness and decided to just mute it.

                The gay club😌😼💯

Kawa: guys did you know that salt water takes 10 mins to drown you??😱
                  Michi is online

Yaku: wtf oikawa

Michi: wth- I just came online and this is what I see??

Shirabu: maybe kawa I would actually use salt water to drown you 🙄

Kawa: MEAN!!😭

Akaashi: Hello Akagi.

Kenma: shut up I'm playing a game. And hello akagi


Kenma: hello shoyo



As I was about to type my greetings back to them, Komori suddenly appeared beside me and whispered into my ear 'darling~ Are you done chatting? We almost got to go.' I flinched when I felt someone breathed into my ear and quickly turn around not noticing how close we are.

So when I turn around the distance between us was very very close. I blushed furiously while pushing him away from me.

'I-i um I'm going to go change my clothes be right back' I said hurriedly walking to the bathroom while grabbing my clothes I planned to wear.

Komori POV:

'I just flirted a little and his already red like a tomato...' I thought to myself. 'Oh well.' I thought. Soon, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and quickly picked up my phone when I saw the id.

Third person's POV:

Hey cousin. It's rare that you call me unless you need something. So what do you need?

Nothing. I just want to double confirm with you. Are you really together with Tsumu best friend?

I wouldn't deny nor confirm it dear cousin~ But I'm still trying to court him. He's quite shy and blushy. Komori chuckled.

Whipped. Anyways are you going to the family dinner later?

Yeah I am. You? Are you coming this year? I don't wanna handle the adults and those bratty girls my mom brought saying I need someone to accompany me when she knows I'm bi and more into boys. Komori said sighing.

Well I'm coming these year. Those people there better be clean. Imagine those germs there. Especially those bratty germs that would come from everywhere.

Geez cuz. You say like there is an apocalypse coming. Well are you bringing your so-called boyfriend to the dinner?

That's for you to find out. How about you are you bringing yours?

That's also for you to find out then dear cousin~

Komori POV:

While I was talking halfway with my cousin, I heard the bathroom door open. Akagi soon walked out with a pair of cute looking clothing. And boy did it look good on him.

Well I got to go now Kiyoomi. See you at night with your boyfriend?

Of course. Bye Motoya.

Bye Kiyoomi!

Then I hung up the phone and looked over to see Akagi typing something on his phone. 'Maybe he's chatting with his friends.' I thought to myself. I looked at my watch and saw there was still a bit of time before going to meet my parents. I stood up and fixed my suit while informing Akagi that we got to go soon. He quickly shut down his phone and packed his stuff in a bag that matches his clothing. 'Well then let's go?' I said after taking everything I needed. ' Of course!' he said while smiling energetically.

Akagi outfit

And the bag that akagi brought

Komori outfit

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