🐊discontinued🐊I'm Fucked Ar...

By ATadFruity

45.5K 1.2K 903

To the people who actually read this and like it, I will see you in hell lovelies. <3 Sometimes I put my own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
quick question-
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

2.3K 63 18
By ATadFruity

Jeff's POV:

I open my eyes to feel a raging headache absolutely bash me in the head. Groaning, I sit up. A cup of water sitting on the table in front of me, sometimes I forget thats a basic human need. Sometimes I forget I'm still human. Well, barely human.

I grab the cup, my hand shaking as I bring it to my lips, tipping the cup, I feel the cold water run along my tongue, eager to swallow it. My once dry and warm mouth, now cooled and wet.

I look around after putting the cup down. There's seems to be no one here in this semi dark room. Standing up, slowly, forgetting how to walk for a quick second, I move towards the door, opening it to leave.

The bright living room making my eyes hurt.

My hands move to block the bright light before a small figure runs up to me and gives my body a tight squeeze.

"Hiya, Jeff!" I look down to the small girl in a pair of pink overalls and a nice white shirt.

I laugh, "Hey, Sal." Hugging her back, I let go and make my way up the stairs to my dark room. The light burning my eyes.

I open my door and slip in, shutting it behind me, I grab a hair tie off of my nightstand and put my hair in a ponytail. Moving towards my bed to lay down. Head still pounding, but much less after the water.

Maybe I should carry around a water bottle. That might be a lot more convenient. I sigh and groan. Getting up once more I shield my eyes from the light outside of my room. Walking down the stairs as I wait for my eyes to get used to the brightness.

"Sal!" My voice still raspy as I attempt to clear it.

"Yes?" I hear footsteps run towards me.

"Do you think you could find me a water bottle from the kitchen? And could you fill it up for me?" I watch as a big smile pops up on her face.

"Absolutely!" She runs into the kitchen. As I go sit down on the stairs. Putting my head down as I play with my hair. Clanging coming from the kitchen. I laugh lightly and shake my head. Getting up and walking into the kitchen. I see her kneeling on top of the counter, attempting to reach for the bottles. Arms too short.

I watch her start to stand up, my entire body going into panic mode.

"Wait, Sally, don't stand. We're gonna make a plan. Okay?" I watch her small face brighten. I, smiling as well. "You're going to sit on my shoulders, and I'm going to kneel on the counter. Okay? Sound like a plan?"

I watch her nod. I walk over to her fully and kneel down a bit. Her light body on my shoulders as she holds on from under my chin. I climb up onto the counter carefully. Hanging onto the bottom and top of the bottom cabinet. Just for a small amount of stability.

"Tell me when you have a bottle, and not a pink one, or I'm gonna feed you to the Rake, outside." I hear as she puts a bottle back, making me laugh.

"Is this one good?" She shows me a dark Blue bottle.

"That's perfect." I take the bottle from her hand and climb down from the cabinet. The both of us knowing damn well we aren't allowed to climb up them in the first place.

Don't ask. Just Slender's rules. I turn around and move towards the cooler. Slender in my vision near the door with his arms crossed. My headache increasing slightly.

"We needed a bottle and I didn't think you were here, so I helped Sally get up." And I can't reach either. Now can you please, stop making my headache worse? Thank you?"

He turns and walks away. Saying nothing. Nothing at all. I fill up the bottle with cold water. The tense child on my shoulders relaxing a bit.

"I'm sorry Jeff, I got you in trouble..."

"Oi, hey. It's not your fault. You're okay. I promise." I let go of the cold water button and twist the lid on tightly.

"No one's in trouble, and besides, punishments aren't a bad thing, it just depends on the punishment being given." I hear her hum in agreement after reassuring her.

I smile slightly after taking a drink. "I noticed you had a new outfit? Did someone choose I for you?"

She rests her chin on my head, "Yeah, Clocky picked it out for me, said I looked cute in it." My smile widens.

