My Love For Them (Rewriting)

By londongarri2021

25.4K 392 34

London is a mute she feels broken. She wants to give up on life but seems fate has other plans. She might jus... More

Wat A Dickface

Lonely World (Rewitten)

25.1K 381 34
By londongarri2021

Ever wondered why people were so dark.Why the world was so dark. I've wondered that my whole life. No matter how much and i shamefully say this i longed for my father's love. He made sure to let me know he didn't love or care for me. After mother left us he became a drunk an abusive drunk at that.

I jumped out of my sleep hearing my father yell my name. I looked over at the alarm and jumped out of bed. "Oh shit." I quickly ran to the bathroom. I winced at how much pain i was in. After last night's beating i for sure knew today was gonna be hard as fuck. I got ready and ran downstairs. "Over slept again didn't you!!" I jumped slightly at the fact he yelled.

I hate yelling always have. No matter how old i get i found it so unnecessary. I ran to the kitchen to make his breakfast. I slightly cried thinking about how i couldn't wait to leave him. If i was to do so where would i go. Who would i go to. I have no friends no family no love.

I handed him his breakfast and ran out the house. Slowly walking to school. "I really don't want to go." I chuckled to myself thinking on how i talk to myself a lot. I looked up to see a car parked with two men standing next to each other. To say they were handsome would be an understatement.

They were dangerously beautiful. The closer i walked the more i wanted to go to them. I suddenly stopped as one of them made eye contact and then the other. I got really shy and not knowing what to do i stood there like an idiot. Gosh they must think i'm weird I thought.

One had grey eyes with a hint of blue he has tattoos on his hands and arms. He looked mad intimidating.I wonder if he'll pick me up with one hand . He was dressed in all black. His eyes were squinted and eyebrows were thin. And the icing on the cake he had a mother fucking beard .

While the other  he had green eyes with a little blue. And hand tattoos. He was also dressed in all black. Wonder if he'll take off his shirt if i asked. Why isn't anyone stopping my thoughts right now. My mind is telling me dangerous run but it's also telling me act like you're lost so they can take you home and fuck you.

I really need to grow up. I snapped out of my head and ran until i couldn't see them anymore. Still in my thoughts i bumped into Sara. She hates my guts. Sara is a blonde girl with blue eyes and a dropped dead gorgeous body. So i never understand her hatred towards me.

She would always say my ass fatter than a whale. I know how ordinary...SIKE. I know i'm thick and have a pretty face. I just don't know how to be confident in it. "Watch it bitch" and she walked off. She must be in a good mood today.

I went to class not really ready for the day. I looked out the window. My mind wondering back to those men. To say boys would be an insult really. They almost had me looking forward to being legal. Not like i'll see them again anyways.

pov switch...

"Dude did you see her!!" I looked at Atlas to see him still looking at the same spot. I snapped my fingers in his face, which i soon regret. "Do that shit again and i bet you lose it but yes i saw her dickface." Gosh he is so rude. I wonder if he love me sometimes.

"I wonder why she ran." I mean i get it Atlas is kinda ugly but he isn't that hideous. Especially with the face tatt bitch please. Suddenly i felt a sting on the back of my head. Well shit. "Amir i will kill you bsf or not you will die." The lies he be spitting.

I rolled my eyes as we hopped back in the car. We eventually pulled up to the warehouse. Getting out we are immediately hit with welcome bosses. Sometimes i feel like a king what can i say. Going into the office i go see who is on the hit list for today.

"Atlas did you know Micheal is 4 weeks late?" Looking at the date. For fuck sake Zack is gonna kill us. We were supposed to been have this payment already. "Yes we going today don't worry." Yes so reassuring.

My mind starts to wonder about the girl. I wonder if she is single. I also wonder is my little friend who is all to serious is thinking about her too. Damn she's beautiful maybe she can take our virginity. "Shut up Amir.We don't know the girl and we aren't losing it to her either." Shit i said that out loud.

"Look all I'm saying is the lady is gorgeous and i know you cant stop thinking about her." He grabs his gun and points it at me and shoots. I smirked. Ha i made sure to take them out last night. He pulls another one out and shoots. I jumped back. Where the fuck he gets that one?!! Out his ass!!

I looked at him like he was crazy and all he did was laugh. The audacity!!!

pov switch...

Getting out of school i thought about going home but decided to go to my favorite park. I pulled out my sketch book and started drawing. I love art. You can tell any story you want while doing it. Even if some people don't get it. As long as you do it'll be beautiful.

Hours had passed and i finally went home. I showered and snuck me something to eat. As i was reading i heard voices. I slowly made my way downstairs and looked to see my dad on his knees. Oh my fucking god. The men from earlier in my house.

The one with the neck tattoo looked at me and almost seemed shocked but it was soon covered up and went back to being serious.

"You can have her. Just please spare my life!!"




As you can see the characters name has changed expect for London. The whole story will literally be nothing like it was before. So let me know if this chapter is good please

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