
By svnshine23

614K 18.4K 5.2K

Pulchritude is a thrilling Vampire Diaries fanfiction that introduces Maddy, a powerful 895-year-old banshee... More

~Chapter One ~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
~Chapter Twenty Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty One~
~Chapter Thirty Two~
~Chapter Thirty Three~
~Chapter Thirty Four~
~Chapter Thirty Five~
~Chapter Thirty Six~
~Chapter Thirty Seven~
~Chapter Thirty Eight~
~Chapter Thirty Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
On hold
~Chapter Forty One~
~Chapter Forty Two~
~Chapter Forty Three~
~Chapter Forty Four~
~Chapter Forty Five~
~Chapter Forty Six~
~Chapter Forty Eight ~
~Chapter Forty Nine~
~Chapter Fifty~
~Chapter Fifty One~
~Chapter Fifty Two~
~Chapter Fifty Three~
~Chapter Fifty Four~
~Chapter Fifty Five~
~Chapter Fifty Six~
~Chapter Fifty Seven~
~Chapter Fifty Eight ~
~Chapter Fifty Nine~
~Chapter Sixty~
~Chapter Sixty One~
~Chapter Sixty Two~
~Chapter Sixty Three ~
~Chapter Sixty Four~
~Chapter Sixty Five~
~Chapter Sixty Six~
~Chapter Sixty Seven~
~Chapter Sixty Eight~
~Chapter Sixty Nine~
~Chapter Seventy~
~Chapter Seventy One~
~Chapter Seventy Two~
~Chapter Seventy Three~
~Chapter Seventy Four~
~Chapter Seventy Five~
~Chapter Seventy Six~
~Chapter Seventy-Seven~
~Chapter Seventy-Eight~
~Chapter Seventy-Nine~

~Chapter Forty Seven~

4.6K 181 49
By svnshine23

Maddy was slowly making her way to the bar to meet up with Stefan and Klaus. Her thoughts were clouded with memories of her and a certain female Original. The time she had spent by herself sitting next to Rebekah's coffin waiting for her to awake almost made her wanna turn her humanity back on. Keyword, almost. She fled the warehouse before she could think about flipping the switch back on any longer.

Rebekah was a secret she kept to herself so nobody could ruin it for her. When she had met the blonde, she had finally left the Salvatores and was still mourning the death of Genevieve. The way the two of them came across each other was actually a funny story.


Madison sat alone in a bar, an acholic beverage in her hand. She wasn't really enjoying the drink, it was just a cover-up so she could spot her next meal. Her eyes landed on a dark-haired man who from the back could've passed as Damon Salvatore. He was quite attractive and when his brown eyes locked onto her green ones, she knew he was the one.

Running her tongue over her lips she stands up from her seat and makes her way towards him, swaying her hips as she walked. She never really needed to try when it came to flirting or luring her next meal away from everyone. Perks of being an attractive underestimated woman in 1918.

"You know, it's not very nice to stare at women." She smiles, sitting in the empty seat next to him.

"Sorry, can't help it if a pretty girl catches my eye." He shrugs, returning the smile.

"Pretty?" She scoffs, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Please, I am gorgeous."

"Confident, I like that." He laughs, putting a hand on her thigh. "I'm Leo. Can I buy you a drink?"

"I'm sure she's not interested, but you can buy me one." A female voice speaks up, sitting in the other empty seat next to the man.

Maddy's smile quickly turned into a frown when the blonde started running a finger up and down Leo's bicep. For about an hour, the two females went back and forth trying to outdo each other neither one knowing they were both vampires.

"If I were you, sweetheart, I would step down."

"Well then, good thing you're not me." Maddy retorts.

"Relax, ladies. There's enough of me to go around for both of you. I'm sure we can all have a little fun. How much do you two charge for a whole night?"

Maddy exchanges a look of anger with the mystery blonde before she sends her fist connecting with Leo's private area. At the same time, the blonde punches him in the jaw.

"Ahh!" Leo groans, holding his private and now broken jaw.

"Just because two beautiful women are willing to waste their time and talk to you, doesn't mean they're whores." Maddy says before throwing his drink in his face and walking out. Her hunger was now gone bee cause of his vile accusation.

"Hey!" The blonde speeds in front of her outside. "What's your name?"

Maddy chuckles in realization. This girl was a vampire and she was trying to compel her.

"Nice try, but I'm a vampire too. Now move the hell out of my way." Maddy sighs, walking past her.

In a second, she's sped into an alley and shoved against a brick wall by her throat. "I don't fancy the way you talk to me. I might just rip your head off your pretty little neck right now." The blonde sneered.

That's when Maddy's anger had finally reached its last straw. She gave an evil growl before headbutting the woman in the face. Switching their positions, she smashes her head against the wall.

