Deep Snow

By itsme_Bri

35K 843 91

Elsa notices a strange boy at Anna & Kristoff's wedding. Hans returns for something. Tiny feet are wondering... More

Deep Snow
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (short filler chapter)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
Authors note
Final Chapter

Chapter 30

220 8 0
By itsme_Bri

Jack's POV

I've searched for two days in every place she could possibly be. I can't think of another place Elsa would have gone. I'm just going to head home in hopes that maybe she'll show up soon.

I fly home, keeping my eyes down to scan the areas I pass over.  When I finally reach my house, I enter the living room, noticing that it's empty.

"Mom? Emma? You home?" I shout throughout the entire house.

"We're in the dining room," I hear my mother call. As I make my way there, I start hearing laughter. I turn the corner into the room and the first thing I notice is platinum blonde hair.

"Elsa!" I yell, clearly happy to see her here.

Her head whips around and our eyes meet. "JACK!!" She practically leaps into my arms in excitement. I lifted her and twirled her around. I put her down then placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose, gazing into get beautiful blue eyes.

"Awwww!" Emma gushed, "that's so cute!!"

I rolled my eyes and Elsa giggled at Emma's comment. "Where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you!" I asked Elsa.

"I built a small castle, just around the same area as the North Mountain."

"I checked that area, I even went to Arendelle and Corona!"

Elsa laughed, "you went all the way to Corona?"

"Yes! I was worried!!"

Elsa laughed again and kissed my cheek, "I was actually about to go search for you."


"Yeah, but your mom wouldn't let me go before I ate," Elsa giggled.

"Guilty!" my mom piped in, "now you two come sit and eat! Don't let this food go to waste."

We sat down to eat and I began to tell them about my journey to find Elsa, everyone laughing at how I scared Rapunzel.


Anna's POV

"Honey, I'm home!" Kristoff said as he entered our bedroom. He had finally returned from 3 days of work and I couldn't contain my excitement!

"Kristoff!! I've missed you!" I shout as I meet him at the door. We embrace each other in a tight hug and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"I've missed you too," he smiles down at me. He yawns and I can tell he's tired.

"Take a nap sweetie, you need it!"

Kristoff smiles at me again as he makes his way to our bed. He lays down without even changing and falls asleep right away. I chuckle at him because not even a minute into his nap, he begins snoring very loudly. He must have been really tired.

My stomach growls at me, almost as loud as Kristoffs snoring. I decide to go down to the kitchen and grab something to eat.

"Princess, how are you today?" one of our maids, Tammy, asked.

"I'm better as ever! Kristoff just came home from work and is already asleep upstairs," I said, laughing at the situation once again.

Tammy chuckled, "he must have been hard at work these past few days!"

"Oh yeah, anyways, I came down here to see if you were cooking anything?"

"I'm actually not right now, but if you're hungry I don't mind making you something!"

"Could you, please?" I asked putting my hands together as if I was praying.

"What would you like, dear?" Tammy asked sweetly. I don't know what I'd do without her sometimes.

I thought about what I was hungry for...

"Chocolate cake with pickles on the side please!" I blurted. I've actually been craving that for a little while now.

What a weird craving.

Tammy gave me a small smile, "chocolate cake and pickles, coming right up."

I thanked Tammy and told her I was going to walk around the castle for a little bit.

I walked around the whole first floor and made my way up to the second. I passed my room and opened the door to check on Kristoff. Still passed out.

I heard Tammy call my name from the kitchen, so I started making my way there. I went down the stairs and at the last step my vision blurred. Suddenly everything went black.

This chapter kind of sucked. I just make things up as I go, to be honest.

Hope y'all enjoyed at least a little bit!!

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