The Grumpy Jerk

By bunnyblahblah

32.5K 1.7K 521

A KawaSara or Kawaki x Sarada Fanfiction in an Alternate Universe (AU) setting. Read to find out! Rated 13+ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 11

719 33 10
By bunnyblahblah

First and foremost, a shoutout to uchihaqueen00 thank you for supporting The Grumpy Jerk. I wish I could still make you crave more in the upcoming chapters. Just sit there and keep scrolling!


"Me?" I point to myself still can't believe what our adviser said just now.

Everyone looks at me with a confused face. They all twitching their brows. I too am surprised and confused about what's going on.

"Yes," she confirms.

No way! What kind of hell I have come to?

"W-Why me though?" I ask. I don't know if it's proper to question our adviser for her decisions.

"Well, you are the top student in the whole Senior High School department and besides, Boruto's going to help out some students in Room 12-D," she explains.

"I see," I mutter.

How lucky the 12-D students are.

Everyone starts to make indistinct chats. The buzz in my ears.

"Is there any problem, Sarada?" she asks me.

"Ah. Um... No-no," I utter. She looks confused.

"I'm fine. I don't need help from a dork."

The jerk says and coldly looks at me and our eyes meet. He is annoying, damn annoying.

"Kawaki, that's rude. I am trying to pick the best person to help you with your failing grades," she berates him.

"I can handle it," he keeps insisting.

"No, that's an order from me. Whether you like it or not, Sarada will accompany you and help you with our lessons," she commands.

"Tch," he murmurs.

"Otherwise, you want to get to a new school," she adds. The jerk has become more annoyed.

"Any objections from you two?" she asks us switching her stares from me to the jerk.

"No," we say in unison. We have no choice I guess.

"Well, the tutorial will not start today but a week before the mid-term exams," she states.

"Phew," I sigh.

"If the time comes, it's up to you where or when you are going to conduct the tutorial. You two must talk about it and must have uniform decisions," she reminds.

"And take note, no fighting. Sarada, I am expecting results from you," she looks at me with high expectations. Now, I can feel the pressure on my shoulders.

I don't know if we will work out together. I think we won't and I hope we will.

"We have a new activity as part of your next lesson in literature and you will be going to perform it next week," she says and everyone pays attention.

"I wonder what is that," Cho-Cho whispers beside me.

I shrug and focus my eyes on the front.

"You will be doing a play which entitles, Snow White and the Seven dwarfs," she exposes.

"Huh?!" I can hear my classmates say simultaneously. Not interested.

"Hey, what is that nonchalant expression on your face?" she frowns.

"A play?" I utter joyously and they all look at me.

"W-What?!" I snap.

"You sure are weird. I never heard such an enthusiastic voice in the class after hearing this lame play announcement," Tsubaki comments while gazing at me.

What's wrong with the play though? It's very cool.

"Tsubaki, the play is not to be criticized by you. It is an activity you need to perform. It's in the curriculum," our adviser scolds her.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes.

What a brat!

A glance at Boruto and he looks neutral about it. Some look fine and some look disinterested.

Then I come to glance at the jerk and he is flipping on the pages of the book and just like the others,  he is not interested as well. Well, who cares about him?

"Class, be quiet, please. I am not done yet," and everyone goes silent.

"We will have an audition for the lead roles which are Snow White and the Prince this afternoon. After the audition for the lead roles we will have a selection of the seven dwarfs and the antagonist," she continues.

"I will play the role of Snow White," I hear Yodo whisper. I secretly glanced at her and she is actually talking to Tsubaki who has lost interest in everything and constantly gapes.

"I wonder if she will be chosen," Cho-Cho remarks.

"Don't underestimate her, Cho-Cho," I tell her.

"To encourage you more, those who will be chosen as Snow White and the Prince will have a chance to be part of the Drama Club instantly without undergoing audition from the council," she adds.

I think my ears tingle upon hearing the details. I let out an abrupt smile. I didn't expect it to slip off from my mouth.

"Okay, that's all for today. I am expecting you to come to the auditions this afternoon," she says and packs up her things, and leaves the classroom immediately.

Indistinct chatters take place straight off.

"Sarada, my stomach aches already," she says while gently rubs her tummy. She meant she is hungry.

I give her a wry smile. So, we go to the canteen. She orders a burger, fries, and drinks and I only have a burger and a drink.

"I know you're going to the auditions later so I won't bother to ask," she says. I laugh at her statement. Cho-Cho already knew what's on my mind.

"I am more encouraged when it's actually my ticket to the Drama Club," I say while smiling.

She takes a bite from her burger, munches it, and swallowed it up before speaking.

"You'll go for the role of Snow White?" she furrows.

