Bad Habits

By gawdtillerr

63.5K 2.7K 508

Kaylan is the type of girl with a mysterious past and a dangerous future. Her and her friend Jay are what you... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Part 54

Part 2

3K 62 14
By gawdtillerr

Very quickly, everyone go follow Jay kamfamnation and! Happy birthday to my girl kamfam4life95

Jay's POV

I was waiting for Kaylan by her car then i saw two guys walk by. There was a tall one, light skin, about 6-6'2, bright ass green eyes. He turned his head towards me and he winked at me. I bit my lip then turned around. The other was about 5'7 or 5'8, he had brown eyes and he had like a short poof. They continued walking but then turned to me. They started walking towards me. "Hey what's your name beautiful" the tall one said. "Jay and you are?" I asked leaning back on the car. "I'm Kalin and this is Myles" Kalin said. "Cool" I said biting my lip while looking at Kalin. He leaned closer to me "there's a party tomorrow are you gonna come?" He whispered. "Yes as a matter of fact I was already planning to go with my friend" I said. He stood back up and walked away with Myles. Kaylan came walking over "Sorry some guy paid me to give head what did I miss?" She said. "These two hot guys were asking if we are going to that party I was telling you earlier" I said throwing my bag into the car. "Ooh sounds fun now let's go get some new clothes" she said. She started the car and drove to the mall. I turned up the radio and Focused On You came on. I blasted the volume throughout the car and we danced. We might be bad girls but we sure do know how to turn up. We arrived at the mall and first ran into the pharmacy to get some cigarettes and a new lighter because our other one broke. Then, we walked into Forever 21 and grabbed some clothes. I got black ripped booty shorts with a white bandeau. I also got a couple gold chains and a new beanie that said "Dope". Kaylan got white ripped booty shirts with a black bandeau. She grabbed a beanie that said "Rachet". We paid then walked over to Journey. I bought a pair of white high top converse and Kaylan bought the white Doc Martin's she's been wanting. "Where do you wanna go now?" I asked. "Let's just go home" she said and I agreed. I drove home since she wanted to get high. We only lived like a couple streets away from the mall. I grabbed the bags and left them on the couch. Kaylan stumbled in almost falling and i was laughing so hard. "Can you not get high right now" I laughed. "Whyyyy" she slurred. I helped her up to her bedroom and she pasted out. I walked to my room which is right next to hers and fell asleep.

*Next day*

Kaylan's POV

I woke up and looked at the time, it read 9:30 A.M. I sighed and just scrolled through twitter. Jay walked in and plopped on my bed. "So what are we gonna do for the time being?" She asked unlocking her phone. "Wanna get drunk?" I asked her shrugging my shoulders. "Sure what do you want? Do you want tequila or jack Daniel shots?" She asked. "Just hand me the tequila bottle" I asked her. I sat up as she tossed it to me. She grabbed a bottle of vodka for herself. We started laughing about the most random stuff. Then i checked the clock.. woah now it's 7:30 p.m. We started getting dressed in our outfits we had bought. I put in my diamond nose piercing and Jay put on all of her cartillidge ear piercings. We both slipped on our shoes and walked out. "I know where the party is so I'll drive" Jay said and I hopped in the car. We drove about a couple streets down and saw a house with people all in and out of it. I got out and Jay tossed me my keys. I shoved them in my front pocket and we walked inside. We both immediately went to the kitchen and took some shots. I walked out on the dance floor and just danced between some girls. I felt someone pull me out gently and put their hands on my hips. We were grinding on eachother and i was getting kinda horny right now. I turned around to face them.

Myles POV

Me and Kalin were at some party with some girls sitting next to us. I was making out with one of them, then she got up and went to the kitchen to get some drinks. I turned around and saw some girl go inbetween two other girls and they were dancing. I gently grabbed her out and put my hands on her waist. We started grinding back and forth then she faced me. "Let's go somewhere private" she yelled over the music. We walked upstairs and went into some random room and she pushed me down on the bed and got ontop of me. She started kissing down my neck and took off my shirt. I quickly slipped out a condom from my pocket but it fell. She chuckled and pulled one out of her pocket. She handed it to me as she unbuckled my pants. I flipped us over and started kissing down her neck. I took off her shirt and went right to her shorts. After I took off her shorts I trailed kisses down her stomach while un clipping her bra. I massaged her boobs as I made my way down to her clit. I spread her legs open and licked her clit. She moaned and arched her back. I slipped on the condom and went slowly into her. She let out a slight moan. "Who's your daddy" I said speeding up. "You are" she said. I kissed her lips "say my name baby" I growled. "But what's your name" she chuckled as I sped up. "Myles" I said. "Ooh myles" she moaned while gripping my arms as I sped up. "Say it louder" I growled. "Ugh! Myles!! Faster!" She yelled. I lifted up her leg and sped up. "Oh ah Myles! Im gonna cum!" She yelled. "Hold it in baby" I said going as fast as I can. She exploded all over me, then I followed suit. We washed off in the shower in the room and just passed out on the bed.

