My Deskmate Is A KITTY


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Felix is just a normal boy who is afraid of cats. But afraid of a cat has gave him a life cursed, which is... More

not an update
The Sequel!!!
(๐Ÿ˜ŒBonus chapter๐Ÿ˜Œ)


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Why the heck that Hongie suddenly wants to see me? He said he was busy..

I waited for him at our usual place. After a few second, I saw him walking to my table and take a sit.

"Hey! So..why did you want to see me? miss me already?" I teased him.

But he didn't respond, he just nodding at me. Hmm, What's going on...?

"What have you done?" He asked. Giving me somewhat unusual vibe.

I just tilted my head, asking him with my eyes. Well, what have I done?

"What do you mean?" I have no idea looking at his reaction.

"You do know how my friendship with Hyunjin, right?"

Oh hell, now he mentioned his name.. was it because of the picture?

"Of course I do. But what are you trying to say ?" Oh please dont tell me that he...

"Why did you do that? I know about what you have done to Hyunjin and Felix, and if you ask me.. I dont like whatever the hell you're doing right now."

Crap! How did he know?! Who tell him? Hyunjin? Felix?

"Lia? Are you listening?"

I nods. Feeling a bit frustrated now.

"What ridiculous are you saying? I dont do anything." I hope he trust me.

He then shake his head while sarcastically laughing at me. "I know you, Lia. I know you well... Tell me why did you hate them? What did they ever do to you?"

This damn boy... He seems like he put the importance on them more than me.. his girlfriend?!

"Fine. Yes! I did. They hurt my feelings! But why are you so care about them? I'm your girlfriend!" I show him how much upset I am right now.

While crossing my hand, I rolled my eyes.

"I know them before you. We're close friends, thats why I care. Plus I dont want you to do something stupid like this. Look, you're smart and all.. dont waste it on small things like this. You get what I mean.." He said while staring at me.

I stare back, still upset with the thought of they are way more important than me.

"Now tell me, is there any more reason to bully Felix? Ruining Seungmin and I.n relationship? Tell me now." Sound soft but Hongjoong does look mad at me.

When I look back, he is right. I got no reason to do that. Well, maybe Felix hurt my feelings when he refused to join Hyunjin's fanclub but does it matter now? I've already have Hongie with me.. so why do I need to care?

"Lia?" Because of a sudden silent, he called me while tapping my hand on the table.

I look at him. "You're right, Hongie. I dont have any reason to cause a problem with them. I'm sorry." I said while slowly looking down out of guilt.

"Its okay, I'm not mad at you. But what you have to do now is to apologize to them. Confront them, and say sorry like how you did to me just now. Can you?"

Hongjoong is always a soft-spoken person to me even if he is mad.. hmm... Lia, you should apologized, right?

"But, what if, I said If.. if they dont want to accept it? I'll be done for!"

"No. I know them well, especially Felix. He will forgive you right away. But not Hyunjin I guess.."

"Are you trying to scare me?"

Hongjoong laugh after what I said. "Dont worry, girl. He will forgive you."


The cursed.... Will gone soon...

But you will be




I opened my eyes, panting hard. Heavy breathing. Like I just carry the whole building in my sleep until I sweats too much.

Yeah, its just a dream. But what does it mean though..? that voices... Why are they so deep? Deeper than Felix's deep voice.

"They were talking about cursed.. Felix?" I mumble alone.

Once the cursed is gone..,
You'll be forgotten,
By him.

"No! Felix will forgot about me?!"

I got up from my bed and storm outside my house fast. Its still 3 am. Of course, Felix is inside his house!

Gosh! What I heard just now isnt a joke for me. I'm afraid that its true!

And if it true... I dont want the cursed to be gone.

But thinking that its still so early to wake him up, I went inside again.

With a heavy heart, I try to coax myself for not thinking about it. It was just a dream, yeah.. its not meant anything. Wheww...


I noticed Hyunjin being so quiet since morning. Well, in our class, he is not saying much. Even when teacher was explaining, he is not paying attention at all.

And now we're at the canteen, he just gaze at me with a quick smile before continuing eating his food. Even though he doesn't seem like he's enjoying it.

He even ignore Han who is never stop talking about his and Minho love story. Even Seungmin who is still sad with I.n also enjoying Han's story, so did I. But not Hyunjin, he seem like in his deep thought.

What's troubling him? I poke his shoulder. He look at me after that.

"What's going on?" I ask him with my lower voice doesnt want others to noticed.

Instead of saying anything, he just looking so perplexed.

"You are so quiet, today? Something bothering you? You get a bad dream again?" Please, dont tell me you got your trauma attacking you again.

"Nothing." That's all he said.

And I feel so dumb here. How come its nothing to look gloomy like that?

"After school, meet me. We need to talk." I said. Strict.

Hyunjin nods.

"Guys! Look. I saw Lia is coming towards us. What did she want this time? And what is Young doing with her?" Han starting to panic.

"I'm going to punch her on the face!" Said Seungmin, angrily standing but we get to hold him back so that he can calm down.

"Minnie, calm the frack down. Remember, you're a good guy and good guy dont hit girls." Said Han.

