
بواسطة seijurossimp

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Laxus Dreyar is realizing things, but Freed is already over him. Or is he? المزيد

Chapter 1: Frustration
Chapter 2: Tension
Chapter 3: Rejection
Chapter 4: Moonlight
Chapter 5: Loss
Chapter 6: After
Chapter 7: After part 2
Chapter 8: Freed
Chapter 9: Regret
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Conflict

Chapter 13: Sanctuary

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بواسطة seijurossimp

 (This is the final chapter! Thank you all so much for staying along on this wild journey! Fraxus supremacy! P.S. a sprinkle of spice is ahead ;))

Freed slowly opened his eyes and was met with the beaming lights of the infirmary. He sighed and rolled his eyes, he was getting real tired of waking up in infirmary beds.

"I bet you're getting tired of waking up in here."

Freed turned to see who had read his mind and saw Makarov standing at the infirmary's doors. Everything that happened the night before came back to him and he felt a lump grow in his throat.

"Master, I-" Freed began.

"Stop. There's no use in apologizing," Makarov waved him off, "you did nothing wrong."

Freed dropped his head, "how can you say that? I put the guild in danger."

Makarov burst out laughing and Freed raised his head. "This is Fairy Tail! We're always in danger and it's almost always someone in the guild's fault." Makarov walked up to Freed and put Freed's hands in his. "We're a family, Freed. You know that. We will always lay down our lives for each other, no matter what." He picked Freed's head up, "Are you ready to come back home now?"

Freed could feel his eyes begin to water. He nodded his head yes and let out a soft sob, while Makarov wiped away his tears. He hesitated before asking, "Master... how's Laxus?"

Makarov smiled at him, "You don't need to worry about him. He's been here by your side the whole time. I had to get Elfman and Gajeel in here to pry him away so he'd take care of his own wounds, that idiot."

A blush hit Freed's cheeks and he averted his eyes away from Makarov.

"I'll leave you to rest, we're throwing a victory party tomorrow so make sure you're ready to drink your weight in ale!" Makarov made his way to the infirmary doors, but before leaving he turned back to say, "Oh, and you have another visitor waiting for you."

Freed looked over to see Damian standing outside the infirmary doors.

"I'll leave the two of you alone," with a nod to Damian, Makarov left the infirmary.

The infirmary doors closed and the two were left in an awkward silence. Freed was looking at his own interlocked hands trying to find the right words to say.

"Listen I-" The both of them said at the same time.

They both stopped and looked at each other. Damian let out a soft chuckle, while Freed turned his head away.

"I'm leaving," Damian blurted out.

Freed jerked his head back to Damian, "what? When?"



"My work here is done."

Freed got up from his bed and walked closer to Damian, "You know you can stay. Fairy Tail always welcomes new members."

Damian gave a smile to Freed, "This place is pretty lively." He caressed Freed's arms, "But Alexander and I need a fresh start. Somewhere with no reminders of our past. Somewhere we can move on from all of the damage he caused."

"What about me? What if I lose control of my powers again?" Freed sulked.

"You won't. Trust me, there is no way I'd leave without knowing you'd be taken care of." Damian looked at Freed's saddened expression and couldn't help but say, "I might be persuaded to stay if you said you loved me."

Freed's gut had a feeling of guilt.

"Haha, I'm messing with you Freed." Damian brushed Freed's bangs out of his face. "We both knew going into this relationship that it was meant for our comfort, nothing more. I knew from the moment I saw you in the cathedral, your heart belongs to another. Though, if he deserves you is still questionable."

Freed let out a soft chuckle and punched Damian on the shoulder playfully.

"At least stay for the party tomorrow," Freed looked up at him with his puppy dog eyes.

Damian let out another laugh before giving Freed a kiss on the forehead and hugging him, "Fine. We'll stay for a couple drinks."

Freed held Damian back. He knew Damian was right. Freed didn't really need Damian anymore and Damian had been wanting his freedom from his father for so long. It wasn't right to ask him to stay. The two stood there for a while embracing the last of the comfort they would find in each other.


