Color: Special Edition

By thomaseng

537 29 13

During World War I, a black baseball player gets a second chance to play ball on an all-white steel mill base... More

Author's Notes
1. Someday
2. Black and White
3. Falling
4. Dilemma
5. Infamy
6. Wise Men
7. Chaos
8. Excuse Me, Sir
9. The Girl
10. The Old Man
11. The World's Changing
12. Something More
13. Unexpected Meeting
14. The Poet
15. A Perfect Stranger
16. Willy's Big Plan
17. Choices
18. Picture
19. Gone Wrong
20. Cocktail Party
21. The Lady
22. Mortician's Office
23. You Understand?
24. Maurice
25. Drifting
26. Cruelty
27. The Idea
28. One Out of Many
29. Waiting to See You
30. The Offer
31. The Errand
32. Unexpected News
33. Rough Beginning
34. Broken Circle
35. Mr. Lanky Arms
36. Fair Shot
37. Disaster
38. Out to Pasture
39. Friend
40. Secret
41. Surprise
42. Unexpected Encounter
43. Running
44. Amateur Night
45. Us Versus Them
46. The Question
47. The Answer
48. Problem
49. Birmingham
50. First Date
52. No More Henry?
53. Edward's Plot
54. Isolated
55. Pride
56. Father And Son
57. Before The Game
58. Separate But Equal
59. The Kiss
60. First Game
61. Failed Experiment
62. Divided We Blame
63. The Job
64. Truth Be Told
65. Separate But Separate
66. White Side
67. Get Out!
68. Silent Appraisals
69. Black Side
70. Strangers
71. Farewell Gift
72. Inspiration
73. Off To War
74. Message From Sarah
75. Soulmate
76. The Snake
77. The Board
78. Our House
79. Injustice
80. Perspective
81. Can I Count On You?
82. The Return
83. The Proposal
84. Policeman
85. Big Surprises
86. Turning Point
87. Coming After You
88. Permission
89. Big Plans
90. The Big Question
91. Marriage
92. The Problem
93. New Home
94. Harsh Truth
95. Uncertain Future
96. Moving Forward
97. Vandals
98. Shattered Dream
99. True Enemy
100. No Options
101. A Wise Man Once Said
102. Hope
103. The Gamble
104. Playoffs: Game One
105. Last Laugh
106. Slow It Down
107. Playoffs: Game Two
108. Commotion In The Stands
109. Separate And Unequal
110. Waiting
111. Fly, Henry, Fly
112. Final Rest
113. Justice
114. Alone Again
115. Revelation
116. Rebirth
117. Amazing Grace
118. Friendship
119. Championship
120. Final Inning

51. The Real Edward

1 0 0
By thomaseng

In the backroom of the Diamond Club, Edward Benedict hovered behind a colored man, a hawk looming over a helpless field mouse. Animal heads stared back at them, mounted on the mint-green walls, including a ten-point deer, a Yukon moose, and even a golden-orange Bengal tiger. Edward circled to the front of the little man and fixed him with a glare.

"Maurice Jones," Edward said. "You're in a whole heap of trouble."

Maurice gave Edward a tentative look. He glanced over to the door, dead bolted shut and flanked by two colored henchman. One sported a light gray suit. The other wore a black tank top and dark-olive military pants, his veined arms as big as the former Rook's thighs. "I can pay back the money," Maurice said, his voice low and shaky. "I just need some more time."

Edward burst out laughing. "Where're you going to dig up a grand? Besides, I've already given you two extensions."

"It's not fair," Maurice mumbled.

"What'd you say boy?" Edward sat on the edge of a desk, admiring the boar's head, hanging on the wall over a long cream-colored couch.

"We were gonna take the lead when the fighting broke out."

Edward shook his head. "You know, it's a shame the Rooks lost the exhibition game by forfeit. Now you may be asking yourself, Mr. Benedict, why can't you forget the wager ever took place? Well, I supposed I could. But if word ever got out, what would that do to my reputation as a bookmaker? To my gambling enterprise? Why, it wouldn't be good, that's for sure. So I'm afraid I can't make an exception, not even for a former player."

Edward looked over at his henchmen before swinging his chin back at Maurice. "Take him to the Sanctuary."

"S-Sanctuary?" Maurice cried, a tremble in his voice. "What's the Sanctuary?"

Edward grinned, the electric ceiling light gleaming off his gold tooth. "Let's just say, it ain't no church." He said it with a chuckle.

Edward rested his hand on the suited henchman's shoulder. "You know what to do. Remember, no broken bones. The man can't pay me back if he's all busted up. But I want him to suffer so much pain, he begs the Lord for salvation."

A devilish grin spread across the suited man's face while his large partner's expression remained an unflinching mask of stone.

Edward glanced at Maurice and the little man remained as quiet as death. Though Edward had no intention of taking the former Rook's life, at least not yet, he would do everything in his power to protect his financial interests. If murder was necessary, he would not hesitate. Not this time.

The henchmen seized each of Maurice's arms.

"Come on, Mr. Benedict," Maurice said, pleading. "You don't have to do this."

Edward waggled his index finger at the former Rook. "You really disappoint me." He placed his hand over his heart. "You were one of my favorite players, and now look at you. You're a whining deadbeat. And you have until the end of the month to pay back my money."

"I need more time than that!"

Edward leaned over, his nose so close Maurice's sweat-beaded face that he could smell the little man's fear. "You're out of time. If I don't have my money by the end of the month, I'm gonna start charging interest. Ten percent on the unpaid balance plus a trip to the Sanctuary every month." Edward straightened up and nodded to his men. "Take him away."

As the henchmen hauled Maurice out of the room, Edward savored the little man's cries like sweet ragtime music.

The door banged shut behind the three men.

With that minor matter addressed, Edward Benedict could now pay full attention to his next interest.

Sarah Stewart!

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