Finally wise words coming out from that squirrel mouth.

We just give an intense stare at Lia who is walking towards us with Wooyoung beside her.

Hyunjin scoot closer to me, like he was blocking me from Lia.

"Hey guys!" Wooyoung cheerfully greet us all.

"Young hyung.. why are you hanging out with this wench?" Han rolled his eyes at Lia.

Gosh, I'm the one who should be mad like that. But Han just look more angrier than me.

"I know right? This girl is trouble you should always avoided." Said Hyunjin.

I rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Guys, calm down. Lia is here for a good reason." He said.

"Whatever the heck she wants to say, I'm pretty sure its not a good thing." Seungmin blurted.

I never thought softie like Seungmin could be that intimidating too.

"Guys, relax. Lia, say it." Said Wooyoung hyung, try to ease the situation.

Lia just look hesitating for whatever the hell she was going to say. She then come closer to me and Hyunjin while Hyunjin is still blocking me from her.

"Guys, I come here to apologize. I know, I have causes so many trouble with you all. Especially, you Felix. I humiliated you in front of others that day, and towards Hyunjin and Seungmin too. I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

We all just look at her with an unconvinced faces. Still contemplating wether to believe her or not.

"Okay, I know its hard for all of you to forgive which is understandable, but I'm really sincerely sorry." She said, her eyes look trembling. I can see how sincere she is.

"So, like this, I will never bother you guys again. Wooyoung oppa, I'm going now." With that, Lia took her leave.

"Wait, Lia." I call her.

Everyone turn to me giving a "wtf" look. I just give a quick smile to them.

"W-why, Felix?" She asked.

"We forgive you." I said.

"Heck no." Interrupt Han.

"I know right, why would we?" Said Hyunjin while glaring at me.

I dont dare to look at Hyunjin with that eyes.

"Kissing a cow would be better than this shit." Seungmin strike his bad side again.

Aih.. since when he becomes like that?

Wooyoung hyung and Han burst into laughter after that. But they stopped when I give them sharp glares.

"Dont listen to them, Lia. I know they're still mad at you. I am too, its hard to forget what you have done to me. But look, we're humans so we forgive each other. Okay?" I said.

She then lay her eyes at me, a touching look. "Thank you! Felix! I promised you, I will never bother you again. Okay? Okay, I'll get going now. Thank you, once again, Felix. And Seungmin.. I will tell I.n the truth after this. Rest assured, right? Okay, I'll take my leave now. Bye!"

With that she left,, jumping in happiness.

"Lix, seriously?" Han starting to question my action.

"Well, look... I'm tired of having enemy so lets just live happily after this. Shall we?"

They just rolled their eyes to me, irritated because I'm being nice to Lia.

"Felix is doing the right thing, you should not blame her. She has changed this past 2 days." Said Wooyoung.

"Anyway, Thank you hyung. For dealing with this matter well." I said to Wooyoung.

I know he helped too.

He just nods at me before fixing his eyes towards Hyunjin who has been staring at him. And, for some reason these two look like they're having crisis.


Shit, Felix has audacity to thanked him when I'm right here beside him, huh?

I just intensely glare at Wooyoung who also looking at me for a minute fine.

Yeah, we're having crisis. And it happen a few week ago.


Someone was banging at my door hard, creating such noises.

Gosh!! Who the heck is that? I lazily went outside, walk down the stairs and opened the main door.

Wooyoung hyung was standing outside, smirking at me.

Huh? "Hyung, whats bring you here?" I asked.

"Lets go out for a while. I really want to have a drink with you." He said.

"Suddenly?" I felt weirded out about this now.

"Oh, come on. Its about Felix, lets have a talk."

So after that, I finally agreed to hang out with him. So, we goes to the usual place.

The waiter serve us, uhh.. wines?

"Hyung, I cant take those." I said.

"What? You cant handle heavy drinks huh?" He smirked, looking down on me. More like provoking me.

Well, if I were being honest, alcohol is not my cup of tea but the way he look at me making me feel like I'm being challenged.

I took one shot and trust me, the bitter taste went zup! To my head already. Oh frack, I hate this taste so much.

"You like Felix?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked a bit trembling as the wine was already taking over me a bit.

"What is Felix for you, huh?" Wooyoung hyung pour a bit more inside my glass.

I just stare at it, as I felt disgusted already.

"He's a friend. W-why?" Damn, why am I stuttering.

"So, you and him really doesnt have anything in between?"

I nods. He lift my drink and give it to me, wanting me to drink it again. I shake my head, refusing it but he just smirk at me. The same mocking smirk as if for him, I'm a weak guy.

So with that, I take the cup from him and drank it.

"Bottoms up, my dude." He said.

As what he wants, I finished it in one sip. Gosh!! There's goes on my head again!! Ahh..

"So, you can stay away from him, right?" He said.

I dont know how to respond as my head is spinning right now. Everything is not so clear and what I saw was like my world is upside down and as if I'm rolling on the floor like a ball.

"Hyunjin ah... Can you stay away from Felix?"

I dont know what he asked about but I just nods due to forced.