The night of the victory party arrived and Laxus was a nervous wreck. He checked his hair in the mirror for the hundredth time and did some final touch ups to his outfit before finally heading out to the guild. When he arrived, his guildmates were already drinking to their heart's content. He found his way to the bar and waved down Mirajane for a shot and a pint. She smiled at him, knowing full well how nervous he was and gave him his drinks. She gave him a pat on the shoulder, "don't worry, you got this."

Laxus slammed the shot down and used his pint of beer as a chaser. Part of him didn't understand why he was so nervous. He's fought so many enemies before, almost died countless times, but tonight was different. Tonight he'd be confessing to Freed. He pressed down the jacket of his suit and unbuttoned one of the buttons of his dress shirt to cool off. He was completely in his own head; he didn't even realize Evergreen was sitting next to him at the bar.

"Why are you so nervous? You already told him how you feel about him, didn't you?" Evergreen asked.

Laxus gulped.

Evergreen gasped, "Laxus! Are you serious?! What were the two of you doing on the roof for that long?!"

"Um I don't know Ever, maybe fighting for our lives!" Laxus snapped back. Laxus let out a sigh and dropped his head into his hand, "Look, I was going to tell him right then and there after we beat his father, but he passed out! So I ended up just carrying him to the infirmary. I never got to actually say the words to him."

"God, you're hopeless."

Laxus and Evergreen turned to their right to see Damian sipping on a glass of whiskey.

"I didn't know you were still here," Laxus scowled.

"Freed insisted I stay for the party," Damian set his glass down.

"Laxus who's that?" Evergreen asked.

"Pardon my rudeness, I'm Damian." Damian held out his hand and Evergreen shook it.

"Damian? Where have I heard- Oh! You're Damian?! Wow you're hot! Go Freed! Am I right, Lax-" Evergreen slapped a hand to her mouth as soon as she remembered where she was at.

Damian smirked and Laxus rolled his eyes. He waved Mirajane down for another shot and slammed it down. Damian asked for a couple more drinks and headed out to the table where Alexander was sitting. Before leaving the bar he turned to Laxus, "Seriously, don't be nervous. There's no way you can screw this up anymore than you already have."

"He's got a point," Evergreen agreed.

Laxus was about to scold Evergreen, but decided to go in for another shot. Mira poured him another.

The two had ended their "relationship" the instant Laxus found out Freed was still alive. Mirajane was completely understanding. Honestly, she was way too good for him and he knew it. Her and Freed are similar in that way. Before Laxus could think too much about how he had a "type", he drank his third shot of the night, hoping it would help with his nerves. Of course, it didn't. He wanted to curse his high tolerance of alcohol at this moment. He watched as Mira refilled his pint of beer, but she seemed distracted.

"Uhh Mira... the beer is spilling," Laxus looked up, but when he saw Mira's face she looked starstruck. He swiveled in the barstool to see what she was looking at and he was left breathless.

Standing at the entrance, Freed wore an all black suit, a black vest, with a deep red tie, and his hair tied up into a ponytail to expose his undercut. His bangs fell perfectly along his face. The suit fit him perfectly too, rounding every curve of his physique. Laxus' throat suddenly went very dry. Freed was so... so beautiful.

It's now or never. Laxus told himself. He stepped off his stool and physically tried to shake off his nerves. He moved forward, one foot at a time, walking toward Freed. His steps felt painstakingly slow. Freed was making his way in, throwing some of his guildmates a smile, almost making Laxus' knees give out.

There he goes again, driving me crazy with that smile.

Laxus and Freed were only several feet apart now. Laxus was about to reach out his hand for Freed when he was cut off by someone with a very familiar, very annoying, scent.

"Hey! Freed! Welcome back buddy! Come with me! I'm gonna drink you under the table!" And just like that Freed was being tugged away by Natsu's chaotic energy. Natsu pulled Freed in at his table with Erza, Lucy, Gray and Juvia. They all began to hug Freed and immediately made him start drinking.

