The Knight Of Hell(✔️ Complet...

By ItsMGsShine

543 168 709

In Demonology, Furcas is known as the Knight of Hell and teaches Philosophy, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Logic, Chir... More

Book Covers
Chapter 1: The New Manager
Chapter 2: Midnight Ritual
Chapter 3: The Chat
Chapter 4: My Decision Is Final
Chapter 5: The Dare Game
Chapter 6: First Practice
Chapter 7: The Fish With No Future
Chapter 9: The Time Has Come
Chapter 10: Everything Messed Up
Chapter 11: The Nightmare
Chapter 12: The Happy Day
Chapter 13: Falling In The Dark
Chapter 14: It Will Never Be Peaceful (THE END)

Chapter 8: Maybe Hallucination

18 6 24
By ItsMGsShine

It's good to see how we all trying to be a better person with every passing day. That's the way of life, right? With the growing of age, we realize our mistakes, the childish behaviour and can differentiate between the right and wrong.

Trust me, not everyone is same. Some people don't learn from mistakes and that's when they realizes that they fucked up...

I opened my eyes slowly to see an unfamiliar ceiling. I was covered with a heavy blanket and my forever was covered with wet clothes.

"Oh, you finally woke up?" I turned around to see Alex "How are you feeling now?"

"Confused—? What's going on?" I asked.

"You fainted this evening and when I laid you on the bed, you had extreme fever. The doctor just went home after checking you. Glad you finally opened your eyes" he explained.

"Oops, so many things happened. I'm really sorry for the trouble and thank youf or taking care of me" 

"It's fine, I understand it was unbearable for you continue that. It happens" he smiled.

"Mhmm" I nodded and sat up as he helped me. My still have a heavy headache.

"By the way, Alex, at this point of time, I feel a little scared...."

"Scared? For what?"

"I don't know, maybe darkness? At first, I was so obsessed with the tension that I didn't think much about it but now I am having a feeling that maybe... maybe I'm doing it wrong... maybe I should stop..." I pressed my palms on the forehead.

"I'm giving you a last chance for making the final decision. You can give up and led a normal life or you can continue, the choice is yours" he smiled. I looked at him, why he keep giving me warnings like I'm going to regret? But this time, it all feels different.

"I think I'll continue—" it was almost a whisper.

"You sure?"

"I know I'm stubborn but I came too far so I don't want to turn back. Also, you're here to support me so yeah, I'll keep on going" I replied, it wasn't my final answer, I was confused myself and I knew Alex would again give me reasons to stop but....

I was wrong!

He stared at me for a while and then snickered "Alright, that's final then and now that you told me what you want, remember my dear, even if you want to stop at the end, I won't let you too"


"You still have the fever, why not rest for sometime while I finish writing a chapter of my story?" He smiled.

"Yeah....okay" I replied. It can't be only me who's feeling something different about him I being so stubborn that he is tired of my shit now?


I reached my apartment and opened the door of my room. Yeah, I came back from there after an hour, also Alex's mom ordered pizza for us so it was all fine.

"Welcome back, you're late" Daisy greeted and Miya smiled

"Yeah, I feel asleep there" I said yawing



"Uh, what?" I asked

"YOU FEEL ASLEEP IN A BOY'S ROOM?!" Miya shouted, almost making my ears bleed, note: Almost!

"AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO IN HIS HOUSE EVERYDAY?!" It's now Daisy's time to make my ears bleed.

"Calm down guys" I nervously laughed "And I feel asleep mistakenly, uh— while helping him with his story?"

"You want me to believe it that a famous author like him needs YOUR help?" They looked at me more suspeciously, and here I thought I'm good at lying.

"Actually— he—"

"We don't have whole day for you to make up with an excuse, better say the truth" Daisy said.

"He wants to write about my life!" I blurted out.

"... why will he write something boring?" Miya asked. I knew it's a bad excuse.

"I don't mind if you both are dating or something" Daisy said. You shouldn't also! "But yeah, don't get in any trouble later"

What the hell?! Why everyone is saying the same thing to me nowadays?!

"Fine fine" I went to the washroom to freshen up and then laid directly on my bed. My fever lowered down but it's still there, I guess I'm gonna skip my dinner tonight.

Reminds me....the day of test is coming closer—

I looked at me diary where drew the Furcas sigil. I'm already excited for the day when Furcas would actually appear and I could hear his voice or actually see him. They says demons doesn't appear in their real form, they always take the form you would desire to see the most...

Like a handsome guy?!

Sure is interesting. I closed my eyes but soon opened.

"What was that?" I muttered and woke up, the room was dark. I didn't realize time passed so quickly that everyone was sleeping. I could hear some sounds out the room.

It's not possible for anyone to be there because only three of us are staying here. I decided to check it so I stood up and slowly went towards the door.

"W-who's here?" I asked, peeping outside. Dumb me! I should have called Daisy or Miya but no! I have act like a stupid protagonist and do dumb things.

The sound didn't stop, it was coming from the washroom, like someone is scratching the door. I went close to the washroom the door.

My hands were shaking, with a huge thud and banged open the door. There's was nothing or rather, no one. I switched on the lights and noticed it was as fine.

"Eh? Am I hallucinating or what?" I scratched my head and entered the washroom. Damn, I'm imagining too much nowadays.

I did my business and and about to come out when I felt chill in my spin, as if, as if someone is glaring at me from the mirror.

Should I look?

The glare was pretty deep, as if they were looking right into my soul. It was uncomfortable, I couldn't move my legs nor look. Is this another one of my hallucination? I could see a figure on the mirror from the corner of my eyes but.... who's that? Sweat ran from the forehead, down on my neck and I turned towards it, dropping all the fears

"Huh?" Was the only thing came out of my mouth when I looked in the mirror. It was nothing but my own reflection, wait! Don't tell me I'm getting afraid of my own reflection now!

I sighed and came out of the washroom and went straight to my room. I shouldn't have come out to check in the first place. Before entering the room, I again looked at the dark washroom

Well, did I actually turn off the lights—?

* * *

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