"Of course, being one of the dwarfs won't suit me I guess," I narrow my eyes looking at her.

"Being the witch will work on you too," she remarks. I don't know if she is being sarcastic or what.

"Cho-Cho...?!" I almost scold her.

"Just saying, you know. I'll just cheer you up then," she says then winks to me.

I grab from her fries before speaking.

"Do you think I will make it?" I ask almost whispering.

"Sarada, the genius will not make it into the auditions? I doubt it," she says then munches on her burger.

My best friend doesn't fail me. She's the best girl ever.

"Besides, your dream is to be an actress, right?" she says and looks at me.

"Yeah," I nod as a sign of my confirmation.

"This will be the first step and a preparation for that dream," she says and smiles.

"I think you're right. So I better give the best I can here," I say optimistically.

"Um..." she hums.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks like something is bothering her.

"I'm happy that you already know what you want in the future and I am here still don't know what to do with my life after Senior High School," she says and shrugs.

"It's fine. You still have plenty of time to think about it and I believe there is no rushing in choosing the path you want to take in the future," I tell her.

"I think you're right," she says and sighs.

"By the way, are you sure you want to help Kawaki out?" she adds.

"I have no choice," I am helpless.

"Well, you can tell our adviser if you don't want it as soon as possible, or else it will cause you trouble," she suggests.

"I think I can handle it. I don't want to disappoint our adviser. She has set her expectations on me already and it's not good if she knows that we are not on good terms," I explain.

"Okay. I am just worried you will get in trouble dealing with him," she is concerned about me and it is so sweet of her.

"I know he hates me and I do too but I need to do this to stop the worst-case scenario that is threatening me already," I tell her. She nods as if to say she understands it and she gets back to her snack.

"Do you think Boruto will audition for the role of the Prince?"

I almost puke at her question. I think my face turns red after hearing his name.

"I hope so," I mutter I know my cheeks flush.

"I wonder if he will audition too," she murmurs.

"Who are you referring to?" I ask. I am confused.

"H-Huh?!" she stutters. I think she's hiding something from me.

"So, you have heard that?" she startles.

"Yes," I straightforwardly tell her.

"O-Oh, um..." she mutter.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I ask. I can't help it.

"Well, no," she answers.

"Then tell me what's on your mind right now," I demand.

"I am just wondering if you have finished your love letter for Boruto," she states.

"Why would you bring that just now?" I snap. Why would she change the subject from her to me now?

"I am thinking of writing one too," she reveals.

"Heh?! For whom is that?" I ask in shock.

"Um..." she murmurs.

"Hey, Cho-Cho tell me," I say and she waves to me telling me to get my ear near her lips.

So, I lean over to hear what she's going to whisper in my ear and she confesses something that makes me (OoO) that's my reaction.

"Don't tell anyone, okay? It's a secret," she says gesturing to me to keep quiet. I nod but I still cannot believe it.

Okay, I won't tell you because she said it's a secret. You'll know soon and that's for sure though.

"When that happened?" I ask and she whispers in my ear again.

"Oh my..." I utter in disbelief.

"I think I like him," she says while her cheeks blush.

"Now we're even," I chuckle.

"We are exchanging messages after class or in the night before I go to bed that's my daily routine now and it's damn addictive," she says.

"Hm. You are exchanging messages yet you want to give him a letter why would not you tell him on the phone then?" I suggest.

"Idiot, you really are unromantic," she tells me while poking my forehead. She then grabs her phone from her pocket and starts playing with the key chains hanging from it.

"Well, that's more convenient than wasting time writing on a paper though," I tell her.

"You are smart and dense and dumb," she says.

"Hey, that's harsh you know?" I pout in front of her.

"Giving someone you like a letter feels more romantic and special than sending them text messages. You can feel the sincerity of the sender and the feelings he put through composing words and sentences to get to your heart," she explains.

I don't have any idea about what she is saying. I have not received letters from anyone my entire life nor have I given someone a letter and this is why I struggle to write Boruto one.

"I don't understand completely but I have picked up some points," I reply.

"You really are an idiot when it comes to stuff like this," she says while shaking her head.

"Well, I think we need to give our all to make the best love letters for someone we like," I tell her.

"Yeah," she nods and we laugh together.

"But for now, you need to prepare for the auditions or Yodo will take the spot," she reminds me.

"You're right."

"Alright, thank you Yodo," the drama club adviser says and Yodo goes down with a smile on her face. I think she's really confident that she'll be going to play the role of Snow White. Well, she is good but I should not lose to her.

"Up next is Sarada," she calls out to me.

I immediately stand when I was called out by the adviser and leaves to the stage.