"You can try." Maddy fumed, stepping back so the girl could regain her composure, ready to continue the fight in she had to.

The blonde stands up with a small smile on her face. "You're a lot stronger than you look." She states sizing Maddy's smaller figure up and down.

"So I've been told," Maddy responds.

They stare at each other for a few seconds longer before they both let their guard down. "I'm Rebekah."

"I'm Madison Sinclair."

Rebekah's breath hitches in her throat when she discovers her name. This was the girl her brother had been searching for.

"I know my name isn't as nice as Rebekah, but I didn't think it was that bad." Maddy laughs, noticing Rebekah's demeanor change.

"No, it's not that." Rebekah shakes her head with a small smile.

"Then what is it?"

"It's nothing. It's just, I think I found myself a new friend." Rebekah smiles.

She would just have to keep Madison Sinclair away from her family. She wasn't gonna tell Maddy anything about the Mikalesons. Their friendship would just have to be a secret...

End of Flashback

A small smile made its way onto her face before she quickly shook her head and pushed it away. She and Rebekah had plenty of good times together in the two years they were around each other. She was one of the closest friends she had until Rebekah left her with nothing but a note claiming that she had taken off to protect her.

Walking into the bar she spots Klaus sitting on a stool. The place was still empty and still gave off creepy vibes. Luckily for her, Stefan was nowhere in sight. Well, luckily for him, because she was about five seconds away from snapping his neck.

"Ah, there's my beautiful banshee." Klaus smiles.

"There's my handsome hybrid," Maddy says sarcastically before giving him the finger and taking a seat beside him.

"Still in a bit of bad mood today I see." Klaus sighs, pulling her chair closer to him and resting his hand on her upper thigh. "How about I help you fix that?" He offers, planting a soft kiss on her jawline.

"Mm, tempting, but considering you're so adamant on making your hybrids, I don't think we'll have enough time." She states.

"I can put my hybrid mission on hold for you you." He whispers, kissing down her neck.

"Wow, you sure know how to make a girl feel special." Maddy chuckles, a genuine smile making its way onto her face.

"Only you, Love." He smiles back, pulling her onto his lap.

"Then why are you forcing me to be here?" She asks, looking down at him.

"Because Madison, I know exactly who you're gonna run back to if I let you go. All they're gonna do is hurt you again." Klaus speaks before taking her face in his hands and looking deep into her eyes. "I want you to be me I want you to be yourself...Turn it back on." He compels.

A wave of emotion overcame Maddy. Every bit of anger and sadness and regret all hitting her at once as she crawled off of his lap and stood on her feet. Having her humanity off helped avoid the feelings that she was slowly gaining for Klaus. Now that it was back on, she had to acknowledge them. She also had to acknowledge the fact that the people she thought were her friends didn't care about her the way she thought they did. On top of all that, she had to deal with the fact that Rebekah had lied to her for two years and she was soon to face her again.

"Do you still want to leave?" Klaus questions, standing up with her, hoping her answer would be no.

She shakes her head, a few stray tears falling from her eyes. "I don't know."

Klaus nods his head before compelling her again, "You no longer have to stay with me. You're free to do whatever your heart desires." He speaks carefully before embracing her in a hug that she very much needed.

She knew if she left she would be alone again, because even if she didn't want to admit it, Klaus was right. Damon and Elena weren't her friends, and neither were the rest of them. They all managed to find a way to hurt her and feel almost no remorse after.

Maybe staying with Klaus wasn't all that bad. He obviously cared about her. That's exactly what she needed, someone who cared about her.

"Last call. Drink 'em up love birds!" Gloria calls out before walking away again.

The comforting feeling leaves Maddy's body when Klaus reluctantly pulls away. "I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now." He sighs, keeping his arm wrapped around Maddy's waist.

"Oh, honey, I've been called worse." The voice of Damon Salvatore rings throughout the bar. "What the hell is this?" He questions, scrunching his face up in disgust when he notices how the two were standing.

Seeing Klaus holding Maddy the way he was made Damon angry. The fact that she actually looked comfortable with it made him pissed.

"What are you doing here?" Maddy inquires, feeling both happiness and anger seeing the older Salvatore.

"Coming to get you and Stefan. What are you doing letting the enemy fill you up?"

"You mean your enemy because he was never mine." She states.

"He sacrificed Elena at an altar, and Killed Jenna." Damon reminds.

"Elena wasn't my girlfriend nor was she a real friend. And Jenna, Rest In Peace her soul, wasn't my family.."

"I know what this is. You're saying all this because your humanity is off. Stefan told me."

"No," she shakes her head. "My humanity is back on. Everything I'm saying right now, I mean."

"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus questions, pecking Maddy on the lips before stepping forward.

