skephalo oneshots ,

By dyingteo

33.2K 621 333

the romanticification of skephalo. • ; no capitals + often misspellings (i use ,,, instead of ...) ; writes... More

sunlight ,
above ,
tired ,
crimson ,
crybaby ,
love confessions ,
late nights ,
sleep call ,
drunk mumbles are sober thoughts ,
nerves ,
impromptu date,
admire ,

phasmaphobia ,

1.4K 40 27
By dyingteo

the house was freezing cold and bads fingers gripped around the flashlight. his knuckles drained with color every time he heard a noise, yet his mouth still full of back talk and harsh spitted statements from his and skeppys argument.

"dude, seriously, i didn't mean it. you know that!"
skeppy tried to defend himself,  just wanting this silly bickering to be done with. it wasn't even his fault, it was just a misunderstanding that bad was too prideful to take the fall of. the group stood near the entrance waiting for foolish to get the last of their supplies. to say he was petrified of even being in the house was an understatement.

"yet you still won't— you know what? i'm not gonna talk to you." bad cut himself off and crossed his arms with a huff. skeppy frowned at the unresovelment before forwarding his attention to eret as they started to speak.

"stop it, you'll attract the ghosts." an obvious lie seeped through his teeth,, but it made the two shut up for now.

foolish soon after entered with a cross in hand and a slight smile when he looked up at the group. the rest were either scared or unfazed, one was even shaking. a wild guess which one.
foolish kept close to the door as he placed down a couple of extra flashlights for people to grasp in case their current one died or they lost it.
"okay, let's go. rea–" the totem was cut off by the door slamming behind him. the rush of wind slapping him on the back, as well as gusts of it reaching the other hunters.

if nobody closed the door themselves, the door slamming was a clear indication that a hunt was about to start. either you hide or you try to stop it with a cross in hand. if you don't have one of the crosses your best chance is to hide alone with little to no sound.

eret looked at the rest of them with wide eyes before turning around and dashing up the stairs. the creaking of his footsteps followed him up as the rest were left down there.
bad soon followed erets lead and turned left with a bolt down the hallway. making a sharp turn and disappearing into the dark.

along with eret, you could hear both their steps and creaks and the sound of doors slamming open and close. assuming they are both finding a place to hide, yet couldn't decipher who's sounds belonged to which.

skeppys eyes locked onto the shark boys with fear as foolish mumbled an barely apologetic apology and ran up the stairs while shout-whispering out erets name.

skeppy was left alone with his mind racing and no idea what the layout of this house was. it was old-fashioned, so it was poorly designed as well. hallways led to nowhere and windows that easily popped out if you touched them.
skeppys mind fixated on finding a bathroom to hide in, and that's what he did. making a lap around the house while sprinting before landing his fearful eyes on a bathroom.

he locked the door behind him and pressed his back against it with heavy breaths. he could hear the faint whispers of the ghost trying to lure somebody else out of their hiding place. it sounded close yet didn't sound like she was talking directly to skeppy. mocking the voice of somebody in the group.

it sounded more like his voice than anybody else's, really.

"badd~" it cooed. it sounded a couple of pitches lower than skeppys volume, but other than that it was pretty spot on to his voice.

oh, wait, did it say bad?

skeppy listened with an ear pressed to the door.
he could hear very quiet whimpers when the ghost talked, he could tell bad was across the hallway.

he felt bad for him, they've done this multiple times, yet most of the paranormal wouldn't talk to the group. even if they did choose to, they lacked the ability to or just didn't mock their voices.
bad knew it wasn't skeppy, yet the diamond boy feared bad wouldn't just give in and check. it sounded so real to skeppy, that he had no idea what bad was thinking right now.

skeppy stepped away from the door once he heard her scoff with a mumbled puzzle of gibberish and footsteps that indicated it was walking away.

turning the cold door handle between his fingers.
taking a peak between the creak of the door to see if he could book it to where bad was or not.

where was bad, again?

skeppy scouted out the hallway before determining the only place he could be was the closet. there were no other rooms since it was shorter than the normal hallway and if it was farther than the closet, skeppy wouldn't have heard it so clearly.

he looked around for a little before fully opening the door before him and running to the closet. opening the closet door and sliding it shut behind him.

"whAT THE MUFFIN?" bad screamed.
not because he meant to, because he knew it would attract her. but because, holy shit, he thought skeppy was the ghost and oh my gosh he was about to die.

"oh my goodness,, don't do that." bad slid up from his crouching position and looked at skeppy to make sure he was,, skeppy. it was clear that bad was terrified.

"sorry,," skeppy whispered, barely audible, but bad got the message.

it seemed never ending, his flashlights been going on and off forever. nobody else had called out it was over either, this was unusually long for a hunt.

skeppy let out a lengthy sign and slumped to his feet. his head hung down as bad sat down as well, quiet.

"fuck, it's cold." skeppy complained between chattering teeth, his knees to his chest. he was always cold, but this was just freezing. the moonlight shining through the gaps of the doors only provided enough night for the two to see each other. even then it was in lines, illuminating dust that floated throughout the air.

bads tail swished as he talked, "language, also you're a baby. it's not that cold." skeppy scoffed at his comment and crawled over to him. back against his chest and body between his legs.

bad mocked his scoff in return and kept hands off him.

"hold me, i'm cold."

"i do not care, be quiet the ghost will find us."
skeppy fake frowned, exaggerated so he looked stupid. honestly, the house wasn't horribly cold, it was just him. it was hard since some of his body was covered in diamonds. and the gems don't retain heat, so he was just constantly cold. all the time. it was a small price to pay for looking fucking awesome, but in instances like this is was an extreme inconvenience.

bad grunted and slipped arms around skeppys waist.
skeppy smiled when bads tail wrapped around his ankle.


foolish started to freak out. it has been an hour since the hunt ended, he and eret couldn't find the other two anywhere. the worst come to worst, they've died. they couldn't even find their bodies.

as foolish started to prematurely panic while looking all over the garage, eret called out to him. quietly, but foolish could still hear him as he ran into the house. hoping eret found them alive instead of dead. or atleast, found one of them alive. maybe he found one of them alive and mourning over the other one, or they found—

foolish found eret looking down into the closet. coming up behind him to look over his shoulder, he could see what he was looking at.

"i literally hate them. so much." eret nodded to his statement and stared at them. sleeping.
"how the hell do you fall asleep in a haunted house?"
eret questioned. bads head rested on skeppys shoulder as they slept.
foolish shrugged, taking out the holy water he had from stopping the hunt and pouring it onto the two.

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