Everything I Never Told You (...

By nyxonoverthere

11.5K 669 908

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I. The Dare
II. The Brooding Gypsy Born Guy
III. Texting Games
IV. The Famous Musician
V. Shit to Clean Up
VI. Wished I Were Dead
VII. In My Memories
VIII. Still You
IX. What are the fucking odds?
X. You Never Tried
XI. Like I Did
XII. Caffeine Chat
XIII. Fight Or Flight
XIV. The Punches We Regret But Not Really
XV. Why am I so attached?
XVI. I Owe It To You
XVII. Harder Not To Smile
XVIII. Pretend To Be One
XIX. Except For You
XX. Much Love
XXI. While I Can
XXII. You Don't Need To Talk
XXIII. Big Deal
XXIV. When You Call Me
XXV. Around Me
XXVI. Lilacs & Roses
XXVII. Really Really
XXVIII. Half Bad
XXIX. Isn't Here Anymore
XXX. Opera Tickets
XXXI. Being a Phoenix
XXXII. Enough
XXXIII. Control Freak
XXXIV. Bluebell & Blues
XXXV. Little Moments
XXXVI. People Together
XXXVII. Insults
XXXVIII. Every Bit
XXXIX. The Usual Cafe
XL. Your Arrangements
XLI. A Leaf is No Big Deal
XLII. Worth Keeping Close
XLIII. Knew Dismissal
XLIV. Then Do It Right Now
XLV. Another Leaf
XVLI. Draco & Nick
XLVII. School Dance
XLVIII. People Staring
XLIX. Moving On
L. Two Kids
LI. Jail
LII. Mixed Messages
LIII. Toy Monkey
LIV. When Things Are Broken
LV. Conflicted Feelings & Clothes
LVII. It's Only You
LVIII. Loverboy
LIX. Do It Again
LX. Who Pays
LXI. Noah Brad is a Jerk
LXII. About Us
LXIII. Cat's Eyes
LXIV. Cut Your Hair
LXV. Guitar Lessons
LXVI. Distracting
LXVII. Stupid Fan
LXVIII. The Other Guy
LXIX. Middle School Kids Should Not Be Photographed
LXX. Wingardium Nervosa
LXXI. What It Takes To Be A Man
LXXII. What You Like To Call Your Own
LXXIII. I Hope He Changes
LXXIV. Burden
LXXV. Discussion
LXXVI. Everything I Could Have Asked For
LXXVII. At All Times
LXXVIII. Trials That Failed
LXXIX. You Better Not
LXXX. Simping Over Notes Because That's Cute Lol
LXXXI. Limericks Are Silly
LXXXII. Plot Twist
LXXXIII. Flashback
LXXXIV. Done With Her
LXXXV. Young Love
LXXXVI. One Is Enough
LXXXVII. Life Updatesโ„ข
Epilogue- Part 1
Epilogue-Part 2
important- taking requests and more

LVI. Nightmares are Dreams Too

64 5 4
By nyxonoverthere

I hope I come in your dreams like you do in mine. 

~Julian to Heath

Though he had never seen Julian's grave he was standing in front of it now. A weird sensation of familiarity flowed through him like he had been there. He saw flashes of himself, kissing his boyfriend but for some reason Jules' face was blurred. No, it wasn't blurred, it was shielded from view, only his back visible. 

He had tried to stop imagining his face, he hadn't forgotten it. It was stupid of him to think it would entirely disappear. Three years with someone is a long time. 

When his face was finally visible, his blue-green( not exactly hazel) eyes that looked like precious stones, his soft wavy brown hair flowing in the wind though Heath couldn't feel any air moving. Everything was deathly still. 

Heath smiled at him, wanting to hug him and kiss him and tell him he missed him so much. He knew he would come back. Julian didn't seem amused or even smiling at him. He looked at him with indifference and as if he were something very wrong, an entire stranger. He looked at him as if he were water and all he had seen was fire. 

"Jules?" Heath echoed, his body felt heavy. He couldn't move, felt weighed down. He looked at his feet, he was standing on the grass wearing his shoes expect they were black instead of white. 

"Don't say my name like that," he snapped angrily. Fire danced in his pupils and Heath flinched even though they were at least ten feet apart. It was almost like he was whispering like a snake, his throat putting pressure on every word to make it sound like pure venom. "You left me to die."

This time Heath felt like he had actually been slapped, he recoiled in horror as Jules moved forward freely unlike him. He glided forward, barely moving like time affected him differently than Heath. He came closer until they were only a meter apart. 

"You think this is helplessness?" he said, every word fused with pain and hatred. He gestured towards his feet that refused to move. "It's nothing compared to what your dad did."

Please. I don't want to know. I am sorry. I am sorry he did that. I am nothing like him.

The words got stuck in his throat, refusing to come out as if Jules could control him with his mind and mere thought.

Why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me. 

"Your dad knocked me out with a bat first," he seethed and Heath could see the replay of the events in his eyes. His dad came closer to Julian, almost like a shadow behind him. He was holding a bat, no big deal. He was dressed as a little league coach. Suddenly, when Jules was about to turn to a larger street, he hit him in one blows and knocked him out. His head was split open like a fruit, blood comes out of it, oozing like a fountain. 

Heath could feel his throat closing up, his senses going insane. He couldn't stop imagining the gruesome scene. Jules' body hitting the ground slowly, like a feather, another life gone in a flash of seconds. 

"He mauled by body next," Julian said, sounding a little softer like he was telling a bed time story. Flashes of the scene passed through Heath's mind. He had not seen his dad in years but he could imagine what he looked like. He ran his nails over his face and Heath screamed, almost feeling the sensation. His dad smiled, feeling accomplished at the amount of blood he had trailed across the boy's face. He licked the blood off them, wincing at the coppery tang. Heath's head spiraled into the void. He felt like he was dying. 

"He saw a bottle lying next to my body, some fucker must have left it around," Jules's voice said, though he was nowhere to be seen. "He pushed it through my left eye. You said you loved my eyes because they looked like sea-glass once. Did you love them when you saw them be destroyed and toyed with?"

Please, I am sorry. It was all my fau-

"You are right," Julian said, he could feel his sad smile reaching him. "It would be so much better if you didn't exist. I wouldn't be dead. Conan wouldn't have to be with someone who is always miserable and sad and depressed. Lim would have a friend who actually likes to have fun and not just sit at home the whole day. And your mom? She wouldn't have gotten divorced. She would have been...happy.

"You are such a waste of space," Jules whimpered, reappearing again. He looked like was about to burst into tears. There was a piece of glass stuck underneath his eyes. "But I love you. I really do. You left me to die, Heath but I still love you. You let your dad murder me, but I still love you. You didn't even show up at the court proceedings or the funerals, did you? Too busy being the best. Even after it all, I love you. But what I don't get...is how you could replace me so easily."

I didn't replace you. I love you still. 

It was almost as if he heard him screaming in his mind. His eyes flickered with the barest fleck of humanity as he spoke again, giving his words attention. 

"Then why are you with him?"

I am not in love with Conan. 

"Then why are you with him?" he screamed, demanding an explanation. His eyes burned with rage, killing all the softness that had existed once. "You don't love me enough. You threw me away like some fucking toy!"

Julian didn't like cursing. He never used these words, never. He hated cursing. He would wince if Heath cursed and smack his hand for using them around kids. He must be really angry. 

I didn't throw you away. I never did. I have always loved you. 

"I am sorry, Heath," he said, picking out the glass from underneath his eyes and holding it like a pen. It didn't look like it hurt. "Some things must be done." He raised his hand, the piece in his hand. 

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