"Give me my best friend and my brother back...You'll never have to see me again." Damon states, clenching his fists.

"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly, you want to die, otherwise, you wouldn't be here, so..."

"What can I say? I'm a thrill-seeker." Damon shrugs before Klaus quickly grabs him by his throat.

Klaus lifts Damon off the floor by the throat using one arm. Maddy watches carefully having an inner battler with herself. On one hand, she wanted to see Damon get hurt for everything he put her through. Taking advantage of her love for him, using her kindness and love for humankind as a weakness. Being used by the people she loved most felt like a stake to the heart.

On the other hand, she still cared about him and a part of her always would, even if he did hurt her more times than she could count. That was something she hated about her humanity. She could never treat someone she cared about so poorly. Even when Katherine didn't deserve her forgiveness, she came around because it wasn't in her blood to hate someone for so long.

"Oh, dear, what was that? I'm boozy, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries." Klaus speaks, stabbing Damon in the stomach with a toothpick making him grunt in pain. "Ohh! No, that's not it. Hmm. Almost." He says, stabbing him a few more times and snoring the last some towards his heart.

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Maddy and Stefan. I'm so much more fun." Damon choked out.

Klaus throws the younger vampire backward, his body crashing on top of a table, breaking it, and landing on the ground on his back. The Original walks over, rips a part of a chair off as a makeshift stake, glances at Maddy, and crouches over Damon.

"Actually, I don't think you'll come close to being as fun as Maddy. She is quite the freak." Klaus chuckles remembering their time together in the woods. "Either way, you won't be any fun after you're dead.." He says, raising the stake over his head.

Maddy speeds over, grabbing his wrist and stopping him from ending Damon's life.

"Don't, please." She begs.

Klaus stares up at her before glancing down at Damon. He sighs, tossing the stake aside.

"Really?" He questions in annoyance.

"Yes. I think he's taken the hint. Just let him go." She shrugs softly.

Damon tries to stand up but is pushed back down by Klaus. "You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back. As for Maddy, she's free to leave anytime she wants, but with the way you treat her, it wouldn't surprise me if she stayed with the person who actually puts her first." He states before standing up. "And you better thank her, because she just saved your life."

Maddy watches Klaus walk away before helping Damon up. He dusts himself off then stares down at her.

"How could you?" He shakes his head in disappointment.

"You're welcome." She sighs crossing her arms over her chest.

"I wasn't thanking you."

"Well, you should. You'd be dead right now if it wasn't for me jumping in and saving your ass as usual." Maddy states.

"Why would you sleep with him?"

"My humanity was off."

"Does that mean you regret it?" He asks hopefully.

Maddy goes silent for a second before speaking again. "No. No I don't."

"He's a bad guy, Maddy. Why can't you see that?" He furrows his brows.

"Because, Damon, at a time so were you." She points out.

"So that's it? You're staying here with him?"

"I don't want to go back to Mystic Falls and be a part of Elena's drama. My chances with Elijah got ruined because I was too worried about putting her first and being a good friend. Now I'm putting myself first. I wanna be happy, Damon. It's my turn to be happy, and if I can get that by being here with Klaus, then so be it. I'm not leaving with you, I'm sorry."

"So you're choosing him over me?" He assumed with tears of frustration in his eyes.

"No, Damon. I'm choosing me."


Klaus and Maddy enter the warehouse where the coffins were kept. They walked in a comfortable silence, a happy smile plastered on Klaus's face that he was trying to keep hidden. He had heard the entire conversation and was more than grateful that Maddy had chosen to stay with him.

"Don't look so glum, sweetheart. Now that your humanity is back on and you don't hate me as much as you thought you did. We can finally have some fun." He beamed, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"Good because I could really use a distraction. So let's hope this doesn't take long." Maddy sighs, still not bringing up the fact that she knew his sister.

Once they reach the coffins, they notice Rebekah's was now empty. In front of it, the man who Klaus compelled earlier was on the floor dead.

"Rebekah...It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are." Klaus exclaims.

Suddenly a gush of wind flies past Maddy. Rebekah stops in front of her brother, shoving a dagger into his chest.

"Go to hell, Nik!" She shouts.

"Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me." He speaks, pulling out and dropping it to the floor.

"Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more." She crosses her arms, before noticing Maddy standing next to him. "Madison." She gasps, speeding in front of her.

"Rebekah." Maddy greets, sending her a curt nod.

"You two know each other?" Klaus questions in surprise.

"Know each other? This is my best friend." Rebekah smiles, pulling Maddy in for a hug.

Maddy's body relaxed in the blonde's arms. Rebekah was one of the few people that she managed to let her guard down with.

"I'm sorry," Rebekah whispers.

"You should be," Maddy states pushing her away. "Our relationship was an entire lie for two years..."

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