"Good luck, Sarada," Cho-Cho cheers for me before I completely leave her side.

I nod as a response to her. I take a deep sigh before coming up to the stage.

"Are you ready now?" the adviser asks and I nod. I still have cold feet and when I look at the crowd my knight in shining armor appears, it's Boruto who just arrived and sits down on the vacant seat.

My heart beats fast. I don't know if I am still auditioning for the role of Snow White or I am competing in the triathlon. I really feel weird every time he is around or near me.

I sigh before responding to the adviser.


"Go Sarada!" I hear Cho-Cho cheers for me.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop!" I say when the birds attack the old woman. She is carrying a basket full of apples. She stops at the house. Maybe needs help.

"Thank you so much, young lady," she says.

"Where have you been?" I ask her.

"I came from the forest and got some magical apples," she responds.

"Magical apples?" I repeat. She nods.

"These apples can grant your wishes," she explains.

"Really? How is that possible?" I ask while my eyes are wide open.

"Eat this apple and you can wish after," she says.

"Wow," I utter in amazement.

"Here. This is to repay your kindness," she says while offering an apple to me.

I accept it and look closely at it. It looks so beautiful that I want to taste it.

"Have a bite and all your wishes will come true," she tells me. I am bewitched by its beauty and I can't help myself and get a bite. Suddenly, I feel dizzy and everything turns black and...

"Okay, cut!"

The adviser says and I bow my head.

"Good job, Sarada. Thank you. Next is Namida," she says and I leave the stage straightway. I run in Cho-Cho's direction.

"That was excellent, Sarada!" she remarks and hugs me.

"Thank you," I say with a smile on my lips.

"That was great, Sarada."

My heart races again after hearing a very familiar voice. I turn to face him.

"T-Thank you, Boruto," I stutter and I think my face flush.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"H-Huh?! Yes! Are you going to audition too?" I change the subject.

"Yeah," his brief reply.

"For the role of Prince?" I can't help myself but ask.

"Yes. Well, I want to give it a shot," he smiles.

Cho-Cho nudges me on my side. I swallowed all the fluids in my mouth before speaking to him again.

"I see. Good luck," I say. I am nervous.

"Thank you," he says and waves goodbye to us.

"I know you are crossing your fingers right now," Cho-Cho says.

"That's not true," I refuse.

"Hmm..." she hums suspiciously.

If I'll be chosen as Snow White then I want Boruto to be the Prince.

"Good morning class," our adviser greets us upon entering the classroom.

"Good morning," we greet back.

She raises a piece of paper.

What's that?

"Here are the results of the auditions," she reveals.

And the whole class respond with "Wow!" simultaneously.

"Now, let's see who's Snow White," Cho-Cho says.

"I want to reveal the seven dwarfs first," she starts.

"Grumpy is Iwabe," she starts with Grumpy.

"What? I should be the Prince!" Iwabe complains.

"Shut up Iwabe! You are not suited to be my Prince," Yodo says then flips her hair.

The jerk would be the best suit for Grumpy though.

"Silence please!" she needs to remind them.

"Sleepy is Shikadai."

Very well, Shikadai usually sleeps during class.

"Doc is Inojin."

"Happy is Denki."

"Bashful is Lee."

"Dopey is Dae."

"And Sneezy is Don."

No way! They are crazy dwarfs.

"It's time for the cruel Queen," she reveals.

"Who will it be?" I utter.

"The cruel Queen is Yodo," she says.

"What?!" Yodo exclaims.

"I am Snow White in this play and not the ugly Queen," she refuses. Iwabe and the rest laugh at her.

"Shut up you jerks!" she yells.

"Keep quiet please!" our adviser slams the table and everyone silences.

"This selection is based on the Drama Club's criteria so there's nothing you can do," she says and everyone calms down. Yodo is still pouting and hasn't accepted the results.

"If you don't like the selection then you can complain to the Drama Club or fail this subject," she adds and no one ever speaks.

"Let's continue," she says again.

"As for Snow White..."

I feel nervous again. Tsubaki, Namida, and Wasabi are not mentioned yet maybe—

"Snow White is Sarada," she cuts me midway.

I bite my lower lip after hearing my name. Cho-Cho hugs me uttering indistinct words. And indistinct chatter takes over the classroom. My mind is nailed on the announcement that I am playing the role of Snow White.

"And the Prince is..."

I am back to my senses after hearing the word Prince. I have heard Mitsuki auditioned for the role too.

Who will it be?

"The role of the Prince will be played by..."

To be continued...


Hey, I am back from the vault. (>,<). How is everyone doing? Who do you think Cho-Cho likes? Leave your guess in the comments. Keep healthy and safe everyone!



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