Laxus was left in the same spot, dumbfounded. Unfortunately for him, it didn't end there.

During the entire party, every time Laxus was about to get close to Freed and pull him away, some other guild members got to him first. It was tradition in the guild that if a member poured you a drink you had to drink it right then and there, and that continued to happen to Freed. Laxus was beginning to get frustrated. To hell with his nerves, he was ready to rip this off like a bandaid the moment he saw Freed walk through those doors. When Freed was taken out of his reach once again by Gajeel, he threw his hands up in the air and made his way back to the bar.

"I need a drink," he sighed loudly and Mira slid a much needed glass of whiskey neat into his hands.

"Dude, you're getting crushed out there." Bickslow snickered.

"So you see it too, right?! I'm not going crazy?!" Laxus turned to his friend who sat on the barstool next to him.

"I wish I felt bad, but honestly, it's just so entertaining to watch you pine after Freed for once."

Laxus dropped his head onto the bartop, letting out a grunt.

Bickslow laughed, "look, it seems like he's being dragged to the dance floor. Why don't you dance your way up to him and swoop him off his feet? I'm sure there's a slow dance coming up."

"I don't dance," Laxus rubbed his forehead.

"Well, you better dance tonight. Cause that's the only way you're gonna get to him." Bickslow chugged the last of his drink and ran over to Lisanna. He twirled her around and the two laughed as they danced so well together.

Laxus looked across the dance floor and saw Elfman and Evergreen dancing with each other too. Or whatever it was Elfman was doing on the dance floor. He noticed those on the dance floor started to pair up. Maybe Bickslow was right, a slow dance was about to come up and all the couples in Fairy Tail were getting ready for it. Freed was dancing with a few others. He looked happy, almost back to his old self. Laxus knew that all of this was probably a lot for him to take in on his first day back. He felt his cheeks get hot as he watched Freed on the dance floor.

I'm really gonna have to dance.

"Here goes nothing," Laxus said under his breath as he left the bar for the dance floor. He pushed his way past his other guildmates and made sure to reach Freed before anyone else could get to him. As soon as he reached Freed, the music shifted.

It was almost like fate.


Laxus tapped Freed on his shoulder and he turned around.

"Laxus, hey!" Freed's cheeks were a bright rosy color and he hit Laxus with a beaming smile.

Laxus nearly fell to his knees right then and there. His heart was beating so loud in his ears he thought it was about to burst.

"Freed, would you like to-"

"Mr. Freed!"

Laxus and Freed turn their gaze downwards. Wendy was tapping Freed's side. Laxus wouldn't even have noticed her if she didn't say anything

"Mr. Freed, will you dance with me?" Wendy looked up at Freed with big glossy eyes.

Freed couldn't help but smile. He looked back at Laxus and Laxus just gave him a nod, signaling to go ahead and dance with the girl.

Wendy grabbed Freed's hand and started leading him further onto the dance floor. As they departed, Freed turned back to mouth an, "I'm sorry", to Laxus and Laxus mouthed back, "it's okay", with a smile.

He was watching them dance until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Erza standing behind him holding out her hand.

"Shall we dance?" She asked.

Laxus sighed, "might as well."

The two got in formation and began to slowly sway along with the other couples.

"I figured you'd be dancing with Jellal."

"W-what, Jellal? Why would I.." Erza quickly blushed.

"I think you're even more hopeless than I am, Erza" Laxus teased.

Erza blushed and turned her head, "well he's not here right now. He's on his own mission from Crime Sorciere."

Laxus grunted in acknowledgment. The two danced around a bit more before Erza broke the silence.

"So, how's it going with Freed?"

"It's not."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm pretty sure my fellow dragon slayers and guildmates are plotting against me. They've been keeping me and Freed apart all night. They're really starting to get on my nerves."

Erza laughed and Laxus rolled his eyes.

"Maybe being dense is a part of being a dragon slayer."

"You're hilarious."

The song was ending and the music was shifting back to something upbeat.

"You'll have your moment," Erza gave Laxus a pat on the back, "I'm gonna go eat some cake now."