"Well she did a great job. Tell her I said good job on the outfit, it suits you well." She giggles.

"Or you can just tell me yourself." A feminine voice is heard from behind me, turning around I feel Sally's head lift.

"Clocky!" Her hands let go of my chin making grabby hands towards her. Lifting her over my head I give her to the person in front of me.

"Good job on the outfit, now take this child, I'm going to go take a nap. Sal, I'll be in my room if you need me or get scared." She looks at me with bright eyes.

"Okay!" I turn and walk up the stairs. Hoping for no more talk, and for more sleep.

"H-H-Hiya Jeff." I sigh.

"Hello, Ben. What's up?" I turn to look at the boy in green pajamas, floating there.

"D-Do you wa-want to pla-play a game w-with me-e? Or are-are you g-goi-going to sleep?" I think about it for a moment.

"Can we play after my nap? And after my headache has left?" He smiles and nods, walking back into his room. Relief rushing through my body as I slouch and go to my room and lay down.

The second I walk in there, my room looks slightly off, like someone was in here previously. It looks, cleaner? It's off looking. Shrugging it off, I go to my nightstand drawer, opening to find my alcohol gone. My smokes are still there but there's no more alcohol. Did I drink it all? I didn't think I drank that much.

I shrug it off. Grabbing a smoke instead. Lighting it quickly, I inhale, coughing a little bit. I'm not allowed to smoke inside, but you know.

I should probably open a window, minimize the smell. I stand up and set the cig in my mouth. Opening the window, fresh air sets in.

That's what's different. Someone came in here and put the screen back on my window. And my bed is neat.

'Slender, were you in my room?'

"No need to contact me, I'm already in here." I jump inhaling once more before lighting it out with my hand, throwing it behind me.

A guilty smile playing on my face, "Were you in my room?" I hear him sigh.

"Yes, I was in your room, you're just, breaking rules all day today, hm?" I laugh nervously.

"I'm sorry, I wanted a water bottle and I asked Sal to get it for me and they tried to stand on the counter so I decided to climb up there and kneel so she didn't risk falling, and the reason why I was smoking in here was because I don't have enough energy to go outside." I speak quickly, trying to see if I can get out of this easily.

I look down at my hand and frown. No scar being present there. Sighing, I put a smile back on my face and stare at the tall man in front of me. He seems upset. I let go of the smile and go to lay down, my smoke time being ruined, and fatigue taking over me. My eyes getting heavy, I move the covers off to the side, crawling under them.

"I'll let you sleep for a little bit. But afterwards me and you are going to go for a walk." I groan, sitting up as I roll my eyes.

"Can't we just do that now? So I can get a full nap later?" I look up at him.

"Perhaps." I put on a smile.

"Great." I move to grab a hoodie. A dark blue one. One of my softest ones for sure. Taking a quick drink of my water, I set it down. Putting my shoes on I feel him grab the hood of my sweater. And we're instantly outside.

"I'm really starting to wonder why you don't like walking places." I frown and hold my spinning head.

"Takes too long."

"Oh please, with long ass legs like that, you could probably get to the nearest town in like 5 minutes. It wouldn't take you long." With how fast I can run, it would take me 10 minutes tops. Buts that's only if I can keep a steady pace.

"And what about you? How long would it take you?"

"Ten minutes tops. That is, if I can keep a steady pace." I frown. I can't run as much as I used to. I've been very out of it. As you've heard.

I definitely still can't see well. I almost walked into a few trees. There's this small sound, it's consistent, but small.

"Can you hear that?" I look up at him, shaking his head.

I turn my body and try to figure out where the sound is coming from, trying to see which ear it's the strongest in. It's definitely off to the left.

I turn towards the sound and start walking to it, the tall man now a shorter version of himself so I'm able to keep up with him without having to waste my energy on running.

"So why did you want to talk to me?" I wait for an answer silently, Slender still being taller than me. But short enough that I dont have to practically stare at the sky.

"Anything you want to. I just wanted you to go on a walk with me." He laughs. My face turns red slightly.