(End of flashback)

I'm pretty sure he still remember that night. Thats why, for some reason, we still couldnt stop glaring at each other.

"Err, guys... Did you two were having a staring contest or what?" Points Han while wrapping his arms on me and Wooyoung hyung.

We both look at him and others, they all look so puzzled.

"N-nothing.. Han..Felix. Lets go, the break time is over." I drag both my classmates with me.

"Bye minnie!! See you after class." I said waving at Seungmin.

Seungmin wave at us again while still looking so confused. 


"What actually happen to you and Young hyung?"

Hyunjin just shake his head, while holding my hand.

"Stop asking about him. Because I have something to ask." He pull me to sit with him at the bus stop.

There's no students here because we both are late. Finishing the assignments at the classroom along with Han before going home. Han is already being pick by Minho hyung just now, leaving me and my lovely Hyunjin alone.

"What do you want to ask?" I give him my heart eyes.

"How do I say this? Hmm... Okay. Lixie, can I know how can you being cursed to be a cat?" He asked.

"Its be because of that one night when I accidentally kicked a cat and its stumble away looking so hurt. After that, I heard this one deep voice out of nowhere... Telling me that every Thursday night, I will become a cat. At first, I dont give a damn since I think maybe its just a ghost. But, when it came out true, I panicked. And for now, I dont know.. they clowned be because every single freaking night, I will become a cat." I answer him.

He nods, starting to get my story.

Since, today is not that busy so I decided to spend time talking with my boyfriend.

We both went to the cafe near our school, grabbing some ramen and drinks.

"Any more questions?" I really want to tell him everything now.

He just nods. "I do!"

"Ask away, babe." I said.

"Do you see me as Hyunjin or Sam? Please, takes time before answering because this question is important to me."

Looking at Hyunjin being serious, I guess I really need to give an answer that he wants to hear. But honestly, I am so afraid to talk about Sam because of his trauma.

"Felix...? Are you ready to answer me?"

I nods at him. Fuhh, hopefully this is what he wants to hear. Because this is what I really want to.

"Hyunjinie.. please listen to me carefully okay?" I want him to calm himself down before hearing my point of view about him.

He nods, looking so impatient to know.

"Okay. Actually, I've already moved on from our five years story. The day I fall for you was the day I know you as Hyunjin. That time, I promised myself to forget about Sam and start anew. Its hard, but you know.. Hyunjin is always by my side, help me ease everything and make my day better. So technically, I'm in love with Hwang Hyunjin and not Sam." Soft and calm, I take his hand.

"You mean?"

"I meant, You are Hyunjin. The cheerful and happy Hyunjin who I'm in love with. Not the one who live in pain and the one I never defend back then." I hope, I'm saying the right thing and it would not triggered Hyunjin.

"I'm glad you said that. So, thats means.. you fallen in love with me even before you know that I'm actually Sam?"

I nods fast while widely smiled at him.

"What about you? Since when did you fall for me?" I asked.

I'm also want to know it too, because.. I dont want him to fall for the past Felix.

"I told you, right? The day I brought myself far from you, the day when you're in trouble, I feel the urge to protect you. I realized how much I like you was when we were with others playing Truth or Dare and they told me to kiss you. That day.. was when my heart start to pound hard. I love you since then." He said while link arm with me.

I starting to blush, no wonder he just stare at me that whole day. Its because we both were hiding the same feelings towards each other.

"I love you, Hyunjin."

"I know, I love you too." He said, pulling my chin toward him.

Ah, no!! Does he want to k-k-kiss me???

"Guys!" Seungmin appeared out of nowhere sitting with us and sip on Hyunjin's drink, looking tired as heck.

I can see dissapointment in Hyunjin's face because he failed for the second time. Feeling ticklish, I just giggles at him.

"Minnie, you really have to show up at this kind of moment." Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Seungmin who doesnt even give a damn.

"Just carry on, I dont really care to be honest." He said, this time he's eating my fries.

We just awkwardly laugh. Means that he saw it all along.

"Order yours Seungmin." I said. ,

He just shake his head. "I'm in a rush."

"Where to?" I asked, looking at him so rushing.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about my vocal lessons. Actually, I'm going to participate in this one audition, please pray for me." He said.

Hyunjin gasping after that, I'm also proud hearing this.

"Minnie, so you're going to become a trainee, huh?" Said Hyunjin, looking so happy.

"I hope so. Wish me luck, guys!" He said.

"But, minnie.. Innie knows about this?" Suddenly Hyunjin ask an unexpected question.

A wide smile that is on Seungmin's face faded away. He shook his head. "I cant reached out to him. I think he blocked me."

"Oh no, minnie! What can we help you with?" Hyunjin just look worried now.

"Right, Seungmin. Tell us how can we help you?" I also worried.

"You guys dont need to, I'm already know the truth." Some voices comes out from nowhere.

The three of us turn to him and... Yeah..

Its Jeongin.

He is smiling at Seungmin, staring at him with a tender eyes.

"I- Innie..." Seungmin cant help but to look shocked as heck.

(Some Seungin crumbs wont hurt right?)

(Anyway love you guys~)

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