The Great Pretender (Reader I...

By LolOk29

15.7K 469 353

Makoto Edamura, a Japanese swindler, has been through alot during his life. But one day he meets you and Laur... More

The Beginning
The Beginning PT. 2
Los Angeles Connection 1.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.1.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.3
Los Angeles Connection 1.4
Meine Probleme 1
Meine Probleme 3
Meine Probleme 4
Meine Probleme 5
Singapore Sky 2.1

Meine Probleme 2

290 13 2
By LolOk29

𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 : Abuse (sexual), death.

•Y/N's POV

I sat in the car, confused.

"Where are we going?"

Mommy didn't answer me.


"Don't worry sweetheart," He said.

I looked out the window, watching the building go by.

Listen Y/N, we're going in a trip okay?"My mother said. A five year old me looking up at her.

" Where are you going?"I asked.

" Just a little trip, we'll be back to get you, I promise, "My father said patting my head.

I turned around to be faced with a big building and a sign that I couldn't read. I held my mother's hand as we approached the door. She knocked and a lady came out.

" Oh this must be the lovely Y/N, "The lady smiled, she had long back hair and unnatural purple eyes.

She stepped aside and we walked in. My mother's hands had covered my ears, so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

" Mommy? "

She looked down and smiled before facing the lady again. I looked around at the animal drawings that littered the wall. I felt my mother's hands move before she and daddy stooped down infront of me.

"Mommy and Daddy have to go now," She smiled before kissing my cheek. My father kissed my forehead,"Will you be a good girl?"

"Uh-huh," I nodded smiling up at them. I watched as they walked to the door.

"We'll come back for you. We promise."

I should've known.

They abandoned me. What did I ever do?

I opened my eyes to be met with darkness. Breathing was a bit difficult.

'Did they bag me?'

"Endlich erwacht? /Finally awake?"

The bag was pulled off and the light made me squint.

I looked at the figure infront of me. That ugly fucking scar, one that I would always hope to never see again.

(I will draw a picture... Hopefully soon.)

"Du bist gewachsen /You've grown," My former 'guardian' said, "So schön dabei/ So beautifully at that."

He stared at me expectedly.

"Was? Du wirst nicht mit deinem Vater sprechen? / What? Not going to talk to your father?"

"Du bist nicht mein Vater! / You're not my father!"

He chuckled, throwing his head back slightly.

I wicned when I my head was pulled back.

"Ich habe dich aus diesem gottverlassenen Waisenhaus herausgezogen. Ich habe dir ein Zuhause gegeben! Und das ist es, was ich bekomme?! / I pulled you out of that god forsaken orphanage. I gave you a home! And this is what I get?!"

"Du hast mich meiner Unschuld beraubt! Ich war ein Kind! / You stripped me of my innocence! I was a child!" I yelled out as tears filled my eyes.

He finally let me go.

"Du scheinst kein Problem damit zu haben, deinen Körper dieser blonden Dusche zu überlassen. / You seem to have no problem giving your body up to that blonde douche."

•From here on, bold mean English, normal means German.

"What I do is none of your fucking business!"

"Oh but it is, you're my product, I made you who you are now," He growled.

"Made me!? The only thing you made was a killer," I spat.


I stared at the gun on the table.

"You're going to have to use it," Egon, my... Father, spoke up.

"I-i don't want to," I muttered.

"If you want a happy family, you're going to do as I say," His voice was stern and threatening.

I slowly reached out and grabbed the weapon.

I then aimed it at him and closed my eyes before pressing the trigger.

"You think I'd trust you with a loaded gun?"

My hands shook as I opened my eyes.

"Ay least I know you're not going to fail me," He said taking the weapon from my hands.


"Um excuse me," I called out to a man.

He turned around and took his cigarette from his lips,"What?"

"I'm lost, I wandered away from my dad," I muttered fiddling with my fingers.

The man looked at me before looking around.

"There's a police station not to far from here," He said dropping the cigarette and stomping on it, "Want me to take you?"

I nodded.

He then pointed down an alleyway, "Shortcut."

I wanted to question him but I had to feign innocence. I mean I was supposed to be a lost 7 year old.

He started walking and I followed close behind. Once we turned down the alleyway, I reached my hand into my pocket before taking out a pair of gloves.

I slipped them on, keeping an eye on the man in front of me.