Laxus smiled back, "enjoy."

He towered over everyone on the dance floor and scanned for Freed. He pushed past people and ran into Wendy.

"Hey Wendy, where'd Freed go?" Laxus asked.

"Oh, he said he was going to go outside for some air," Wendy pointed toward the back exit of the guild.

Laxus saw Freed walk outside and immediately went in the same direction. He pushed people away trying to get through the dance floor as fast as possible. He was not about to let another opportunity go. From the corner of his eye he could see a pink haired man walking up to him.

"Hey Laxus! Let's see who's the-"


Laxus knocked Natsu out with one punch and made his way out the back exit.

The cool breeze sent chills down his body. He walked down the steps to the terrace where he saw Freed looking at the ocean. He stood there for a moment, watching Freed.

Here we go.


The fresh air Freed was met with helped sober him up some. His tolerance definitely got stronger while at the Twin Snakes, but boy could Fairy Tail drink. He placed his elbows on the terrace and looked out to the ocean. Man, he missed this view. The way the moon reflected off the water, the sound of the waves at night, it was the best thing to relax him. He was a little tipsy and his feet were beginning to hurt from all the dancing. He really missed Fairy Tail, but still felt a little uncomfortable. Everyone was welcoming him back with open arms and treating him like normal, but after everything he's been through it was still a bit too much too soon. And then there was Laxus. He could tell Laxus was about to ask him to dance before Wendy showed up. Was he ready for that? If he lets his feelings for Laxus take control, will he still just be seen as that lovesick boy who's weak and fragile? There were still so many uncertainties surrounding Laxus.

As if snapping him out of his thoughts, Freed heard familiar footsteps approach behind him. He waited a moment before saying, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

There was a pause before the response, "Even more beautiful now that you're here to see it."

He turned around so his body was now facing Laxus'. They stood there in the night with nothing but the moonlight shining down on them. Freed could feel tension in the air. He gripped the terrace with his hands, trying to ease his nerves.

Laxus took a couple steps forward, "Freed, I have something I've been wanting to tell you and I want you to just hear me out. Is that okay?"

Freed gave Laxus a nod. His heart was beginning to race. The closer Laxus got to him, the more he could see just how handsome he looked tonight. His hair was styled back, he wore a deep blue suit jacket with a white dress shirt. There was no tie and his shirt had a couple buttons undone, and everything was so fitted on his body it left little to imagination.

Laxus looked down at his hands, then at Freed. "For as long as I can remember, you have always been right by my side. No matter what I got into, if I needed you, you were there."

Laxus paused. A breeze passed between the two of them filling the silence.

"That's why when... when I lost you," Laxus had a pained expression on his face, as if what he was saying was physically hurting him, "I... I lost myself. One second you were fighting by my side, and the next you were dying in my arms. Even in your last moments you still put me first. You still protected me."

Freed felt uneasy thinking about that night in Moonlight.

"Do you remember the light spell you did that night?"

Freed was thinking. That night became a huge blur for him. He had lost too much blood. The last thing he remembered was seeing Laxus being threatened by Damian.

"You were dying but still managed to do a spell that was completely new to me. You wrote a scripture on my forehead with your own blood, and said the word 'Sanctuary'." Laxus stepped closer, "I was teleported just outside Magnolia. When I came to, I was devastated. It was like a part of me had been ripped out of my body." Laxus put a hand to his chest, "You were with me for so long that I forgot how to live without you. I couldn't live without you. I started to lose my sanity. You were gone Freed, I saw you take your last breath." Laxus' eyes began to water.

Freed could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

"It wasn't until Mira knocked some sense into me that I started to be proactive. I stopped throwing myself a pity party and focused on training to find and destroy those who were responsible for taking you away from me. I was researching the new magic you showed me and that 'Sanctuary' spell. Apparently when used, it transports you to wherever the caster believes their home to be. I figured your idea of a sanctuary was Fairy Tail."

Laxus shifted closer to Freed again. They were now only a couple feet apart.

