Color: Special Edition

By thomaseng

537 29 13

During World War I, a black baseball player gets a second chance to play ball on an all-white steel mill base... More

Author's Notes
1. Someday
2. Black and White
3. Falling
4. Dilemma
5. Infamy
6. Wise Men
7. Chaos
8. Excuse Me, Sir
9. The Girl
10. The Old Man
11. The World's Changing
12. Something More
13. Unexpected Meeting
14. The Poet
15. A Perfect Stranger
16. Willy's Big Plan
17. Choices
18. Picture
19. Gone Wrong
20. Cocktail Party
21. The Lady
22. Mortician's Office
23. You Understand?
24. Maurice
25. Drifting
26. Cruelty
27. The Idea
28. One Out of Many
29. Waiting to See You
30. The Offer
31. The Errand
32. Unexpected News
33. Rough Beginning
34. Broken Circle
35. Mr. Lanky Arms
36. Fair Shot
37. Disaster
38. Out to Pasture
39. Friend
40. Secret
41. Surprise
42. Unexpected Encounter
43. Running
44. Amateur Night
45. Us Versus Them
46. The Question
47. The Answer
48. Problem
49. Birmingham
50. First Date
51. The Real Edward
52. No More Henry?
53. Edward's Plot
54. Isolated
55. Pride
56. Father And Son
57. Before The Game
58. Separate But Equal
59. The Kiss
60. First Game
61. Failed Experiment
62. Divided We Blame
63. The Job
64. Truth Be Told
65. Separate But Separate
66. White Side
67. Get Out!
68. Silent Appraisals
69. Black Side
70. Strangers
71. Farewell Gift
72. Inspiration
73. Off To War
74. Message From Sarah
75. Soulmate
76. The Snake
77. The Board
78. Our House
79. Injustice
80. Perspective
81. Can I Count On You?
82. The Return
83. The Proposal
84. Policeman
85. Big Surprises
86. Turning Point
87. Coming After You
88. Permission
89. Big Plans
90. The Big Question
91. Marriage
92. The Problem
93. New Home
94. Harsh Truth
95. Uncertain Future
96. Moving Forward
97. Vandals
99. True Enemy
100. No Options
101. A Wise Man Once Said
102. Hope
103. The Gamble
104. Playoffs: Game One
105. Last Laugh
106. Slow It Down
107. Playoffs: Game Two
108. Commotion In The Stands
109. Separate And Unequal
110. Waiting
111. Fly, Henry, Fly
112. Final Rest
113. Justice
114. Alone Again
115. Revelation
116. Rebirth
117. Amazing Grace
118. Friendship
119. Championship
120. Final Inning

98. Shattered Dream

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By thomaseng

Henry's first few hours working on the docks had been grueling. He lifted crate after heavy crate and loaded them onto the delivery trucks. A few times, he shoveled piles of spilled pig iron, heaving the gray ore into large wheelbarrows to feed the blast furnaces inside the mill. Henry found himself zoning out, falling into a mindless routine as he toiled under the blistering sun.

Henry was part of a three-man crew. The other two fellas were closer to Albert's age, their movements slow and easy. They didn't seem to recognize him wearing a work cap and sunglasses, and that suited Henry just fine. He had wanted to keep a low profile and avoid the embarrassment of having to explain what had happened.

Henry was taking a break in the shade, leaning against the outer wall of the mill, when another colored worker approached him. He was a young man, maybe a couple of years younger than Henry.

"Mr. Louis?" he said, his expression tentative.

Henry gave him a nod and as much of a smile as he could muster. "Hey there. How're you?"

"I'm good. My name's James. I just wanted to come and tell you what a big fan I am of yours. I've been to all of your Pioneer games. I even saw a bunch back when you were still playing for the Rooks."

"Thanks," Henry said. "I appreciate that."

"I heard what happened?" James said. "It's too bad."

Henry raised a brow. He wondered how Mr. Bell had announced his quitting to the rest of the company. "What exactly did you hear?"

James's eyes widened, and he wiped his hands on his overalls. "Oh, well, there was a company letter that said you decided to leave the Pioneers to pursue other interests. This must be your idea of other interests?"

Henry looked down, grinning, and shook his head.

"I guess that's not what happened?" James said.

"Let's just say, management wanted to bench me and Big Willy before the playoffs. We didn't like that idea, so we decided to leave on our own terms."

"What?" James threw up his hands. "A black man just can't ever get a break. I never thought I'd see the day, but white folks were actually cheering for you. Because of you, we were finally starting to get some respect from the whites in Hester. Coloreds look up to you, 'cause you've given us poor Negroes some hope." James shook his head. "I can't believe they tried to bench you. It's not right!"

Henry nodded. "Maybe not, but there isn't anything I can do about it."

"It's just not fair," James said. "You should still be playing for the Pioneers." And then he turned and wandered away, still mumbling under his breath.

Henry frowned and rubbed the tight knot between his eyebrows. He watched James make his way across the dock.

A feeling of helplessness overcame Henry, but what could he do? He felt bad about letting down the colored folk in Hester. He'd finally been a part of a special group of men with a good chance in the playoffs. A good chance to make it to the championship game. But now, all he had was a shattered dream.

A whistle blew!

Henry wished he could turn things around.

But right now, he had to get back to work.

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