I then grabbed the pistol from my little bag.

I stopped walking and aimed the gun at him.

He must've noticed, "Kid you okay-"

He froze.

"Real funny, nice gun where'd you get it?"

"From me."

The man seemed to jolt out of his skin at the voice. He turned around swiftly.

"E-egon, what do I owe the pleasure?" He stammered.

"The money, the very cash you promised to give me... Let's see, a week ago," He said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"I-i still have it!"

"I beg to differ."

The man was visibly shaking.

"W-what? with out the money you're running out of men, so you're using some kid?" He tried to act bold.

Egon looked at me and I aimed for the back of his knee before pulling the trigger.

The man screamed out at he fell to his knees.

"And here I thought you had some balls," Egon chuckled before taking out a pistol of his own.

"I'll get the money to you! Please just let me go!"

Egon slowly lowered the pistol before going down to eye level.

"Oh but I can't, it's my daughter's first kill, I'm not going to let you go," He said with a sadistic smirk.

"T-then how will you get the money?"

Egon sighed, "Your wife is very desperate, so desperate she opens her legs to any man."

He stood up and walked towards me.

"Be a good fella and don't move, wouldn't to make it more painful than it should be."

Egon placed a hand on my head, his back facing the man.

I aimed for his head and pulled the trigger. I let my eyes close.

I flinched hearing a thud.

I realised the slight weight on my head was gone.

I took a deep breath and turned before pointing the gun at Egon.

A shot rang out and I stood frozen.

It was quick.

I didn't even realise it had grazed me until the small stinging sensation occurred.

"You aim that gun at me again and I will kill you," He muttered putting his pistol away.

I lowered the gun and brought my hand up to my right shoulder. I was bleeding.

I looked up to see a black car at the end of the alleyway.

"Lets go."

I dragged my feet to the vehicle before climbing in.

Egon followed after and closed the door.

I felt a hand in my head.

"You did good today," He said, pulling me to lean on him.

"I didn't want to kill anyone," I muttered.

"You could've left," Egon said.

I let out a sarcastic laugh, "You wouldn't let me."

"Killing yourself isn't how you leave," He said.

"It was better than this shit hole!"

He grabbed the back of neck, "I still have an old friend waiting for you. He's been dying to touch you again."

My eyes widened.


The door opened and my breathing picked up.

"Please, please, anything else! I'll work for you! I'll stay!"

"I know you will, but you need to be taught a lesson," He said letting me go, "8 years, I'll give you 8 hours. I have a conscious after all."

I couldn't speak, everything was caught in my throat.

•Third Person POV

"No mercy," Egon said to the other man.

"Since when have I ever been merciful?"

Egon headed to the door, sparing one glance back at the trembling female before leaving.

He shut the door behind him.

He walked down various hallways belfre opening a mahogany door. It was an office.

He entered and closed the door behind him.

Egon walked to his seat and sat down before his eyes trailed to a picture frame.

It was Y/N when she was 16.

2 years before she escaped.

He remembered it so vividly.

—Flashback time

"She's gone?!"

Egon slammed his hand against the wall as he glared at the men infront of him.

"We're sorry sir."

One of the men were shot within seconds.

"Instead of apolosing, find her!"

Egon tugged on his hair in frustration.

His one prized possession was gone.

He looked down at his bruised knuckles before straightening up fully.

He walked deeper into his office, going to the window.

There was a shimmer that caught his attention.

It wasn't long until there was a loud bang and the window shattered.

Egon couldn't help but smirk as he watched Y/N dash off.

"Still a horrible aim," He chuckled.

"Sir are you okay?"

"Let her go... For now," Egon requested wiping the blood off his cheek.

His mind started to wander.

He knew she wasn't a horrible aim. She let him live.

But why?

Egon leaned back in his seat, staring ahead.

•Time Skip.

Eight horrible hours had gone by.

Egon made his way back to the room and opened the door.

"Had your fun Axel?"

"Of course," Axel said fixing his shirt.

Egon placed his hands in his pockets as he waited for Axel to leave the room. Once he had left, the door was closed.

Egon looked down at the floor to see the shivering figure leaning against the wall.

He walked closer and stooped down before cupping her cheek.

"You're my daughter, I took you in when your parents abandoned you," He said wiping a fallen tear, "I do this to make you stronger."