"I realized it the night when we went to the bar. I realized just how much you mean to me. I couldn't put it into words though, and before I knew it you were gone. The biggest regret I have is not telling you sooner, and when I finally got the chance, I acted like a jealous fool. But I want to tell you now."

Freed's anxiety had reached its limit, "tell me what, Laxus?"

Laxus took two more steps forward. Him and Freed were now inches apart. "You're sanctuary is Fairy Tail. You feel at home here. You feel safe and comfortable. When you were gone, I didn't feel any of that from this guild. Fairy Tail is family to me, but without you, everything felt meaningless. You are my home. You make me feel safe and comfortable. I can just be me around you and be accepted. I don't have to prove myself to you for any sort of validation. You are my sanctuary and I don't ever intend on letting my sanctuary go again."

Freed felt like his heart was physically beating out of his chest. Before he knew it, tears were falling out of his and Laxus' eyes.

Laxus moved forward, now closing the gap between them. Their faces were so close to each other that they were sharing the same breath.

"I love you, Freed Justine." Laxus lifted a hand to Freed's face to wipe away his tears. "I didn't even realize how long I've been in love with you. It was probably the moment we became teammates. I had never met anyone like you before. You were so sure of yourself, and so sure of my capabilities. I know I don't deserve your love, but I'm going to prove my worth to you everyday. I want to stay by your side and grow even more powerful together. I love you, Freed. I lo-"

Freed couldn't take it any more. He closed the gap between him and Laxus. He pushed his lips against Laxus' with full force, causing the two of them to tumble down to the floor. Freed was now on top of Laxus, kissing him with an intense passion.

Laxus didn't even complain about the fall. He matched Freed's energy, parting his lips to allow Freed in.

Freed had both hands at the sides of Laxus' head. He moved one down to feel his chest, his heartbeat was beating at the same pace as his. The other hand was moved to the back of his head, running his fingers through Laxus' scalp. This sent chills down Laxus' spine.

Laxus had his hands all over Freed's body. He finally rested one hand on the back of Freed's neck, pushing him closer into the kiss. The other was cupping Freed's upper thigh.

The kiss quickly became hot. Freed could feel Laxus' body heat match his own. He bit Laxus' bottom lip and Laxus received the message loud and clear. He slipped his tongue into Freed's mouth and squeezed his upper thigh. Freed thrusted his hips at Laxus', letting out a soft moan.

A cold gust of wind suddenly smacked them both in the face. Laxus pulled back, and the two were panting. Freed's eyes widened and his entire face turned into a crimson red.

Oh my god. Oh my god! I just kissed Laxus! What's wrong with me?! I pounced on him like a cat. I made that sound. This is so embarrassing.

Laxus pushed Freed's bangs past his face. "I think we got a little carried away," he said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just... I-" Freed felt the anxiety again.

"You what?" Laxus teased.

Freed closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath. He was so nervous to finally admit his feelings. So afraid of being perceived as weak and hopeless, but here was Laxus pouring his heart out to him. Laxus, the mighty lightning dragon slayer, leader of the Thunder Legion, was telling Freed that he loved him. Freed swallowed, "I... I LOVE YOU TOO!"

The air went silent. The only thing they could hear were the waves crashing against the shore and their beating hearts. Freed felt heat near his pants. He looked down to see a large bulge in Laxus', pushing up against his own. His eyes widened again as he looked up to see Laxus' face. Laxus had one hand covering his eyes and his head turned away from Freed. Freed was confused as to why he wasn't looking back at him, until he saw a light shade of pink on Laxus' ear.

"Are you embarrassed?! Weren't you just teasing me??" Freed couldn't hold back the shock in his voice. He reached for Laxus' hand and moved it off his face.

Laxus' face resembled that of a shy kid, "I just never told someone I loved them before, romantically I mean. And I honestly didn't expect for those feelings to be reciprocated."

"I know the two of us have been through a lot, but one thing that has remained a constant is my love for you." Freed went on, "even when I didn't want to love you I couldn't just stop. I've always loved you and I always will."

