*Drawn to You*

By LoyalylovingAri

51.9K 1.3K 462

I don't know you but I am drawn to you in every way Sequel is out -FAR AWAY FROM YOU- More

Two worlds
Your kidding me right
21 Questions
Late Night Movies and Almost Cuddle Session
Slightly jealous ... But i am the slowest
Lunch dates and awkward exchanges
You matter to me
Just like that
Closer and closer
Way to close
Do me like that
I know you been going though things
waiting for ya
It's You and I
You got me screaming my my my
Cause your what i adore
Heartbreak hotel
You da One
Can i lay by your side?
Keep ya hands on me dont take em off..
Last Day in Boca?!
California love..?!?
Only in the D....
Cry me a river..

You dont owe me anything

1.7K 57 35
By LoyalylovingAri

💕After when we catch our breathe 💕

☁️So this chapter was the was rest of the last one.., enjoy loves ☁️

(Ariana point of view)

I wake up at the hospital with Sean and my mom at each side of me. I was really confused and my head hurt like a bitch. I tried to sit up but my mom told me not to move. Just then the doctor came in.

Hi Ariana I am Doctor Lee. I just have a couple of questions I need you to answer ..

Dr. Lee to Ariana.... So I see you have hypoglycemia .. How was your blood sugar today.

Ariana to Dr. Lee... It was okay I checked it this morning. Because I felt sick again.

(He nods)

Dr. Lee to Ariana... Sick again meaning ?

Ariana to Dr. Lee ... I throw up this morning ...

Dr. Lee to Ariana.... Are you sexually active ?

My mom was just about to answer that for me when.

Ariana to Dr. Lee.. Umm yeah I am....

Dr. Lee to Ariana... The last time you had your period?

Ariana to Dr. Lee....the 12 of June ...

Dr. Lee to Ariana ... Okay so we are going to take both your blood and need a urine sample to run a pregnancy test... The nurse will be in to collect the samples

Ariana and Sean look at each other ...

Ariana to Dr. Lee... Oh okay ...

Joan to Ariana... So you are sexually active? Since when ? you tell me everything.

Ariana to Joan.... Oh god mom.. Yes mom I am.. Since my birthday .. ( looking at sean ) .... I know I normally tell you everything but I didn't know how to tell you.

Joan to Ariana... Since your birthday .. (Noticing how sean was just looking around...) oh god you two have starting on grandkids already..

Ariana to Joan... Lord no .... I mean not not anytime soon. But we haven't been safest.

Joan to Ariana.. Well for now on we have to wait and get these results back.

The nurse walks in brings the cup to collect the urine sample. I get up and head to the bathroom. I needed help with my dress..

Ariana to Sean ... can you come help me hold my dress..

Sean to Ariana ... Yeah I can..

He hold my dress and I pee in the cup it's really awkward. I finish I wipe and pull up my underwear. Flush the toilet walk over to the sink to wash my hands. We both walk out I set the sample down.. The nurse draws my blood.. And says that the the results should be back with in the hour..

Ariana to Joan.. Mom where are Toulouse and Milan..?

Joan to Ariana... (Smiles) they are fine they with Alexa , who was freaking out by the way.. Ariana are you sure your blood sugar was okay this morning?

Ariana to Joan... Oh okay... Oh god she probably going to kill me for scaring her like that. Yeah I checked it wasn't bad.. So I was just going to watch how I felt through out the day.

We all just our waiting for the results to come back. It was very awkward to say the least because now both of our moms know that we have been having sex. I just want to go and hide.

Myra to Sean.., so the nights came in the room and you both were in bed?

Sean to Myra....mom really I am not answering that. What me and Ariana do behind closed does is private.

I just looked at him. He came and sat on the bed with me.

Sean to Ariana... Are you okay ?

Ariana to Sean.. Yeah I guess.. We just have to wait and see the results.. But I don't think I am pregnant. Can they give me a ice pack my head is throbbing.

Sean to Ariana.... How can you be sure we haven't used a condom once since we started to have sex. Yeah they have one over here they brought it in before you woke up.

Sean hands me the ice pack i place it on my head as I lean on to his chest. When the doctor comes back in with the results.

Dr lee to Ariana... Well your not pregnant.. However you do have food poisoning. And your blood sugar was severely low. So we are going to bring you something to eat.

Ariana to Dr. Lee.... Food poisoning. Do you know how long it's going to take to pass through ?

Dr. Lee to Ariana.... It just depends.

Joan to Dr. Lee... How low was her blood sugar..?

Dr. Lee to Joan... She could have went into a coma..

Joan to Dr. Lee.. So with her food poisoning will have to watch her blood sugar extra closely.

Dr. Lee to Joan.., yeah just watch her closely, you being her mother you know what she is like when she is her sickest.

Joan to Dr. Lee..,, okay thank you ..

Dr. Lee walks out ...

The nurse brings in this snack in for me I eat it fighting that urge to puke... I ask for water. I manage to hold my food down.. And wait to see if my blood sugar if has gotten higher..

Joan to Ariana... Baby doll you need to be more careful, you scared me half to death.

Ariana to Joan... Mommy I am sorry I will..

Later the nurse came back in check my blood sugar. It's back where it should be which I was excited for. The discharge paper were brought in a little later, we were able to head back to resort..

The car ride was fast. All I wanted to get back to Toulouse and Milan..

I get a text from alexa saying that she is our room. I head to the room realizing that Sean has the key. I wait for him ugh he is so slow ... Finally he unlocks the door and toulouse runs to me ..

Alexa to Ariana ... Don't you ever do that shit to me again..

Ariana to Alexa... I know I am sorry.. But I am okay I just gave food poisoning and my blood sugar was low very low.....

Sascha to Ariana... So you are okay?

Ariana to Sascha.... Yeah but now it's awkward because I had to do a pregnancy test.. Then my mom was very shocked ..

Tone to Ariana and Sean.... Yall' s asses need to start using protection .. And Ariana.. I am glad your okay..

Ariana to Tone... Thank you.. Umm yeah we had that talk before but it got us no where yet..

Sean to Tone... Stop we know we need to start being smarter... But can we not talk about what Ariana and I do behind close doors..

This is very awkward to say the least. But I was glad to see them.

The night goes on we all decided to call it a night. They head to their rooms. I see that Sascha and Chris were headed into Chris's room... They are so nasty

I am sitting in living room with my babies when Sean walks in to the living room looking like is ready to talk..

I am so not ready to have this conversation after today...

but I wanted to know about Ashely, but I am not sure if I am ready ....

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