Jay's POV (meanwhile...)

I was dancing and grinding with Kalin, the guy I met yesterday. We were grinding as his hands traveled all on my body. For some reason I felt sparks everytime he kissed my neck or his hands were on my hips. It felt weird, I walked away and found a bathroom. He stood there confused as I was in the bathroom just looking in the mirror. He came into the bathroom "Whats wrong?" He asked. I sat on the sink and just dangled my legs. "I don't know, I don't wanna explain it cause it might sounds stupid" I said. He stood inbetween my legs and lifted my chin "Just because you think it's stupid doesn't mean I think it's stupid so tell me" he said looking in my eyes. "Ok so basically... everytime you touched my hips or kissed my neck there was always that spark but.. i hate having strings attached bevause it's hard for me to trust people anymore" I said. "Oh.. i mean I um I kinda like you too but I couldn't tell either" he said and I looked up. "Really?" I said. "Yeah" he said leaning closer. "So how can we tell if we really like eachother?" I said as our faces were centimeters away. "I guess this" he said, I could feel his breathe on my skin. I pushed our faces together as our lips moved in sync. There was sparks and fireworks but i was scared. I always tend to over think alot, like what if i fall for him but... i don't know something happens? I'm just scared. He pulled away and looked into my eyes again. All I could think was how amazing his eyes were and I'm scared to fall for him. He chuckled "Thanks for the compliment on my eyes, and don't be scared". I covered my face from blushing so hard. He grabbed my hand and I noticed kinda of like a signature tattoo on his wrist. "Whats the meant for?" I asked him pointing to it. He facial expression softened "it's my grandma's name, I got it after she passed away" he said looking down. "Oh I'm sorry" I said pulling him into a hug. We walked back downstairs and got some more shots and continued to dance. I wonder where Kaylan is.. eh she's probably off with some dude.

*Next morning*

Kaylan's POV

I got up and strechted. I saw some guy laying next to me. His mouth was slightly open with his brown hair slightly messy. I sat there trying to remember what happened last night. He sat up and smirked at me. "Good morning" I said bending down getting my undergarments on. "Ooh baby last night I had you screaming my name all night long" he said walking up to me. "Oh really and what was it?" I said biting my lip. "Ooh myles!" He said imitating me. I laughed "whatever loser" I slipped on my shirt. I grabbed my phone and car keys off of the table next to the bed. "Bye" i said throwing up the deuces. "Wait don't treat me like a one night stand can I at least get your number?" He said. I shrugged as he passed me his phone. I entered my name in as 'Kaylan♡' then i put my number in. "There loser" I said laughing. I walked out and saw Jay laying next to some light skin ooh.. he is fine I thought. I pushed her and she fell on the floor. "What the fuck" she said waking up. "Let's go we have to go home" I said walking out to my car. I sat there in the front seat thinking about Myles. The way he made me feel was different then any other one night stand. No! No kaylan you can't go through with what happened with Nick. Jay got in "what's on your mind?" She said. I put the key into the ignition and started the car. "Nothing" I plainly said. "Oh my god.. you actually like myles!" She said. "No i dont.. well yeah.. no.. I don't know!" I said laying back in the seat. "It's ok, i felt that way last night" she said patting my shoulder. I looked at her confused. "Oh yeah that light skin, his name is Kalin and he said that he was gonna take me out tonight on a date" she said blushing. "Aww damn well congrats but I was gonna hit that" I said driving to the house. "Really nigga" she said looking at me and i laughed. "I'm happy for you but if her hurts you i got my butcher knife and shovel" I said seriously. We got to the house and crashed on our beds.

A/N- Hey guys sorry this took a while hope you like it. And it was kamfam4life95 birthday yesterday :-)

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