At those words, Laxus turned to look Freed in the eyes. Freed had said something identical to him the night in Moonlight. In this moment, Laxus let his heart take over his decisions. He got up from the floor and swooped Freed up into his arms.

Freed let out a high-pitched squeal from the sudden manhandling of his body. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm tired of this party and I'm at my limit. I wanna be alone with you. Is that okay?" Laxus looked down to Freed, who he was now carrying in full bridal style.

Freed felt his heartbeat quicken for the nth time tonight. His face was still crimson red, but he wrapped both arms around Laxus' neck. He snuggled his head into Laxus' chest and mumbled a soft, yet nervous, "Yes. That's okay."


Laxus wasted no time. As soon as Freed gave him the okay, he carried Freed all the way to his room. He placed Freed on his bed gently. Freed adjusted himself to have his back against the pillows, while Laxus took off his own jacket. Laxus crawled onto the bed, settling in between Freed's legs. He went down for a kiss and Freed met him halfway. The warmth between them felt so good, so right, especially after standing out in the cold.

Laxus broke away from the kiss, much to Freed's dismay. He started unbuttoning Freed's vest, then tie, then dress shirt.

So many damn layers.

Freed could feel his own eagerness take over. He quickly helped Laxus unbutton his own shirt, then went for his. Before Freed could take Laxus' shirt off, Laxus slid his hands down Freed's chest. Freed tilted his head back at the sensation. Laxus' hands were so big. He slid one hand behind Freed's back and lifted him enough to slide all his layers off his shoulders. He smoothly pulled off Freed's hair tie, causing the luscious green hair to fall down his back.

Laxus moved back to get a better view of Freed's bare chest. There was a scar down the middle, where Freed was stabbed that night. He moved down and kissed the scar lovingly.

"Wow," he gasped, "You're even more breathtaking than I could have ever imagined."

Freed felt the heat on his face grow even hotter.

Laxus leaned into him, pushing him into the mattress and grinding his hips into Freed's. Freed let out a soft gasp at the contact and trailed his hands down Laxus' chest all the way to his pants. He traced the belt buckle with his index finger, before unbuckling it. Then he unbuttoned Laxus' pants.

He and Laxus stared at the unbuttoned pants, then looked at each other. Laxus rested his forehead onto Freed's. The two were being consumed by each other. Their heavy breaths filled the air.

"I love you," Laxus said.

Freed tilted his head up so their lips lightly grazed each other every time they spoke, "I love you."

They spent the entire night expressing their love in different ways.


The sun peeking through Laxus' window is what caused Freed to wake up. His eyes were heavy from the tears shed the night before, not to mention how late they stayed up. His back was aching, damn did Laxus have stamina.

When his eyes opened completely, he was met with the most beautiful face in the world. Freed was cuddled next to the lightning dragon slayer, with one arm around his waist and his other under Freed's head. Freed raised one hand to caress Laxus' face. He traced his brow line and examined the lightning scar on Laxus' eye. He moved his fingers along his face until they reached behind Laxus' ear. He ran his fingers through the back of Laxus' scalp, trying to take mental pictures of this moment.

It wasn't a dream. It really wasn't a dream.

The massage eventually woke Laxus up. He opened his eyes and saw Freed staring back at him. He immediately started smiling, "Good morning." Laxus' voice was rough, like he hadn't drunk enough water and it made Freed blush uncontrollably. "How're you feeling? I wasn't too rough with you last night, right?" he said as he pushed Freed's bangs out of his face.

"No, not at all. It was amazing," Freed admitted with a soft smile.

Laxus almost loses his composure every time Freed smiles at him, "There's something I want to give y-"

"Hey Laxus, you up?!" Before Laxus could finish, Bickslow opened Laxus' door and let himself in, "do you wanna get break-"

Freed went pale and quickly hid himself under the blanket. His body was covered in marks from the night before and he and Laxus were both butt naked in Laxus' bed. Bickslow couldn't have picked a worse time to come barging in.