Y/N glared up at him.

Egon took off his jacket before wrapping it around Y/N.

He picked her up and left the room.

Y/N could only stare ahead.

Her eyes caught onto the familiar room they just entered. Her old room.

Egon placed her on the bed before sitting beside her. Y/N rolled onto her side, facing away from him.

"I kept it the same, I couldn't bare to change it," He said, "I knew I would get you back."

Y/N brought her knees closer to her body.

"You're a grown woman, don't ignore me," Egon snarled.

"I hate you."

"Oh really? If you did, you would've killed me 8 years ago," He said with a chuckle.

•Y/N's POV

I knew why I didn't kill him.

It was a dumb reason.

I mean, he was the closest thing to a father figure.

"Why am I here?"

"I have a mission... Just for you," He said.

"Why me?"

"I've saved this mission for years until you came back, it's for you," Egon explained, "In a few days time, you'll see why."

I looked over my shoulder at him. My eyes going over his scar.

The one I gave him, I was only 14. I would say it was an accident cause I missed, but he deserved it either way.

I cried out in pain as I threw another punch to the punching bag.

My hands were shaking. My arms were weak. My fists were bruised.


I threw another punch.

"Again! It's like your asking to be killed!"

I threw another punch but missed and fell onto my knees. My vision was blurry.

I heard glass shatter and saw pieces of a wine glass nearby.

"Where was the bloodlust from 7 years ago?"

"I-i was scared," I muttered out, staring at a nearby peice of glass.

"What? Speak up."

"I was scared!" I yelled as I grabbed the shard and ran to him.

I punched his chest before finally using the shard and slashing his face. All I saw was red.

My wrists were grabbed and I finally looked up at him.

His left eye was closed and bloody.

I let go of the shard and let it drop to the ground.

I gasped as I was suddenly pulled into his chest.

"I'm proud of you."


"Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm fine, just get the nurse," Egon said.

I felt a hand on the back of my head. I slowly pulled back and he grabbed my hand.

"Although I'm proud you managed to strike me, you need to learn how to do it without getting yourself hurt," He said. I looked down at my hand to see small cuts with blood peeking through.

I fucking slashed his face and he's... Proud of me?!

"Yoi, take care of her," Egon said.

I turned to see one of the bodyguards.

I wasted no time in walking away from Egon.

I was led to a room.


I say down on a nearby chair before Yoi grabbed a first aid kit.

He stooped down infront of me.

"That was one hell of a show," He muttered.


"No one has been able to get a hit on the boss, not even me," Yoi said soaking a cotton ball in disinfectant.

"He was stupid to let his guard down," I muttered.

"Do you know why he let his guard down?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"Cause he looks down on me-" I winced feeling the burning in my hand.

"No," Yoi said, "It's because he trusts you, boss doesn't take to children too kindly. Hell he would shoot one without hesitation."

I looked at Yoi who was now wrapping my hand.

"He sees you as his daughter, that's why he let his guard down. That's why he -"

"Didn't get mad..." I muttered.


Yoi patted my head, "And I know his parenting 'techniques' aren't exactly... Appropriate but he wouldn't know how to care for a child even if the instructions were imprinted in his head."

I let out a small laugh.

I actually tolerated Yoi.



"You're leaving?" I asked looking up at the young man.

"Sorry kid, this life isn't for me any more, especially when I have a kid if my own now," He said.

"Oh. Go then."

I could tell he was shocked, although there was no change in his expression.

"It's been fun," He said before leaving.

I dug my nails into my wrist as my bottom lip trembled.

'God I'm such a baby.'

"I'll do it," I said, "On one condition."

"What is it?"

"No torture, no threatening my friends and I get to talk to Laurent," I listed before I rememberer something, "And you let me go after I do my mission."

"Done," Egon said, "It's good to have you back."

"Wish I could say the same," I muttered looking back at the wall.

I heard him sigh before the bed rose and I heard footsteps getting further and further away.

"There's some clothes in the closet."

And with that, the door closed.

Once I knew he was gone, I buried my face into the sheets.

My shoulders trembled.

I just have to do what he wants then leave. Why now? I should've killed him the first time.


Yes it is I. The dead author. I know, no need to applaud.

I'm kidding. I just came back from this fun camping trip, and I think I caught something.

Finally updating this book as I finally remembered the plot I was heading for.

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