"W-Well thats mighty inconvenient, because I don't know what to talk about." I hear him hum, the noise getting closer, it sounds like a truck. "Why is there a truck here?"

"I don't know. How could you hear it, from all the way over there?" I shrug. I don't want to talk about that, just gotta hope my vision comes back slowly, I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse.

We near the truck slowly, it's a deep blue. And it's just running. By itself, I can't smell anyone either.

That is, until I look up, it's blurry but I can see a figure of a person. Standing up there.

"What the fuck?!" I tilt my head and smile at the person yelling. "What is wrong with your face!?" I jokingly frown.

"Aw, but aren't I beautiful?" He looks as though he's going to try and jump down. "Don't bother jumping, you'll either die when you hit the ground. Or I will get to you before you even so much as touch the grass." I stop, and tilt my head again.

'Not innocent.'


'He's not innocent.'

"Can I ask what your name is?" I peer up at him is curiosity.

"Otis. Helen Otis." I smile slightly.

'Serial killer.'

"My kind, Helen. Have you killed anybody?" He stops. As if instantly trying to take a risk and survive the fall.

"Answer the question." He ignores me.

'Slender. Grab him. He's going to jump.'

As if right on queue, he leaps off of the branch, Slender getting bigger and grabbing him before he touches the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so close buddy." I open the door to his truck a bloody mask sitting there. "This yours?"

"Don't touch that!" I laugh. The boy has dark hair, and a blue shirt. I crinkle my nose a bit, he must really like the colour blue.

"What do you do for a living bud?" He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"I fucking paint." I go wide eyed, and laugh a little bit.

"Bloody painter?" I smirk, and put the mask on him, "That's a little better."

He turns away. Probably flushed under the mask.

'He should be sent to the mansion.'


'One of us. Plus we're all killers and I'm sure if he tried to kill anyone there. Sally can just come back, she's practically a ghost, and Ben is basically a glitch. He's unstabbable. Plus Jane would kill him.'

Fair enough.

I sigh and go sit in the back of the truck. "Bye bye, Helen."

I'm alone now. Peace and quiet. I know he'll be back, always is. I start tapping my thighs, almost pretty much jumping the fuck out of the truck in fear.

Slender pops up, shorter of course. He stares at me and starts laughing.

"That's not fun- you scared the fuck out of me." I put my hand on my chest.

"It was pretty funny." I smile slightly.

"No it wasn't." I try to hide it by frowning.

"Come on! I saw the smile. You can't hide it." I roll my eyes and let the smile show. Small, but clear enough to be a smile.

"Fine. Maybe just a little bit." I look down at a small dark spot peeping through my sweater. It getting bigger.

I lift it up to show my pale scarred up stomach and a red bandage.

"Welp. That's sucks." I start to get woozy.

"I should... really stop bleeding so much." I watch his hand grab my own, shit getting dark.

"Hey, stay awake, you're okay." I shake my head, and try to open my eyes. Something soft under me. My bed?

"I'm tired."

"I know, just let me fix this and you can sleep." He takes the bandage off. "You need to sit up." His hand trails down my side making me shiver before I sit up, trying not to pass out. I didn't notice he left to get a towel and a new bandage.

Redoing everything from the last time. Minus the peroxide of course. Thank god.

Everything goes by quickly the next thing I know I hear the clips to keep the bandage in place. I finally lay down. Listening to Sally talk to Slender, "He's not feeling good, Sa-"

"I don't care! I want to take care of him."


The tiny child crawling into bed beside me along with her bear. I smile at her as she grabs my hand, sitting in front of me.

My eyes closing, passing out the second they closed.

BwHahahahHahahah heyyyyyyyyy-

I still couldn't make up my mind, so here is a rollercoaster of a chapter. One side of my brain was thinking about small spice. But then the other side was like, "no, too early, here, have a n g st."

But here you go lovelies. It is 5:24 in the morning, and I will probably pass out during one of my classes :)

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