"Oh wow, so that's why you disappeared last night. Hey, Ever! Get over here!" Bickslow yelled.

"Did you wake him up yet?!" Evergreen walked up to Bickslow. Bickslow pointed with his eyes to the bed and Evergreen glanced over. It took a minute to read the situation, but once her eyes widened he knew she had figured it out.

"Ooh la-la.." Evergreen began.

"Can you guys get out!?" Laxus got out of bed and pushed his two friends out the door, slamming it behind them. "Learn how to knock!"

"Learn how to lock a door!" Bickslow shot back.

"And put some underwear on!" Evergreen added.

Laxus could hear the two snickering in the hallway. He pressed his forehead against the door trying to push down the embarrassment. He locked the door and made his way back to the bed. Freed was hiding under the covers in a little ball.

"I can't believe you didn't lock the door!" He shouted under the covers.

Laxus couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Freed popped his head outside the blanket, "It's not funny, Laxus! That was so embarrassing!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Laxus sat on the edge of the bed beside him, "I promise I'll lock the door from now on. I must've been too excited last night."

"What makes you think we're doing that again?" Freed wanted to tease Laxus for his mistake, but he soon regretted it.

Laxus went quiet. His eyes felt like they were burning into Freed's. He grabbed the blanket and ripped it off the bed and Freed yelped. He covered his mouth, embarrassed from the sound he had just made. Freed was now laying on his back with Laxus directly above him. Laxus moved his mouth right next to Freed's ear. His breath against it sent shivers down Freed's spine.

"Was it not enjoyable for you? I can do better," Laxus whispered into his ear. His voice was hushed and deep. He shifted his face to look at Freed, who had turned twenty different shades of red. He slowly moved closer and watched as Freed closed his eyes and started nervously puckering for a kiss.

Laxus smirked. He is just too much fun to tease.

When Freed realized Laxus' lips were not meeting his, he opened his eyes and saw Laxus smiling down at him.

"You're so cute when you're flustered," Laxus said, giving him a kiss on the forehead. He reached over to the drawer next to his bed.

Freed thought he was going to die of embarrassment at this rate. When Laxus was done rummaging through the drawer, he settled between Freed's legs and held out a small giftbox.

Freed sat up and stared at the box, then Laxus. "Wh-what is this?"

"Freed, you're my best friend. My light, my sanctuary. I want to stay by your side forever." He opened the small box and exposed two silver rings.

"L- Laxus, this is... this is too soon." Freed was stammering.

"Calm down, I'm not proposing. Not yet anyway." Laxus could see the blood return to Freed's face. He let out a soft laugh, "This is my promise to you. I promise to make you happy. I promise to love you everyday and keep you safe no matter what. Will you promise to do the same?"

Freed looked at the rings. This sure sounds like a proposal, he thought. He looked at Laxus, who was staring back at Freed like a puppy. They had been through so much, but every time they were together things just felt... right. It's as if they completed each other in every way possible.

After giving it some thought, Freed reached over and covered Laxus' hands with his own. He took the bigger ring out of the box and slid it on to Laxus' ring finger.

"I promise."

Laxus let out a breath of relief he seemed to be holding in since he last spoke. He took the smaller ring and held Freed's hand. He slid the ring onto Freed's finger and looked at Freed. Freed was staring at the ring on his finger in awe. Laxus felt overwhelmed with happiness. He grabbed Freed's head and moved in for a kiss. His kiss was full of so much passion, it sent them both crashing back down on the bed.

This must be what love feels like, Laxus thought.

For so long, Laxus closed himself off to romantic partners. All people ever saw was his dragon slayer title, or associated him with Ivan. No one ever looked past that. No one but Freed.

Now he was ready. He was ready to forgive himself and find true happiness with Freed. He and Freed would love each other everyday, fight their battles together, and continue to build a future together. Every obstacle that came their way, and every time they were separated, they managed to always find their way back to each other.

He felt confident that whatever the future held for them, they'd be okay. Because they were each other's home.

They were each other's sanctuary.

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